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Chapter 369

In the tent, Yang Xuan and Chang Ling were sitting on their knees facing each other.

Very silent.

"Princess, would you like a handkerchief?"

After hearing this, Changling said quietly: "I'm telling you a joke."

"It's okay, there are jokes like this everywhere." Yang Xuan thought of the Pseudo-Emperor, which was also a joke, a black one.

"I am not born of the Queen."

Yang Xuan was startled, thinking that if Changling was not the daughter of the empress, He Lianhong would not have come!

Changling hugged his knees with his hands and rested his chin on his knees, with more memories in his eyes.

"Not long after Aye ascended the throne, he was having a banquet with the concubines in the palace. Someone suddenly jumped up and assassinated Aye. Aniang was at the side and blocked him..."

Yang Xuan: "The succession of emperors in the Tang Dynasty was not peaceful. I didn't expect that the Northern Liao Dynasty was not bad either."

"Aye asked Aniang if he had any unfulfilled wishes, and he always agreed. Aniang was speechless at that time and just looked at me..."

"Changling is the name of the imperial mausoleum of Emperor Taizu, the founder of the Liao Dynasty. Aye used Changling as my title to tell my mother and the world that no matter how the current situation changes, my status is as unshakable as Changling."


No wonder!

Yang Xuan felt that Changling's title was a bit weird from the beginning. Now he finally understood it, but he still felt that it was too outrageous to title a princess after the mausoleum.

"My marriage partner Aye also thought about it carefully and once said that he would find me a man with a lot of knowledge. Then he asked Aunt Hong to check out the young men he was interested in. But Aunt Hong said that the better the reputation of a gentleman, the filthier he is inside.

After checking, it turned out to be true."

"Whatever is missing, put it in." Yang Xuan said.

"Sometimes you look like an eighty-year-old man." Changling smiled mischievously, "Ah Ye thought about it for a long time, and finally found me. He said, Changling! Ah Ye's hair has turned gray, but I still can't find one for you.

The man who will love you forever."

Yang Xuan felt that He Lianfeng was crazy.

"In this case, Aye thought, how about letting you live a happy life." Changling imitated He Lianfeng's tone, "Later, he chose Chen Qiu and said that Chen is Aye's dog, so

Of course, Chen Qiu is also your dog. You can deal with your dog how you want, or ignore it. In this way, you will have no worries about anything you want to do in your life."

These are father's love... Yang Xuan tasted it and said, "He gave you freedom."

"Freedom, this word is used well." Changling smiled, "My identity is such that no matter who I choose to be my consort, the relationship between them will not be a simple love between a man and a woman, so I agree with Aye's decision.

, so I and Chen Qiu..."

"On our wedding night, when I looked at him, I thought of a dog. You can't imagine sleeping with a dog, can you?"

Yang Xuan shook his head, thinking that this was the end of a licking dog.

"So I kicked him out."

Changling smiled and said, "Speaking of which, you are the first man I have slept with in my life."

"Ahem!" Boss Yang coughed a few times uncomfortably, "Go to sleep!"

Chen Qiu's voice came from outside.

With a sob.

"Princess, Mrs. Chen is not honest, but I don't agree with taking refuge in Lin Ya. I am loyal to the princess!"

"I've been riding in front of and behind the horse all the way, for fear that the princess will be unhappy."

"Is the princess angry about the relationship between me and those bitches? I will have them killed when I turn around."

Chen Qiu took several concubines with him. He couldn't sleep with the princess along the way, so he had to sleep with them.

"This man is shameless!" Changling lay beside Yang Xuan and said softly: "I am extremely grateful to Aye for his decision at this moment."

"Then let's find a new consort!"

"It depends on what Aye means. When Aunt Hong comes, she will definitely bring Aye's decision."

"Chen Qiu!" He Lianhong's voice came from outside.

"Great Commander."

"Your Majesty is deeply disgusted by Chen's repeated behavior."

"I belong to the princess, life or death. Chen will have nothing to do with me from now on."

This man is really shameless!

Yang Xuan put his hands on the back of his head, feeling that the world was so vast and full of wonders.

"Want to be a princess?"

Helian Hong's voice was filled with sarcasm.

Chen Qiunai is a good observer of words and expressions, "No, the villain is the princess's dog."

The Chen family sought refuge with the emperor, and later obtained the position of consort, which was considered a deep connection with the Holy Family. However, she did not expect that the Chen family would change hands and take another leap, turning to Lin Ya and others.

This was a great shame and humiliation for the emperor. If the Chen family were not dealt with, He Lianfeng would probably vomit three liters of blood.

Chen Qiu knew that his family could not be saved.

The only thing he could do was to leave an incense for Mrs. Chen.

Descendants continue.

"There are many dogs around the princess." Helian Hong said lightly: "What can you do?"

"The little man is willing to lead the princess's horse."

"That's fine."

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief."

"Do you remember what the people around the princess are like?"


"That's good, someone is here."

Two Eagle Guards came over and said, "Commander."

In the tent.

Yang Xuan asked in a low voice: "What are you doing? Hey! Who are you around?"


"Also, chambermaid."


"Cast him!"

When he woke up the next day, Yang Xuan didn't see Chen Qiu.

A choked moan of pain came from a carriage.

"Your consort has since become a chamberlain."

"If he hadn't been the consort, he would have died this time." Changling walked out.

Helian Hong stood quietly facing the other party.

The sound of breathing was like thunder.

What level is this?

Yang Xuan glanced at Tu Chang.

The old man ignored him.

After breakfast, we continued on our way.

Went for another two days.

More than ten miles ahead is the territory of Datang.

"It's almost done." Yang Xuan turned around and looked at Changling.

"Don't go there any longer?" Changling whispered.

He Lianhong and others were not far behind.

An Eagle Guard walked over and said, "Let me go now and let you escape far away!"

Yang Xuan turned around and held up his hands, "This journey has made the princess tired. I'll see you later."

Changling nodded, then raised his head slightly and said proudly:

The voice is very soft.

"Take care along the way."

Yang Xuan nodded, "So do you."

Yang Xuan and four others mounted their horses.

Changling is back.

The only ones following now were He Lianhong and the Thirty Eagle Guards.

He Lianhong asked: "Who are you?"

Yang Xuan smiled but did not answer.

"Don't tell?"

Helian Hong also smiled, very coldly.

When she saw Chang Ling slowly approaching, she ordered: "Send a horse over!"

Tu Shang was holding a spear in his hand, not far away.

From He Lianyu's words, He Lianhong learned that Tu Chang was cultivating for gain, so he did not dare to take risks.

Someone took a good horse and gave it a slap on the butt.

The horse neighed and raised its hooves backwards.


The flattering Eagle Guard stretched out his hand to block and took two steps back.


Helian Hong scolded.

The horse headed towards Changling.


He raised his front hooves, ready to step on them.

Yang Xuan was shocked. He was about to take the bow and arrow, but he saw He Lianhong just looking at him coldly.

What does this mean?

Changling said that she liked Helian Hong and affectionately called her Aunt Hong, which shows that the relationship between the two is good.

Then why didn't He Lianhong come to the rescue?

Could it be that something has changed in Ningxing?

For example, He Lianfeng felt that this daughter's life was meaningless, so he might as well kill her.

Just like Li Mi killed his grandson, King Guangling.

Just as he was about to move, he saw Chang Ling turning sideways lightly.

The horse's hooves hit the ground and was about to stand up again.

Changling pressed one hand on its neck.

The horse neighed and roared, but it could not break away from Changling's suppression.

This... Changling actually has some cultivation!

Changling jumped onto the horse's back lightly.

He smiled slightly at Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan "..."

Old thief: "Lang Jun, it's so dangerous these days!"

"I am feeding the tiger with my body." Yang Xuan felt that he had narrowly escaped death.

He and Chang Ling were living together these days. No matter how alert he was, there was no way he could guard against thieves for a thousand days. Moreover, the two of them were lying side by side. If Chang Ling wanted to take action, how could he defend himself?

But these days he has never felt any hostility from Chang Ling, so this is also the reason why he can relax.


Yang Xuan felt that he might never be able to read the book about women in his life.

Changling got on his horse and rode away.

He Lianhong sneered, "Send the signal!"

call out!

A loud arrow flew into the sky.

Changling was stunned, "Aunt Hong, are you going to regret it?"

He Lianhong glanced at her and said, "How dare you kidnap you and expect to go back safely? As early as the day before yesterday, I ordered He Lianyu to follow with a small group of elites, waiting for today's attack."

"Aunt Hong!" Changling wanted to dissuade him, but found that he had no position.

He Lianhong said: "Chang Ling, if word gets out that you are sleeping with a thief these days, it will not only be difficult for you to be a good person, but it will ultimately bring disgrace to your face. In this way, kill these people and everything will be over."

He Lianhong pulled out his long knife, "That old man is my opponent, kill the other three!"

She flew away.

On the left, hundreds of elite cavalry rushed out.

There were too many men and horses, and he was worried that Yang Xuan and others would notice, so He Lianyu carefully prepared hundreds of elites, just waiting to avenge his shame now.

"No one will be spared!" He Lianyu ordered: "Especially that young man, he will be hacked to death and he will not be allowed to talk nonsense!"

Changling's reputation must be preserved.

Hundreds of riders accelerated their horses, and the pent-up frustrations of the past few days were released at this moment, and everyone cheered.

"Run quickly!" Deng Yan galloped off and ran for a while. When he turned around, he saw that Yang Xuan and others had not moved.

"Tu Gong, give this commander a try." Yang Xuan pointed at He Lianhong who flew towards him.

With the spear waving, Tu Shang came over to greet him.

Clang clang clang!

The two of them fought together, Tu Shang was a master of spear skills, and He Lian was a proficient swordsman.

Seeing that Yang Xuan didn't run away, Changling couldn't help but grit his teeth secretly, "What are you waiting for?"


The old thief took out his horn and blew it hard.


Not far away, a horn sounded.

The sound of horse hooves rumbled.

A big flag caught everyone's eyes first.

"It's Liu Ziqi!"

An Eagle Guard shouted.


He Lianhong was shot away and glanced ahead in mid-air.

"Liu Qing!"

Under the banner, Liu Sima said calmly: "Kill over!"

The two thousand cavalry were divided into two groups. One group faced He Lianyu's troops, and the other group rushed to Yang Xuan's side.

Thirty Eagle Guards have arrived.

Yang Xuan drew his sword and charged towards the old thief.

He Lianhong's body turned quickly, from rushing towards Tu Shang to towards Yang Xuan.

Only by killing this man can Changling's reputation be restored.

The spear appeared in front of her again.

"Old dog!"

Helian Hong brandished his sword.

"Aunt Hong, come back!" Changling shouted.

He Lianhong glanced at Yang Xuan hatefully, "Withdraw!"


She fought hard against Tu Chang.

Tu Shang did not retreat.

He Lianhong turned over and passed by, reaching Changling's side, and then the Eagle Guards withdrew.

On the opposite side, Yang Xuan and others did not pursue them.

He Lianyu's side had already begun to turn, heading this way.

The two sides keep getting closer.

Liu Qing arrived.

"Liu Sima!"

Deng Yan had never met Liu Qing, but he knew about the personnel changes in Northern Xinjiang. He handed over his hands and said: "It turns out that Liu Sima is in charge of this matter. Thank you very much."

Liu Qing didn't look at him and asked Yang Xuan, "How is it?"

"It's okay." Yang Xuan rode over, "I've been dealing with them for several days, and there were no surprises."

"You shouldn't be like this!" Liu Qing shook his head slightly, then smiled at Deng Yan, "Mr. Deng has suffered."

Deng Yan pointed at Yang Xuan and asked, "But Liu Sima's subordinate? This person was quite rude to me all the way."

On the road, Deng Yan was domineering for a while, was suppressed, and then stopped, and he cooperated with Yang Xuan's arrangements.

But now Deng Yan turned against him and complained, which reminded Yang Xuan of his days in the East Palace.

When you are under the roof of others, you must understand the principles of dormancy, learn to flatter others, and learn to please others. Even if the other party humiliates you or suppresses you, you must accept it.

This is not cowardice, but waiting for the opportunity.

Now Deng Yan feels that the time has come.

They are just a few good players, would Liu Qing still fall out with me because of them?

He smiled, preparing to wait for Liu Qing to scold him and say a few nice words. In this way, hitting him with a stick and giving him a few dates could be regarded as revisiting the official methods of the past.

Thinking of officialdom's methods, he couldn't help but feel nostalgic for Chang'an.

High-ranking officials at the level of minister are almost always tenured. However, he suddenly fell ill and was treated in Chang'an for three months without improvement. In order to be buried in his hometown, he returned to the official position.

But I didn't expect that within half a month after returning to my hometown, my condition would be cured inexplicably.

He also wrote to Chang'an, thinking of his recovery.

But Yang Songcheng declined the letter.

Although he didn't say the reason, Deng Yan knew that it was because he was getting older and the state leader felt that it was not worthwhile to plan a new position for him.

This is officialdom.

When people leave, the tea is cool.

But at least his prestige is still there, he is like a local snake in his hometown, and he lives a quite happy life.

Liu Qing looked at him.

"He has the qualifications!"

Deng Yan: "..."

"Langjun!" Wang Laoer came over and handed over a pack of dried meat, "Sima gave it to me."

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "You have eaten enough during this journey."

Deng Yan was annoyed, so he quietly retreated to the back, looked for a sergeant and asked, "Who is that young man?"

The sergeant said: "Shijun Yang."

"Yang Xuan?"

Deng Yan's body was shaken and he felt very annoyed.

According to the rules of Chang'an officialdom, the most risky things are done by the officials below. Deng Yan relied on himself and others, thinking that those who could take risks to rescue him must be the lower-level officers and soldiers.

But I didn't expect it to be Yang Xuan.

Why did I offend him?

But he immediately thought that Yang Xuan was the concubine, that is, the father-in-law's enemy.

But it is said that this man married a daughter of the Zhou family. So, where is he from now?

After people have been away from officialdom for a long time, they get less information.

Deng Yan regretted his youth.

He Lianyu felt something was wrong.

"Commander, judging from the way the young man talked to Liu Qing, his identity should be quite complicated."

He Lianhong glanced at Changling.

Changling shouted: "Hey!"

Yang Xuan turned around, "What?"

Changling asked: "Who are you?"

Yang Xuan smiled but did not answer, and rode his horse in front of a thousand Chenzhou troops.

Thousands of people chanted.

"I've seen the envoy!"

This chapter has been completed!
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