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Chapter 255

"What did the family originally do?"

"My family used to be a shepherd, and life was not very good. When I was fifteen, I joined the army."

"Why join the army?"

"In order to have enough food to eat and clothes to wear, after joining the army, the villain killed countless people and accumulated merit and promotion along the way..."

"Is it the art of war or the art of swordsmanship that you rely on?"


Niubi boasts a little freshness!

The looks in the eyes of several sergeants around him were wrong.

"After killing many people, I got promoted. I was also accused of taking credit several times, but the villain didn't say a word."

"Why? Good temper?"

"No. I was beaten severely just for questioning for the first time. From then on, I learned not to conflict with noble people unless I was sure."

"So this time you felt that you were very confident, so you reported it to someone higher up?"

"Yes. But now that I think about it, I have been feeling aggrieved for too long. I am too obsessed with getting ahead and have lost my sense of proportion."

Seeing Uda's questioning eyes, Yeluxi said calmly:

"To be able to guard Jianshui City, one must have good swordsmanship, otherwise I would have died on the way. And one must have good military skills, otherwise he would be incompetent in leading his men."

Interesting person.

At least he didn't talk about any lofty ideals.

Why join the army? Eat well and have clothes to wear.

"What do you think of Beiliao?"

"Very powerful, very poor."

“How do you say poor?”

"The people above are rich, and the lowly people are also rich, but the common people are poor."

"For thousands of years, the poor have been the common people." Yang Xuan said: "The common people are not poor, how can the powerful gentry become rich?"

Yeluxi was startled and raised his hands: "Master, what you said is very true. Those superior people became rich by exploiting the common people."

Along the way, Yang Xuan gradually gained a clear understanding of the current situation of the Tang Dynasty.

His starting point is high, and when looking at wealth, he will naturally not fight for every penny, but look at contradictions. In a word: the powerful and powerful gentry become rich by exploiting the lower class.

The old thief was puzzled, "Lang Jun, isn't the Tang Dynasty better than the Northern Liao Dynasty?"

Yang Xuan shook his head.

“When the Tang Dynasty was first founded, the officials were relatively honest. There were still plenty of fields, and it was convenient for the emperor to reward his merits. So the powerful and high-ranking officials felt satisfied, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and there were fewer conflicts, so it was called Great Governance.

But as time goes by, the powerful, high-ranking officials and gentry continue to expand their sphere of influence, which requires greater wealth and power. In addition, many new wealthy people emerge every year to share the wealth and power, so the land and power are gradually being squeezed out, which is a bit embarrassing.


Up to now, the annexation of land has become more and more intense, and the power struggle has become more and more intense... As a result, refugees continue to be displaced and political disputes continue.

Refugees need to eat, and if they don't have food, they will rebel. Last year, news of sporadic rebellions came from time to time.

The political struggle in the DPRK became more and more intense. The new rich and the traditional powerful started a fierce battle for interests. Faced with this situation, the man came up with a combination of vertical and horizontal, and even joined forces with four surnames from the same family to check and balance the DPRK.

This move seemed to have settled the political dispute, but it laid the foundation for a weak king and a strong minister.

The power of the four surnames of the family and the powerful people they represented continued to expand, which had affected the imperial power. And the abandoned powerful gentry were brewing dissatisfaction.

If there is just a little spark now, the entire Tang Dynasty will explode."

The old thief secretly rejoiced, "Lang Jun, this is our opportunity!"

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows, "That's right."

Jianshui City is noisy.

The city guard's mansion was burned down, and the people commandeered a nearby house as an office space.

With no more civil servants, the military men were able to call the shots for the first time, and found it particularly refreshing.

But no one wants to take charge, and the generals who used to be so coquettish are now arguing endlessly to shirk their responsibilities.

The soldiers below also vaguely knew that something was wrong, but it had nothing to do with them. There happened to be no one to supervise, so we were having fun.

So the soldiers guarding the city became lazy.

"Hey! Let's take turns."


Two sergeants squatted in the city gate, wrapped in raincoats and taking a nap.


Someone is coughing.


"Seeking death!"

A sergeant was woken up and raised his head angrily.


Yeluxi said coldly: "A bunch of idiots, call them together."

The sergeant ran back as fast as he could.

"Zhang Wen is here and wants you to go to the city gate."

The generals who were quarreling felt relieved and were all happy.

"Well done!"

We don’t have to take the blame anymore, so happy!

So everyone arrived at the city gate with a smile.

There were dozens of people behind Xianwen, all wearing coir raincoats and bamboo hats because of the heavy autumn rain.

The drizzle was falling, and it looked like a lingering relationship between a man and a woman.

All the generals gathered together and saluted, "I've seen you carefully."

Boss, just come back!

Everyone looked up and saw Yelu turning around respectfully.


A young man behind him smiled, as reserved as a tiger about to eat: "Do it!"

Behind him, dozens of people were grinning.

"You look familiar!" someone exclaimed.

"Kill them all!" The young man nodded slightly and smiled at the man.

Then dozens of people rushed over and hacked him to death.

It was raining in autumn and no one came in or out. There was a house opening the door in front of him. He happened to see this scene and the man subconsciously opened his door.

The door is closed.

He turned around and said to his wife: "Xiang Wen is back. He killed someone, so stay safe."

The sergeant on duty at the top of the city asked in surprise: "What's going on down there?"

Two men in coir raincoats and bamboo hats flew up, and the dozen or so sergeants on duty were shocked.


The horizontal knife passed through the rain and mist, splashing countless blood.

The two men swept along the city wall and killed more than ten people in an instant.

In the distance, a dark mass of approaching cavalry saw the movement at the top of the city and began to speed up.

The sound of horse hooves was dull, like thunder in the sky.

The sergeant guarding the city on the other side was obscured by rain and fog, but when he heard the screams, he rubbed his eyes, came over, and asked, "What's your name?"

As he walked a while, he saw a man grinning ferociously at him.

Then the figure flew over.

"Enemy attack!"

The screams were a little blurry in the rain and fog.

The sound of horse hooves suddenly became louder.

Wu Da arrived with an empty horse and said, "Lang Jun!"

Yang Xuanfei mounted his horse, and dozens of people found their horses one by one and followed him immediately.


Hundreds of riders braved the rain and fog and rushed into Jianshui City.

At this moment, the sergeants on duty on the other side realized that something was wrong. The long-term peace made them think that it was impossible to encounter an enemy attack, so they sent people to the military camp to report the news.

"Let them go on patrol."

After giving the instructions, the little boss turned around and looked outside, cursing: "There is water mist in front of my eyes, I can't see anything clearly."

The sound of horse hoofbeats gradually became clearer, and the little boss said impatiently: "But the people from Jinshan City are here?"

Something big happened in Jianshui City, and these generals chose to hide it, planning to discuss who would take the blame and then ask people to apologize.

He turned around, wiped the rain off his face, shivered from the cold, and then his body seemed to freeze.

Hundreds of riders approached the military camp in the rain and fog.

Several sergeants at the gate of the military camp were shouting and asking questions.

The leading cavalryman raised his sword and shouted, "Our Northern Xinjiang Army..."

Hundreds of riders shouted in unison, "Mighty!"

Then hundreds of cavalry rushed into the military camp.

"Ring the bell!" The little leader trembled all over, "Quick! Ring the bell!"

No one answered him, so the little boss turned around and saw a man.

The eyes under the bamboo hat are cold and stern.

Then the knife passed across his neck.

Ringing the bell has lost its meaning at this moment.

In the military camp, because the generals had gathered together to discuss matters these days, no one was paying attention, so the five thousand sergeants also herded sheep in the camp, eating and sleeping every day, or gathering people to gamble.

How comfortable would it be to hide in a convertible on a rainy day?

It wasn't until he heard the screams and the heavy sound of horse hooves that someone poked his head out and cursed: "There's a mourning cry!"

A rider rushed over and wiped it with a knife.

The headless corpse fell backwards and fell on the homespun cloth where the gambling money was placed. Blood spurted out from the neck and filled the tent.

"Enemy attack!"

Screams and the sound of horse hooves broke through the camp.

The Northern Liao people rushed out of their tents, and were greeted by the iron hooves of war horses, as well as the long swords and spears of cavalry.

"Don't let them gather!" Yang Xuan led a hundred cavalry and charged around the camp, scattering the newly gathered enemy troops.

But the Northern Liao Army was worthy of being an elite soldier. Even if they encountered a surprise attack, they still managed to assemble hundreds of people.

This was a force that should not be underestimated, and it made Yang Xuan miss the deputy envoy Ma Shu.

If Lao Liao is here, let him be at the front, and he can defeat the enemy with only a hundred cavalry.

"Master, let me go!"

Yeluxi's eyes were all red.


Yeluxi rushed over with a hundred cavalry.

Sometimes the sword was powerful and heavy, and sometimes it was clever and clever. No one among the newly gathered enemy troops could stop him.

"It's stable!" someone exclaimed.

Yeluxi knew that the more he killed, the more Yang Xuan trusted him, so he led his men to defeat this former subordinate without hesitation.

"Xiang Wen killed someone!"

The Northern Liao army was in great confusion, and Yeluxi shouted: "Someone is plotting rebellion, follow me and kill the enemy!"

Yang Xuan nodded, "Not bad, not bad."

After shouting like this, the soldiers of Bei Liao became more and more confused, not knowing which side was the enemy.

After a while, someone fled, and a collapse immediately occurred.

The entire camp was in chaos, the cavalry were killing easily and wantonly, and the rebels were running around like headless chickens.

"Open a hole!" Yang Xuan ordered.

As soon as the hole was opened, the Northern Liao army tried their best to get out, while the Tang army followed and killed them.

The killings spread throughout the city.

"Someone is plotting rebellion. Please lead the people to quell the rebellion. Don't even go out!"

Yang Xuan made people shout loudly, so the whole city was strangely shouting and killing, and at the same time it was as quiet as a cemetery.

The Tang army split up to pursue them. The defeated soldiers were hiding everywhere. Some people wanted to enter the houses, but the people were not stupid. They were worried that they would be involved, so they closed the doors tightly and refused to let them in.

The same is true for Xiao Jing's family.


A corpse fell outside his house. Xiao Jing saw the long knife and the money bag.

His heart moved, and he quietly opened the door while his mother went in to look for a knife.

The long knife was brought in, followed by the money bag.


The mother's exclamation came from behind, and a sense of oppression came from above her head.

Xiao Jing slowly raised his head and saw a familiar face. This face was splattered with a lot of blood and looked particularly ferocious.

The sword was raised.

Xiao Jing collapsed and knelt down, crying, "Spare my life!"

His mother rushed out and threw herself on him without hesitation, shouting: "Spare my life!"

Xiao Jing curled up his body as much as possible, hiding his whole body under his mother's protection.

The horizontal knife did not fall, and the sound of horse hooves gradually faded away.

After an unknown amount of time, the mother got up and dragged her frightened son home. She did not forget to bring in the money bag, and then carefully closed the door.

"Auntie." Xiao Jing gradually came to his senses, "He is the person who gave me a penny that night."

Mother asked in a low voice: "Do you still dare to join the army in the future?"

There was fear in Xiao Jing's eyes, "I'm not going, Auntie, I'll learn hunting from Aye!"

The fight lasted for half an hour, until the old thief led his men to find Yang Xuan.

"Mr. Lang, you have gained a lot."

More than ten carts were carrying property.

"All the money in the treasury is here, but the most money is the money from the married family, tsk tsk! The head of the married family was so decisive that even the villain couldn't bear to kill him. As soon as he entered the door, he took the initiative to hand over all the money, and also gave away all the women in the family.

Offer it up."

"He can still make money after his money is gone." Yang Xuan thinks this is the difference between the gentry and the common people. When the people are robbed of their wealth, it is almost like falling into the abyss. But the gentry has industry, and as long as the industry is there, wealth will continue to flow.

of gathered together again.


When he arrived at the city gate, Yang Xuan reined in his horse and said, "Second brother, get some pen and ink."

With the writing brush in hand, Yang Xuan wrote a line of words on the city gate, and then the group of people led the convoy into the rain and fog.

After a long time, a sergeant came over. He looked outside, turned around and shouted: "They are all gone."

Jianshui City suddenly came to life. The surviving soldiers gathered together, and only a thousand people were left.

"They're all gone."

"Look, there are words there. Find someone who can read."

The head of the married family came, took a look, and gritted his teeth and said:

"Yang Xuan is here for a visit."

"Yang Xuan?"

"It's Yang Gou!"

Liao Jin returned to Taoxian.

"How was the trip?"

Huang Chunhui stretched out his hand to grill on the charcoal fire.

Liao Jin sat down, took the hot tea, and took a comfortable sip to warm his body.

"First rescue them, then use some tricks to leave the two of them behind, and then go into Jianshui City to rescue them."

A very short introduction, but for people like Huang Chunhui, what he values ​​only is the results, and the process is not important.

"How about Yang Xuan?"

"I have been watching this person this time. He is smart, courageous, cunning, and has a bottom line in what he does."

"He who is not cunning is a fool. So, he is a virtuous person?"


"As soon as he went to Lin'an, Liu Qing gave him the Lin'an army for training. He probably wanted him to take charge of the army. Many people in Lin'an quietly submitted letters and were very dissatisfied. After this, they all were sent back."

"My husband is wise."

"It's not Ying Ming. Our Northern Xinjiang seems to be prosperous, but Bei Liao has been eyeing us. What do we need? Talent! If the likes of Zhang Chumao are allowed to hold power, our Northern Xinjiang will sooner or later fall prey to the Northern Liao cavalry."

"Isn't it too early for Liu Qing to become an official?"

"It's still early for him, but he won't be able to stay as governor in Chenzhou for a long time. Take precautions. I'm cultivating you as his successor, and Liu Qing is also cultivating Yang Xuan as his successor."

"Where's Lu Qiang?"

"Lu Qiang is good and can govern Chenzhou. But he is not capable of leading a war. If Chenzhou is handed over to him, he can only defend it. If there is a drastic change, he will be unable to deal with it."

Liao Jin nodded, "I'm just a little younger."

Huang Chunhui smiled and said: "Youth is youth, but don't forget, how many young dignitaries are there in the Tang Dynasty? He has no support behind him, so he can only make progress with merit. Take your time, don't be in a hurry."

"Yes! Besides, we can protect the cubs, but just protecting them is not enough. We have to let them go through some hardships."

"That's true."

On the second day, Yang Xuan should have returned.

Didn’t come!

The two unlucky guys, Chen Zimao and Pan Zheng, came back. When asked, they were told that Yang Xuan ordered them to come back first. As for Yang Xuan, God knows where Ye Ye went.

The third day.

Didn’t come!

Liao Jin felt something was wrong, "Mr. sir, could something have happened?"

Huang Chunhui also felt something was wrong.

"Recently it has been drizzling and foggy, making it difficult to detect the enemy's approach... people are sent out to scout."

Huang Chunhui was a little unsure.

Liu Qing sent people to Taoxian County.

"Liu Shijun said that Yang Xuan has been in Tao County for a long time, and there is a backlog of official business in the state, waiting for him to return to deal with it."

Huang Chunhui said calmly: "Something's wrong."

Liu Qing's envoy was sent away with just two words, but the officials all felt that something was wrong.

"Ms. Sir, I would like to ask you to lead the army to respond." Jiang Cunzhong asked decisively.

Zhang Du wanted to go, but he was leading the Xuanjia Cavalry, which was the treasure of northern Xinjiang and should not be touched lightly.

Someone said: "The young man is suddenly in a high position, but he is a little arrogant. Otherwise, if he comes back immediately after Deputy Liao, how can there be so much trouble?"

Some people agreed, "Yes! Maybe I went to intercept and kill the Bei Liao scouts in order to achieve meritorious service!"

Everyone could see that this trip was for Deputy Liao to increase traffic. Yang Xuan went to make some soy sauce.

Huang Chunhui said calmly: "Young people don't want to make meritorious deeds, but do they want to sleep with women?"


Everyone was speechless.

"Ms. Yang Sima, please see me."

Finally back!

Huang Chunhui said with a cold face, "Let him in."

If the tiger doesn't show off its power, do you think I'm a sick cat?

Everyone knew that Huang Chunhui wanted to teach Yang Xuan a lesson.

Yang Xuan came in and after saluting, Huang Chunhui asked coldly: "Where have you been?"

"Went to Jianshui City."


"My lord, I have destroyed Jianshui City."

This chapter has been completed!
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