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Chapter 462 The Golden Scales Are In The Pool

"The enemy is attacking on the left wing!"

"The enemy is attacking our food route!"

"Ms. sir, the enemy army..."

The number of King Qin's troops increased, and even the common people gathered spontaneously and began to harass the small group of Tang troops who were collecting food.

"This is the vast ocean!"

Zhang Huan sighed.

Zhang Chumao said in a deep voice: "Ms. sir, just get the money and leave! If you delay it any longer, I'll be worried... that I won't be able to leave!"

The King of Yue coughed dryly and said, "We have already won a great victory, so it would be inappropriate to add extra trouble!"

They have gained the foundation of politics and no longer need to take risks.

The King of Yue said with a smile: "Yang Shijun has a good idea, but the overall situation is more important at this moment!"

Zhang Chumao put the tea cup on the table. I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. It was very heavy.


Zhang Chumao said calmly: "Once the soldiers and civilians of the Southern Zhou Dynasty form a joint force, our army will fall into the vast ocean. Let's leave as soon as possible!"

Yang Xuan was away, so Zhou Zun naturally had to speak for his son-in-law, "Twenty cities, I have to give it a try."

When the twenty cities were mentioned, everyone was obviously a little uncomfortable.

Yang Xuan's move seemed a bit radical to Zhang Chumao and others, but to the emperor, it was a manifestation of loyalty.

Therefore, no matter how dissatisfied Zhang Chumao is, he can only endure it.

The King of Yue smiled and said: "I see, I will make a decision when the kings come again!"

We don’t blame Yang Xuan, but this matter should end here.

Zhang Huan pondered.

The army of King Qin of the Southern Zhou Dynasty arrived very quickly, which was beyond his expectation. This indirectly proved that Nian was still Zhengshuo in the eyes of the soldiers and civilians of the Southern Zhou Dynasty.

To maintain Zhengshuo is to maintain the stability of the overall situation.

Even illiterate people know this.

Only by being stable can you save your life.

Among the words passed down orally by the older generation, the most important one is: It is better to live than to die!

As long as they don't starve to death, the people will not resist.

A sergeant came in and said, "Ms. sir, the kings are here."

"Oh!" Zhang Huan made up his mind, "Yang Xuan is not here, Deputy Zhang should go and receive him!"

This is the suggestion to end this war. It's time for everyone to go home.

Zhang Chumao stood up and said, "My lord, don't worry."

He went out and took Wang Zhong to the negotiation room.

Zhang Huan and others are waiting for the results.

The tea was tasteless.

His head felt dizzy and he was in a daze.

Not interested in talking.

The cicadas chirping outside actually became better.

Very crisp!

Very pleasant.

My heart suddenly became homesick.

It's time to go home.

Look at my long-lost wife and children, look at those old friends, look at those familiar people.

Then, I lay on the bed at home, closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and felt the familiar smell.

Then, the soul gradually calmed down.

The sound of footsteps came.

Zhang Chumao appeared outside the door.

Looks ugly.

This is……


Zhang Huan's eyebrows skipped a beat.

Zhou Zun sighed in his heart.

Zhang Chumao came in and said, "Ms. sir, they agreed!"

The gates of the three cities were wide open, and the people hid in their homes and did not go out. When the army left the city, more than ten officials were left to take over.

Yang Xuan led his men to take charge of one of the cities.

"Go check out the warehouse."

The official leading the way looked ugly, but he did not dare to refuse.

The warehouse is wide open and there is a lot of food.

"It is indeed a rich place!"

Yang Xuan couldn't help but praise.

The official said proudly: "The land in Dazhou is fertile and the climate is suitable for farming. It is normal to have two crops a year."

Yang Xuan grabbed a handful of rice and looked at it.

"Yes! It's just that all this belongs to the Tang Dynasty now!"

The official's face turned livid.

Someone once suggested that all the food and grass should be moved out, but Nian Xu flatly refused.

This battle left him physically and mentally exhausted.

He was not afraid that the war would continue, but he was worried that something big would happen between the DPRK and China.

Sun Shi and others are plotting ways to bury the old party in one fell swoop. The old party is also eyeing this opportunity, preparing to take action to restore its reputation.

The existence of Tang Jun was the trigger that triggered all this.

End it!

Nian Xu rejected this proposal with just three words.

Carloads of grain were pulled away. Zhou Zun looked at the increasing number on the booklet and said with satisfaction: "Tell Qinghe that there is no need to transport grain anymore."

Carloads of money were sent to the camp.

Yang Xuan and Wang Zhong watched side by side.

"Old Wang, I heard that you are going to be promoted this time?"


"To be honest, if it were someone else, I think this negotiation would have collapsed."

"It would be bad for everyone if the talks fall apart."

"That's right, after the talks collapse, our army can only bite the bullet and fight on. Regardless of winning or losing, Bianjing will probably be in chaos!"


"Sun Shi and others are staring at the old party, hoping that our army will receive good news again, and then use this to attack the old party."

"How come you are so familiar with the political situation of the Great Zhou Dynasty?" Wang Zhong frowned.


It was Yang Xuan's turn to reply.

"Mr. Yang, my husband is calling you."

Yang Xuan cupped his hands and said, "Old Wang, when will you go to Datang? I will sweep the bed and wait for you."

The kings held their hands and said, "It's better that you come to Bianjing! I'll treat you to a drink. I'll keep the best female actress in Bianjing for you!"

The battle is now over, and withdrawal is not a problem for Zhang Huan. Those so-called King Qin's troops, if they encounter the Tang army who have returned with a full load and no desires, whoever dares to take the initiative to attack will be seeking death.

So he was drinking tea very comfortably.


Yang Xuan sat down.

"Get him a cup of tea!"

Yang Xuan pretended to be panicked, "How dare you lower your rank before Prime Minister Zhang?"

"You are pretending to be honest... To be honest, you are fake!"

"I respect Prime Minister Zhang from the bottom of my heart."

"Pretend! When you enter the officialdom, whether you are a soldier or a civil servant, if you cannot pretend, you will not be promoted. If you cannot pretend, you will become an alien in the eyes of your colleagues and colleagues. So, continue."

"Yes!" Yang Xuan said shamelessly.

"Your face..." Zhang Huan sighed: "I am more and more optimistic about you!"

"If you are thick-skinned, you can eat as much as you want." Yang Xuan continued to be shameless, "In my father-in-law's family, I relied on my thick-skinnedness to get food and a wife."

Zhang Huan pointed at him, "When Zhou Changshi heard this, he might beat your heart to death."

"My son-in-law is my half-son, and my father-in-law is reluctant to part with him."

After some banter, Zhang Huan brought up the business, "How do you know that the kings and ministers of Southern Zhou will bow their heads?"

That's it...

Yang Xuan originally thought of the Song Dynasty in another world.

During the Jingkang Incident, Jin soldiers came to the city.

Those impassioned ministers in the past have now become dumb gourds.

Those ministers who claimed to be loyal men were all staring at the emperor.

Finally, Zhao Ji and his son were sent out.

“Since the founding of the Southern Zhou Dynasty, the national policy of using civility to control military affairs has been established. Over the years, military men have become like rats on the streets, while literati have become arrogant.

It would be fine if the literati were good at literature and martial arts, but what did those literati learn in order to prepare for the imperial examination? These are the words of the predecessors, who thought that they could become generals and prime ministers based on this."

Yang Xuan felt that the situation in the Southern Zhou Dynasty could not be changed and was destined to become a stepping stone for a powerful country. "Literati can use it, but they cannot be allowed to be on an equal footing with the emperor."

"Why?" Zhang Huan asked.

"Their abilities cannot support their ambitions, and they will eventually become a laughing stock.

The literati of the Southern Zhou Dynasty loved to flaunt their loyalty, which was a disaster.

When people lack something, they will clamor for something.

No matter how you pretend, you still have to pretend to be loyal.

In such an environment, everyone has to wear a mask of loyalty. If things go on like this, this person will be severely depressed.

Zhang Xiang, this person is so depressed that his heart will become distorted.

As a result, you will become a two-faced person. On the one hand, you are loyal and righteous, and on the other hand, you are anti-loyalty under distortion."

Zhang Huan said quietly: "That is, rebellion."

"Yes, they will hate loyalty, so they look at the emperor with something wrong." Yang Xuan said: "When the entire civil servants in the court are two-faced... the decline of the country's power is inevitable."

Yang Xuan said: "The integrity of those civil servants is actually not as good as that of female prostitutes!"

Zhang Huan raised his glass and drank the tea in one gulp as if drinking wine.

"Nian Xu is afraid! The emperor is afraid of his ministers, hahahaha!"

Amid loud laughter, Yang Xuan stood up and left.

Zhang Huan seemed to have drunk too much, "Young man, do it well!"


Yang Xuan's words were somewhat taboo.

Zhang Huan replied with some taboo words.

The two of them had more of a tacit understanding.

Too bad there’s no wine!

Yang Xuan went out with a smile.

There was an endless stream of carts transporting money during the Southern Zhou Dynasty.

The kings looked on indifferently.

"Old Wang."

"Yang Shijun, are you done?"

"That's almost it. Hey! I miss home."

The king said calmly: "By the way, your majesty asked me to ask about the princess's current situation."

What a joyful year!

Yang Xuan said: "Let him rest assured that Datang will not bully a woman."

Wang Zhong nodded, "That's good."

Large vehicles passed by slowly. The drivers occasionally boldly raised their heads to glance at Tang Jun, and then quickly lowered their heads.

So did one of them.

Just raising his head made Yang Xuan stunned.

Yang Lue!

Yang Xuan found a reason to leave and found a Qiu Long Guard to greet him.

Later, he saw Yang Lue in his room.

"I have met Mr. Lang."

After Yang Lue was helped up, he sighed: "Compared to last time, Lang Jun is more majestic."

Majesty is something that cannot be explained clearly. It has the bonus of position, but also the power that comes from being condescending and giving orders for a long time.

"Yang Lue!"

Lin Feibao came in.

"Old Lin!"

The two faced each other, their eyes were red.

Yang Xuan found an excuse to go out and give these two old friends a chance to reminisce.

"I have suffered so much for you these years." Lin Feibao patted him on the shoulder, "When His Majesty ordered you to take Lang Jun to escape, I was still a little dissatisfied. I felt that it would be more reliable to take action with the Qiu Long Guard. But then I thought about it carefully.

You are brave, but the goal is too big. How did you get here all these years?"

"I took Lang Jun to Yuanzhou and found a farmer to raise him. When Lang Jun was ten years old, the masters of the mirror discovered my traces. After a fight, I had no choice but to escape to the Southern Zhou Dynasty."

Yang Lue gritted his teeth and said, "I came back five years later, only to find that Lang Jun was treated badly by that family."

"Where are the people?" Lin Feibao asked.

"I originally wanted to kill his family, but the husband relented, so he had them sent into the mountains to be stared at."

"I'll be a mountaineer all my life." Lin Feibao said, "That family is better off!"

"Back then, my husband's qualifications were average. I originally wanted to find a wife for him, get married and have children, and live like this for the rest of my life. Who would have thought that the person on the mirror would be squatting there all the time."

"The false emperor is afraid of your majesty's people. You are careless. However, I haven't seen my husband for five years. If it were me, I would have to find a way to see him again."

"That's right! As soon as the people on the mirror showed up, I asked Lang Jun to come to Chang'an to escape. I didn't expect it!" Yang Lue said with a smile: "As soon as Lang Jun arrived in Chang'an, he turned into a completely different person."

"Golden scales are just a thing in the pond. They turn into dragons when encountering wind and clouds!"

Yang Lue praised: "This is so appropriate. Lao Lin, you have made great progress."

Lin Feibao said with a smile: "This is what Lang Jun said accidentally."

The two talked for a long time.

"The situation in Northern Xinjiang is very good." Lin Feibao said: "Lang Jun's control over Chenzhou has become more and more stable. How about you come back too?"

Yang was slightly moved, but then shook his head, "If I were discovered by someone from the Mirror Stage in Chenzhou, the false emperor would probably be suspicious of Lang Jun."

Lin Feibao said regretfully: "When His Majesty was here, you and I were by His Majesty's side. We haven't seen each other for many years, and you have gray hair on your temples. I guess life in Southern Zhou was not easy. Do you care about your appearance?"

"Disfigured?" Yang Lue smiled bitterly, "Why do you need to make it so bloody? It will make people suspicious."

The two talked for a while, and then Yang Xuan came in.

"What's wrong over there?" Yang Xuan didn't talk nonsense.

Lang Jun became more and more majestic... Yang Lue was happy in his heart, "I just need some crossbows. The Tang Dynasty is very strict and it's not easy to handle."

"Crossbows are sharp in assassination, and nobles are afraid of death, so private possession is strictly prohibited. However, there are also what you should have." Lin Feibao said.

The more those who make the rules prohibit something, the more they hold on to it.


Yang Xuan went out and found Nan He.

"Where are the captured weapons?"

"It's right over there with the baggage train."

"lead the way!"

The official in charge of transportation was busy receiving food and money, and many of the people who came to see him for work were treated with a cold face by him.

"What does Yang Shijun want?" When seeing Yang Xuan, the hero of the negotiation, the official finally smiled.

"I met a group of horse thieves. I wanted to cause some trouble to Southern Zhou and get some captured weapons to give to them."

What Yang Xuan said is serious.

"It's easy to say!" The official asked a small official to lead Yang Xuan, and he said seriously: "Whatever Yang Xuan likes, just take it!"

Yang Xuan went to get some good weapons, including a lot of crossbows.

The clerk smiled and ignored it, but reported it to the official afterwards.

"Then what Yang Shijun said is true. How could the horse thieves of the Southern Zhou Dynasty go looking for him?"

The official took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "He is the governor of Chenzhou, that is, a prince. What does the crossbow mean to him? Agreeing to this matter at this moment can be regarded as a good relationship."

Several large carts of weapons were handed over to Yang Lue.

"Is it convenient to take it back?"

"I brought someone here."

Yang Lue looked at Yang Xuan and finally resisted asking him to meet those young men.

To this day, he finds that his efforts cannot keep up with Lang Jun's development speed.

Before his boy became a man of talent, Lang Jun had already become the local emperor of Chenzhou.


This is a good momentum!

After sending Yang Lue away, Yang Xuan came back just in time to discuss the matter.

"Now that we have the money and food, we can leave tomorrow!"

On the second day, the army broke out of camp.


Thousands of cavalry appeared on the other side of Yingshui River, silently watching the Tang army gather.

"This is here to supervise the departure of the army." Shi Zhongtang said with a smile: "It shows that Southern Zhou is afraid of our southern border!"

Chunyu said: "After this battle, Southern Zhou Dynasty will definitely not dare to peep north. I am afraid that I will never have the chance to come here again."

On the other side, Yang Xuan looked at the cavalry.


“Next time, I will go to Bianjing!”

This chapter has been completed!
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