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Chapter 364 Changed

The Beiliao people were originally just a grassland tribe. During their long development, they have been living according to the customs of the nomadic people.

After unifying the grasslands, the Northern Liao Dynasty dominated the north, eyeing the Chen Kingdom.

Even in the later period of the Chen Kingdom, the envoys were still graceful and elegant, and their words and deeds made the Northern Liao monarchs and ministers feel ashamed.

Just like Liu Bang in another world, he felt that being an emperor was really meaningless at first, but after his subordinates compiled a set of etiquette for monarchs and ministers, the emperor's sense of nobility and superiority emerged spontaneously.

Hey! So it’s so cool to be an emperor?

After seeing the magnanimity of the officials in the Central Plains, the Northern Liao Emperor also felt that what he did as an emperor was meaningless, just like Liu Bang. He acted when he felt like it, and then the Northern Liao Emperor launched an activity to learn Chen culture with great fanfare.

At first, the ministers under my command felt awkward, saying that we had conquered the world by riding and shooting, so why should we learn the sour etiquette of Chen Guo?

Such remarks had the upper hand at the time, but they could not stop the emperor at that time who loved the culture and etiquette of the Central Plains so much that he forcibly promoted it.

So one by one, bow-legged, they began to learn etiquette, began to learn to speak, began to learn to walk, began to learn to match clothes...

Many people never understood that many years later, before his death, the emperor said: "My greatest achievement in this life is not to be an emperor, but to continue the rule of the Liao Dynasty for three hundred years."

The prince was confused and thought his father had become confused before he died.

The emperor took his hand and said: "You have to remember that conquering the country relies on bows and horses, but that cannot be done to conquer the country."

The prince was surprised, "Why?"

"The stability of a country never relies on swords and guns. The supremacy of swords and guns will only encourage the ambitions of those ministers... Whoever has a powerful army will be the emperor.

But the etiquette is different. Look at Chen Guo. Over the years, it has experienced the danger of overturning its country, but it has always turned danger into safety. Why do you think that is?"


"There is no destiny. Look at the set of rules of the Chen Kingdom. Morality and etiquette have set the rules for everyone. The emperor is the emperor, the emperor is heaven, and the ministers and the people of the world must regard the emperor as their god. As time goes by, this idea will take root. human heart.

When the country is about to overthrow, those ministers and the people will stand by the emperor and protect their gods... They take it for granted, and if they don't do it, it would be treason, do you understand?"

The prince suddenly realized, "It turns out that the most important thing about etiquette is to let everyone know their place."

The emperor died with a smile on his face.

Up to now, there is actually not much difference between the Northern Liao and the Tang Dynasty. The rules of the monarchs and ministers, cultural hobbies, and if they unified their clothes, it would be difficult to tell who is from the Tang Dynasty and who is from the Northern Liao.

This is the case in Changling. She wears a long skirt, and her hair shape and headdress are different from those of the noble ladies in Chang'an in terms of regulations. However, the makeup on her face is roughly the same.

"Li Xuan."


Changling asked: "Are you in a hurry for this shipment?"

Wang Laoer and the old thief stood beside the last carriage. Wang Laoer whispered: "What does she mean?"

"Look at those watery eyes, what do you mean? She's anxious." The old thief praised: "Lang Jun is indeed the most capable man among us."

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "It's okay to be in a hurry, and it's not a hurry to be in a hurry."

"Why do you say that?"

"Money is an external possession, just for making ends meet."

Money is something external to the body... Changling's eyes once again flashed with brilliance.

"It seems we need to buy some dry food?" Changling asked reservedly.

The guard remembered that he had just bought a lot of dry food, and said against his will: "I need to buy some dry food."

A few carts of dried meat are nothing to a team of more than a thousand people.

When settling the accounts, Yang Xuan insisted that only the cost price should be increased.

“The original price includes the cost of traveling all the way to Ningxing, so let’s reduce it by 30%!”

Changling had no interest in this kind of business, but after hearing this, he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

The female officer also murmured: "He is a gentleman."

After selling the dried meat, Yang Xuan handed it over and said, "Thank you princess, I will have to go back later and bring some back to Ningxing."

Wang Laoer asked: "Old thief, shouldn't we follow?"

The old thief said lazily: "This is called playing hard to get, second brother, you and your wife will have to use this method in the future, do you understand?"

Changling glanced at the female officer.

The female officer had already received the instruction and said with a straight face: "In that case, you can go along."

Yang Xuan was stunned, "Accompanying?"

Then they joined the convoy.


After Chen Qiu watched the whole process, his attendant said dissatisfiedly: "The princess is a little frivolous!"

Chen Qiu said calmly: "The most learned etiquette in Daliao Academy is rules, but people who set rules will not put a frame on their heads and use rules to embarrass themselves."

Rules have always been a tool used by superiors to control the world.

"Da Liao's rules are for people outside the royal family. How many troubles have been caused by the royal family in recent years..." Chen Qiu's eyes were slightly cold.

The royal family of the Tang Dynasty was not clean, and the royal family of the Liao Dynasty was not much better. Although there was no emperor crawling with ashes, the private lives of the royal family were chaotic for all to see.

The attendant said sadly and indignantly: "Could it be that the prince-in-law was killed like this..."

Chen Qiu smiled and said, "Look at the princes and princesses in Daliao. Except for a very few people, they are all doing their own thing."

You play with yours and I play with mine. We don’t interfere with each other, and we can even pimp each other.

Chen Qiu wandered to the back, and the two accompanying maids winked and got into the car.

The cart rocked slowly.

"We are all women, who can we sleep with?" Chen Qiu said with emotion in the car.

He suddenly stopped and tapped the jade stone a few times.

The entourage outside the carriage stepped forward and said, "Consort."

"Tell our people, after the businessman leaves the convoy... um!"

"When the villain finds out, he can just dig a hole and bury him after killing him."

"No, throw it into the manure pit."


Yang Xuan was left with Changling.

No, it's by the carriage.

But the car curtain was opened.

Chang Ling was sitting on the edge, with half of his body and face exposed in Yang Xuan's sight, turning his head to glance at him from time to time.

"Sir, what do you think of poetry?"

"Poetry is the voice of the heart, which comes naturally."

In the afternoon, everyone checked into the city.

Yang Xuan and the others live next door to the princess residence.

After dinner, Yang Xuan looked at Tu Shang.


The old thief felt relieved, "Lang Jun, when shall we take action?"

Tu Shang said: "If we start here, the accompanying Northern Liao army will follow and kill us. Where can we escape?"

Facing the pursuit of a thousand Liao troops, Tu Shang had to kneel down.

"The important thing is to find out their itinerary." Yang Xuan concluded.

"Tomorrow!" Tu Shang said, "Let's test it out tomorrow."

The old thief said: "Mr. Lang, you must be careful."

"I know."

Yang Xuan is getting ready to sleep.

Knock knock knock!

There was a knock on the door, and Wang Laoer went to open the door happily. When he saw the female official outside the door, he said, "Mr. Lang, someone is here with the princess."


Yang Xuan stood up and came over with a smile.

"The princess wants to go out for a walk and asks you to accompany her."

The female officer glanced at Yang Xuan.

What does this mean?

Later, Yang Xuan met Chang Ling in plain clothes outside his residence.

and several guards.

Fortunately, there are guards!

"The night is nice." Changling looked at the moonlight.

"Yes! The moonlight is like water." Yang Xuan said in a deep baritone voice.

"Sir, you are so talented, why don't you become an official?"

Changling put his hands behind his hands and turned sideways, looking at Yang Xuan delicately.

It's late at night, and you, a married woman, invite me out for a walk, and you ask me about my career, what does that mean?

Yang Xuan smiled slightly, "I originally thought about taking the imperial examination, but seeing what those scholars look like after they become officials, I have the intention of quitting."

"Why?" Changling took a step closer.

"Officialdom is good in many ways, but there is one bad thing..."

Yang Xuan noticed that Changling was very rude to his consort Chen Qiu, as if he was barking at his own dog.

Such a woman is arrogant and unruly. If she doesn't like you, she will kill her casually.

On the contrary, whatever you like will be whatever you say.

I have to take the risk and give it a try... Yang Xuan sighed: "An Neng is able to bend his eyebrows and bend his waist to serve the powerful, which makes me unhappy."

He stood with his hands behind his back.

Changling also stands with his hands behind his back.

He was half a head taller than Chang Ling, slightly overlooking Chang Ling.

Changling raised his head slightly and looked up at this gentleman.

"Sir... a great talent!"

Changling has been completely destroyed by these two sentences.

An Neng's humiliation makes me unhappy.

It's a good sentence if it comes out casually.

And the momentum is like a rainbow, full of contempt and disdain for the powerful.



Changling opened his mouth slightly, his eyes watery.

"We have to travel tomorrow, princess, come back!" Yang Xuan took a step back.

Several guards and a female officer were quite surprised.

It would be strange for others not to take the opportunity to show their favor to the princess when they have such an opportunity. But this Li Xuan was neither humble nor overbearing, and took the initiative to distance himself.

"Gentleman!" the female officer praised again.

Changling's face turned red, "This trip is just for fun, it can be fast or slow, long or short."

This is no longer certain.

Yang Xuan smiled and pointed to the sky, "Look at that, princess!"

Changling raised his eyes and looked at him.

"The bright moon is looming above the colorful clouds, and the colorful clouds are floating in the air, making people endlessly daydreaming."

Changling said casually: "Sir, do you have any poems?"

"I have two sentences."

Changling looked sideways, "Caiyun!"

"The bright moon was there at that time, and it illuminated the colorful clouds."

Changling approached him quietly, looked at his handsome face, and thought about these two lines of poetry, and became obsessed for a moment.

"The bright moon was there at that time, and it illuminated the colorful clouds."

That night, Changling could not sleep.

Over and over again, Yang Xuan's face and those few lines of poetry were seen.

Knock knock knock!

There was a knock on the door.

"Princess, my consort wishes to see you."

Changling turned over and said, "I fell asleep."

"The prince-in-law insists."

Changling sneered, "Change."

Several maids came in to dress her.

After a while, Chen Qiu came in.

He waved his hand.

No one moved.

Everyone looked at Changling.

"I just received a letter from home." Chen Qiu said coldly: "Princess Haojiao learned that the Chen family has been wronged."

Changling was startled and said calmly: "There is overwhelming evidence that Chen violated the law. Who can reverse the case?"

Her eyes suddenly turned cold, "Lin Ya!"

He Lianfeng just found a dog, who dares to snatch it?

Only Lin Ya and others!

Chen Qiu sneered, "Princess has been treating me like a dog these days, how are you doing today?"

Changling's hand moved, and he didn't know when the whip was in his hand.



Chen Qiu covered his face and slowly let go of his hand. The whip marks on his face gradually swelled.

Changling wanted to crack the whip, but Chen Qiu grabbed the whip. He raised the whip and wanted to lash it out several times, but finally held back.


Changling pointed to the door, "From today on, you are no longer my consort."

Lin Ya's dog is naturally not qualified to be her consort.

Chen Qiu smiled and said, "I really want to reconcile with you, but Princess Daliao has never had such a reconciliation. In this way, from now on, you will seek your pleasure and I will seek mine. If you want to raise a dog,

Then raise a few more, and then write poems praising the friendship between you and the dogs, Princess Daliao and dogs... Hahahaha! Humans and animals! Hahahaha!"

The door closes and the laughter goes away.

Changling sat beside the couch, his face changing.

The sound of horse hooves came suddenly.

"Is the princess here?"

The voice outside was a little urgent.

The guard replied: "Yes, but there is news about Ning Xing?"


The sound outside was very soft.

The female officer glanced at Chang Ling, and Chang Ling nodded.

"Come in."


The door was pushed open, and a waiter appeared outside.

In Ningxing City, the chamberlains in the palace often go out to do business, so it's not surprising to see him.

But this is the frontier.

When a chamberlain appears on the border, he represents the emperor.

The chamberlain glanced at Chang Ling with some pity.

This stung Changling's eyes, and she said coldly: "But Chen became Lin Ya's dog?"

The chamberlain was shocked, "The princess actually knew about it?"

Changling sighed, "Chen Qiu has already received the news before. Go back and tell Aye that I am fine, but Lin Ya and others can deliver the news faster than the palace, so be careful about this."

The waiter's expression changed dramatically.

The female officer bowed her head.

She knew that this chamberlain was finished.

The emperor's loyal dog was lost and lost again, which was a heavy blow. At this time, how should the emperor vent his anger?

There is no doubt that being around people is the best choice.

The so-called accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger, except that it is difficult to figure out the emperor's thoughts, that's what it means.

The chamberlain looked pleading and wanted to ask Changling to intercede, but he soon realized that this was wishful thinking.

He smiled and said: "Yes."

Many times, after your destiny is determined, you don't want to fight because the gods above you don't take your destiny seriously at all.

The change in your destiny is just a small emotion from the gods.

If you accept your fate, it won't bring harm to your family.

If you fight, the whole family will be in trouble.

The chamberlain said: "Your Majesty said, let the princess turn back."

Now that Mrs. Chen has become someone else's dog, it will become a joke if she continues to patrol.

Changling nodded, "I understand."

After the chamberlain left, the female officer said sadly: "Princess, poor princess!"

The prince-in-law turned from a licker to a rival, and the two could not be separated.

Changling has become a joke.

That night, Changling slept in a daze, always dreaming.

When she got up in the early morning, she asked out of habit: "Where is the consort?"

Along the way, Chen Qiu would appear outside the door every morning, flattering her and saying things that made her sick.

"Princess..." The female officer looked at her sadly.

"Oh! I understand." Chang Ling then remembered that Chen Qiu had changed from his own dog to Lin Ya's dog.

But why do I feel so lost?

The licking dog is gone.

No one licked it.

My heart is unbalanced.

She walked to the window and watched Yang Xuan and the others loading the car.

Perhaps sensing her gaze, Yang Xuan raised his head and looked over.

Eyes facing each other.

Yang Xuan smiled slightly.

Turning his eyes, Changling saw Chen Qiu, who was walking toward Yang Xuan with a group of followers and a ferocious smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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