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Chapter 359 Witness

"Xie Jing?"


The girl was blessed again and said happily: "I have some sisters in my boudoir who admire Yang Shijun very much. When they heard that I was coming to see Yang Shijun, they were all worried that I wouldn't be able to see him."

It turned out to be a fan of mine... Yang Xuan felt a little dizzy.

"What's the matter with you?"

Xie Jing said: "When the sisters heard that Shijun was so talented, they wanted to hold a poetry meeting and invited Shijun to go."

It was a poetry party full of girls, but only one man.

Any normal man would have some reverie.

"I have a lot of things to do when I come to Tao County."

Yang Xuan declined.

Xie Jing looked disappointed, "Then...can I come and ask you about Shijun's poems?"

When a man faces a beautiful woman, his tendency to be a teacher can’t help but burst out, and he wishes he could teach them step by step.

Yang Xuan nodded, "It's easy to talk. But I have something to do here today..."

Xie Jing smiled and said, "The slave will come back in the afternoon."


Yang Xuan nodded.

He immediately went to Liu Qing's place.

"I'm going to lead the army to expel those Northern Liao cavalry, and I'm looking for you..." Liu Qing saw that his face was pale, and he couldn't help but frowned, "Going to a brothel?"

Without waiting for Yang Xuan to answer, he said seriously: "You don't know how to take care of yourself when you are young, and you will only regret it when you get old."

Yang Xuan smiled bitterly, "I drank too much."

"Oh! It must be Zhang Du and the others!" Liu Qing said with a smile: "If young people get along well, it will be a good story in the future."

Liu Qing was very busy, so Yang Xuan asked: "What is the purpose of those people?"

"I thought you wouldn't ask." Liu Qing was very pleased.

If you ask, you are one of your own, if you don't ask, you are being polite.

"It's related to Chang'an."

"Seize the direct descendant?"

"You're smart. It shows that the teachings I gave you back then are still effective."

Yang Xuan understood.

"It's all caused by the emperor."

Liu Qing nodded, "You're just being implicated in this matter, it's harmless. Just go back in a few days!"


Yang Xuan returned to the reverse journey.

"How?" The old thief and others came.

"It has something to do with seizing the direct descendants." Yang Xuan felt that the Tang Dynasty was in danger of subjugating the country.

"If the prince is not deposed, the King of Yue has the best hope." The old thief thought for a while, "But the emperor refuses to depose the prince. This is just to satisfy people's appetite! Those people must want the army to speak out for them!"

Yang Xuan nodded, "That shameless thing!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Tu Shang.

Tu Shang said calmly: "Li Bi's death has nothing to do with me."

Yang Xuan smiled, feeling that if he continued to be subtle like this, sooner or later, Tu Chang would ask without him having to say it out loud:

"Lang Jun, when will you rebel?"

He clarified his thoughts and said, "Huang Xianggong was very clever. He asked Mr. Liu to come in and occupy his seat in advance. Those people became so angry that they drove some people from Taoxian County to attack Mr. Liu. But I was just passing by."

The old thief warned: "Young Master must not underestimate those people."

"I never underestimate anyone." Yang Xuan yawned, "I'm going to take a nap. If it's nothing serious, don't disturb me."

I got up from a nap, washed my face, and sat in a daze for a while. I felt quite good.

I don't know how long I sat there before Uda came in.

"Lang Jun, that beauty is here again."

Yang Xuan moved his neck and woke up from his daze.

"Let the old thief come over."

When the old thief came, Yang Xuan looked at him and said, "You have a good figure."

Old thief: "..."

Yang Xuan said: "You go to my bedroom and hide."

The old thief was puzzled, "Where to hide?"

"Under the bed!"

The old thief went up, and Yang Xuan ordered: "Wuda sends someone..."

Xie Jing was left hanging for half an hour before being brought in.

"I've seen the envoy."

"Thank you, madam!" Yang Xuan chuckled.

Xie Jing glanced at Yang Xuan and said in surprise: "You have a wrong expression on your face."

"Oh!" Yang Xuan touched his cheek, "What's wrong?"

Xie Jing said: "The medical skills passed down from the Nu family are best at knowing a person's condition by looking at their face. With your appearance, it is clear that your vitality has been severely damaged."

Yang Xuan touched his cheek again, "Has your energy been greatly damaged?"

Suzaku said: "It was sucked away by the goblin."

Xie Jing nodded, took two steps forward, slightly opened her red lips, "Sure enough, if I don't care about you, I'm afraid my body and bones will be exhausted within half a year."

Yang Xuangan smiled and said: "I will get married soon."

"Oh! No wonder it is like this." Xie Jing sighed: "But I think you have lost a lot of energy, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to make up for it."

Yang Xuan said in surprise: "It's actually like this. Is there any way to save it?"

Xie Jing said: "Slaves do have methods passed down from their ancestors."

"What method?"


Yang Xuan looked troubled, and Xie Jing said: "The slave's admiration makes you both civil and military, but it is not the love between a man and a woman. With your body like this, how can I sit back and watch?"

"Isn't this... bad?"

"It only takes half an hour."

"Then let's try it. Do you need a footbath and a towel?"

"What do you want those for?"

The two went up the stairs.

Uda and his men were muttering in the lobby.

"Why do you want a footbath and a towel?"

"Do you want to wash your feet?"

Above, Yang Xuan and Xie Jing entered their rooms.

"Your Majesty, please take off your clothes and lie down."

A beautiful girl asks you to take off your clothes and lie down. How many people can resist?

Especially after getting married, Lao Shepi knows what a woman feels like.

Yang Xuan made a move to undress, then slowly sat down and said with a smile: "Are you an unmarried girl?"

Xie Jing nodded, "Why do you ask like this?"

Yang Xuan said: "I have seen many young girls. Young girls walk with lively steps. Although Madam Xie tried her best not to twist her waist or crotch when she walked, she couldn't help but twist a few times when she sat down, trying to find a comfortable posture? But? The way her butt is twisted reminds me of a female prostitute in a brothel."

He changed his tone to a solemn tone, "Which brothel does Madam Xie belong to?"

Xie Jing was stunned, "Why do you humiliate me?"

Yang Xuan came over, but Xie Jing did not retreat.

"If you are a girl and have never been close to a man, you should take a step back now."

Xie Jing's body shook a little, "Your Majesty..."

"My reputation for corruption is widespread in Tao County, and I drag people into the city with their heads. Even women, let alone girls, dare not come to see me."

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand.

Xie Jing didn't dare to avoid it. She watched Yang Xuan's hand reach over and wipe it on her face, her face turned red.

"I feel sorry for him." Yang Xuan clapped his hands, "This is still a trial. When a girl sees a man trying to touch her, she will subconsciously avoid him."

Xie Jing was silent.

"I have some literary names, but how do ordinary girls know about them in a boudoir?"

"Looking at your clothes, you clearly come from a wealthy family."

"Girls from rich families will be more curious when meeting someone, even if they admire someone. But when you saw me in the morning, it was like an old acquaintance."

"No, he's a regular customer!"

Yang Xuan had a headache—yesterday, that beast Zhang Du called a few female dancers, who claimed to be performers but not prostitutes, but one of them clung to her, and in the end she seemed to be pushed by him and fell directly to the ground.

"You are neither a girl nor my admirer. Why are you here?"

Yang Xuan thought for a while, "I ask myself that I have no rivals in Taoxian County. The only trouble I have recently is that some people want to drag me down. Those people first said that I was corrupt, but this did not work. They definitely refused to give up, so why not

What are the methods? Let me think about it, hey! Damn it! I drink too much and my brain doesn’t work anymore.”

He rubbed his forehead, "If you want to attack a person who can't find any bad deeds, you can only spread rumors to cause trouble. If corruption fails, then... it's just something in the crotch. But I don't want to be a philanderer, so I want to use this.

If you attack me, you can only frame me."

Yang Xuan looked at Xie Jing, "If an unmarried girl comes here, the worst I can do is take her as my concubine, and at most she will gain a reputation as a romantic. But being romantic...isn't that a man's nature?"

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "In this case, there is only one way to hit me..." He reached out and lifted Xie Jing's chin.

"You are not a brothel girl, but... a married woman!"

Xie Jing's delicate body was trembling, and there was fear in her eyes.

"Is what I said wrong?" Yang Xuan let go, "It's okay to do whatever you want, just don't get involved with married women and ruin your reputation."

Several large cars came outside.

"We are delivering goods." More than ten men came in carrying ingredients.

The guards looked on listlessly.

More than ten men went to the kitchen.

If a man can't control his crotch, it's okay if he's unmarried and no one will say anything. If a married woman has a strong wife in the family, she often doesn't have freedom.

But as high as the Tao is, so high is the devil. No matter how powerful the wife in the family is, men can still find a way to go to the brothel.

Once the lady notices it and comes to the brothel with a stick to look for her husband...then she needs a way out.

In a room on the second floor, a hidden ladder leads directly to the backyard.

If a woman comes to a brothel to catch an adulterer, the client will go downstairs via this ladder and go home through the back door. She will also have time to take a shower, change her clothes, and sit at home waiting for the confused lady to come back.

Hey! Madam, where have you been?

I...I'm going out for a walk.

More than ten men quietly climbed up the stairs.

Although she was tiptoeing, when the floor was under pressure, she made a sound like a female prostitute.



Xie Jing in the room heard the sound.

She raised her head.

Open your mouth.

See Yang Xuan smiling.

Very happy kind.

The arrow is on the string!

Xie Jing screamed: "Don't come over, Yang Shijun, please, I have a husband, please let me go!"

Yang Xuan still didn't move. He folded his hands behind his chest and praised: "Good acting skills. Let me tell you, why don't you perform for your man when you have nothing to do at home?"

Xie Jing began to tear her clothes off.



After a while, a lively and fragrant half-fruit beauty appeared.

Yang Xuan praised: "You have a good figure!"


The door was knocked open.

A man stood outside the door, looked at Xie Jing and said angrily: "Madam, you are having an affair with someone!"

"Caught." The men outside were shouting.

Bang bang bang!

Yang Xuan clapped his hands and said, "Well done!"

The man just wanted to yell and scold...

Bang bang bang!

Applause came from under the bed, and then the old thief slowly crawled out.

Bang bang bang!

Applause came from above, and Mr. Wang let go of his hands and fell from the beam.

"These are accomplices, they are holding slaves!" Xie Jing cried.

"What about me?"

A person stood up behind the screen.

Jiang Cunzhong coughed dryly, "She is indeed stunning, Zitai. In fact, you can first..."

Another person stood up behind the screen, but it was Zhang Du.

Xie Jing's face turned pale, "You...you were actually prepared."

The man turned around and wanted to run away.

Wu Da led his guards to intercept and shouted: "Lang Jun, what should we do?"

"Get questioned!"

Yang Xuan sat down and waved.

Xie Jing walked over slowly, knelt down in front of his knees, raised her head, and breathed out, "Please forgive me, ah!"

"Why do you do such a thing?" Yang Xuan was a little puzzled, "No matter whether it succeeds or not, your reputation will be ruined. Why?"

Xie Jing lowered her head, "I owe you a gambling debt."

"Can't you afford it?"

"I can't afford it."

"Then why do this?"

"They gave me two choices, either to be the creditor's concubine, or to seduce the envoy."

Yang Xuan was a little puzzled, "Being the concubine of a creditor will not ruin your reputation. Come and seduce me. No matter what the consequences are, your reputation will be ruined... Who can tolerate a married woman hooking up with a man?"

"I can't, but he can." The man was brought in and knelt beside Xie Jing.

"He, can?" Yang Xuan couldn't understand.

Xie Jing nodded, "He said that it was true that he was an outlaw, but it was a lie that he was hooking up with you. He doesn't care about the slave's reputation, as long as he is by his side."

"Tsk, tsk!" This looks a bit like those TV guys in the scroll, crazy and silly... Yang Xuan's teeth were a little sour, "Then why did you agree?"

Xie Jing shed tears, "He was also a handsome young man back then, and I wanted to marry him all the time. I couldn't bear to see him killed by his creditors..."

Yang Xuan waved his hand and said, "Take it with you."

Xie Jing rushed over and said, "Please spare me..."

The old thief struck like lightning, grabbed her by the collar and dragged her out.

Xie Jing struggled and shouted: "Your Majesty, I know something..."

Yang Xuan said coldly: "Take it away!"

Jiang Cunzhong and Zhang Du served as witnesses and immediately went to see Huang Chunhui.

Yang Xuan yawned and said, "Bring that woman here."

Wu Da went out to ask questions and came back after a while.

He said with a strange expression: "Mr. Lang, please slow down."

"Speak nicely!" Yang Xuan scolded.

Uda said: "That woman is in a daze, her eyes are so calm and scary."

The weather was hot and the room was fine. Yang Xuan sat there and soon started to doze off.

Sleepy in spring, tired in autumn, and taking a nap in summer!

This is what Aning said.

"Your Majesty."

Yang Xuan opened his eyes amid the timid voice.

When Xie Jing saw him waking up, she knelt down.

"What's the matter?"

"I know who that person is."

"Torture can also reveal who he is."

The torture was going on next door, and the mouth was gagged at first. At this moment, whoever wanted to confess, pulled the cloth away.

"Yang Shijun, I am willing to give an explanation, I will give an explanation."

After a while, the couple knelt in front of Yang Xuan again.

"It's Taoxian County Wei Wangchu."

"Wang Chu opened a casino, and the villain lost everything there."

"Lost all?"

"Yes." The man glanced at Xie Jing, "Actually, the villain also lost the lady."

The man was ashamed, "If I hadn't lost you, how could I have let you do such a shameful thing? Madam, I'm sorry for you!"

Xie Jing's eyes were calm, "I already knew it."

"You know?"

The man was stunned, "Then you are still willing to come here."

"That time you were very drunk and said that the casino said I was stunning and wanted to take me away. However, the Tang Dynasty did not allow the buying and selling of girls from good families, so you discussed with the casino and planned to let me do this. Afterwards, your reputation was ruined.

, get me in again... after a few turns, I will naturally become a slave."

Xie Jing looked at him and smiled sweetly.

"If I don't come here, how can I send you and Wang Chu to prison?"

This chapter has been completed!
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