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Chapter 341 Where are the people?

Yang Xuan suffered from insomnia.

He always slept well, but his mind was inexplicably filled with worries.

The second brother will lead the sentry for the first time. Will he encounter a strong enemy?

Will that stick attack the enemy without thinking when it encounters them?



He hasn't become a father yet, but Yang Xuan can already dream about his future life.

A group of children gradually grew up, and then went out to have their own adventures. This old father was worried all day long...

"This day... is not very interesting!"

Since I can't sleep, I might as well get up and go out to get some air.

The night breeze was refreshing, and Yang Xuan saw the old thief.

"Can't sleep?"

The old thief nodded, "I close my eyes and think about my second son, hey! I'm old!"


Someone next to him coughed dryly, and Yang Xuan and the old thief looked up.

Tu Shang walked out slowly.

"Can't sleep?" the old thief asked gloatingly.

"Can't sleep."

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "Have a seat!"

The three of them sat under the stars, feeling gradually relieved.

"Is the grandson of Duke Tu smart?"

"Smart, filial, and playful."

"A child is not a child if he is not playful!"

"Lang Jun was playful when he was a child?"

"Running all over the mountains and plains is like playing wild."

"Oh! That's almost the same as my grandson."

"Tu Gong, why do I think you are taking advantage of me by saying this?"

In the forest, the strong wind blew through the branches and leaves, making a disturbing sound.

"It's like a ghost crying and a wolf howling!" The night watchman shrank his neck.

Outside the forest, Wang Laoer came over with his men.

A sergeant pointed to the big tree ahead, implying that there was someone in the tree.

Wang Laoer quietly touched it. Looking from behind, it looked like a big snake slowly crawling under the tree.

What am I thinking?

The sergeant who had this idea was stunned for a moment.

Little did he know that this was one of the Wang family's unique secret skills, the Snake Technique, which was specially used for sneaking and making it difficult for the opponent to detect.

The whistle in the tree is dozing off.

Head bit by bit.

He woke up suddenly, looked around and saw that there was no movement, wrapped himself tightly in the sheepskin, and muttered: "There is still half an hour to change people, but the urine is so bloated."

It is most convenient to pee on a tree, but there is a lot of movement. I will climb down when I hear the whistle, and prepare to go down to pee.

Halfway through the climb, Anshao's feet slid down the tree trunk and were suddenly blocked.


He remembered that there were no branches here, it should be bare. What was this?

He lowered his head and looked down.

A dark figure grabbed the tree trunk and smiled at him.

Anshao's liver and gallbladder were splitting, and he was about to scream when a dark shadow rushed forward, pinched his throat, and exerted force.


An Shao's eyes lost their luster.

Wang Laoer hung him on a branch and slid down by himself.

"Get ready to set fire!"

Wang Laoer happily took out a jar of kerosene.

That is to say, such a jar was originally intended to be used for making fires for cooking, but now it was used for killing people.

"Is it possible?" Some people were skeptical, "Isn't it possible that these trees can't be burned?"

Wang Laoer said: "There is a lot of grass in the forest, and there are a lot of fallen leaves and dead branches from previous years on the ground... maybe it can be done! It won't kill anyone if we try."


A can of kerosene was poured in a line in the direction of the wind.

"Hey! Get ready!" A sergeant prepared to light the fire.

"Wait a minute." Wang Laoer stopped him.

"What are you doing?"

"Of course I'll do the fun things like this!"

This is a fight!

Everyone's head was covered with black lines.

But this person in front of me is Lord Shijun’s pet peeve and cannot be offended.

Wang Laoer blew on the fire stick and leaned over to light it.


When the fire starts, the wind comes.


Wang Laoer was just like when he blocked the neighbor's chimney when he was a child, he was worried about being discovered and beaten by adults, so he ran away happily.

There were two to three thousand enemy troops. Although he longed for heads, he did not want to lose his life here.

Everyone turned around and ran wildly.


The wind seemed to sense the arrival of the flames and became stronger and stronger.

In the forest, someone opened his eyes in a daze, and when he saw the flames, he didn't scream, but was stunned, "Who lit the fire?"

The flames rolled in violently. The man rubbed his eyes and felt the heat wave. He stood up and screamed: "It's on fire!"

Most people are awake.


"Run away!"

Shinyue said angrily: "Who started the fire? Turn around and kill!"

But it’s important to escape right now!

Everyone ran in the opposite direction of the flames.

But this was a forest, not a road, and it was difficult to see ahead clearly in the dark. From time to time, people bumped into trees or tripped over, creating a mess.

"The fire is coming!"

Someone shouted back, and then the flames rolled up and swept him in.


The scream was short. Everyone turned around and saw a man dancing in the flames. Then he staggered forward a few steps and collapsed.

Grass mud horse!

This fire can run faster than a human!


Someone fell down and reached out to pull his companion's feet. After pulling his companion down, he stood up and rolled around, and then both of them were caught in the flames.

Just like hugging and rescuing a drowning person, in many cases, when human beings encounter desperate situations, it is their instinct to hold on to others.

In other words, you have to have someone to support you if you die.

Xin Yue has good cultivation, so he runs the fastest.

But even so, he fell several times and was bumped countless times.

Wang Laoer led his men back to the rear. After mounting their horses, everyone turned around.

"Oh my god!"

The wind was howling, and the flames were spreading.

At this moment, the entire forest looked like a big fireball.

In the distance, Yang Xuan and his three friends, who were sitting on the grass chatting, also saw this vision.

"Why has the sky turned red?" The old thief blinked and glanced at Yang Xuan.

Tu Shang asked: "What did you think of?"

The old thief said: "When I was robbing the tomb, I once saw an epitaph that said...the sky was red in the middle of the night, and you could see the phoenix nodding its head..."

Tu Shang thought it was a bit ridiculous, "Whose tomb is it?"

"A prince."

"Fire Phoenix nodded to the prince...he is still a prince!" Tu Chang had no good impression of the so-called royal family, whether it was the Southern Zhou Dynasty or the Tang Dynasty.

The old thief glanced at Yang Xuan again, "That matter is not about the prince."

"Who is that?"

"Prince's Aye, Emperor!"

"Xiao Xuanzi, this is auspicious!" Suzaku exploded, "The fire phoenix nods to you. This is a good omen. Hurry up and ask someone to get some fish, write some notes and stuff them into the fish's belly...

Tang Xing, King Zitai."

Yang Xuan's eyelids twitched a few times and he decided to turn back and turn off his phone.

Wang Laoer was also a little surprised, "How many people can be burned to death?"

"Great job!"

"But we have few people. If the enemy troops escape, they will probably become angry. The Art of War says that a sad army will win, so we'd better run away!"

Wang Laoer asked: "Do you know the art of war?"

The sergeant nodded, "I heard what the old thief said."

Wang Laoer breathed a sigh of relief, "You must listen to what the old thief said. Come on, follow me. Let's go take a look."

Everyone rode their horses to go around from the side. Occasionally, the wind direction changed, and the heat waves blown out made the horses neigh uneasily.

Shinetsu rushed out of the forest, and then hundreds of people escaped one after another.

"What else?" Shinetsu asked.

Everyone was silent.

Everyone was disgraced, and many people were burned by the fire and were howling miserably.

Shin-Etsu's hair was raised by the flames, and it looked like he had a rooster's comb on his head.

"Three thousand cavalry, not a single arrow was fired, not a single Tang army was killed, and not a single penny was stolen. It's just... gone!" A general knelt down and howled, "How can I explain to the Khan when I go back!"

Before leaving, Zhang Zhuo had told them to keep the basic team under control during this trip.

Everyone looked at Shinetsu. If he and the Kibo tribe were camping together, where would all this nonsense come from?

Shinyue was in a state of confusion, and after feeling the resentment, he knew he had to save himself.

"Someone lit a fire at night and caused a fire!" Shin-Etsu's roar echoed in the night sky, "Although he is dead, his family must pay the price... must..."

"What's the sound?" Someone listened intently.

The sound of horse hooves gradually became clearer.

"Hey! It seems like some people are still alive here!"

Against the background of flames, more than a hundred riders rushed over.

The young man at the head's eyes shone brightly, "My head!"

early morning.

After Zhanbi woke up, he didn't care about anything else but practiced first.

Cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Every great achiever is a person of great perseverance.

After practicing, wash up and have breakfast.

Several generals gathered around him, eating a simple breakfast while mocking the Tiger Control Department.

"Everyone, please calm down." Zhan Bi took a few bites of the remaining food, stood up and said, "Yang Xuan's troops will pass through the river in front. As agreed, we attack from the right."

After breakfast, the whole army assembled.

Zhan Bi warned: "Yesterday the Rangers were defeated. Today we cannot let the Tiger Command have the upper hand. Tell the warriors to fight bravely!"

Someone said: "What if the Tiger Control Department is watching?"

Zhan Bi said calmly: "Zhang Zhuo will kill Shinyue!"

Someone explained, "The emperor is watching, and the two are secretly competing. If Shinyue dares to sit back and watch at this time, Zhang Zhuo can kill him before the emperor takes action!"

Set off immediately.

Not far away, you saw a river winding ahead.

If we don't use the standards of other places to measure it, this is a big river on the grassland, five paces wide.

"Go down and try!"

Someone went down to the river to test it.

"The water is waist deep."

The water was waist deep, so we just needed to cross the river on foot.

But at this time, it will be very slow for people and horses to cross the river, and they will easily collapse if they encounter a surprise attack.

"What a great place!" Zhan Bi praised: "When Yang Gou's men and horses were halfway across, they attacked from both wings together. He must have been caught off guard."

The generals around him were also happy, "Zhan Bi, why can't you kill Yang Gou?"

Zhan Bi sat down and felt the breeze blowing from the river. He couldn't help but feel relaxed and happy, "Of course I can kill him, but the emperor is not allowed to kill him."

"Damn, he's too lenient!"

The men were a little dissatisfied.

Zhan Bi said quietly: "If you kill Yang Gou, Northern Xinjiang will definitely retaliate. Will the emperor send troops?"

"Then send out troops and destroy them all."

"That's stupid! What if the emperor's uncle is defeated?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Someone tried to ask: "If he is defeated, should we... take advantage of the situation and rebel?"

"The reason why the three major departments have developed slowly in recent years is not because of us, but because we are surrounded on both sides and have no new pastures..."

Zhan Bi sighed, "The other side of Chenzhou is not a pasture. Tanzhou is... a good place."

"Yes! I have been to that place, and the pasture is rich and lush."

"It's a pity that it's not our territory."

Zhan Bi took a deep breath and said, "Beiliao has never regarded us as one of his own. The emperor's uncle treats us like dogs. He doesn't feed us and blackmails us. Tell me, if we have the opportunity, how can we repay Beiliao?"


Everyone was silent, but their eyes were bright.

Zhan Bi said softly: "Of course we are going to fight with swords and guns, burning, killing, looting!"

For the three major departments, development is the last word.

But with Chenzhou in the south and Tanzhou in the north, a place in the middle was left for them to survive.

There is no problem in living, but talking about development is a bit nonsense.

Successive Khans have stared at Chenzhou, and those who dare to stare at Tanzhou are all heroes.

Now that the Tang Dynasty is declining, the three major departments will naturally move closer to the Northern Liao Dynasty and the emperor's uncle.

But what if the Tang Dynasty was powerful?

This thought flashed through everyone's minds and then dissipated.

But someone asked: "Zhan Bi, do you think the Tang Dynasty may rise again?"



"Go and read the history books. Of all the countries that have shown signs of decline, who can rise again?"

"Why is this?"

"I don't know either." Zhan Bi smiled and said, "I guess it sucks!"

Someone said longingly: "If we can capture Yang Gou alive in this battle..."

Zhan Bi sneered, "Yang Gou is our biggest enemy. If we can capture him alive, we don't need to kill him, we just need to castrate him."

"What a great idea. This will not only perfuse the emperor's uncle, but also make Yang Gou a eunuch, hahahaha!"

Everyone laughed.

"It's almost done." Zhanbi said, "Get ready for an ambush."

More than two thousand cavalry retreated.

"Send someone to the left wing to tell Shinetsu that this battle must be quick."

After the messenger left, a dark shadow also appeared in the distance.

"Yang Gou is here!"

Zhan Bi said calmly: "Silence."

Everyone fell silent.

"There is a river!"

The scouts turned around.

"How deep?"

"Just up to the waist."

Yang Xuan squinted and looked at the opposite side.

The old thief took out a small notebook and charcoal pencil.

King Wei is also waiting for his decision.

Li Han murmured, "How should we use our troops in this situation?"

Yang Xuan ordered: "Those who are good at water will take the rope to cross the river first, nail the rope to the opposite side, and then hold on to the rope to cross the river, and be careful with the war horses."

Dozens of people started crossing the river with ropes.

Yang Xuan looked around.


His expression was calm, but there was a hint of awe.

Tu Shang said: "I'm here, I'm here to give you my orders!"


"This king is here!" King Wei held the handle of the giant sword with murderous intent.

"Five hundred people will cross the river first, and the two of you will lead them to hold down the formation. If the enemy forces attack halfway across the river, if they exceed five thousand, they will withdraw. Within five thousand..."

Yang Xuan looked at Tu Shang and said, "Tu Gong."

"I know it and won't make any mistakes."


"I will not retreat!"

Yang Xuan nodded, "Cross the river!"

Tu Shang and King Wei led five hundred people and began to cross the river. For a while, people shouted and horses neighed, and it was very lively.

Yang Xuan was looking at the other side.

The old thief said: "Lang Jun is worried about attacking halfway across the river?"

"The Jibo Department and the Tiger Control Department haven't appeared yet." Yang Xuan said: "If they haven't appeared after passing here, they are despising He Lianchun. They don't dare!"

In this case, there will be danger if things are not done properly here.

Five hundred horses had just crossed over, when suddenly there was a loud sound of horse hooves on the other side.


Yang Xuan sneered, "As expected, we are waiting here. How many people are there?"

An old soldier squinted his eyes and said, "Your Majesty, it's less than three thousand!"

"Eh!" Yang Xuan wondered: "How come there are only so many people? Look around!"

The old soldier looked around and said, "No one is there!"

This is wrong!

Yang Xuan looked at the murderous enemy troops and said depressedly: "When did the three thousand cavalry from the three major divisions dare to take the initiative to attack me? This... doesn't make sense!"


Zhan Bi led his men and galloped all the way!

When they were about to encounter the five hundred cavalry led by King Wei and Tu Chang, someone shouted: "Where are the people?"

Zhanbi looked to the left.


"Where's Shinetsu?"

This chapter has been completed!
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