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Chapter 453: Husband and War, Courage

Originally, it was Wu Ying's job to command the flanking cavalry, and he was sure to assess the situation and not make any mistakes.

Full of confidence, he received a new order, asking him to lead his army to intercept Yang Xuan's troops.

At that moment he wanted to curse!

But the person who delivered the order was a civil servant, and he did not dare to say a word.

He was also worried when he learned that the flank cavalry had been replaced by Zhuo Han.

But he thought no matter how stupid Zhuo Han was, he would still act cautiously!

So he calmed down and just waited for the moment when the Tang army was entangled under layers of interceptions from his own side.

Just when the cavalry on both wings attacked, his heart moved!

The time has come!

He hoped that Zhuo Han would see this and launch an attack immediately.

What I didn't expect was that the Tang army's cavalry retreated at the first touch.

Where is Zhuo Han?

Wu Ying hopes Zhuo Han can see it.

But then he heard cheers.

"Capture Yang Gou alive!"

A crowd of cavalry appeared.

Wu Ying finally couldn't help but cursed: "Son of a bitch, can't you wait just a moment longer?"

Deputy General Lang Shuang said desperately: "Yang Xuan actually withdrew, he actually withdrew!"

He shouted towards Wu Ying: "Commander!"


Wu Ying's gray beard and hair were flying in the wind, and he shouted: "My sons, follow me, come here!"

He drew his long sword, led the reserve team behind him, and walked forward step by step among the crowd.

The cavalryman was exposed and he had many choices at the moment.

The cavalry of the Tang army will definitely deal with Zhuohan's troops with all their strength, and he can escape with his infantry.

Run, the faster the better!

There are supporting troops at the rear.

But once he ran away, Zhuo Han's troops would be alone, and the Tang army would use all their strength to deal with them.

In an instant, Wu Ying made a decision.

When the morale of the army was scattered, he took the lead and issued silent orders.

Lang Shuang looked at him and stamped his feet: "Brothers, follow me!"

If the Tang army's infantry is held back here, then Zhuohan's troops can deal with the Tang army's cavalry.

Wu Ying shouted: "Blow the trumpet and let Zhuo Han's troops come to make peace!"

At this time, as long as Zhuo Han breaks through the Tang Army's cavalry and joins the infantry, the battle can still have a decent ending.

Unless the Tang army is willing to pay the price, they can retreat slowly.

Opposite me, Tu Shang praised God for the first time, "I now believe in destiny again."

The old thief looked at Yang Xuan with more awe in his eyes, "Yes! Lang Jun insisted on keeping the cavalry for no reason. Earlier, when he was about to rush in, he even withdrew the cavalry. At that moment, I felt

Lang Jun was afraid that he would be dizzy due to the sun.

But now I know that I am the one who is dizzy!"

Nan He couldn't hide his excitement and glanced at Lin Feibao.

Lin Feibao was extremely calm.

It was as if a meteorite hit the enemy camp at the next moment, and he would only say softly, "So this is the destiny!"

Han Ji took a deep breath.

He murmured: "The prince originally wanted to ambush His Majesty, and everything was arranged well. I thought that maybe it would succeed this time.

What I didn't expect was that Wang Xian turned out to be His Majesty's man.

It is a common practice to place people around the prince, but it happens to be Wang Xian, which makes people think of destiny.

I was also disheartened because of this. I didn’t expect to see such a scene again today.”


Old farmers in the countryside would dream of green smoke rising from their ancestral graves, and they would think it was destiny. They would call the whole family over and say that I dreamed of destiny, which was a sign of great wealth!

Come, let’s rebel as a family!

The eldest son, you are the prince, the second son, you are the marshal of the world’s soldiers and horses, and the third son, you are the prime minister...

Mother-in-law, you are the queen. I will look for some concubines to enrich the harem...

Even a dream can make an old farmer in the countryside dare to rebel.

But in front of me is a living destiny!

At this moment, Han Ji's eyes became brighter and he whispered to Yang Xuan: "Lord!"

Yang Xuan trembled.

He was still confused about this matter.

Keeping the cavalry on both wings was a habit he had developed while hunting... If he sensed a crisis, he would leave a few of the most stable arrows.

I didn’t expect it to actually come!


Boss Yang waved his hand vigorously, "Don't worry about the infantry and destroy their cavalry with all your strength!"

If the Zhou army's infantry dared to escape, the Tang army's infantry would follow the trend and pursue them.

Oh ho ho, this thing has become a big deal.

No, what did I just hear?


Yang Xuan turned around and met Han Ji's burning eyes.

"Calm down!"

Han Ji sighed: "I'm not even as elegant as Mr. Lang, I'm so embarrassed!"

Uda and others looked as if they were taking it for granted.

Ever since Yang Xuan successfully predicted that there would be gray rain from the sky, in the eyes of Wu Da and others, their respected master is the incarnation of the God of Fire.

What just happened was just a small test for Mr. Vulcan!

What's all the fuss about?


The cavalry also went crazy.

Boss Yang's almost miraculous use of troops shocked them greatly.

Immediately, my confidence soared.

Even if there was a large army in front of them at this moment, they still dared to charge back and forth several times.


Six miles away, even if you run as fast as you can, you will have to run for a long time.

But as soon as the war horses let loose, unfortunately, they could cover a few miles in a blink of an eye.

Zhuo Han rushed forward in ecstasy.

Wu Ying would entangle the Tang army, this was something he had determined before attacking.

So he takes the credit!

Since the Tang army's southern expedition, although it has not been overwhelming, it has been going smoothly.

Just when the kings and ministers of the Great Zhou Dynasty were looking gloomy, a star appeared on the stage and defeated the new famous general Yang Xuan of the Tang Dynasty in one fell swoop.

The benefactor will be overjoyed.

And his father, that poor old man, even though he has passed away long ago, I think he will be happy for him underground!

But why did the scene in front of me change?

The cavalry of the Tang Army was actually alone on one side, and even looked dumbfounded as they watched their own side having fun.

"Wu Ying, you old dog!"

Zhuo Han cursed loudly.

The deputy general shouted: "Assault, charge all the way over, and make peace with Commander Wu."

Zhuo Han shouted: "The Tang army is coming, retreat!"

More than a thousand cavalry of the Tang Army are charging towards them, and the cavalry on the other side are also taking a detour. This is a time when the general is making a decision. The possibility of five thousand cavalry breaking through the interception of more than a thousand Tang Army cavalry is infinite.

But Zhuo Han was panicking at this moment.

His smooth career was not due to his ability, but to the support of his benefactor.

Not many generals of the Southern Zhou Dynasty had experienced large-scale battles, including Wu Ying.

But what do you rely on when facing a battle?

Fighting requires courage!

This second-generation official, who had risen to prominence through connections, lost his courage at this time.

No, maybe he never had the quality of courage.


In a panic, Zhuo Han yelled, "Get out, everyone, get out!"

The cavalry were stunned for a moment.

Wouldn't it be better to make peace now?

But the military orders are like mountains!

The cavalrymen began to turn around.

The deputy general said sadly and angrily: "We can't leave Commander Wu behind and let them go!"

Zhuo Han pulled out his long knife, slapped his shoulder hard with the back of the knife, and cursed: "Then you stay!"

The lieutenant smiled instead of being angry, drew his sword and shouted: "Follow me!"

The five thousand cavalrymen were stunned again.

The commander called for retreat, and the deputy called for "follow me."

Who should we listen to?

Why, when facing a battle, unless the general loses his mind and goes crazy, one cannot interfere with his command.

Because issuing multiple orders will only lead to confusion in command and even shake the morale of the military.


Some of the five thousand cavalry moved forward, while others turned around.

For a while, there was chaos.


Yang Xuan was overjoyed when he saw this and ordered Lin Feibao and others to attack.

"They want to retreat!"

The cavalry confusion was discovered.

Wu Ying's body shook and he was slashed by a Tang soldier.

He fought hard to kill his opponent and took a moment to glance sideways.

More than a thousand Tang army cavalry have already gone up.

Screams suddenly came from the chaotic Zhou army.


Chaos occurred.

The Zhou army's cavalry were mixed together. If you wanted to go east, they would run west, and some of them even bumped into each other, causing them to fall over.

The Tang army's cavalry charged forward without hesitation.

"Turn around to defend against the enemy!" the deputy general shouted!

"Commander!" someone shouted, "Commander!"

The general is the soul of the soldier. If Zhuo Han shouts at this time, the effect is better than the deputy general crying for half an hour.

But Zhuo Han had already lost his bearings.

"Get out of the way!"

There was only one thought in his mind: run!

He ran all the way to Bianjing and hid at home.

This is an instinct.

As for the high ambitions before coming here, they all turned into regrets now.

If he had known this, he vowed not to compete for the opportunity to command the cavalry. Whoever loves him will take it!

The cavalrymen in the front mingled together, some yelling and scolding, and some beating them with the backs of their swords.


Someone fell off his horse and screamed.

Zhuo Han saw a soldier who was howling before and turned around to fight the Tang army. Now his face turned pale and he was screaming desperately.

He remembered a passage that his husband once taught...

——No matter how fearless a warrior is, he still needs countless companions when he is in battle. Without companions, a warrior will become a coward.

My husband explained at that time that the courage in the military is composed of countless people. This courage must be led by someone.

This leader is the general!

If a general is courageous, his subordinates will be more courageous.

On the other hand, if a general is timid and afraid of fighting, his subordinates will be as timid as rats.

My husband made it very clear back then, but Zhuo Han didn't care at all at that time.

He shouted: "Go back! Turn around and intercept the Tang army!"

The deputy general was trapped in the crowd. When he heard his shout, he couldn't help but said angrily: "You bitch, go first!"

Someone must set an example at this time!

Zhuo Han looked back.

Rows of Tang Army cavalry came up.

The spear pierced Zhou Jun's armor, then he let go, pulled out his sword, and rushed in with a loud shout.

Tang Jun is here!

This was an overwhelming victory.

Except for the deputy general who led more than a hundred cavalry who launched a counterattack that was quickly suppressed, the others were in chaos like a pot of porridge.

Wu Ying was struggling to kill.

"Where's Zhuo Han?"

he asked breathlessly.

"He escaped!"

"Beast!" Wu Ying swung his sword, drove back an enemy, and looked up to the right.

Sweat and blood blurred his vision, and the blazing sunlight seemed to distort space. He saw countless black spots twisting in the distance.

Just like that year he dug out the mud in the ditch at home and discovered a bunch of earth dragons.

The tangled earth dragons are ugly!

"Commander! What should I do?"

The Tang Army's infantry offensive became more and more fierce, and Lang Shuang's several counterattacks were defeated.


what to do?


It was too late to evacuate at this moment, and the Tang army's infantry would bite them without hesitation, waiting for the cavalry to return.

Attack, come on!

Judging from the fight just now, they were no match.

With a strength comparison of almost three to one, the Zhou army could only protect itself.

This is a danger signal.

And it is Zhuo Han's cavalry that can determine the direction of this battle.

But that stupid coward ran away.

If Zhuo Han didn’t grow it, wouldn’t anyone else grow it either?

"Blow the horn, call for help!"

Wu Ying shouted.

He placed his hopes on generals other than Zhuo Han.

Someone must have seen the key to this battle. As long as the cavalry breaks through the interception of the Tang army and joins them, then this battle can maintain an undefeated situation.

Woo woo woo...

The desolate horn sound echoed under the sky.

Several big birds were circling in the sky, as if they had found food, and they were chirping proudly.


The horn echoed lonely.


A sergeant shouted, "They are defeated!"

Wu Ying's body trembled.

Lang Shuang cursed: "That bastard Zhuo Han!"

Despair sets in.

Morale is a very strange thing. It is very troublesome to generate, but very simple to collapse.

After being abandoned by his comrades, the morale of Zhou Jun, who was previously fearless and fearless, melted like ice and snow touching hot water.

When the first man turned around and ran away, Wu Ying cursed loudly and had him beheaded.

Then the second person turned around.

The third person...


Lang Shuang shouted desperately: "Commander, retreat!"

They had horses and infantry behind them to block the path of the pursuers, so they could escape back.

The rout happened.

The entire Zhou army camp was turning to flee.

Lang Shuang shouted: "Commander!"

Wu Ying slowly walked forward among the crowd.

"Let's go!" Several sergeants got the horses, surrounded Lang Shuang and ran away.

"Commander!" Lang Shuang kept turning around.

Wu Ying marched forward to meet the defeated troops.

The armor in front suddenly changed, and the Tang army was coming.

Wu Ying raised his long sword high.

"Commander Wu Ying is here!"

"Fire the arrow!"

Puff puff puff!

Wu Ying was hit by several arrows and knelt on one knee.

The sound of footsteps came.

A pair of feet appeared in his sight.

"Your courage is commendable in this battle."

Wu Ying tried his best to raise his head and said with a smile, "Yang Xuan?"

"Yes." Yang Xuan wanted to know the atmosphere in the Southern Zhou army at this moment, "The infantry are tough, but why don't the cavalry dare to fight?"

Wu Ying gasped, "There are scum everywhere. It's just unfortunate that this scum appears today, in Zhou Dynasty, and he is still a general."

"I feel a little sorry for you."

"You must be thinking that the Zhou army is vulnerable?"

"That's right."

"In Yongzhou, hundreds of thousands of troops have gathered. The scum you see today are just exceptions. You will meet and fight in Yongzhou."

"Don't hold on." Yang Xuan said with a smile: "If the two armies change directions today, even if the cavalry is routed, do you know what the Tang infantry will do?"

Wu Ying shook his head.

Yang Xuan pointed forward and said word by word: "I, an athlete of the Tang Dynasty, can swing my arms and strike against the trend!"

Wu Ying smiled and said: "There is no shortage of warriors in Zhou Dynasty. Come on, I want you to wait and see what it means to be brave and not afraid of death!"

He grabbed an arrow stuck in his lower abdomen, thrust it in hard, and stirred it a few times.


Yang Xuan's eyebrows beat a few times.

He always has more respect for people who are not afraid of death.

But this is the enemy.

"Your Majesty, we have obtained the enemy's general."

Wu Ying gasped and looked slowly.

Zhuo Han was thrown in front of Yang Xuan by a cavalryman.

Zhuo Han looked up at Yang Xuan and said with a flattering smile: "I am willing to lead the way for you."


This chapter has been completed!
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