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Chapter 352 Long-term peace and loyalty

"So much fur!"

Uda took the furs and inspected them, occasionally raising his head and saying, "They are all good products!"

"It's done!" the old thief sniffed.

Wang Laoer said: "What happened?"

The old thief said: "From now on, I will eat dried meat until you vomit!"

"They're all ours?" Wang Laoer realized later.


Yang Xuan really wanted to keep all this windfall in his own pocket.

But he knew he couldn't.

Wang Laoer muttered: "If you accept it, accept it. Who dares to be nagging?"

The old thief whispered: "This is a gentleman, not an official."

Wang Laoer was stunned: "You mean, officials can swallow all this money?"


"Then why can't Lang Jun?"

"It's because the officials only want one person and one family, while the husband only wants the world."

Wang Laoer sighed, "Nothing in the world is as fragrant as dried meat."

The old thief smiled kindly, "This is why Mr. Lang is the best to you."

Many times, living simply is not a bad thing.

But many times, trying to pretend to be innocent is terrible.

"Yang Shijun, I want to buy goods, but I just want to buy goods!"

Lang Fei was tied behind his back and thrown into the cart, howling: "The villain is not a smuggler."

Yang Xuan dropped the fur in his hand, clapped his hands and walked over, "Look, I haven't said anything about smuggling yet, so why don't you go on a pole and deny it?"

Lang Fei shouted: "The villain is really good, Bo Luo, Ha Chi, you are so damn talkative!"

Boluo raised his head and smiled miserably: "This is Yang Gou, the Yang Gou who kills without blinking an eye. Even if we really buy goods, do you think he will let us go? Look, he has brought hundreds of riders, and he is clearly guarding us. You so damn want to pretend to be stupid, aren’t you stupid! Ah!”

"This one is much smarter." Yang Xuan reached out and patted Bo Luo's cheek, "Do you want to save your life?"

Bo Luo was startled, then asked ecstatically: "Can you survive?"

"Of course." Yang Xuan looked at his hands and felt a little greasy, and felt disgusted in his heart, "We are old friends after all. We pay with one hand and hand over people with the other."

"How much?"

"Fifty thousand dollars."

Even though he was prepared to be blackmailed, Boluo still struggled, like a fish abandoned on the shore, "You are crazy! Five hundred thousand dollars is enough to build a golden man."

"I'm not crazy, you are crazy."

Yang Xuan waved his hand and said, "Send him on his way."

Uda came over and said, "Master, are you erecting a pole or something?"

"Put the pole up."

Bo Luo stared at Yang Xuan, trying to tell the truth from his expression.

Yang Xuan walked towards Ha Chi, and Wu Dal ordered several guards to erect poles.

Cut down trees of suitable size, remove the branches, remove a section of bark, and sharpen the top of the section.

"It's done."

Uda pointed at Boluo. Two guards came over. One of them smiled kindly and said, "Look, we even changed your clothes for you. After all, it is a courtesy only for nobles. You can't say that we are cruel when you go underground."

Another guard said: "It doesn't matter what I say. Lang Jun said that killing people for the Tang Dynasty and killing Ying Ye are all merits."

The guard asked: "Why?"

"Lang Jun said that the gods of our Tang Dynasty are the most powerful and can protect us."

Boluo was stripped of his outer clothes and shouted: "Shijun Yang, Shijun Yang, let's discuss it easily! How about less, two hundred and fifty thousand? Ah!"

"Do you really think this is a shop?" Yang Xuan shook his head, "Six hundred thousand!"

Bo Luo: "..."

Six hundred thousand!

Six hundred thousand?

Uda shouted: "Hurry up."

The two guards stripped Boluo naked, and his fat body looked quite ridiculous, like a fat pig.

Boluo trembled, "There is something easy to say, there is something easy to say!"

The old thief asked curiously: "He can still survive?"

"Businessmen only have themselves in their eyes." Yang Xuan wiped the oil on his hands. "This is a group of people with the strongest desires in the world. They pursue money and then fame."

"Your Majesty, you must have a head, right?" a sergeant asked.

"That's right." Yang Xuan said sarcastically: "When fame and fortune come to an end for them, they will focus on power. Then they will either gain power through corruption and cultivate spokespersons, or they will go into battle and become officials themselves.


"A businessman becoming an official? What a dream!" The old thief thought this was impossible.

The Central Plains dynasty has always been very wary of merchants and suppressed them severely.

"My ancestors said that if businessmen see profit and forget their loyalty, and let them serve as officials, the world will be in chaos."

Boro was pulled in front of the wooden stake, and a guard asked: "Get him some grease?"

Uda shook his head, "No need, it will bleed if you prick it, and it's just slippery."

Bo Luo thought of the rumors he had heard: Yang Gou likes to strip his opponent naked and let him sit on a tree trunk, while the tree trunk slowly slides down the valley path. In this way, the person will not die for a while, and will howl miserably for a long time.

"I give it! Yang Shijun, Yang Gong! Aye! I give it!"

Boluo howled at the top of his lungs.

One of the guards holding him felt his feet were wet. He looked down and cursed, "What a dog! He's actually incontinent!"

Seeing this, Lang Fei shouted: "Your Majesty, I am willing to pay a ransom."

Wang Laoer looked at him as if he were a fool, "Your money is all in the city, it's up to you to take it for yourself."

"My dick has grown." The old thief was very pleased.

Lang Fei trembled, "I still have money outside. As long as you let me go, I swear to hand over all the money."


Wang Laoer has no idea.

"Take him back and hang him outside the city!" Yang Xuan no longer looked at Lang Fei.

"Why? Don't you want money? Bo Luo and the others can pay ransom to redeem themselves, why can't the villain?" Bo Luo was almost desperate.

He thought about it carefully and found that he and Yang Xuan had no personal enmity and had never crossed paths in the past.

"Why do you want to put this villain to death?"

Yang Xuan saw some good pieces of leather, took them out and gave them to the old thief, "Take them back."

He turned around and looked at Lang Fei, "People like Bo Luo are a scourge, and there are no too many scourges from foreign races. You are also a scourge, but you are from the Tang Dynasty. The less scourges from the Tang Dynasty, the better."

In the afternoon, the motorcade entered Lin'an City in a mighty manner.

"Get rich."

The officials in the state were overjoyed.

Lang Fei, who had been tortured all the way, was thrown outside the city. Immediately, the sergeants dispatched and captured several businessmen and more than ten officials in the city.

"Businessmen ransacked their homes and hanged them."

"Please spare your life!" the merchants howled.

Yang Xuan was not moved at all, "The officials... ransacked their homes and reported it to Tao County and the Ministry of Civil Affairs."

A row of businessmen were hanged outside the city, and their money went into the treasury.

The distinguished envoy brought several fine furs home with him.

"Aning, I'll make some big cloaks for you."

Zhou Ning was surprised, "Didn't you go out today without any money? Where did it come from?"

"It was a gift from someone else." Yang Xuan casually threw the fur aside.

"Who is so generous? Where is that person?"

"Going to the West."

The lunch at the Zhouli canteen on the second day was very sumptuous, including enough mutton.

The money became a hot commodity, and officials took advantage of the opportunity to have a meal to sell their blood, saying that they were short of money in the affairs under their jurisdiction, so they had to sell their blood.

"Your Majesty, if you keep the money, you should keep it, spend it!"

Lu Qiang, who was used to living a hard life, couldn't help but want to relax for a while.

"When this money goes into the public account, how it should be spent should follow the rules and priorities."

Everyone was disappointed.

"The interruption of trade routes this time has caused many workshops to stop working in various parts of Chenzhou. It's okay for the workshops to stop working. It's okay for the merchants to have the foundation, but what about the workers? What about those who don't have overnight food at home?"

Yang Xuan tapped the table with his fingers and said with a cold face: "If you have money, don't think about how to spend it. Can you think about the people first?"

Lu Qiang smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid of being poor."

"The people are even poorer!" Yang Xuan said: "Go and inspect and calculate. How many days have the workshops been closed? How many workers are employed? Calculate the wages every day. The faster."

This thing is quite simple, just come back quickly.

The data will be summarized in a few days.

After the officials who went to various places introduced the situation, someone said: "Those merchants and employees don't know why we ask this, and the villain didn't say anything."

Yang Xuan picked up the roster, looked at it, and said: "Three percent of the wages will be paid, and the wages will be paid every day the work is stopped until the trade route is reopened."

He threw the list on the table and said seriously: "What is long-term peace and stability? When the people's lives are stable, this is called long-term peace and stability. Through this matter, I want to tell you, what should be done first in the future? The people come first. Only Only when you put the people first in your work will you be able to act upright, sit upright, and be fearless of the ups and downs of the officialdom!"

Everyone was sincerely convinced and saluted, "I would like to be taught."

Next, Chenzhou's army attacked decisively, looking for clues about smuggling.

The state government offered a reward, and for anyone who reported smuggling and was confirmed to have been caught, the reward would be worth 10% of the goods.

This reward immediately triggered a tsunami-like effect.

Those businessmen found themselves being stared at wherever they went.

Especially for big cars, whenever a big car comes in or out, someone will always pretend to be hit and take advantage of the situation to see what's in the car.

Under this nationwide investigation of smuggling, several adventurous businessmen were captured.

The reward will be distributed the next day and anonymously.

There was a sensation in Chenzhou.

However, people who are interested have inquired carefully and found that although they are anonymous, someone will always show up at the smuggling scene.

“Most of them were discovered by Taiping immigrants!”

Taiping Immigrants made a name for themselves immediately.

As a representative, Yue Er also went to Zhoushe to accept the award from the envoy.

"Taiping immigration is good!" Mr. Shijun's comments made the Taiping immigrants in the city very excited. They all said that they would continue to carry forward Taiping's folk customs and let future generations follow Mr. Shijun's pace.

Yue Er returned home and looked at his two sons in a daze for a long time. It was not until his wife asked that he sighed: "My husband used to think that cheating was not good and refused to teach Dalang and Erlang, but today my husband got it because of cheating." Money is even more praised by the envoy. Should we teach it or not?"

The smuggling trade route was cut off, and the merchants in the three major departments were troubled by it.

After the three major ministries cut off the trade route, a businessman took the risk and was arrested, and his family became unlucky.

Even so, more than ten businessmen still came to Chenzhou and entered Lin'an City.

More than ten people are small businessmen, with small capital and flexible opportunities.

Aojin was one of them. He came with his whole family. That day he was taken to the state house to meet Yang Xuan, and he excitedly expressed his loyalty.

It was still the same after that, he still took his wife and children to do business in Lin'an City.

However, the furs he brought were quickly sold out, and the dozen or so small businessmen who came with him gradually disappeared, leaving only Aojin alone.

He changed from a businessman to a coolie, squatting on the street with a stick behind him, which was the sign of a coolie.

More than ten small businessmen left, and Ao Jin's wife also persuaded him to go back, saying that he should go back and buy some cattle and sheep and start over.

But Aojin refused to agree, life or death.


The wife came with a meal. The so-called meal was just a piece of bread with some vegetables.

Ao Jin wolfed down his food, while his wife sat beside him and said with a sad face: "It costs money to stay in Lin'an City, and it costs money to eat. We have almost spent the little money we have."

Ao Jin raised his head, "Have you eaten?"

The wife hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Eat."

Ao Jin broke the cake and gave most of it to his wife.

"You have to work."

"You are tired of raising children."

The two had an argument, and the wife suddenly lowered her head and choked up, "Tell me, were we good before? Why don't we have the money to go herding? You have to come to Lin'an, what will you do now? We don't care, what about the children?"


Aojin smiled bitterly, "I can support you by working as a coolie."

"Go back!" The wife looked up, her eyes dim with tears, "Let's go back quietly, even if it's just herding cattle, it's better than you working as a coolie."

"Why are you going back?" Ao Jin said: "Look at the people here, they wear clean clothes, they will salute their friends when they see them, and they will say hello with a smile. Their children can read, but we can't understand behind their backs, but they feel

Beautiful verses.

Go back and let our children continue on our way? We have been herding all day long. When the Khan gives the order, we have to bring our own dry food and weapons to fight for him, living like fools. Let’s be fools

Not enough?"

Aojin's eyes were bright, "I want to be a Tang Dynasty citizen, and our children should also be Tang Dynasty people."

The wife sighed, "But as a Tang Dynasty person, you also need to eat! You said that you are loyal to Yang Gou... Yang Shijun, but you can't be loyal in exchange for food."

Aojin shook his head, "Just wait and it will be fine."

The wife finally broke out, jumped up and kicked him, "Borring, enduring, you know how to endure. After following you for many years, I only have a good life for half a year, and then I have to endure it again. Whoever wants to live this life, I can't.


The sound of the cart came slowly.


The cart stopped.

"Quickly, unload the goods, shout!"

"The furs in the southern part of the town are the best!"

"The fat sheep in the south of the town, one bite is full of oil, and the children next door will cry with greed."

Ao Jin and his wife turned around slowly.

An old acquaintance and colleague was setting up a stall.

"Aojin!" The businessman spotted Aojin and said excitedly, "You're here too."

"I didn't leave." Aojin asked, "Why are you here? No one stopped you?"

The businessman took a sip and said, "Stop it! Those wealthy businessmen are making trouble, and the Khan is in a state of distress. Even threatening the emperor's uncle will not work. No one will care about us anymore, so I'm here."

"Can we do business?" Ao Jin's wife said happily: "Quick, let's go back to receive the goods."

Aojin was beaming and ready to go back.

"The envoy is here."

Yang Xuan came to inspect.

Seeing that there was an extra businessman, Cao Ying whispered: "Our people got the news. After the smuggling was cut off, the wealthy businessmen in the three major departments went crazy. Even the emperor's uncle was useless."

"They will kill anyone who stops them from getting rich, even if that person is the emperor."

Yang Xuan came over.

The businessman saluted and said, "I have met the envoy."

Aojin and his wife also followed suit and saluted.

"Is it you?" Yang Xuan still remembered Aojin, the Hu businessman who excitedly saluted him when he entered Zhoushe last time.

"Shi Jun." Ao Jin said excitedly: "The villain is Ao Jin! The Ao Jin who kowtowed to Shi Jun last time."

Yang Xuan saw that he was a little embarrassed. Thinking of the last time this person said he came to Lin'an with his whole family, he knew that he was in a dilemma.

Aojin's wife stood by the side, not daring to raise her head, and listened to Lord Shijun asking kindly: "Where do you live?"

Ao Jin rubbed his hands and said uneasily: "If I don't have a place to live, I'll live in an alley."

"This man's heart is devoted to the Tang Dynasty and he is loyal. Don't let this loyalty go to waste and make his heart cold." Yang Xuan ordered: "Old Cao."

"The official is here."

"Arrange a house for his family and I'll pay for it!"

This is a house in Lin'an!

It's better for you to pay for it yourself.

Ao Jin's wife lost her temper and exclaimed.

"It seems that the business is not very good." Yang Xuan held Ao Jin's hand and patted the back of his hand, "It was my negligence, but it is not good to suddenly become wealthy. From today on, we will set up a stall opposite Zhoushi, and

One for Aojin."

This chapter has been completed!
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