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Chapter 421

"The Tang army has divided its forces."

The scout immediately conveyed the news to Lin Sha.

At this moment, two thousand riders were resting behind Lin Sha.

"How many?"

"Five hundred horses are heading towards Lin'an."

"Who is the leader?"

"It seems his surname is Jia."

"How come I haven't heard of it?" Lin Sha, a well-known general in Chenzhou, knew about it, but Jia knew nothing about it.

"She looks a little old, and a little... wretched."

"Is there no one available?" Lin Sha said with a smile: "Our army is attacking everywhere, and Yang Gou has no choice but to divide his troops everywhere. In this way, there will be no one available under his command."

He turned around and said, "This is an opportunity. Tell them that if they find an opportunity, they must attack decisively and ambush this Tang army to gain the upper hand!"


This is the first time the old thief has taken the lead.

The accompanying soldiers saw him flipping through the pamphlets and muttering about the art of war, and couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

"Isn't this unreliable?"

"Is there no one available for your Majesty?"

"Everyone has been sent out."

"Hey! Look, he's still reciting the art of war."

"I'll go listen."

"What is he reciting..."

Everyone smiled bitterly.

He didn't know that he had become Liao Hua's old thief in the eyes of his subordinates, so he felt a little uneasy at the moment.

He was considered a veteran around Yang Xuan, so Yang Xuan did not avoid him when dealing with anything, so he was able to learn a lot from him.

But learning is one thing, actual combat is another.

In the team, team leader Pan Sheng was in great pain.

As his deputy, he will assist the old thief. But from the beginning, the old thief did not give him a chance to say anything.

"Enemy scout found!"

Someone from the front shouted loudly.

Pan Zheng finally found a chance to speak, "Expulsion."

"If we are expelled, won't others come?" The old thief pointed to the right.

There are enemy scouts there as well.

"Driving us away will only make us exhausted... If we can succeed, that's all. I think there is no chance, so keep moving forward."

The old thief is very calm.

As a result, the Tang army was like an actor on a stage, allowing the enemy scouts to watch and observe.

Come on!


I'm already lying down, what are you waiting for?

The enemy hesitated.

"She seems very confident!"

"Yes! It looks calm and unhurried."

"Do you want to attack?"

Everyone was silent.

After a long time, the general leading the team said: "Let's see again."

"But it's not far from here to Lin'an. Once we enter Lin'an, the Tang army may come to our aid at any time."

"Don't worry, just keep an eye on them."

The five hundred Tang troops were marching like a parade, while the enemy scouts were like a pack of wolves. They stayed far away at first, but later on when the Tang troops were not driven away, they became more and more courageous, and the closest one dared to be fifty steps away.

Look at.

"Damn it! You can even see the hair on your nose." A sergeant of the Tang Army scolded: "At least get someone!"

Pan Sheng also felt the same way, "We have to teach them a lesson."

"What happens after we've learned a lesson?" the old thief said, "the enemy will still continue to stare at us."

"But morale..."

"They all kill people often, and their skills are good. Once they meet the enemy, their morale will rise." The old thief said earnestly: "When you kill someone, you still have to look at your skills. Morale is just a auxiliary."

The corner of Pan Sheng's mouth twitched, "Yes."

Which art of war is this? It’s really confusing.

In the afternoon, the enemy scouts became more and more bold, approaching the Tang army from time to time, shouting and cursing loudly.

This is a means of demoralizing the enemy.

It's like scolding a city - the defenders are holding on to the city, and the enemy is besieging the city. The cost of attacking the city is too high, so they want to use scolding and humiliation to stimulate the defenders to attack.

What Ganni, your whole family is sissies, your ancestors' coffin board can't hold it down, and other filthy words are endless.

Tang Jun was also numb.

If you scold them, just scold them!

Pan Sheng couldn't bear it anymore and suggested again, "How about getting a guy?"

"Did they ever hold bows and arrows?" asked the old thief.

Pan Sheng shook his head.

The enemy scouts are very smart, but they are all empty-handed.

Didn't even pull out the knife.

"It means they are also afraid of us taking action."


"Let brothers be patient for a little longer."

Pan Sheng's eyes almost wanted to burst into flames.

But there is a difference between the top and the bottom, and the old thief is Lord Shijun's confidant, so he turned around, took a deep breath, and said, "Be patient."

"Tang Jun didn't respond."

The enemy general scratched his head, "What does this mean? Are you trying to deceive us?"

"Could it be that Yang Gou has limited the time and will be severely punished if it's too late?" One person put forward a hypothesis.

"Hey! That's right! Lin'an is the most blessed place in Chenzhou. If we ruin the spring plowing, there will be a famine in Chenzhou this year!"

The enemy general pondered for a long time, "Yes! Otherwise, why would the Tang army concentrate on their journey and ignore the provocation?"

"In the past, let alone provocation, as long as they were within sight, the Tang army would drive them away frantically. This is not normal!"

The enemy general nodded, "It seems that he is indeed in a hurry, keep an eye on him!"

He recited the art of war in his mind over and over again, until the old thief felt that he could call it at any time, and then he said comfortably: "It's done."

Pan Sheng was very troubled and said: "I am presumptuous, I would like to ask you again... why don't you expel the enemy troops?"

Don't talk about useless nonsense about expulsion.

The old thief grinned, and Pan Sheng could see the gap between the empty teeth in his mouth.

"More than a thousand enemy troops have come from afar and are just following us. Do you think this is to see us off or to monitor us?"

"Either harass or raid, there is no third way." Since Pan Sheng can be valued by Yang Xuan, he naturally has his own abilities.

As a new generation of Chenzhou Army, he has been taken into his pocket by Lord Shijun, and he is just waiting to be trained and tempered, and then he will be promoted step by step.

The old thief stroked his beard and said, "Since we have judged that they are going to harass and make a surprise attack, then if we expel them at every turn and be vigilant at every turn, how do you think the enemy will make a surprise attack?"

"Be careful." Pan Sheng felt like something was touched in his mind.

"So, I ordered my subordinates to ignore all of them. At first, they must have been cautious and thought it was a trap. But after a day like this, we have been ignoring..."

The old thief smiled and said, "This man! No matter how cautious you are, when your opponent becomes weak again and again, your caution will be in vain."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Pan Sheng didn't realize that he had used the honorific.

The old thief said calmly: "Our army is so brave that they dare not make a surprise attack halfway. Therefore, the only opportunity is at night."

Pan Sheng's heart moved, "The unwary enemy troops raided our camp, but our troops are well prepared...is this the art of war?"

The old thief nodded, then shook his head, "It's more about human nature."

He has been in the world for many years and has a deep understanding of human nature.

"It's also the art of war."

Only then did Pan Sheng realize that he had underestimated this wretched old man.

In the afternoon, the old thief chose a place to camp.

"There are open spaces all around. There is no choice. No matter where you choose, you will look like a bird."

There is a river next to it for easy access to water.

"Dig a hole and don't defecate anywhere. Whoever poops will eat it!" The old thief said with a straight face and his hands behind his back.

I learned this from my husband.

Someone glanced at his back from behind and said, "Why is it the same as when Sir Envoy was on inspection?"

Smoke rises from the kitchen, and the hungry soldiers are waiting for their meal.

The enemy scouts have disappeared.

No, the enemy troops disappeared.

Therefore, everyone walked around relaxedly and moved their bodies.

"There are oil cakes!" A sergeant looked at it with salivation as the cook heated up the stone and began to bake the oil cakes.

"There is also broth." The cook deliberately coveted these people, "They are all large pieces of mutton."

Suddenly there was a sound of swallowing all around.

Someone said: "We didn't have these things to eat back then."

"Yes!" An old soldier squatted beside him and sighed: "It was only after the envoy came that we had a good life."

When the old thief heard these words, he felt happy.

This military spirit is gradually getting closer to Lang Jun!

In comparison, the enemy's food was much worse.

A little bit of dried meat, the biscuit is a multigrain biscuit, you can even eat hay when you take a bite.

"What did the Tang army eat?" someone asked.

"Tang Jun had a good meal, including broth and white flour pancakes."

"That's because they have money."

"Tang Jun's food used to be similar to ours!"

"After the Yang Dog came, he opened a trade route, and the dog thieves merchants on the grassland were willing to bring their cattle and sheep to trade, which made them earn a lot of money, so that they could eat such good food."

The enemy general heard the sound and came over and cursed: "You can't stop your mouth with food? Whoever praises Yang Gou again will be killed!"

No one praised Yang Gou, they just envied Chen Zhoujun's treatment.

As for Yang Gou, the thought of Jingguan makes people tremble with fear.

As night fell, the enemy general ordered: "The scouts take turns watching the Tang army, be careful not to alarm them."

The Tang army had already rested.

"Everyone go to bed quickly!"

The old thief continued to patrol the camp, "I don't know when I will be disturbed. I can sleep for a while."

So Tang Jun went to bed early.

The sound of snoring gradually echoed in the grassland.

“Slept so sweetly.”

Several enemy scouts were lying outside the camp, listening to the snoring and feeling envious.

Everyone else is asleep, but they are still blowing cold wind. Fortunately it is not summer, otherwise the mosquitoes will teach them a lesson.

More than ten Tang troops came out and began to clear the enemy's hidden posts.

"Let's go!"

The news returned to the enemy general.


"Yes, I fell asleep, and the snoring was really real."

"Tsk! You have been harassed by our army all the way. You must be tired!"


"If you go for a surprise attack now, you will get twice the result with half the effort!"

The enemy general was moved, but he shook his head and said: "The general said that the sneak attack should be in the middle of the night, when people are most sleepy."

Lin Sha learned a lot from Mr. Lin, and even had some health knowledge.

For example, after falling asleep, at what time does Qi and blood flow through the meridians.

"They're all asleep."

So, both sides were sleeping.

until midnight.

The old thief got up and rubbed his eyes.

Almost there.

He walked out of the camp and asked, "Has the scout come back?"

The scouts came back later.

"The enemy is also resting."

"Don't you want to take action?" Pan Sheng was a little disappointed.

"We will approach Lin'an County tomorrow. If we don't take action today, they will have to make a surprise attack on the road tomorrow. Will a thousand cavalry dare to attack my five hundred cavalry? They don't dare!"

The old thief said firmly: "Wake up brothers!"

Later, five hundred horsemen stood in armor.

"When a man has a title, a horse picks a bell!"

Then the people and horses fell silent.

The old thief turned around and said, "Leave a few injured horses in the camp."

The enemy general has already set off.

In the afternoon, Lin Sha sent people over and asked him to use all his strength to contain this group of Tang troops.

Just contain it!

Lin Sha's attitude changed quickly, and the sergeant who delivered the order said with an optimistic tone: "The general said that he will return in triumph with Yang Gou's head."

Lin Sha returned in triumph with Yang Gou’s head, what about me?

The enemy general, who had already developed a feeling of underestimating the enemy, was filled with thoughts of making achievements.

Tang Jun is exhausted, isn't this my chance?

He whispered to the people around him: "The Tang army was in a hurry and did not dare to expel us in the face of our harassment. This is wrong. Then they went to bed early. This is also wrong. It feels very rushed."


"Why the rush? It means that Yang Gou was worried about something happening in Lin'an, so he urged the Tang army to rush back quickly."

The enemy general completed a strategic closed loop in his mind, and suddenly felt smooth all over.

"Yang Gou's urging has made the Tang army exhausted. Today's harassment has made them panic, and their military morale has long been gone. At this moment of the raid, look at the sky... it's dark, it's a good weather for killing people!"

All the way to the Tang Army camp.

"The distance is far away and we can't hear the snoring." The enemy general still had some unfinished thoughts.

"There's a horse braying." Someone heard the horse braying.

The enemy general squinted at the camp, and the closed loop in his mind went through another time.

That’s right!

That’s it!

"The Tang army was defeated here, and then our army rushed to Zhang Yu and threw their heads under the city. The morale of the Tang army would definitely plummet!"

The enemy general took a deep breath and said, "Today is a great opportunity to make a contribution. Follow me and we will give the Tang army a big surprise."

The enemy led their war horses and slowly approached the camp.

When fifty steps away, the enemy will raise his hands.

Mount up!

At a distance of fifty steps, the war horses could arrive in an instant. Even if the Tang army was awakened, they had no time to react.

The Tang army would rush out of the tent in a mess, and then be easily hacked to death with a long sword.

Then they set fire to it. In the light of the fire, the Tang army became more and more chaotic.

In the end, they encircled and killed all the Tang troops.

No, leave a few to humiliate Yang Gou.

"Later, remember to capture some prisoners." The enemy general finally confessed.

His subordinate nodded, "Don't worry!"

Everyone snorted and their faces turned red with excitement.

The enemy general raised his hand again.

Swing it down violently.

On the side, Tang Jun is waiting.

Seeing the crowd of enemy cavalry start to activate, everyone looked at the old thief and felt something was wrong.

The old thief said calmly: "Mount the horse! Let's go and give the enemy a surprise."


The enemy general was the first to rush into the camp.

"Where are the people?"

A few horses neighed lonely in the camp.

What about Keren?

The sound of horse hooves was so noisy, but there was still no movement in the tent.

"not good!"

Just as the enemy general was about to turn back, he heard the loud sound of horse hooves from behind.


Tang Jun appeared.

The old thief took the lead, like a sharp blade.

Stabbed in from behind the enemy's butt.

"This is a trap!"

The closed loop in my mind was suddenly broken.

It turns out that ignoring the harassment encountered on the road is just the arrogance of the enemy.

It turns out that going to bed early is not about feeling exhausted, but about going to bed early and waking up early to attack yourself.

A sneak attack was ambushed, and this psychological blow directly caused the enemy to collapse.

There are enemy troops everywhere running around in the camp.

"Spread out." The old thief gave the order in time, and the Tang army spread out and began to pursue.

One by one, the enemy soldiers were killed, and one by one they dismounted and asked to surrender...

Later, corpses were everywhere in the camp, and groups of prisoners were kneeling on the edge, looking desperately at the old thieves who were being surrounded.

"Send someone to Zhang Yu to report the victory and ask for your instructions."

The old thief turned around with dignity.

Pan Sheng handed over his hand and said, "Mr. Jia's military skills are so good that my subordinates... admire him endlessly."

The old thief stroked his beard and smiled.

"This is Lang Jun's teaching!"

Pan Sheng was startled in his heart, "Mr. Jia followed the envoy to the water tower. If I want to learn from you..."

The old thief looked at him and said, "Young Master doesn't accept disciples."

Pan Sheng felt desperate.

He stood there thinking for a long time, watching the old thief fold his hands in deep thought, and his heart moved.

Mr. Shijun does not accept disciples, but Mr. Jia can accept them!

Mr. Jia's use of troops this time was like an antelope hanging its horns. There is no trace to be found, which shows that he has profound attainments.

Moreover, as a disciple of Mr. Jia, I am a disciple of Lord Shijun.

Isn't this just confidants and direct descendants?

Thinking of this, Pan Sheng suppressed his excitement and walked over.

"Mr. Jia."

"Is something wrong?" The old thief is reviewing the course of this battle. This is also Professor Yang Xuan's method.

"May I ask Mr. Jia if he is willing to accept a disciple?"

Pan Sheng was a little nervous.

The old thief looked at him slowly and said with a smile: "Do you want to become my teacher?"

There's drama!

Pan Sheng nodded, fearing that the old thief would regret it, he knelt down and said: "Greetings to Sir. They say that once a teacher is a lifelong father, from now on, Sir will be my Aye!"

"Good boy!"

The old thief touched his head happily and said, "As a master, I will definitely teach you all the secret skills passed down from my ancestors."

Why did your husband smile so proudly and obscenely? Pan Sheng was overjoyed, thinking that he actually had a secret skill?

"May I ask, sir, what is the secret skill?"

"Grave robbery!"

This chapter has been completed!
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