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Chapter 246

Six hundred horses were galloping on the grassland.

The weather is getting colder, and the withered grass turns into flying smoke under the trampling of horse hooves.

A lone eagle was hovering in the sky, probably looking for some food. The eagle hovered over the cavalry for a long time, and tried to swoop down several times, but finally flapped its wings and flew high.

"Yeah yeah I can't wait!"

A sergeant was holding a bow and arrow. His eyes were sore from looking at the sky for a long time and he felt like crying.

The eagle suddenly swooped down, and more than ten sergeants drew their bows and drew arrows. However, the guards behind Yang Xuan did not move...

The eagle glided in disguise in the air, away from the cavalry. Then it made a beautiful dive across the grass, grabbed something with its talons, and then flapped its wings and flew high.

"It's a mouse!"

Wang Laoer has good eyesight, "Lang Jun, that mouse is still struggling!"

Liao Jin glanced at Wang Laoer, "Why is your follower drooling?"

Uh... can I say that this kid is greedy for rat meat or eagle meat? Yang Xuanqian smiled and said: "This is a problem, it has been there since childhood."

"Fortunately, my eyes are still alive, otherwise I would look like a fool."

You really have a bright eye!

Yang Xuan smiled.

"In the past few days, you old guard guys have looked at it and they are quite fierce. Where did it come from? That's all, it's hard to say, so there's no need to say it."

If I don't tell you, you will definitely inquire privately.

"A wife is not as good as a concubine, a concubine is not as good as stealing, and stealing is not as good as not being able to steal. Little Xuanzi, curiosity can kill people." Suzaku suddenly spoke, making Yang Xuan tremble.

Is it okay to stop driving for everything?

"When Xiaguan went to Jibo tribe to rescue the grandson of King Liang, he was hunted down. On the way, he met a group of ruthless people who went to worship the sacred mountain. Xiaguan had several adventures and finally escaped. These people admired Xiaguan's methods.

, so I will follow you to the death.”



Could it be said that he has the ability to pretend to be a ghost?



Liao Jin changed the subject, "In this attack on Vashe, you will use 500 cavalry to mobilize more than 10,000 Vashe cavalry. Aren't you worried about being surrounded?"

"It's natural to be worried, but there are only more than 2,000 soldiers in Taiping. If you want to kill the almost 20,000 cavalry of Vashe, the only way is to use bait."

"So you use your body as bait, are you afraid of death?"

"Afraid! It's just that many times there is only one road left for you to walk forward. You may die if you go forward, but you will achieve nothing if you look back."

"It's interesting."

Liao Jin was silent for a while, "King Wei and Li Han are intimate with you, have they thought about the consequences?"

What does Lao Liao mean? Who commissioned him to warn me?

Without Yang Xuan, King Wei could only be a clay Buddha in Northern Xinjiang.

Yang Xuan analyzed all kinds of things in his mind and said: "When King Wei chose Taiping, the official was just a county magistrate. Faced with such a high-ranking official, Deputy Ambassador Liao, to be honest, the official had no room to resist."

He glanced at Liao Jin, and the old ghost said calmly: "Can't resist? Why don't I see you complaining?"

Yang Xuan smiled bitterly.

"The subordinate is thinking, since I can't resist, why not just close my eyes and enjoy it."

Liao Jin looked at him and patted his shoulder for a long time, "Thank you for your hard work!"

When King Wei said he was coming to Northern Xinjiang, the whole of Northern Xinjiang was uneasy. Huang Chunhui was already prepared to welcome King Wei in Taoxian County and was ready for a tug-of-war with King Wei.

If you want to win over me, I will doze off. If you want to win over Lao Liao, Lao Liao will doze off... We in northern Xinjiang are all a bunch of sleepyheads, giving you nowhere to start.

But unexpectedly, King Wei turned around and went to Taiping. At that time, Huang Chunhui lamented this for a while, worrying that Taiping would be turned upside down by this prince who was rumored to be violent.

"At the beginning, everyone in Tao County was worried that Taiping would be turned upside down, but unexpectedly it turned out to be so peaceful. What means did you use to suppress King Wei?"

That’s a good question!

Yang Xuan smiled bitterly, "When King Wei came to Taiping, Xia Guan's heart was like fifteen buckets of water, and he was restless. But not long after, Xia Guan found that King Wei was quite demure."

King Wei is demure? What the hell am I doing!

Seeing Lao Liao's cheeks twitching, Yang Xuan changed his mind decisively, "Xiaguan's horse accidentally trampled to death King Wei's brother-in-law."

Liao Jin looked at him with something wrong in his eyes, "Does King Wei hate his brother-in-law?"

"No. From then on, Xiaguan and King Wei were in the same boat. However, Xiaguan learned the art of water grinding, and he kept grinding and grinding, and gradually influenced King Wei."


Liao Jin felt that the young man in front of him was talking about the train...no, he was talking about the big car.

"The King of Wei wanted to fight, but Xianguan gave him a chance. In return, King Wei also gave Xianguan face."


"Deputy Ambassador Liao Yingming."

Unlike Huang Chunhui's droopy old eyes, Deputy Ambassador Liao's eyes were as bright as lightning.

Yang Xuan had to think twice before bragging, and in the end he told mostly truths and partly lies.

The eldest nephew has a urinary nature, and his hair will be naturally smooth when stroked. If anyone strokes his hair against his will, even the false emperor will have his heart scratched several times.

Liao Jin's question seemed plain, but it took several twists and turns, and finally combined, Yang Xuan broke out in a cold sweat, knowing that he had underestimated this seemingly ordinary deputy envoy before.

After this round of questioning, Yang Xuan was questioned by Liao Jin on everything from his outlook on life to his values.

It's just a matter of worldview.

Liao Jin controlled the horse with one hand, relaxed and freehand, and suddenly said, "This vast grassland makes people feel sad when they look at it. What do you think?"

Isn’t this the world view?

Yang Xuan felt that his outer clothes and underwear had been stripped off by Liao Jin. Liao Jin was holding on to the only underwear he had on, and was still pulling it down.

Are you saying some desolate words according to his artistic conception, or what?

"Xiao Xuanzi, I would love to give him the whole song "The End of the World"!

Next up is Aribadi, who starts dancing in the square.

But Yang Xuan is not yet twenty years old. If he is too deep at this age, old ghosts like Liao Jin will see through it.

Yang Xuan coughed dryly and said, "What the official sees is the grassland in next summer. The sky is clear, the fields are vast, and the grass is blown by the wind, and cattle and sheep are visible."

What I see is hope!

Now that your three views have been clarified, let’s hit the road!

Scouts were constantly roaming the front, and they were all in plainclothes.

Yang Xuan looked for an opportunity to delay.

The old thief came over and whispered: "This deputy envoy is really very secretive. I think he is just a black-tipped snake."

If you can, just say it to my face!

Yang Xuan said calmly: "This time I came to Taoxian County, I really caught their eye, so I took this opportunity to find out my background. Otherwise, how can I use it with confidence?"

"Mr. Lang, I have a question. Why don't everyone change into plain clothes?"

"That's my problem too."

Logically speaking, when you come to rescue people, you should do so in plainclothes. This way, even if they are detected by horse thieves, they can be deceived.

Yang Xuan said: "The only explanation is that this is a favor!"

Wearing armor from the Tang Dynasty to save people, isn't it majestic?

Once your identity is clear, go home and tell your family about the benefits of the Northern Xinjiang Army. Remember to take sides in the future.

Huang Chunhui was so scheming that Yang Xuan didn't even consider such matters. After being questioned, Yang Xuan also gave up on Liao Jin, the deputy envoy.

They are all old ghosts, so be careful when talking to them, and even pay attention to their movements.

That night, they camped deep in the grassland.

There was no campfire for fear of being discovered.

Yang Xuan didn't know how long he would stay in Taoxian this time, so Yi Niang prepared a lot of pickles and sauces for him.

Put the dry pancake on your chest. After transferring the temperature, spread out the soft pancake, spread it with sauce, add some pickles, roll up the pancake, and take a bite.


"Ahem!" Liao Jin came.

"Deputy Ambassador."

"What are you doing?"

“Homemade sauces and pickles.”

"It's interesting. Come and warm me some pancakes."

Yang Xuan wanted to say that I have body odor, but he couldn't speak.

"Young people have strong firepower." Liao Jin looked enviously as Yang Xuan put the dry biscuits into his arms without any care.

Wang Laoer said: "Yes! Lang Jun takes a cold shower in this weather!"

Liao Jin ate a pickle and said, "It's sour!"

That night, the scouts came and went several times.

Yang Xuan didn't care and slept soundly.

Not long after sleeping, someone woke Yang Xuan up.

"The deputy envoy invites you to go."

Liao Jin stood at the edge of the camp, staring blankly into the distance.

"Deputy Ambassador." Yang Xuan suppressed a yawn and felt that his chest was tight.

"The horse thieves disguised themselves as a small tribe and are seven or eight miles ahead."

"Then let's make a surprise attack." Yang Xuan said casually.

As for the gratitude of the powerful children, he really didn't care.

When it comes time for him to pull the flag, except for a very small number of people, the others will not stand in line because of friendship, but definitely for profit.

"Northern Xinjiang needs friendship."

"Yes, the official is shallow."

"You are not shallow. Young people always think that the sky is not high and the earth is not thick. Even if the road ahead is full of difficulties, you can just walk through it. When I get older, I know how difficult it is to do things. Personal honor and disgrace are nothing, but Northern Xinjiang is

Need help."

"Yes." Yang Xuan was really moved.

For Huang Chunhui and Liao Jin, their status had almost reached their peak, and it was reasonable for them to enjoy it equally. But Huang Chunhui insisted on guarding the border for the Tang Dynasty.

If Liao Jin were to change places, it would not be difficult to get a military governor based on his qualifications. Who wants to be subordinate to others? But he was willing to work for Huang Chunhui.

"If there is a surprise attack, the horse thieves will definitely kill them in desperation. In this case, I will lead the elite to sneak in. How many of you can be considered elite?"

Yang Xuan pointed behind him.

"They are all elite."

The guards that Uda brought were originally the elite of that mysterious tribe. After training in Taiping, they were completely transformed.


"In this attack on the Vashe tribe, they were besieged by more than a thousand enemy troops, but they broke out of the siege with just one assault."

"Good man!"

"Then let's all go?"

"Choose more than ten people."

In a short while, an elite force of more than fifty people was prepared.

"There are about five to six hundred horse thieves." A scout introduced the situation.

Ten against one.

Liao Jin glanced at Yang Xuan, who nodded, "It's not a big problem."

The scout continued: "The thief chief Yu Fu is from the Tang Dynasty. The thieves under his command include people from the Tang Dynasty, people from the Northern Liao Dynasty, and people scattered on the grassland, more than 600 people."

"Lang Jun, what is a scattered person?" Wang Laoer has been studying very hard recently.

Yang Xuan said casually: "Prairie Street Slipper."

Liao Jin asked: "What kind of street kid?"


Yang Xuan smiled and said: "They are just a group of people who are idle and have nothing to do."

"Isn't it just the bad boy and the ranger?"


At this time, the reputations of bad boys and knight-errants were already bad, and they were almost like street gangsters.

Braving the night frost, fifty people set out.

After a while, the remaining cavalry also set off.

In order not to alert the horse thieves, the horses' hooves were wrapped in cloth and their speed was slowed down.

Horseback riding for a while, then down for a quick walk.

As they were approaching their destination, the corpses of two horse thieves lay in front of them.

"Deputy envoy, the horse thieves are very alert, so I didn't ask any questions." The scout who touched the secret whistle felt ashamed.


If another civilian leader were to lead the army, he would definitely yell at them: Why don't you give a confession? How can you know where the hostages are without a confession?

Therefore, there are specialties in the field, so don’t mess around with things you don’t understand.

In that world, civil servants were most fond of intervening in conquests, and the Song Dynasty was the most serious. Once they were lucky enough to win, everyone immediately rejoiced. But more often they went to the street, and in the end the national destiny was lost.

Fortunately, in the Tang Dynasty, there were not so many boundaries between civil servants and military generals. Civil servants were also proficient in bows and horses, and were quite interested in martial arts.

The campground is just ahead.

A scout touched it back.

"There are sentries on all sides."

The dog said, be careful enough!

Liao Jin nodded, "Yang Xuan choose a place."

Yang Xuan chose the back, which was the most difficult.

"Go ahead."

The old thief went over with two guards.

Occasionally, coughs and the low roar of war horses can be heard in the camp.

After a long time, the three teams came back, smelling of blood.

Liao Jin glanced at Yang Xuan and signaled where his people were.


The old thief also came back with his people.

"Three." The old thief said calmly.

The old thief fought for him.

Liao Jin pointed inside and whispered: "I don't know where those people are imprisoned, so after rushing in, Yang Xuan, you lead a group of people on the left and a group on the right. I lead the people in the middle, just one.

Be quick."

A person on the side said regretfully: "It's a pity that I didn't get a confession. I don't know where the hostages are. Otherwise, why bother?"

The old thief whispered: "The hostages must be close to the tent."


Everyone looked at the old thief.

Yang Xuan said calmly: "This is a follower of a lower official, and he has some sneaky skills."

The old thief smiled and said: "Thieves are different from officers and soldiers. Thieves usually place important property and people around the big tent. In this way, once attacked, the first thing the leader does is to flee with the treasure or people."

The army is different. When an army is attacked, it must fight back.

Everyone's eyes slowly turned to the camp in the early morning.

There is a row of tents surrounding the big tent.

The old thief pointed to a tent on the right and said, "Look, it looks like someone is taking a nap outside."

"Yes, quite a few people, at least ten people."

It had been dark before, but now there was gradually more light, and the dozen or so people appeared vaguely in sight.

"Okay!" Liao Jin looked at the old thief with admiration, "Where is it?"

The old thief chuckled and said, "Guanzhong."

"What did you do before?"

"Do some business with the nobles."


Yang Xuan was right. Those worthy of tomb robbers must be noble people's tombs.

The idea of ​​just doing business is questionable.

"This is an amazing skill. If you were a scout, you would be able to do whatever you want!" Liao Jin was quite approving.


There is no need to separate this time.

Fifty people slowly approached the camp.

Climb the fence easily.

Touch it in quietly.


There was a yawn from a tent on the right, and then a horse thief came out rubbing his eyes.

I happened to see fifty people entering.

Both sides stared at each other.


This chapter has been completed!
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