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Chapter 524: Three Thousand Ghost Heroes

There is a mountain deep in the grassland. There is no temple on the mountain, just two thatched houses.

The thatched house looks dilapidated, as if it could be swept away by a gust of wind.

The mountain road was rugged, and an old man carried a load of water up the mountain leisurely.

"Master, hurry up!"

The two men in front were also carrying water. The buckets were bigger, but they were as easy as carrying lamp grass.

The old man smiled and said: "If you walk in a hurry, it's the same way. If I walk slowly, it's the same way. What's the difference between morning and evening? What's the difference between fast and slow?"

"Master, walk faster and save time."

“What should we do with the saved time?”

"You can practice, you can read, you can grow vegetables."

"Are you in a hurry to read?"

"No rush."

"Are you in a hurry to practice?"

"No rush."

"Don't we have food to eat?"


"So, what's the hurry?"

"Master, why are you so slow?"

"Hey! Look at this mountain, it's green. Look at the clouds, they're floating in white. Look at this trail, it's all made by the three of us, the master and the apprentice.

Look at the grass on the left. Yesterday, I remember it was stepped on by the boss, and it looked like it was dead. But look at it now, and it actually raised its head again.

Hey! What do people do in life? Isn’t it just to watch and experience these things? Why are you so anxious?"

"Master, one should do something while alive!" Fang Jue, the eldest disciple, turned around and argued.

"What should we do?" Ru'an smiled and shouldered the burden.

"Master." Second disciple Chen Hua said, "Didn't you say you want to recruit more disciples? But where will the money and food come from?"

"Yes!" Fang Jue pointed to the thatched house on the top of the mountain, "We only have two thatched houses and a vegetable field. If we recruit more disciples, where will the food, clothing, housing and transportation come from? Without money, it will be difficult to move even!"

Ru'an smiled and said, "Don't pursue money."

"Where does that come from?"


When the three masters and apprentices reached the top of the mountain, they first poured water into the water jar, then Fang Jue went to cook, and Chen Hua went to water the vegetable fields.

Sitting in front of the thatched house like a flower, she relaxedly opened her clothes and let the mountain breeze blow into her chest.

"I heard the sound of horse hooves."

The kitchen is just outside, with a simple earthen stove. Fang Jue, who was cooking, raised his head and looked down the mountain.

"I've taught you to focus on doing things." Ru'an sighed.

Fang Jue smiled and said: "Master, I will be distracted just once."

"There are many things that happen for the first time, and they happen countless times." Ru'an pointed, and a pebble hit Fang Jue's butt, "This is a lesson."

"Ouch!" Fang Jue jumped on the spot.

"How about Anke?"

Halfway up the mountain, someone shouted.

Chen Hua, who was watering, hurried over and took a look below.

"Master, there are many cavalry."

Ru'an's expression remained unchanged, "Which noble person is here?"

The voice was long and drifting away, but Zhang Zhuo, halfway up the mountain, seemed to have someone speaking in his ear.

"This Khan Zhang Zhuo."

Ru'an said calmly: "What brings Khan here?"

"I heard you want to open the mountain gate?"

The clatter of horse hooves gradually reached the top of the mountain.

Zhang Zhuo came over with his hands behind his back.

If An didn't move, "What does Khan mean?"

Zhang Zhuo said: "Remember that you are from the Tiger Control Department, right?"

"No, I was born in a small tribe. That year, the tribe was wiped out, but fortunately I was saved by my master. Then I followed my master to travel around the grassland to practice..."

"You are a prairie man."

"That's right."

"Do you want to live in Datang?"

"I prefer the freedom of the grassland."

"This Khan's people came here more than ten times to ask you to come down from the mountain, but you refused on the grounds that you felt uncomfortable."

"It's still the same today."

Two disciples stood behind Ru'an.

Zhang Zhuo looked around, "It's very dilapidated. I heard that you want to open a mountain gate to recruit disciples. Do you want to pass it on?"


"But I'm afraid you won't be able to find a disciple in the future."


"The Tang Dynasty sent troops and destroyed the Jibo tribe, followed by our Yuhu tribe. Once the three major tribes are destroyed, where will you find your disciples?"

"Huh?" Ru'an was startled, "The basic wave department is gone?"

"No more, defeated in one battle."

"Isn't Khan sure too?"

"If this Khan is sure, why would he come here?"

Ru'an stood up and looked south in the distance.

"The southern part of the town is weak and vulnerable. The following is my tiger control department."

"Southern part of town? Isn't it the Vashe tribe?"

Zhang Zhuo looked at him, "How long has it been since you went to a crowded place?"

"It's been several years!" Ru'an thought for a while, "I don't like the excitement very much."

"Washe was also wiped out, and later the remnants were used to build a town in the south, which was extremely weak."

"Is this what happened to the grassland?"

"Tanzhou will be content to watch the three major ministries fighting against the Tang Dynasty. In this way, there will be less three henchmen."

"In other words, there is no hope?"


"What method?"

"Please go to Lin'an City."




"Chenzhou Governor, Yang Xuan!"

When Zhang Zhuo came down from the mountain, his advisor asked: "Khan, Yang Gou has so many masters, how can the three masters and disciples still kill him?"

Zhang Zhuo got on his horse and looked back at the top of the mountain. "Ten years ago, Ben Khan took his troops to suppress the rebellious tribes. When the killings began, he was prepared to leave no one behind. Who would have thought that he would meet the three of them, master and disciple, and then three With a long sword, I killed more than two hundred elite men under this Khan."

Zhang Zhuo still had a look of panic in his eyes, which showed how much the scene had affected him.

No one was stupid enough to ask why the three masters and apprentices let him go.

"I have carefully checked and found that Yang Gou has good men under his command, including a spear wielder and dozens of big men full of energy and blood, but they are all capable of fighting. The fighting formation is completely different from assassination. They kill people like crazy in the fighting formation. He's a good hand, but he can't withstand Ru'an's sword."

The subordinates couldn't help but cheer up, "If Yang Gou dies, Chenzhou will be in chaos."

"Yang Gou is Chen Zhou's backbone. If he dies, Chen Zhou's army will have no backbone. What a great opportunity!"

Zhang Zhuo said calmly: "The army has been assembled and we are waiting for their good news."

Amid the cheers, someone asked inexplicably: "Khan, if Yang Gou is stabbed to death, Chenzhou's army will probably be dispatched in full force. If the three masters and disciples are encircled and suppressed by the army, they may not be able to escape death."

Everyone slowly looked at Zhang Zhuo.

"If An refuses to serve me, then he is an outsider." Zhang Zhuo's fair face had a hint of coldness.

"For outsiders, the more deaths, the better!"

A few days later, a caravan 'picked up' the three masters and apprentices.

"Where are you going?"

"Lin'an!" Fang Jue said.

The businessman smiled and said: "It's a little off."

"Ah!" Chen Hua scratched his head, "Master, I remembered it wrong."

"It's okay, let's not be in a hurry."

Ru'an said with a smile.

When he saw Lin'an City, Chen Hua opened his mouth, "It seems different."

Outside the city gate, a line of motorcades were queuing up for inspection and entering the city, and the businessmen gathered together to talk and laugh.

At the top of the city, the sergeants stared down with vigilance.

"Is this Lin'an?" Fang Jue was a little surprised. "When I went to Tanzhou, I thought it was the most prosperous place, but it was far worse than Lin'an."

As soon as they entered the city, the three masters and apprentices became country bumpkins.

"Oh my God! So many shops and so many people!"

Chen Hua looked at it intently.

All the rules about not being distracted were completely thrown away.

"Calm down!" Ru'an just looked at it for a few times and then withdrew his attention.

"It just passed by." Chen Hua whispered.

Immediately, everything that his eyes saw disappeared into sight, but passed by without leaving any trace.

"Hey! Let's watch the sideshow!"

It was very lively across from Zhou House, with a group of people gathered around to watch the sideshow.

"How interesting!" Chen Hua also looked at it for a while.

Looking back, he found his master and senior brother looking at him with smiles.

"Just take a look."

He said sheepishly.

"When I picked you up that year, you held on to my sword and gnawed on it while holding it, drooling all over the scabbard."

"No way!"

"Why not?"

The three masters and apprentices walked forward with smiles.

Everyone wears a long sword at their waist.

Nowadays, people basically carry long knives when traveling.

The long sword is not conducive to fighting, and it is difficult to learn, so those who can use the long sword basically have their origins.

A man followed the three masters and apprentices from a distance, and soon another man followed.

The three masters and apprentices walked all the way.

"Master, how to find that person?"

"Just guard the state house."

"But it will be discovered."

"Yes." Ru'an scratched his head, "Ask where he is."

"Your Majesty!"

There was a burst of cheers from the front.

Yang Xuan was surrounded by more than ten riders and headed to the right.

"That's Yang Xuan?" Chen Hua glanced at him and said, "So young."

"Yes!" Fang Jue said, "Master, when will we do it?"

Ru'an thought about it seriously and said, "How about we do it today! If we go back earlier, I will be worried that the vegetables will be dried to death."

"That's right!" Fang Jue nodded.

"Master, why not wait a few days?" Chen Hua advised.

"You just can't bear the excitement!" Ru'an said with a straight face, "It's an important matter. Once it's done, we have the money and food to open the mountain gate. From now on, a group of people on the mountain will be lively!"

Haha too!

Chen Hua smiled and said: "Then let's do it!"

Ahead, Yang Xuan turned left.

"That place is not small!" Fang Jue said, "There is also a balcony, tsk tsk! Could this be his other business? It's so luxurious!"

"I also heard the sound of running water. There are not only balconies here, but also small bridges and flowing water. It's such a quiet place amidst the chaos!"

The three masters and apprentices followed all the way around to the front.

The gate is very new, and there is a plaque on it, but it is covered with cloth.

"He's in!"

Chen Hua saw Yang Xuan's back.

"I've seen the envoy!"

Ning Yayun brought a group of professors to meet the new boss of metaphysics.

"It looks good!"

Yang Xuan praised.

"Do this, second in metaphysics, no one in the world dares to say first." An Ziyu said confidently.

This group of people had nothing to do all day long, other than practicing, they just talked. Having a good environment to talk would make them happy, so they have been thinking about this matter for hundreds of years.

The average garden expert has been pondering for decades, which is incomparable to the sect that has been pondering for hundreds or even thousands of years.

"At the beginning, the palace also wanted to ask Xuanmen to help plan the layout, but the headmaster liked to drink. After drinking, he drew casually, and it turned out that there was an open space in the middle. When I asked, he said that this place is good for drinking and barbecue.

If the emperor has nothing to do, he will sit there with his concubines and roast a whole lamb."

The emperor was probably going to be furious.

Yang Xuan smiled.

Ning Yayun pointed to a hall in front and said: "This is the Martyrs' Shrine that the envoy mentioned. It has just been completed, but the memorial tablet still needs to be written by the envoy."


"The memorial tablet summons souls and can absorb the souls. The envoy led the soldiers to fight. Now, the envoy's words can attract those souls."

Ning Yayun added: "It's like..."

Yang Xuan said: "Under the Nine Netherworld, we will recruit the old troops, and three thousand ghost heroes will sweep away Yama!"

"What a spirit!" Ning Yayun looked at Yang Xuan in surprise.

This envoy casually wrote majestic poems. This kind of courage is not something that a governor can have.


After ninety-nine, I returned to Tang Dynasty. These words made me feel unhappy, so I followed him to Northern Xinjiang.

But why do I feel a little uneasy now?

An Ziyu said: "The words of the envoy are written on the tablet, just like a big flag. The incense is like the wind, and the wind blows the big flag, and the souls gather one after another as if they have heard the military order."

Yang Xuan nodded and agreed with this statement.

"Look back..."

The conversation has just begun.


Someone shouted at the gate.

Three men broke in.

"Yang Xuan!"

Yang Xuan turned around.

An old man and two middle-aged men.

The three men entered with swords in hand.

"Looking for me?" Yang Xuan felt something was wrong and coughed dryly.


Lao Ning!

Ning Yayun said calmly: "Just sit back and watch."

Lao Ning looked unassuming, but when he opened his mouth, his strong self-confidence made people feel at ease.

Based on this self-confidence, Yang Xuan felt that it would be a good idea to bring metaphysics to Northern Xinjiang!

Brother is making a lot of money!

Ru'an stopped and pressed the hilt of his sword, "You destroyed the Jibo Department?"


The old man looked gray and gray, with wrinkles all over his face. If he hadn't held a long sword in his hand and thrown it away in Chenzhou, he would be no different from those old farmers.

"Do you want to destroy the three major departments?"

"Do you have any objections?" Yang Xuan smiled.

"If you destroy the three major tribes, I will destroy you!"

Yang Xuan smiled ferociously, "Yeah, I'm waiting for you!"

He almost said "lock the door and let the dogs out".

The long sword is unsheathed.

But Yang Xuan didn't move and said calmly: "That piece of shit Zhang Zhuo!"

The Jibo Department was destroyed. If Wynn had such good players, he would have been released at the critical moment.

As for Xin Wuji, if he had such a good man under his command, Yang Xuan felt that he would find an opportunity to show his loyalty and ask the old man to assassinate him while he was not on guard.

Therefore, only Zhang Zhuo!

Suddenly a sword light flashed before his eyes.

It was as if the scorching sun suddenly burst out from behind the cover of clouds.

Yang Xuan couldn't help but want to cover his eyes.

But he held back and squinted his eyes.

At some point, Ning Yayun appeared in front of him.

Flick the tail lightly with your left hand and make a fist with your right hand.

The fist is not big.

And fair!

Just like that, it collided with the long sword.


The air wave exploded.

This chapter has been completed!
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