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Chapter 425 Vibrant

The jade slave is pouring wine for Yang Xuan.

Yujing came in, knelt down and said, "I've seen the envoy before, little man."

Yunu was so frightened that he forgot to stop holding the wine bottle.

The wine was poured into the glass slowly and continued to flow.

A hand lifted the jug below, and Yunu woke up from a dream. When he saw it, it was Yang Xuan's hand.

"I'm sorry, slave." Yunu's face turned red, and he knelt down and sat down.

"Why is this necessary?" Yang Xuan said.

Yu Jing said respectfully: "The villain dare not hide it from the envoy... The three major tribes have been troubled by Chenzhou for many years, and the peace has been destroyed seven times. The villain himself is also guilty. The villain is thinking about how to make Chenzhou peaceful...


"You are thinking a lot about me, Chen Zhou." Yang Xuan smiled.

"Yes." Yu Jing accepted this evaluation shamelessly, "The villain is thinking that there is only one way to reconcile the three major ministries with Chen Zhou..."

Yang Xuan smiled, "Replace Khan?"

Yujing praised: "Shi Jun is wise and his eyes are like lightning. He can see through the villain's thoughts at a glance. That's right. The villain has long been dissatisfied with what Huaien has done. Therefore, the villain wants to seize Jibo.

The position of Khan..."

He looked at Yang Xuan, waiting for the response from the youngest governor in the history of Chenzhou.

Is it rejection or approval?


"Yes, I swear, if after successfully capturing the Jibo tribe, if the Jibo tribe invades Chenzhou again, I will die without a burial place."

Why do you like to swear by a place of death without burial these days?

Yang Xuan thought of the records in the history books: White bones were exposed in the wild, and there were no roosters crowing for thousands of miles.

Aren’t those just places to die without burial?

Those ambitious people are just like the jade scenery in front of them. Their minds are filled with the idea of ​​making achievements and achieving great wealth. For this, they can overthrow the world; for this, they can destroy the world.

It’s not surprising that a careerist emerged from the three major ministries. In an era when businessmen were in low status, it was rare for a businessman to become a careerist.

Should you agree or reject?

Yang Xuan almost didn't think about it.

He Lianrong came here with bad intentions, and the three major ministries were the Tanzhou forwards. To cause chaos to the three major ministries was also one of Yang Xuan's goals.

Since Yu Jing is willing to take action, Yang Xuan is happy to see the success.

"Are you afraid of the invasion from the Tiger Control Division and the southern part of the town when this is done?"

"Your Majesty is wise!" Yu Jing praised, "That's what I'm worried about. Also, if He Lianrong is still there by then, I don't dare to guess whether he will send troops."

"You seize the Jibo Department, but Chenzhou has to wipe your ass!" Yang Xuan smiled half-heartedly.

Yu Jing said calmly: "If a villain can achieve something, the three major departments will naturally not be able to become one. This is not a bad thing for the envoy and Chen Zhou."

"It's interesting." Yang Xuan drank a glass of wine.

Yu Nu subconsciously raised the wine bottle, thinking of her previous gaffe, her face couldn't help but turn red again.

Yujing's body moved forward and her humble smile reminded Yang Xuan of a businessman.

Isn't this a businessman?

"There is an alien among the three major departments. If you think about it, it is just a fool's dream to think that Tanzhou can be like an arm and give orders. If Tanzhou and Chenzhou fight, the three major departments cannot form a joint force... The villain seems to have seen the power of the emperor in all directions.

That day."

"I'll wait and see." Yang Xuan drank a glass of wine.

He stood up and said, "Let's go!"

Yujing stood up and said, "My little daughter is willing to serve you."

Yu Nu was struggling a little in her heart.

Yang Xuan looked back at her and said, "No need."

How to explain to Aning when we take her back?

Ah Ning, this is the maid given to my husband by a wealthy merchant in the grassland.

But why would a prairie merchant give you a maid if you have nothing to do?

Is this a bribe?

There is no shortage of maids at home, what is this woman doing here?

If I serve you, I'm afraid I won't serve you on the bed.

Yunu, who was struggling in his heart, suddenly felt resentful again.

He actually looks down on me?

Out of the big tent.

"Your Majesty."

A charming woman was waiting and said to Yang Xuan respectfully: "Among the prisoners of the Jibo tribe, there is a relative of Huai En."

Yunu glanced at this woman, couldn't help but look down at her own fierceness, and then touched her face.

She glanced at her nominal mother, and Zhan Ya was doing the same thing as her.

"Ms. Helian?" Yu Jing saluted in surprise.

He Lianyan ignored him and left side by side with Yang Xuan.

"Congratulations to the envoy!" Yu Jing led his family to salute.

He Lianyan looked back at him and said, "It seems...a businessman from the Jibo Department?"

"You have a good memory."

"It's always been good. This man actually spent a lot of money on the army, which shows that he wants something."

"He got tired of being a businessman and wanted to do something else."

"do what?"

"Lu Buwei."

"Who is Lu Buwei?"

"He is a man who is tired of doing business and wants to be emperor."

"A businessman wants to be an emperor? Damn!"

"Don't worry, there really is."


"There will be in the future."

In the world in the scroll, businessmen did not become presidents.

From their perspective, running a country is just like doing business.

But this business is relatively big.

"Lao Er!" Yang Xuan called Wang Lao Er, "Cut off those heads and drag them back like this."

"Okay!" The second child is always so happy.

Hundreds of heads were pierced together and dragged by hundreds of prisoners, all the way to Lin'an.

In a village beside the road, several old people were squatting under the big tree at the head of the village, frowning.

"I'm going to miss spring plowing now, can I still go to the fields?" an old man asked.

A group of young people squatted on the other side, talking in low voices.

An old man sighed: "Yesterday I heard the sound of horse hooves, my dear, there are hundreds of cavalry! They are going south in such a hurry, they must have discovered the enemy!"

"Hey! The Three Major Troops are more vicious than horse thieves. When they see someone in the field, they kill them without saying a word. They trample the crops to pieces, and then they go back proudly."

"How can we still do spring plowing in such a situation?"

"If we can't do spring plowing, what will we eat this year?"

"Eat dirt!" A young man shouted over there.

"Shut up!" shouted an old man, "If you talk too much, get back!"

The young man shut his mouth angrily.

The village says there is a village leader, but it is these old people who really call the shots.

An old man stood up and said, "You have to try it! Otherwise..."

Another old man shook his head and said, "You might die if you try. Look, I see! There will be wild vegetables in the fields in a while. Go get some first, dry them in the sun, and stock them up."

"By the way, please be merciful. Let's ask Muramasa to talk to the superiors and give us some food."

"Well! This is also a way. However, the officials will not support us, and we cannot survive on relief."

"What did your Majesty say last time...helping those who are in need but not those who are in need?"

"Then what should we do?"

Several old people stared at each other, and for a moment they had no idea.

"Third uncle! Third uncle!"

A young man ran from a distance, shouting as he ran, accidentally fell, got up and continued running regardless of the pain.

"Erlang, run slower!" an old man scolded: "You are seeking death, what big thing is worth being so crazy? Be careful and you will fall to death!" He lightly twitched the corner of his mouth three times and spat on the ground.

, "I'm talking nonsense. Gods shouldn't remember this."

The young man ran over and gasped: "Come and see, the official road... the official road is so lively!"

The old people blinked, "What's the excitement?"

"Let's get down to business! Go home!"

The young people in the village were most afraid of these old people. At this moment, the young man felt the pleasure of offending authority. He deliberately delayed it, and when his uncle came over with a fierce look, carrying shoes, he said:

"The envoy is here!"


"The envoy is here?"

"Ouch! Oh my God! Go and see!"

"Sanlang, give me a hand!"

"Who stepped on my shoes!"

"The envoy is here!"

The whole village was mobilized.

Among Chenzhou's troops who were marching on the road, someone suddenly exclaimed, "There is enemy sentiment!"

Yang Xuan glanced to the right on horseback and saw smoke and dust billowing from him.

"Ambush?" The old thief was judging.

Lin Feibao said calmly: "They are the common people."

"How can you be sure?" The old thief held him back for a while.

"Good eyesight."

A group of common people rushed towards them. When they approached, they saw the army rolling in and couldn't help but stand with their hands tied.

Lin Feibao whispered: "Mr. Lang, your Majesty loves the people like a son."

This is a reminder.

But Yang Xuan had already planned this.

He dismounted and walked over.

But the villagers didn't look at him, but looked behind him.

Hundreds of prisoners hung their heads.

"Is this...a great victory?" an old man asked tremblingly.

Yang Xuan nodded, "A great victory."

"Look, what is that?" A child pointed to the back and screamed: "It's a human head, aye! Aye!"

His mother came over, gave the child a slap on the back of the head first, and then pulled the child behind her, saying, "How dare you look!" She glanced at it herself and was trembling, but she held on and refused to retreat.

"It's a human head."

An old man stood on tiptoe and took a look. He felt it was not clear, so he boldly walked over.

A series of heads were dragged beyond recognition and were covered with dust.

The old man looked at these grinning heads and was shocked. He turned around and said, "They are thieves from the Third Department!"

The people were stunned, and then they were ecstatic.

"Thank you so much, envoy!"

Someone asked: "Your Majesty, can we farm?"

Yang Xuan nodded.

"Are there still enemy troops?"


Everyone was shocked.

Yang Xuan pointed behind him, "Three miles away, you can go and have a look."

He mounted his horse and was escorted away.

The villagers were stunned, and several old people discussed it again.

"They say they are enemy troops!"

"Idiot! Your Majesty will return in triumph with your army. What kind of enemy army are they?"


"It's only three miles away. It's not far. Let's go and have a look."


"Sanlang, come and help me!"

Hundreds of villagers were supporting the elderly, carrying children on their backs, or couples.

Driving slowly all the way, you can see blood stains on the road, one by one.

Less than two miles away, someone pointed ahead and said, "Hey! There's an extra dirt bag there!"

"Yes! Who did it?"

"I'm afraid it wasn't caused by the gods."

"have a look!"

A young man couldn't help it and ran over alone.

He ran to the dirt bag and looked up, dumbfounded.

"Erlang, what is this?" someone shouted.

The boy didn't move.

"This baby needs to be beaten."

"If you don't fight for three days, you won't be obedient."

Everyone walked over step by step.

Everyone was stunned.

"It's...it's a corpse!"

"Oh! It's so scary!"

"Husband, I'm so scared!"

"Hide behind me."

An old man went up to check it out and said, "It belongs to thieves. No wonder the envoy said there are enemy troops here."

"What kind of mountains of corpses do they say your commander likes to create?"

"It's Jingguan!"

"Yes, your Majesty killed three major groups of thieves and built this Jingguan to warn those thieves!"

"No, hey! I just said that with your martial arts skills, how can you make these thieves proud?"

"How many people are there?"

"Look, I'm afraid! There aren't two thousand people there!"

"It's ready!"

"Yes, it's ready!"

Everyone's face was red, and even the women who had screamed at the beginning poked their heads out to take a look. They were laughed at by their men and said confidently: "I am afraid of death, but if these people don't die, we will die."

"That's the truth!" An old man nodded, "Hey! What is that?"

There is a stone monument ahead.

"There are words! It's even engraved!"

"Who can read?"

A man from the village came over. This man originally did business in the city, but later lost all his capital and returned home to farm.

He walked to the stone tablet, took a look at them all, and then read slowly.

"The land of Chenzhou should be watered with the blood of enemy invaders!"

"What's the meaning?"

The man turned around and said, "There is the title and official title of the envoy below. This is the stone tablet that the envoy erected."

"What do you mean, I ask?"

"Idiot, you still don't understand?" An old man burst into tears, "The envoy said that we want to farm, but there are always enemies to destroy it, so we use the blood of these enemies as fertilizer to fertilize our farmland.


Everyone was silent.

A young man said: "Shijun... is so good!"

The old man wiped away his tears and said, "I know it! If you change to another official at this time, you should first defend the city and then worry about defeat. But look at the envoy, there will be an attack here, so the envoy will take him with you

The army is here to support us farmers!"

He looked at the villagers and said solemnly: "Since you love your people like your sons, we can't delay and retreat, can we? Go back immediately and plow when it's time to do spring plowing. Also, in the future, we must be more proactive in taxation and don't wait too long."

Good job. Is this worthy of envoy?"

"This makes sense. This is how we are. We will be nice to whoever is nice to us."

"No, if you treat us like family, we should also treat him as family."

"Let's go home and go to the fields!"

"Get down to the ground!"

Hundreds of villagers returned happily.uuReading www.uukanshu.com

Birds were chirping crisply in the trees beside the road, the grass in the fields was green, and the spring breeze blew through, bringing waves of aroma like fine wine.

An old man said intoxicatedly: "This is full of vitality!"

Chen Zhoujun marched all the way, and wherever he went, people flocked to watch.

"Go farm!"

Farmers one after another began to sort out their farm tools. The women took out the hidden grains and cooked a meal for the men who were working in the fields. The children also gathered around, yelling, and ran into the fields with their dogs following the adults.

That Jingguan became a holy place from then on. The people spontaneously made incense and worshiped not the corpses but the stone tablets.

"May you protect the harvest this year!"

The old farmer knelt down and prayed sincerely.

"This year must be a good harvest!"

This chapter has been completed!
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