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Chapter 375 Follow the old man to kill a few chickens

"He's dead."

Liao Jin looked strange when he said this.

It seems to be contempt, but also seems to be annoyance.

"No way!"

Yang Xuan thought about it for a moment.

After entering Northern Xinjiang, Deng Yan transformed. He boasted about how great his network of contacts in Chang'an was, how many powerful and senior officials he knew, how he could gather huge energy with just a shout, and so on.

Be careful when bragging in official circles. It's okay for low-level officials to brag, and it's okay to act like a market woman.

But when you reach the rank of minister, such unscrupulous bragging seems a bit mindless.

Even if you are a minister who has become an official, you should continue the rules of officialdom and be cautious in your words and deeds.

When he was in the Liao Kingdom, Deng Yan calmed down after suffering a loss and became as quiet as a quail.

But when he arrived in northern Xinjiang, this man turned into a parrot.

Of course, the elderly will have many worries after they retire.

Former high-ranking officials have long been accustomed to days when the stars are shining over the moon. Every word and deed is answered respectfully and even praised.

Once you become an official, these days are gone. No matter what you say, the only ones who praise and praise you are the servants at home. Even the old wife, children and grandchildren have no interest in getting involved.

This gap is so huge that many officials after taking office have become Xianglin's wives, boasting and nagging endlessly.

This has nothing to do with character.

It just has to do with human nature.

Liao Jin entered the city side by side with him.

"How did he die?" Yang Xuan asked.

"Said he died of fright."

"His courage... shouldn't be so small, right?"

What Deng Yan has been through these days is not easy. He could withstand it when he was robbed by the Bei Liao people, and he could also withstand it when he entered the prison of Bei Liao. It's not like that!

"You can't be a high-ranking official if you are timid." Liao Jin said leisurely: "This matter is very ridiculous."

Ridiculous...could it be that Old Huang Leiting was furious and wanted to deal with Deng Yan?

The two arrived at Zhoushe and immediately entered Yang Xuan's room.

The officials watched them go in and dispersed somewhat angrily.

At this time, if Yang Xuan turns around and finds: Hey! Then who is it, come in.

Whoever can get in will be the most handsome boy in Chenzhou.

The future is promising.

But Yang Xuan did not wave, but instead ordered: "Watch your surroundings."


Liao Jin sat down, and after someone served him tea, the surroundings gradually became quiet.

Liao Jin was holding a hot tea cup with a calm expression.

With a strong cultivation base, you are naturally not afraid of such temperatures.

But is it interesting to use your cultivation in such a place?

Yang Xuan tried it and found that he could carry it too.

It seems that your cultivation has improved a lot!

Liao Jin put down his tea cup and said, "After Deng Yan was taken away, the Deng family went back. Then they wrote letters everywhere asking for help, and the most letters were to Chang'an."

The purpose of the Deng family's letter to Chang'an is self-evident...to ask for help from Yang Songcheng and others. In the process, they will inevitably vent their anger on Northern Xinjiang and attack Northern Xinjiang officials and the army with added jealousy.

But what should I say?

Yang Xuan glanced at Liao Jin. Deputy Liao looked calm, as if he was content.

The old ghost can't see emotions!

"This is eating the inside out!"

Since Liao Jin regards himself as the future military governor, the Deng family's behavior is a typical example of cheating.

According to the rules of the officialdom, if there is an internal problem, it should be solved internally, unless it cannot be solved, and if it is necessary to ask for help, or if it is necessary to fall out, then it will be done.

Liao Jin said calmly: "After Deng Yan was robbed, my husband immediately ordered the marching commander Liu Qing and you to go to the Northern Liao territory to rescue him. This trip was dangerous, but you two did not look back. The morale of the soldiers was high, so we just

I want to avenge my shame..."

When something goes wrong, the official's immediate stance is very important.


is very important!

The first gesture will send a signal to the outside world.

Northern Xinjiang attaches great importance to this matter, which can be seen from the personnel who arranged the rescue.

When a former minister of household affairs was robbed, Beijiang sent two big guys to rescue him. Was he decisive?

Is it interesting enough?

If this matter is thrown out, no one can find fault with it.

"What a man! He just likes to find faults in eggs." Deputy Ambassador Liao seemed to be ridiculing, "The Deng family is jumping up and down, lest the world will not be in chaos."


The fact that this comment was used shows Huang Chunhui and Liao Jin's anger at the Deng family's reaction afterwards.

The matter was blown up and Chang'an knew about it.

The former minister of household affairs was sitting at home, but the officials in northern Xinjiang were slack and the army in northern Xinjiang was incompetent, so that the Liao army sneaked in and kidnapped Deng Yan.

What a slap in the face!

The old faces of Huang Chunhui and Liao Jin feel very uncomfortable these days.

"A few people came quickly from Chang'an. They were very proud and arrogant." Liao Jin's eyes were slightly cold. Yang Xuan felt that those clowns would probably do it if they knew what Deputy Ambassador Liao had done. Find a place to squat and draw circles.

"The family members felt that they had help, and became more and more proud, causing a lot of trouble. However, they accidentally let a thief into their home."

Thief...what does this mean?

Yang Xuan felt that Liao Jin was setting up a dragon's gate formation with him, pointing east and west, leaving him confused.

"The thief entered Deng's house, and the family was gathering together to discuss how to put pressure on Taoxian County. The thief was left unattended, so he rummaged through his back house..."

"The thief is also very lucky." Yang Xuan smiled and then agreed.

He was a little distracted, wondering if Yang Songcheng would take advantage of the situation to get angry.

"The thief searched many places and found a huge amount of property..."

Yang Xuan was startled, "This..."

"The thief took a lot of money and ran away, but when he returned home, he was worried that the Deng family would pursue him... It happened that some more people came from Chang'an, and the thief became more and more worried, so..."

"The thief came to Taoxian County and surrendered."

Damn it!

This case can be said to be full of twists and turns!

"This can be regarded as a thief's right." Yang Xuan felt that this was very satisfying.

"The Deng family reported the case." Liao Jin smiled easily, "They said they lost two jade pendants."

"But...the thief took more than ten pieces of jade pendants and more than ten pieces of gold."

This case... Yang Xuan's scalp went numb, "Deputy envoy, is the Deng family well-educated in making money?"

"That's a good question." Liao Jin nodded appreciatively, "Deng Yan has been working as an official outside and has no business at home, so he relies on the fields. The Deng family has a lot of fields, but if he wants to accumulate such a huge sum, Fu, do you think... it's possible?"

Yang Xuan shook his head, "No."

Farming means looking at the sky to eat, and the income is limited. The only advantage is that it can continue indefinitely.

"After the incident, local officials prepared to enter the Deng family to investigate, but were turned away. Today, the Deng family is still closed to the public. Why do you think it is?"

Need to ask?

Yang Xuan sighed: "People's hearts are greedy."

"Yes!" Liao Jin said with a smile: "After Deng Yan came back, he first came to Taoxian County to thank the husband. When the husband told the matter, Deng Yan looked as usual and died in his residence that night."

Could it be homicide?

Yang Xuan thought it was impossible.

After this incident happened, Deng Yan's reputation was tarnished and it was difficult to do anything.

Who would be so stupid as to kill him at this time?

Commit suicide!

Yang Xuan raised his head and said, "Kill yourself out of fear of crime!"

Liao Jin nodded, "If you can think of this, I didn't come to you in vain."

What's the meaning?

Yang Xuan was puzzled.


This voice is very kind.

But Yang Xuan thought of the group of noble disciples in Chang'an, and immediately cheered up, "Here."

Bow slightly.

"There is no need for this." Deputy Ambassador Liao smiled warmly: "Do you know how powerful Northern Xinjiang is?"

Yang Xuan shook his head, "I know a little, but not much."


Of course he knows.

The so-called tyrants are local forces, which in another world are called local tyrants.

"Local powerful people occupy a lot of land and people, but they don't pay taxes."

"These local powerful people will recruit connections. From prefectures and counties to Taoxian and Chang'an, their connections are everywhere. And if you want to hook up with Chang'an, you must be introduced by someone. As a result, high-ranking officials have become the targets of their flattery.


Liao Jin looked at him and said, "Tell me."

Yang Xuan thought for a while and said, "When a high-ranking official returns home, his power is gone, he is lonely, empty and cold..."

This word is a little bit wolfish!

Yang Xuan regretted a little and was about to turn around and shut down Suzaku for a long time.

"Lonely, empty and cold? This is quite appropriate." Liao Jin liked this word very much.

"When local gentry comes close to them, they offer benefits and warmth. What can high-ranking officials think about after taking office? The lower officials think that firstly, they want to not be lonely and have someone to flatter them. Secondly, and most importantly, they plan for their children and grandchildren and the future of their family.


No matter how awesome you are as a high-ranking official, you will die and your influence will no longer exist.

"While you are still alive and your influence is still there, hurry up and seek benefits for your family and your children and grandchildren."

Liao Jin smiled and said: "Some people say that you are young and serving as governor is a bit of a joke. These words will slap those people in the face."

His face turned cold, "We need to investigate whether those properties were brought back by Deng Yan in Chang'an or sent by local gentry!"

This is a hornet's nest!

Yang Xuan felt that Lao Liao was very courageous.

"Deputy envoy, please be cautious in this matter..." Yang Xuan showed some kindness.

Liao Jin looked at him and said, "I heard that Chenzhou's industries are booming, so I wanted to come and take a look."

The topic changed so quickly that Yang Xuan didn't even catch up, so he calmed down and said, "It's been a hard journey, deputy envoy, why don't you rest first and go on inspection tomorrow?"

Liao Jin said with a smile: "If someone else said this, I would think that he was trying to prevaricate me. One night is enough to create the illusion of peace and prosperity. But you don't need to do that. However, let's go and have a look now."


After leaving the state gate, Liao Jin pointed to the stall opposite and asked: "I have traveled a lot, but I have never seen anyone setting up a stall opposite the government office, which is detrimental to the majesty!"

Yang Xuan said: "That is a grassland businessman. Originally, the three major ministries joined forces to cut off trade with Chenzhou, but he went to Lin'an with his whole family without hesitation. After selling all the goods, he was desperate and refused to go back, even if he was working as a coolie.

Stay here."

"Oh! Such loyal people want to set an example."

Although he agreed, Liao Jin obviously felt that Yang Xuan's move was a bit excessive.

The accompanying officials spoke in low voices.

"Even if you want a reward, just set up a stall somewhere else. Why bother standing in front of the state house and be embarrassed?"

"Yes! It's detrimental to dignity."

"What do you do as an official? Isn't it just majesty?"

Just as everyone was muttering, a burst of shouting broke out from the opposite side.


Everyone slowly looked around and saw a girl spinning on a wooden pole, spinning faster and faster.

A group of people gathered around and cheered loudly.

Liao Jin's eyelids twitched, "Is this... a juggling act?"


"Also across from Zhouse?"

"Diagonally opposite." Yang Xuan corrected, "Besides, it's lively."

Quietness is required around government offices, and some even deliberately set rules around government offices not to make loud noises. Walking around such government offices, you will feel as if you have entered a cemetery.

"You, the governor, are quite different."

Deputy Liao ended those mutterings with these words.

Along the way, we saw prosperous commerce and people living and working in peace and contentment.

"It's rare for those foreign merchants to be so harmonious with the people of the Tang Dynasty." Liao Jin sighed with emotion.

"There's a thief!"

A thin man jumped out from the crowd and ran this way as fast as he could.

This idiot!

The accompanying sergeant sneered and prepared to take someone!

An old man seemed to be trying to avoid him in panic, but he quietly stretched his legs.

A grassland businessman seemed ready to leave because it had nothing to do with him, but he crossed his arms.


The upper part locks the throat, and the lower part sweeps the legs.

The thief did a backflip and fell heavily.

The old man and the prairie businessman gave each other a hand.

"Good skills."

“Good acting.”

The old man performed the panic beautifully.

"You're welcome!"

The two smiled at each other.

"The folk customs are simple and honest!" Liao Jin couldn't help but praise.

The old man turned around and saw Yang Xuan, and quickly saluted, "I have met the envoy."

Yang Xuan nodded, "Yue Er! Why aren't you doing business?"

Yue Er said: "The villain asked Erlang to look at the stall and come out for a walk."

After Yue Er left, Liao Jin asked, "What does that man do just now?"


Yang Xuan said: "It turned out to be a criminal from Taiping."

"What was committed?"

Yang Xuan: "Cheating."

Liao Jin coughed dryly.

Behind me, someone murmured, "The folk customs are indeed simple and honest."

After an inspection, Deputy Ambassador Liao even had a friendly chat with the merchants.

"What do you think of Chenzhou?"


"How good?"

"Yang Shijun treats everyone equally, and the officials treat us well and never discriminate against us because of our status. We are more comfortable in Chenzhou than we are in the tribe."

"You feel right at home." Liao Jin glanced at Yang Xuan.

Although there is less discrimination against businessmen now, there is no preferential treatment.

Chen Zhou's attitude towards businessmen was a breakthrough.

After passing here, Liao Jin asked: "What do you think about doing this to a businessman?"

Yang Xuan said: "You can't be rich without business, but businessmen forget their loyalty when they see profits, so the lower officials believe that they should create an environment conducive to business, but they should be wary of businessmen involved in politics. If they show up, they will be severely beaten and killed to serve as a warning to others."

Businessmen will treat politics as business, treat the people as their employees, and treat the country as their shops. Everything will be done for their own interests.

"That's good." Deputy Liao nodded, "Businessmen are so unscrupulous in their pursuit of profit, are there any officials? I think there are, and there are quite a few."

This is a pretext.

What did Lao Liao want to do today when he was surrounded by clouds and mountains?

Yang Xuan couldn't understand it.

"If officials want to pursue profits, they need someone to flatter them, and local powerful people are their natural partners."

Here comes the word!

Yang Xuan smiled.

"There are many powerful people in northern Xinjiang. In recent years, they have harmed the local area. They have even colluded with officials and ruined the government... For this reason, I want to find some chickens."

"What the deputy means...to kill the chicken to scare the monkey?"

"Yes. You have made a great contribution this time. I am thinking about how to reward you."

Then give me power and money!

Yang Xuan calmed down and said, "What a lower official should do."

"I want to give you money, and you're not bad at it."


Much worse!

Yang Xuan's heart was full of bitterness.

"It's still early to get promoted."

This one is.

"After much thought..." Liao Jin looked at him.

"Why don't you follow me and kill some chickens?"

This chapter has been completed!
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