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Chapter 512


He Lianrong, who had lost one hand, looked a little pale. The weather was hot, so he rolled up his left sleeve, revealing his left arm which had lost his left hand.

"Envoy, the envoy from Ning Xing is here."

All the officials in the lobby stood up and looked outside the door.

The messenger has arrived.

"The Emperor's uncle asked, how are the three major departments?" the envoy asked.

He Lianrong said: "My subordinates urged the three major ministries to attack Chenzhou and never slackened off."

The messenger sighed, "It's really not what the Emperor Taishu expected."

He Lianrong was stunned, "The Emperor's uncle was forcing the three major ministries in Tanzhou, and the subordinates just followed the instructions..."

Before the envoy arrived, he received advice from the Emperor Taishu in person and said: "Why did the Emperor Taishu force the three major ministries in the first place? It was just money, cattle and sheep, and it could not hurt their foundation. The envoy frequently forced the three major ministries to fight, and it was possible to break through


He Lianrong shook his head, "Both sides will suffer!"

"Huaien and Zhang Zhuo have been roaming the grassland for many years, how can they not see this kind of strategy? Will they be willing to force you to die?"

He Lianrong said: "The Tanzhou army is behind us, how can the three major troops dare to jump?"

"The Emperor's uncle said not to use troops against the three major ministries. Both Huai'en and Zhang Zhuo are decisive people. Once the pressure is too much, it is not impossible to turn around and defect to Chenzhou!"

He Lianrong was stunned, "This..."

The envoy sighed: "Fortunately, it's still early. The Emperor's uncle said that if Tanzhou persecutes too much, he should not be comforted too much later, otherwise the three major ministries will kick him in the face."

"Yes!" He Lianrong said sincerely, "The Emperor's uncle is far away in Ningxing, but he has an insight into the thoughts of the three major ministries, and I respect him."

Later, the messenger was taken down.

He Lianrong sat in the lobby and waved his hand, "Let's all go!"

Everyone resigned.

He Lianrong sat there for a long time and suddenly sighed quietly.

"How come I don't know how to push too hard? But your Majesty means that the emperor's uncle is now the crown prince, and the crown prince should not have such influence in the local area. Now that the words have been said, what can I do? The only way is to force the three major ministries to take action."

He stood up and walked slowly.

"However, His Majesty also wants to see if he can open an opening from Chenzhou. The three major troops are here. If Chenzhou can be weakened, I can lead the army south to herd horses..."

He walked out of the lobby and looked outside.

"The battle in the Southern Expedition made Yang Xuan known as the famous general of the Tang Dynasty. Famous general of the Tang Dynasty, hey! I would like to see how you respond to the attacks of those three vicious dogs!"


There were gradually more dark clouds in the sky and thunder continued.

It rained heavily and poured down immediately.

"Good sign!"

He Lianrong smiled and said: "The power of our country in Daliao should be like this heavy rain, pouring down in one fell swoop and moving forward indomitably!"

Yang Xuan is back.

He also brought back a woman.

"Madam Guan, she is quite pretty!"

Huahong felt a little aggrieved, thinking that I was a virgin, so my appearance was not bad at all! But the husband just didn't like her. What kind of thing was that woman to be brought back by the husband?

Yan Xiao said: "That woman looks a little timid."

Aunt Guan said with a straight face, "Do you want you to teach me how to behave?"

Zhou's rules were strict, and the two immediately stood with their hands tied.

Aunt Guan said coldly: "Even if Mr. Lang brings someone back, it is the ladies and the others who should be persuaded, not you two."


Aunt Guan immediately softened her tone and said, "Do you feel there is a crisis?"

Huahong nodded, "First there was Jiang He'er, and then there was a woman. It seems that Lang Jun wants to set up his own team in the backyard."

"Worried about falling out of favor?"


The two of them looked at Aunt Guan expectantly, wondering if she could give them a good idea.

"You two have never been favored, so how can you talk about falling out of favor?"

Aunt Guan turned around and said, "I've met Mr. Lang!"

Yang Xuan took Zheng Wuniang into the backyard.

"This is Zheng Wuniang, who will take care of the children from now on."

Yan Xiao said softly: "It turns out that she is not Lang Jun's woman!"

The threat was removed, and Yanxiao became happy again.

Huahong still frowned.

Yan Xiao asked: "Why are you still not happy?"

"When I was at Zhou's house, I heard someone say something...the male owner and the children were fighting for food."

Yang Xuan handed Zheng Wuniang to Yi Niang.

This is a signal.

Zheng Wuniang is mine!

Aunt Guan gave Huahong and others a warning look.

Be more honest recently and don't think about giving power to newcomers.

After Yi Niang asked Zheng Wuniang about her origins, she said, "He is a pitiful person and a cruel person."

She called Zheng Wuniang over.

Zheng Wuniang was very nervous when she first arrived here.

"My name is Yi Niang, and I serve my husband in the backyard."

"I've met Yi Niang."

Zheng Wuniang knew that Yi Niang was more than just serving people. Judging from her upright figure and calm expression, she was probably the housekeeper of the backyard.

"The love for a calf is deep. You can take action for children and animals. In my opinion, it is courage."

Killing her husband was a lingering shadow in Zheng Wuniang's mind. She felt that everyone despised her and alienated her. When she heard Yi Niang's words, she couldn't help but be stunned.

"Mr. Lang believes in you. Then, when my wife gives birth to Lin'er, you should take good care of her." Yi Niang looked at her, "Just as you would take care of your own child. If someone intends to harm the child..."

Zheng Wuniang raised her head:

"The slave will stab him to death with scissors!"

Yang Xuan went to Zhoushe.

"It's time for Mr. Lang and Mr. Wang to part ways!"

Cao Ying said with a smile.

"The Wang family is a piece of fat. If you eat it, you may be full of fat. It may take a long time and a huge price to repay it. I don't want to give it up, but after all, I am still worried about the big trouble in the future."

The standard of doing things for aristocratic families is that the family comes first, and even the family is the country, a small independent kingdom.

"The noble families are bent on pursuing their own interests. The more power and money they control, the weaker the Tang Dynasty becomes."

Yang Xuan smiled and said, "It's still too early to achieve success! Don't you think my move is a bit too unfounded?"

"Many people only care about the present. As for the future, who can care about the future! But Lang Jun's move is to prepare for a rainy day. He would rather be in trouble now than leave hidden dangers in the future."

Cao Ying stood up and said, "Mr. Lang's behavior is the sign of a master!"

Something to do and something not to do!

I am becoming more and more unfamiliar with such a husband, and I am more and more in awe of him.

The false emperor is in the dark, like dusk. The prince is wise and decisive, like the rising sun. The general trend must be on the side of the prince!

Yang Xuan didn't know that Cao Ying had increased the success rate of revolting against the great cause because of his decision. "I will plan the Jibo Department here, and I will go to Fengzhou to discuss with them personally..."

"Iron ore?"


"Sun Ying from Fengzhou doesn't have a good impression of Lang Jun."

"I know that last time He Lianchun crossed Chenzhou and raided Fengzhou, Wangbian County was almost defeated, and Sun Ying had a bad feeling for me. But, why do you need to take action on such a simple matter?"

"Lang Jun means that I am going to go?"


"That's fine." Cao Ying felt that it was time for her to make a move, "I'll leave the house to Lu Qiang, and I'll go visit the neighbors."

At this time Lu Qiang came in and said, "Your Majesty, the iron ore in Taiping has been cut off. I'm afraid we may miss important events."

"Oh!" Yang Xuan motioned for him to sit down.

Lu Qiang sat down, his mouth a little dry, "Since last year, Chenzhou has been opening up wasteland, and building water conservancy projects everywhere. People have to bring weapons when they go out of the city... Everything is inseparable from iron. But Wang

If the ore is cut off, the iron tools will be cut off, and the trouble will be big!"

Yang Xuan smiled slightly and drank tea silently.

Lu Qiang: "Your Majesty..."

Cao Ying said with a smile: "On the second day when the envoy and the Wang family agreed to transport ore to Taiping every year, Langjun told me to buy more, and there will be more in each batch. The extra ore will be saved.

Come down.

So what if the Wang family is out of ore? Lang Jun went to Taiping just to fall out with the Wang family, and by the way, he ordered Zhen Siwen to use that batch of inventory. Peace of mind, it is enough."

Lu Qiang looked at Yang Xuan, "Your Majesty, you have prepared for a rainy day like this, I..."

This young envoy was actually on guard against falling out with the Wang family as early as that time.

This method!

Such determination!

This city!

Yang Xuan got up and went out.

Lu Qiang said faintly: "No wonder the old envoy recommended him to take over Chenzhou instead of me. If he doesn't become the governor with such means, who can?"

For the first time, Cao Ying saw sincere admiration in Lu Qiang's eyes.

King Wei is here.

"You want to do something?"

"How did you figure it out?"

Yang Xuan looked at his eldest nephew with some joy.

"There are a few more guards around you, it's like this every time."

With such observation skills, anyone who dares to say that the eldest nephew is a cruel idiot is a fool.

The false emperor should know that his son is not a fool, right?

So, this father and son are just acting.

From the palace to outside the palace.

One for Best Actor and one for Best Supporting Actor.

"By the way, I've always been curious as to why Your Majesty agreed to your divorce. If it's hard to say, there's no need to say it."

Yang Xuan is really curious... The pseudo-emperor has such a good face that he can agree to this. Could it be that his loving father is having a heart attack?

People who can kill their own children and grandchildren without hesitation have no love at all. Such a fatherly heart is afraid that there is poison hidden underneath.

"There's nothing hard to say." King Wei said calmly: "If he doesn't agree, I will ignore everything in Northern Xinjiang."

Is this to threaten the false emperor by lying down?

If you don't agree to make peace with me, I will lie down. When Li Laosan saw that he was lying down, he thought he would get drunk to celebrate.

Is it time for the false emperor to have a headache?

The eldest nephew's methods are pretty good.

However, these extreme measures are double-edged swords if used too much.

Hurt others and hurt yourself.

"Your Majesty didn't give you any?"

"Of course there is."

"What is it, deducting your money and food?" Yang Xuan felt that if the pseudo-emperor was ruthless, King Wei would most likely have to come to his own house to make ends meet.

There was nothing to eat, but Yang Xuan couldn't help but have a headache when he thought that this guy and Li Han were both wine barrels.

Drinking friends are not scary. What is scary is that after drinking, your friends will put their arms around your shoulders and talk non-stop. What is even more scary is that they will also drink.

King Wei shook his head.

"Yang Songcheng has a grandniece."

"What does it have to do with you?"

"Aye is going to let her marry me."

The pseudo-emperor's queen was Yang Songcheng's daughter. King Wei was not the queen's son, but he was nominally her child.

King Wei and Yang Songcheng are sworn enemies... years ago.

The emperor actually wanted King Wei to marry Yang's daughter. What was he doing?

"You know, I don't know much about the royal family. What does this mean?"

"My punishment, by the way, makes Yang Songcheng disgusted with me and Yang Songcheng."

"Is he your biological father?"

"Probably so!"

"Do you regret it?"

"I just regret that my mother-in-law is too pretty."

"What's the idea?"

"If you were mediocre, you wouldn't have entered the palace back then."

But how did Concubine Shu know that the emperor was worse than a pig or a dog?

If he knew about it, he would rather hide at home and not go out, or spread bad things about himself.

After King Wei left here, he went to the Huang family's blacksmith shop.

"Li Er!"

Sister Huang has already lit a fire and is blowing the bellows.

"I'll do it!"

King Wei knelt down and stood side by side with Huang Damei.

He pulled the bellows easily, and the flames turned their faces red.

Sister Huang looked at him with her chin in her hands, "Li Er."


"You are so strong and can fight, why don't you join the army?"

"I can't be placed in the army."

"Pfft! You will brag!"

"I'm really not bragging."

"You just guard the warehouse and come to my place every now and then to strike iron. Don't you find it boring?"

"Big sister."


"People live to spend time, forging iron is killing time, guarding warehouses is killing time, and joining the army is also killing time. It doesn't matter how you spend your time."

"Then what's important?" Huang Damei looked at him.

"It depends on who you're with."

King Wei concentrated on pulling the bellows, and the flames inside gradually rose.

Sister Huang looked at him intently and suddenly blushed.

Bao Dong entered the state house and looked at the housekeepers and officials curiously.

"New here?"

A clerk came over and pretended to be an old man.

"Yeah! New here." Yang Xuan asked Bao Dong to help him. He went back and reported to Ning Yayun, and the matter was settled.

Ning Yayun felt that Yang Xuan wanted to use Bao Dong as a bridge of communication between Chen Zhou and Xuanxue, but she didn't know that Yang Xuan valued Bao Dong's ability to spread rumors.

"There was a fight outside this morning, did you see it?" The clerk liked gossip, but as soon as he entered the state, gossip was just a stranger.

"You mean those two old men?"

"Yes!" The clerk was holding the document and looking forward to it.

"It was because they were jealous of a woman. One of them had all his teeth knocked out and couldn't speak. One had his forehead broken and he looked like a unicorn."

"You're already old, what else can you do?"

"Do you know why?" Bao Dong said with a mysterious face.

The clerk felt itchy and asked, "What is it?"

Bao Dong coughed dryly, "Hey! There's something else going on over there."

"No!" The clerk pulled him, "I'll treat you to a drink at the most."

"How embarrassing is this?"

"Say it! Say it!"

"They all took a medicine."

"What medicine?"

"Rejuvenation Pill, it's good for him, and it's good for you too!"

"Tsk! What does this medicine do?"

"You know, why bother asking!" Bao Dong said with a smile: "It's hard to explain, but it can be solved with one pill. A man is so heroic that he keeps moving forward!"

The clerk coughed dryly, "I have a relative..."

"I'll bring you some tomorrow."

"Good brother!"

The clerk patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's drink together in the lower office. By the way, if anything happens to you in the future, report my name to me. I will protect you!"

"Thank you very much."

Under the eaves, Yang Xuan, who was talking to Lu Qiang, looked at this familiar scene and couldn't help but have a headache.

Helianyan came, looking serious.


"Mr. Lang, urgent report."


"Zhang Zhuo went to the Jibo Department!"


This chapter has been completed!
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