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Chapter 318 The Smelly Conspiracy

The road to power has never been smooth sailing, and ambition cannot be developed overnight.

Danbas's grandfather was a slave and did the dirtiest job in the palace, cleaning toilets.

He often lamented that the excrement of the nobles was more stinky than that of the common people.

Unlike his diligent and hard-working grandfather, Danbas's father was a little more cunning. A lovely cat, the late emperor's favorite pet, fell into the manure pit, and no one was willing to go down. In the end, it was Danbas's father who fell into the manure pit.

...God bless it, it was winter at that time, and the cesspool had not been cleaned for long.

Even so, Denbas's father was still ill for several months after the incident.

The late emperor promoted Danbas' father to an attendant.

The late emperor had too many attendants. If it were just like that, the Danbas family would not be as glorious as it is today.

The late emperor fell ill once, and the doctor failed to do bloodletting. He said that he should taste the smell of feces to judge the disease.

While everyone was hesitating, Danbas's father spoke up without hesitation.

Perhaps because of this trouble, the late emperor's condition improved. Later, Danbas's father was promoted again and became an official, and he was also a close minister of the late emperor.

Luoluo's ministers have blood, which means that as long as you do well, your children and grandchildren will still be the emperor's ministers. Emperors come from generation to generation, and ministers from generation to generation.

When he arrived in Denbas, he followed Crown Prince Yas since he was young.

When he was young, Yasi was lawless and gave the late emperor a lot of headaches.

He went to have an affair, and Danbas looked after him. When he was caught and raped several times, Danbas bravely stood in the door and was beaten half to death.

This is nothing.

The first time Yas killed someone, Danbas took the blame on himself and was exiled for three years.

That was the kindness of the late emperor.

No, it was the late emperor's clear insight and knowledge that Yas had killed the man, so Danbas was treated lightly.

Three years later, when Danbas returned, the late emperor had passed away, and Yas, the cheating fool and murderer, became the emperor.

He promoted Danbas to the position of minister of financial management without hesitation, and publicly said that the person he trusted most in the world was Danbas.

Dambas lived up to his expectations and kept Loro's finances in order.

Subsequently, he walked through those important positions step by step until he became Prime Minister.

Yas was shocked when he found a large group of people standing behind his confidant.

Yas frequently tested him, but Danbas was tolerant at first, until one time when Yas wanted to send him to guard the border, Danbas got angry.

That was a textbook for powerful ministers... Many loyal ministers in the past said in unison that Luoluo could not live without Danbas. Without Danbas, Luoluo would be in danger!

In another world, Sima Guang returned to Bianliang with such a reputation and power, venting all his grievances on the New Deal.

Yas was panic-stricken, and he plotted to get rid of Danbas, but the incident was revealed. Yas threw the queen out without hesitation, and then changed his wife and changed his way of getting along with Danbas.

From then on, Luoluo became the arena for this pair of monarchs and ministers, but the open fight turned into a secret fight.

And San Luo's father Suffolk is Yasi's confidant.

At the door of Suffolk's house, a big man from Luoluo shouted that he wanted to duel with the envoy of the Tang Dynasty, which attracted a lot of attention.

"Sang Luo, the envoy of the Tang Dynasty wants to fight with someone."

Today's protagonist San Luo ran out as fast as he could after getting the news.

"Sang Luo, don't worry!" Mother smiled and said, "The ceremony will last for a long time."

Before the duel, the two sides must discuss the rules, and even the duel weapons must be clearly stated.

San Luo ran out of the house and saw Yang Xuan walking in on a big man.


"Sang Luo."

Danbas, who was diagonally across from him, said calmly: "This is an appearance. I think he understands this."

The official next to him said: "Prime Minister, he did not argue, but directly defeated his opponent."

"This is the general's thinking." Danbas smiled and said: "This envoy has something interesting. He wants to tell Luo Luo that he has nothing to fear."

"He provoked Lolo's dignity."

"Dignity is worthless." Danbas said: "I would rather know the reality of the Tang Dynasty. Okay, let's go in somewhere else."

When Yang Xuan entered, the guests were whispering.

"It's said to be an envoy from Chang'an. God knows how long it has been since there was an envoy from Chang'an. I don't know how the people there are like."

"Look, he's a young man, somewhat handsome."

"At least his waist looks straighter than your husband's."

"And his legs look very long."

It doesn't feel good to be judged by a group of ladies.

The master is here.

Suffolk and Yang Xuan exchanged greetings, then pointed to the side, "There are some people there who want to know the messenger."

Those people...mostly warriors.

Yang Xuan walked over.

These generals were talking loudly.

"Hey!" A tall general pointed at Yang Xuan, "I heard that you are a famous general of the Tang Dynasty?"

When did I become a famous general of the Tang Dynasty... Yang Xuan thought of King Guangling, "What's the matter?"

The general said: "My name is Philip."

"Yang Xuan."

Feili nodded, "Have you heard that the Tang army is brave?"

"Do you have questions?" Yang Xuan knew that there was a trap in today's banquet, and it seemed that this person was the one.

Feili said contemptuously: "Really? But as far as I know, the Tang army is called watchdog."

Such a provocation is really simple and crude, but it makes you unable to avoid it.

San Luo stood with his father Suffolk. Looking at this scene, he whispered: "Father, whose arrangement is this?"

Suffolk said calmly: "Your Majesty, this arrangement is good. It will help Luo Luo understand the strength of the Tang army."

"Are we also staring at Datang?"

"Why not?"

San Luo smiled a little reluctantly. He had seen the strength of Yang Xuan's men. Zuo Wuwei was a waste. Later he improved, but he still couldn't compare with Luo Luo's elite.

San Luo knew that if the two sides turned against each other, Yang Xuan would reveal his true identity as a warrior without hesitation, or use it to threaten him, but more likely, it would be used to threaten his father.

Therefore, at this moment, it is this young man who Luoluo hopes most for world peace.

But it has already started over there.

Feili threw a glass of wine at Yang Xuan. This was a provocation... Come on! Hit me! Fight with me!

The enraged opponent will then accept the provocation without hesitation.

A man hurried in and happened to see this scene. He shouted: "Fili..."

Don't do anything, the envoy of the Tang Dynasty is not prepared to reason today.


Feili was unprepared and was hit in the face by Yang Xuan's punch.


Fili fell heavily.

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand, and the old thief handed over the handkerchief thoughtfully. Yang Xuan wiped his hand and dropped the handkerchief, "It's too oily!"

A group of powerful people who claimed to be members of the upper class looked at this scene with their mouths open.

"This is a decisive man!"

A lady's cheeks turned red, "I think I'm obsessed with him!"

"If you don't agree with me, you'll knock him down with one punch. Oh my God! Such a man is so manly!"

Unlike the collective support of the ladies, there was obviously more dissatisfaction on the part of the men.

"He is provoking!"

A powerful man came over and said loudly: "This is Luo Luo, he is just looking for you to fight!"

Yang Xuan smiled and said, "There were no duels in the Tang Dynasty."

"What's that?"

"If we don't agree, then take action!"

"Aha!" A general came out, "I speak on behalf of Fili... He has a disagreement with your subordinates!"

This provocation is more direct.

Yang Xuan looked at him, "Single fight, or group fight?"

This is a duel with no retreat.

He could not retreat even a little bit, otherwise he would not only lose the face of Datang, but also his own future.

Either take back King Guangling, life or death. Or after leaving Luoluo, he goes straight to Northern Xinjiang and then escapes into the grassland.

There is no third option!

The general laughed ferociously and said: "Group fight!"

The old thief whispered: "This is a test!"

Yang Xuan nodded, "My subordinates need to rest."

The general smiled: "No problem, three days will be enough?"

"Enough! In addition, I need a place."

"Okay, make sure no one peeps."

Yang Xuan smiled and nodded.

Then came the banquet.

Sang Luo found Yang Xuan and said, "You shouldn't agree."

"I have no choice!"

San Luo didn't come out to dissuade him just now, and the hindsight at this time seemed particularly hypocritical.

"Fili's men are elite."

"My subordinates are not bad either."

"I wish you good luck, but I hope you should be clear. In Luoluo territory, my family can make you and your so-called envoys become the dinner of beasts, so keep your mouth shut!"

San Luo was well dressed tonight and was in good spirits.

"Are you worried that I will reveal your true identity as a so-called warrior?" Yang Xuan smiled a little hatefully.

"You can try." San Luo smiled and said, "I guarantee you won't be able to leave Luo Luo. As for when you get to the Tang Dynasty, no matter how much you say, it won't help."

The children of powerful people are well-educated in such power tactics.

Moreover, ruthlessness and ruthlessness are inherited in an orderly manner.

Yang Xuan smiled.

The banquet then reached its climax, with wine and meat being served continuously, and the aroma of grilled meat filled the entire hall.

Yang Xuan and others were alone together.

"It's very dangerous." Songda said seriously: "Messenger, maybe it's appropriate for you to take action at the door, but you shouldn't have defeated Fili before. Fili is Yas's trusted general. He is embarrassed, and the Prime Minister will be happy to take advantage of the situation and attack him."

The prestige of Yasi. If Yasi is angry, it is even less likely that King Guangling will return with us."

Yang Xuan ate a piece of barbecue, but it was bloody and untouched. "Will they agree to it if I'm weak?"

Songda: "You should use strategy."

She felt that Yang Xuan's solution was too simple and crude.

Uda said calmly: "What tone do you use to talk to the master?"

Songda felt blessed.

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "It's a good thing to be willing to give suggestions, and you should be praised."

Uda glanced at Songda and said, "In the evening, I will reward you on behalf of the master!"

Songda returned a wink.

This pair of dogs and men.

At this time, an attendant walked past from behind and said in Tang Dynasty dialect: "Toilet."

Yang Xuan didn't move. After waiting for a while, he said to the old thief: "When someone comes to ask, they say I went to the toilet."

The old thief said: "This person's origin is unknown."

"Framing me will not be of any benefit to Luo Luo." Yang Xuan knew this very well.

He followed the attendant back.

There were several private rooms in the toilet, and there was a man standing outside the door of one of them. The man glanced at Yang Xuan and pointed inside.

Yang Xuan smelled the stench and shook his head, "Come out and speak."

He really couldn't stand the olfactory system of these bird people, that they could conspire in such an environment.

The man went in, and an old man came out later, and then...

"The messenger is very energetic tonight." Danbas said with a smile.

The old man translated it.

Yang Xuan pointed outside, "That attendant is the Prime Minister?"

Danbas nodded, "You are a smart man, so let's make a long story short, you want to take away King Guangling."


"You saw me outside the door?"


When they were outside the gate of Sang Luo's house, Tu Chang reminded Yang Xuan that someone was staring at him diagonally across the street. Yang Xuan glanced at him quickly, and then decided to knock down the provocative man with one punch.

"You tell me with a clean shot that you are willing to pay the price."

This old ghost... Yang Xuan said: "What do you want?"

"The woman next to you, although she looks haggard and humble, can still tell that she has a good background. Then you must know what I need."

"Who is Fili?"

The Prime Minister smiled, "It's from Yas!"

"I beat him!"

"Not enough."

"What else do you want?"

"San Luo is a coward, but when he came back he went around bragging about killing seven barbarians. Tell me, what kind of person is he?"

As the dog said, being able to become a powerful minister is indeed not a fluke... Yang Xuan asked, "What guarantee do you have for everything you promised?"

Danbas smiled and said: "King Guangling is only part of my plan. I need him to leave Luoluo. Do you understand?"

Defeating Feili... Yasi's elite confidants were defeated by the rumored guard dog of the Tang Dynasty. His prestige will be affected.

Where is King Guangling leaving?

Who benefits the most?

There is no doubt that it is Danbas.

The emperor was incompetent and timid. After the elite confidant Feili and his subordinates were defeated, he cowardly let go of King Guangling who came to seek refuge.

Damn it!

Yass's reputation is as stinky as the sewers of Wingtong.

This old ghost... Yang Xuan thought of Yang Songcheng, what would happen if he resorted to such methods?

Li Mi will use all his political tactics to fight against the father-in-law.

San Luo's question gave Yang Xuan a headache.

San Luo's father is Yasi's confidant. After telling the truth, Danbas can play many cards. He can expose San Luo's true face and bring shame to the San Luo family.

But this method is more like a child venting his anger. For old foxes like Danbas, venting his anger is meaningless, and he must not do anything without profit.

Then it is a threat!

Turning Suffolk into one of his own, even undercover, is what a powerful official should do.

The value of this news is not small. To Danbas, it is even more valuable than King Guangling.

"What do I get?"

"King Guangling, and his entourage."

"Not enough!" Yang Xuan was like a hawker, bargaining with Danbas.

"Ten virgins."

"Not interested."

"Then what do you want?"

Dambas looked at him.

Yang Xuan said:

"I don't trust you, so what can you use as a guarantee? Guarantee that your people will not take action when the mission returns!"

There was a hint of appreciation in Danbas's eyes.

"One of your favorite sons!"

"My favorite thing is my daughter."

This chapter has been completed!
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