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Chapter 564 Don't Get Too Close

Wang Laoer grinned.

Holding up the wooden figure, "I picked it up."

The little girl sighed, "Where's the dried meat?"

"Didn't eat."

"Why don't you eat?"

"Keep it!"

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going back."

"Go back to where?"

"Go back to Chenzhou."

"Chenzhou? Father said Chenzhou is so rich."

"You want to go?"

"I think so! But we are not allowed to go there."

The ferocious general of the Tang army actually stopped and squatted there awkwardly, talking to a little girl from the tribe.

The leader was a little confused and waved to call the little girl's parents.

"Dongyang, that kid of yours, do you know him?"

"We met on the way." The man's face glowed red, "We talked for a long time."

The leader felt relieved and said, "Thank you for coaxing the Tang army away. I will turn around and give you ten sheep."

Dongyang was overjoyed and quickly thanked him.

"What is your daughter's name?" the leader asked.

"Two sheep."

"What a name!" the leader praised.

Dongyang smiled and said: "Er Sheep are born with blessings."

The leader nodded, "Yes! Just in time, my youngest son is six years old, let's get married!"

By becoming in-laws with the leader, your family will become one of the top families in the tribe!


Dongyang looked at his daughter who was talking to Wang Laoer in front of him and nodded vigorously, "Okay!"

Wang Laoer reached out and touched Eryang's head, "Then go!"

It seems that something is not quite right! Dongyang: "..."


Eryang turned around and shouted with all his strength: "Father, he asked if we should go to Chenzhou."

Chenzhou is the holy land in the hearts of prairie people. Many people curse Chenzhou while imagining that they can settle there and enjoy the prosperity like those businessmen.

But they are just ordinary people, and those who can settle in Chenzhou are all wealthy tribal businessmen.

The leader of Chenzhou, Yang Gou, no, Yang Shijun, is the god in the hearts of the prairie people.

As opponents, they hate them to the core and fear them like tigers.

But those merchants who occasionally came back to collect their things would proudly say how comfortable they were under the protection of Ambassador Yang.

What did you say about this... Dongyang looked at the leader.

What a marriage!

Compared with marriage, it is of course better to be Yang Shijun's subjects!


As a result, Wang Laoer later had a whole family behind him.

The leader and others waved.

"Remember to come back!"

Zhou Ning has entered the period of waiting for childbirth.

Yang Xuan still calmly went back and forth between his hometown and his hometown every day.

"Your Majesty, be generous!"

Lu Qiang praised.

"When my wife was about to give birth for the first time, I was extremely worried. I was afraid that something would happen to my wife and to my child. For a while, I felt groggy and had no intention of doing anything."

Cao Ying said with a smile: "So Lang Jun is the governor, and you and I are just the top sergeants."

Yang Xuan came in.

"Your Majesty."

Yang Xuan nodded, "Taoxian County gave them the power of conquest, and if they have it, use it. A group of prisoners came from Taiping, and they picked out the best and put them into death camps."

"It's no longer necessary, right?" Lu Qiang said, "Now we in Chenzhou don't lack those few people."

"Those are mostly scum, and being thrown into a death camp can be considered as atonement."

Dozens of prisoners were escorted to Chenzhou.

"Is this Chenzhou?"

"Look, it doesn't look good!"

When they arrived in Taiping, the prisoners were shocked.

"How can this...small frontier county be so prosperous?"

After entering the county seat, the county magistrate Zhen Siwen came.

"This is Zhen Ming's Mansion!" shouted the clerk.

"I've seen the Ming Mansion!"

The prisoners saluted.

Zhen Siwen asked: "Who is wronged here?"

"Unjustly accused!"

Everyone raised their hands.

Zhen Siwen nodded.

Everyone was secretly happy and thought, is this going to give preferential treatment?

"Send them all to death camps!"

A group of people were shocked.

"Death camp, the name sounds wrong!"

"This is where you go to die!"

"I was wronged!"

A group of prisoners howled.

"I have read the files you are waiting for, and none of them are unjustly accused. According to the envoy, they are all scum." Zhen Siwen said with a cold face, "If someone does not cry out for injustice or raise his hand, then it means that this person is still alive.

Integrity is still worth saving. Unfortunately, everyone who raises their hands is a scumbag."

A group of criminals were taken away.

"Mingfu, someone from Chenzhou is here."

A clerk came in a hurry.

"Your Majesty ordered Taiping to send out troops."

"Where to go?" Zhen Siwen was refreshed.

"Go to the southern part of Intimidation Town."

After seeing off the envoy, Zhen Siwen stood outside the city and said excitedly: "Did the envoy finally remember me?"

Taiping sent troops.

"How much food is needed, just ask!"

Several big grain merchants swore with their chests that if the Taiping troops were left short of food and clothing, they would jump from the top of the city.

Today, Taiping has become a pearl in northern Xinjiang, with constant trade and huge amounts of goods coming in and out every day.

Am I the one who missed that little grain? It’s not shameful for you to know that I collected the grain you waited for... Zhen Siwen said lightly: "No need."

The Taiping Army gathered and immediately attacked.

"Zhen Siwen has never led an army independently, so he is afraid that something will go wrong!"

Lu Qiang was a little worried.

"He followed me on several expeditions, and there was always a time when he could do something on his own." Yang Xuan needed to cultivate his direct lineage to do something on his own.

"That Xin Wuji is not a good person!" Lu Qiang said quietly.

Halfway through, the Taiping Army encountered the army from the south of the town who had heard the news.

The spring breeze made the scars on Xin Wuji's face itchy. He looked at the array in front of him and said, "Yang Gou wants to clean up the Tiger Control Department, why did he send troops?"

"Khan, there are few of them, why don't you give them a try?" someone suggested.

"Then, you go and try." Xin Wuji followed the good advice.

The man was extremely excited and said, "Yes."

Someone asked: "That's Chen Zhoujun."

"But Yang Gou is not here, who am I afraid of?"

Qian Yuqi shouted and rushed out.

"Khan, the other side is not moving."

Tang Jun on the opposite side remained motionless.

Just like their leader Zhen Siwen.

Xin Wuji's confidant said with gritted teeth: "Khan, don't you have any crossbow arrows?"

The routine crossbow arrows of the Tang army did not appear, which made the more than a thousand cavalry rushing into the formation ecstatic.

Xin Wuji said: "Zhen Siwen, I haven't heard much about it."

"Nobody!" Dang Ya said: "But why did Yang Gou attack us? If he wanted to rely on the Taiping Army to destroy us, it would be impossible. So, what are they doing?"

"Deterrence!" Xin Wuji said.

"That's right." Dang Ya said: "It seems that Yang Gou wants to take action against the Tiger Control Department. Before that, he hopes to give us a beating.

Khan, this battle is not going to be easy. If we win, Yang Gou will turn around and deal with us first."

Xin Wuji nodded, "That's why I didn't attack with the whole army."

However, I'm afraid Zhen Siwen won't be able to bear it.

This thing is really ridiculous. As a bitter enemy, I actually hope that my opponent can withstand it.

Dang Ya was a little annoyed, "If we had thought of Yang Gou's thoughts earlier, we should have avoided it and let him fight to the death with Zhang Zhuo."

"At this point, what's the use of talking about this?"

Xin Wuji was staring ahead.

The master went to Lin'an. Is the Taiping Army still the same?

An army will leave the mark of a general, and the master's weapons will appear and disappear, making people fearful. But Zhen Siwen...

"This man was originally a petty official, and he was promoted by Yang Gou. He can be called a confidant among his confidants!" Dang Ya said.

"I don't know what his temper is." Xin Wuji said.

"It can be seen from the use of soldiers." Dang Ya said, "Look, it has begun!"

Opposite him, Zhen Siwen raised his hand.

"Crossbow, archer..."

The enemy is approaching.

At this time, Zhen Siwen ordered his subordinates to prepare for action.

The officers and soldiers of the Taiping Army were also quite stunned.

How is this man's use of troops different from his envoy?

"Fire the arrow!"

Just as the enemy troops were approaching, Zhen Siwen waved his hand fiercely.

The crossbow and longbow arrows are fired together.


While the arrow was still in the air, Zhen Siwen drew his horizontal sword.



Several generals of the Taiping Army were dumbfounded, but instinctively shouted: "Kill!"

The two waves of arrows dealt a heavy blow to the enemy who secretly rejoiced.

Before they could wake up from the attack of arrows, the Taiping Army arrived.

The cavalry rushed in violently, constantly expanding the breach.

The infantry formed a formation and used rows of spears to knock the enemy off their horses.


The enemy general who had spoken eloquently before now shouted subconsciously.


He swore that he had never suffered such a violent blow.

There is no step-by-step approach.

There are no rules.

It was just a wave of headless attacks, and then the whole army came on.

Are you convinced?


The enemy troops left corpses on the ground and retreated hastily.

Everyone looked at Zhen Siwen.

"Mingfu, attack?"


Zhen Siwen is not a cudgel. If the whole army really wants to attack, Xin Wuji can lead the Taiping army away with his fighting skills.

This is the advantage of cavalry.

The two armies confront each other.

"Left wing attack." Xin Wuji ordered.

"On the right wing, the archers gather." Zhen Siwen ordered.

Soldiers will come to block it, water will come and earth will cover it!

After several rounds of back and forth, Xin Wuji withdrew his troops.

Then, he rode forward alone.

"Please give Zhenming Mansion a moment."

"Mingfu, be careful of fraud."

"Yes! Mingfu, you have no cultivation..."

You go and deliver food!

Zhen Siwen said calmly: "Peace of mind."

Zhen Siwen came forward immediately.

Yang Xuan's order was to shock, that is, to beat the southern part of the town.

According to Zhen Siwen's understanding of Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan is more willing to dispatch the Chenzhou Army for this kind of matter. Under the suppression of the army, if everything goes well, the southern part of the town will be wiped out easily. If not, it will also be able to effectively frighten the southern part of the town and keep them away.


But, since I, Zhen Siwen, have been arranged, then even if it means death, I have to make Xin Wuji tremble!

The two are close.

"What does Zhenming Mansion want to do when you come here?"

Xin Wuji relied on killing to secure his position as the Khan of the southern part of the town, and his personal cultivation was not low.

If he really wanted to take action, Zhen Siwen felt that he could kill himself just by raising his hand.

But he still said calmly: "I have been more honest recently. If I see people from the south of the town appearing within the scope of Chenzhou, then the envoy will think that the south of the town wants to collude with the Tiger Control Department and plot against Chenzhou. Then, I will not die.


What is the master hinting at me?

Stay away from the Tiger Control Department?

But I have stayed away a long time ago!

"Ben Khan, I understand."

Zhen Siwen nodded, "It's fine if you know. If you don't know, or if you regret it, then Chen Zhoujun will make you pay the price with swords and guns."

Xin Wuji snorted coldly and rode back.

Zhen Siwen looked at his back, and several sergeants rushed over. One of them asked: "What is Mingfu thinking?"

"I'm thinking about how to kill him!"

Xin Wuji returned and immediately withdrew his troops.

Halfway through, he called the guards left behind by Yang Xuan.

"I'm afraid the master is preparing to deal with Zhang Zhuo. Zhen Siwen said earlier that we should not get involved. Do you think that's what he meant?"

The guard listened to what he said and thought about it.

"What Mr. Lang means is to tell you, don't get too close, so as not to hurt you."

Wang Laoer is back.

With the whole family.

When passing by the sideshow, Eryang stopped and looked enviously at Liang Huahua, who was doing somersaults on the wooden frame, "Second brother, she is so amazing."

"Second brother." Chen De and Qian came over.

"Hey! This girl is pretty good!"

Seeing Eryang, Qian squatted down and reached out to squeeze her body.

"Second brother!" Eryang was a little scared.

Qian stood up and said, "Second brother, this girl has some talent."

Wang Laoer scratched his head, "Er Yang, do you want to learn?"


As a result, Eryang became a member of Chen De's juggling troupe.

Huang Er said: "We have been looking for Huahua's successor for a long time, but we haven't found it. Although this girl has some talent, we still have to look at it, right? It's just decided. What if we can't practice it?"

Chen De said: "You must practice it!"

Qian said confidently: "Even if it is a pig, as long as it is given by my second brother, I can train her to fly on the palm of my hand!"

"Second brother, they said they are going to attack the Tiger Control Division."

Liang Huahua and Wang Laoer sat together.


This matter is not a secret. In order to establish his prestige, Yang Xuan even deliberately sent people to tell people that he was going to destroy the Tiger Control Department.

"Are you going or not?"


"Second brother, they say that you must rush to the front in every battle, but you are speechless! You have to be careful!"

"I just want to do business."

"Buy or sell?"

"Yes! Just doing business."

After Wang Laoer left, Liang Huahua went to talk to Eryang.

After some questioning and learning about her experience of meeting Wang Laoer, Liang Huahua said: "You are really lucky."

"Second brother is a good person, but a little stupid." Eryang said.

"Second brother is not stupid, he just doesn't want to be smart." Liang Huahua smiled and pinched her little face.

"Sister Huahua."


"You are so fierce."

"How can I be so evil?" Liang Huahua felt that she was a kind person.

"You looked at my second brother earlier, as if you wanted to eat someone."

The information gathered during this trip came to Yang Xuan.

"Zhang Zhuo seems quite confident."

Cao Ying said.

"He thinks Tanzhou can save him." Lu Qiang said disdainfully: "He is just a dog, but he doesn't know what his master is thinking."

"The three major ministries are also a threat to Tanzhou, so they need to be exploited and defended. In addition, no matter who is in charge of Tanzhou these years, they have been suppressing the three major ministries to prevent their power from expanding too much."

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "It is their fate to be sandwiched between the Tang Dynasty and the Northern Liao Dynasty."

Lu Qiang asked: "When will we send out troops next?"

"We'll wait for the spring plowing first." Yang Xuan said, "Without half of the scouts and rangers, come back."

This was a rare leisure time. Yang Xuan said, "I'm going to inspect the city."

After he left, Lu Qiang said: "Do you think someone will come to disrupt spring plowing this year?"

Cao Ying was reading the paperwork and said without raising her head: "Who dares?"

"Yes." Lu Qiang picked up a booklet, looked at Yang Xuan's back, and suddenly covered his forehead, "Since when did we stop worrying about the three major movies?"

"Starting from the time when the envoy arrived." Cao Ying said: "Actually, you should have figured it out. The envoy ordered to withdraw half of the scouts and rangers, which is to encourage the southern part of the town and the tiger control department..."

Come on!

Great opportunity, what are you waiting for?

Lu Qiang smiled bitterly, "I bet that this year will be the quietest year for spring farming in Chenzhou."

"Of course it is."

Lu Qiang was silent for a long time and suddenly said:

"I am looking forward to your husband going to Taoxian even more."

On Children's Day, I didn't think about knives. As for modifying the plot, there is no such thing. Eryang is not a box lunch character, and he will have many roles in the future. In addition, I want to say: not only are there knives in the world, but there are also countless beautiful things.


This chapter has been completed!
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