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Chapter 26 Cousin, Old Dog

After raising their arms and shouting, Tang Xiaonian and the other three became more affectionate towards Yang Xuan, reminding him of the idea of ​​making an alliance through blood.

After the ceremony was completed, Yang Xuan asked: "In this case, why didn't the Tang Dynasty take action against the weak Southern Zhou Dynasty?"

Next door to Yuanzhou is the Southern Zhou Dynasty, and I often hear news about the Southern Zhou Dynasty. In one word: the Southern Zhou Dynasty is weak.

Zhao Guolin, who was sitting next to him and hugging Ma Shan, suddenly said, "They have money."

Yang Xuan was puzzled, "The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty are sharp..."

"They have money." Tang Xiaonian said helplessly: "It's not like the Tang Dynasty has never thought about destroying Nan Zhou in recent years, but as soon as it happens, Nan Zhou will shout at Bei Liao."

"What to shout?"

"Come on, have money!"

Isn't this the food that comes from here?

As if reading his thoughts, Tang Xiaonian sighed: "Beiliao... is so poor!"

A picture emerged in Yang Xuan's mind: the Tang Dynasty's army set off south, and the Southern Zhou emperor stood on the wall, waving to Bei Liao, "Come on, you have money!", and then the ragged Bei Liao cavalry's eyes turned green and he started to

Assemble and head south...

Tang Xiaonian and others went to pursue it, while Yang Xuan went home to make money.

"Yang Xuan is here."

It was just after dinner and Wang Shun was cleaning up.

Han Ying sat inside, eating her buns in silence.

"There's still more in the pot."

Yang Xuan served himself a large bowl without politeness and started working after eating.

At some point, Han Ying and Wang Shun were sitting together, with their chins in their hands looking at Yang Xuan, who was working non-stop.

"It's interesting." Han Ying originally wanted to find a tall and thick man, but she didn't expect that a young man came.

"Fourth Lady, this young man is a student of the Imperial College." Wang Shun licked his lips.

Han Ying sneered: "What about the students of the Imperial College? Are you still not allowed to work here to make money?"

Wang Shun glanced at her and said, "Fourth lady, you are drooling."

"Nonsense!" Han Ying wiped the corner of her mouth.

Half an hour later, there was a pile of firewood and a full water jar.

Yang Xuan went home.

But he found that he seemed unable to go back.

Standing outside the door was a woman in her thirties with a plump figure. The woman was carrying a baggage, her hair was combed meticulously, her head was slightly raised, and she was arrogantly heading towards Mr. Xie who was getting close to her.

"Yang Xuan is here." Mr. Xie pointed at Yang Xuan who was in a daze.

Who are you?

Yang Xuangang wanted to ask, but the woman dropped her bag and ran over.


Yang Xuan was a little uncomfortable with the plump embrace. He opened his hands and was stunned.

There was hot air in my ears, and a woman's urgent voice came, "Call my cousin quickly."

"Cousin...cousin." Yang Xuan was confused.

But his whole body was tense, ready to take action at any time.

"Yang Lue!" the woman whispered in his ear.

Yang Xuan's head was buzzing and he was confused.

The two separated, and Xie Gong looked at Yang Xuan enviously, "They are actually relatives, good, good!"

When he said yes, he glanced at the plump part.

A hand stretched out from the crack in the door behind him and pinched his butt hard.

Yang Xuan opened the door and the two of them went in.

The woman turned around and said, "Yiniang has met your husband."

Yang Xuan was startled, "You are..."

The woman raised her head and said respectfully: "I am Alang's maid, and I have been waiting for my husband to return."

Yang Xuan saw the water gleaming in Yi Niang's eyes.

But he didn't believe it.

Yi Niang took out a letter.

It was Yang Lue's handwriting. The letter said that Yi Niang belonged to his father, so he could just use it with confidence.

Yang Xuan raised his eyes and took a step back, "I don't know this person."

Yi Niang covered her mouth and chuckled, which reminded Yang Xuan of the hen on top of the vixen.

"Mr. Lang is so cautious... Only with caution can you accomplish great things, which makes me very happy."

She took out a ring from the tower.

Yang Xuan took a look and saw that it was the one Yang Lue had been wearing, and the tilt marks on it drawn by the bowstring were exactly the same.

Unless Yang Lue dies, the ring will not be given to others.

Therefore, Yang Lue was telling him in a subtle way: Yi Niang is worth trusting her through life and death.

Yang Xuan was not used to it, "Do you... have a place to live?"

"Grrrr!" Yi Niang covered her mouth and snickered, her eyes were crooked and charming, "When the slave comes, he will serve the husband. Where else does the husband want the slave to live?"

Yi Niang can sweep and cook.

Yang Xuan sat on the steps and stared blankly at Yi Niang going about her business. It didn't take long for the house to take on a new look.

"Mr. Sir, let's eat."

The two sat down, with Yang Xuan taking the seat and Yi Niang sitting at the side.

"Why don't you sit opposite?" Yang Xuan felt that such a capable person should not sit on the side. It was aggrieved.

Yi Niang lowered her eyes slightly, "I am here to serve you. How dare you sit across from me?"

After dinner, Yang Xuangang wanted to wash the dishes.

"This is a slave's business." Yi Niang said seriously: "Master, don't do such despicable things in the future."

"Why are you so humble?" Yang Xuan has been working since he was ten years old and thinks it is normal.

Yi Niang said word by word: "Lang Jun is someone who wants to do great things."

"What's the big deal?" Yang Xuan just wanted to clear Yang Lue's grievances, but now there was a question. Yi Niang was his father's maid. Who was his father?

Yi Niang raised her head slightly and said, "Yang Lue, that old dog, has wronged your husband..."

Old... old dog?

Yang Xuan: "..."

He could conclude that Yang Lue was not his father.

"Who is my father?" Yang Xuan asked expectantly.

Yi Niang didn't pause and said: "Alang was a great scholar at that time, teaching and studying beside the filial emperor. Later, the prince died, and Alang was martyred... Before he left, he asked Yang Lue to take Lang Jun away."

At night, lying on the bed, Yang Xuan turned down his voice and asked quietly: "Suzaku."

"I am here."

The sound is also very small.

"What if there is someone at home and it's inconvenient for you to talk?"

"Please open the back cover and take out the headphones."

On the second day, Yang Xuan's eyes were a little dark.

Yi Niang swept the house quickly and frowned when she saw him like this, "Young gentleman, you don't have a woman?"

Yang Xuan yawned, "No."

Yi Niang remembered this and told her, "You should be less careful, otherwise it will hurt your health."

"What?" Yang Xuan was confused.

Yi Niang covered her mouth and smiled charmingly, "Don't you understand, Mr. Lang? By rights, I should serve you, but when I get old, I will look for a woman..."

Yang Xuan blushed, "I was thinking about something last night."

After breakfast, Yang Xuan went to the Imperial College.

Yi Niang sent him to the door and said, "Mr. Wang must study hard."

"I know." Yang Xuan opened the door and went out.

"Yang Xuan, where is your cousin?" Xie Gong was flexing his hands and feet opposite.

Yang Xuan ignored him, and Yi Niang's voice came from inside the door, "Is Mr. Xie so energetic? No wonder I saw a woman stop for him yesterday."

Later, the sound of beatings was heard from the other side.

Amid Xie Gong's screams, Yi Niang leaned against the door, folded her arms, frowned and said: "Yang Lue, that old dog, didn't take good care of your husband. He looks a little mediocre and has no ambition..."

Yi Niang entered her bedroom, and there was a birdcage in the corner.

Three falcons raised their heads.

Yi Niang sat down and started writing a letter.

My husband has been taught to be so mediocre by you that he doesn’t even have a woman to sleep with him...Old dog.

Three days later.

In a courtyard in Southern Zhou Dynasty.

Yang Lue stood under the eaves, looking at the dark clouds in the sky, and someone around him reported.

"After Lang Jun left, our people focused on Yang Ding's family. The brothers wanted to kill his family... General." The man looked up and said with some confusion: "How noble Lang Jun is, but he was abused

After five years of living together, the brothers wish they could destroy that family and cover up the news about the husband..."

Yang slightly narrowed his eyes, leaned his majestic body against the door, and said calmly: "Mr. Lang seems mediocre, but he is very independent. Just when Lang Jun left Dingnan County, I touched the Yang family at night, and finally

Still haven’t taken action. It’s not that I can’t bear it, I’m just worried that Lang Jun will feel uneasy about this..."

The man was surprised, "Is Mr. Lang so... kind?"

Yang Lue nodded, with a worried look in his eyes, "Everyone in this world can be kind, but he can't. Now I'm most worried about what happened to him in Chang'an. It's time for Yi Niang to go."

The man suddenly raised his head and stretched out his hand, and a falcon fell from the sky like lightning and landed on his leather-wrapped arm. The man took off a small tube from the falcon's foot, opened it, and said with a smile: "It's a letter from Yi Niang.


"Nan He, get some food for Hayabusa." Yang Lue took it, shook out a small roll of paper from the tube, and slowly opened it.

The man's name is Nan He, and he was also a bodyguard under Yang Lue.

Nan He got some food and water, and brought another falcon over.

They spent a lot of effort to make these falcons, which can be said to be made of gold. These falcons have been trained many times and are as fast as lightning. It only takes three days to get here from Chang'an.

Nan He leaned over and asked, "What did Yi Niang say?"

Yang Lue rubbed his hands together, causing paper scraps to fly.

He put his hands behind his hands and looked at the blue sky, "Lang Jun actually entered the Imperial Academy and hung out with the lazy gang of Xuanxue. In addition, Lang Jun went to Wannian County to hunt down the spies of Southern Zhou."

Nan He looked at him and saw that the eyebrows that had been frowning for fifteen years gradually relaxed.

A ray of sunshine pierced the clouds and shone brightly on the earth.

Whether there will be a third chapter in the afternoon, it depends on the situation.

This chapter has been completed!
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