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Chapter 566 God, where is it?


Ning Yayun frowned, "I am a master of metaphysics. Do you think it is appropriate to do things for a concubine?"

Shame on you!

I am a disgrace to those who disgrace metaphysics.

"But he gave too much."

"How many?"

"Two thousand dollars!"

This is northern Xinjiang, not Chang'an where the rich and powerful gather. The market is promising and the money is generous.

When Zhong Hui and the others go out to perform errands, it would be considered generous if the host family can give them one hundred yuan.

Ning Yayun was also surprised, "Why are you so generous?"

An Ziyu turned the ruler between her fingers, "Just because I said, his concubine is afraid that she will die with her eyes open, and the only way to suppress her resentment is to let the master take action!"

"Then how did the concubine die?"


Headmaster Ning carried his guqin on his back and his harp tail, and walked out of the mountain gate in a carefree manner.

An Ziyu shouted from inside the gate: "Everyone in the family is counting on you."

"Little things!"

Ning Yayun mounted her horse, which was also white.

The handsome guy on horseback has a fair complexion, bright eyes, a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and some gray on his temples, but when people see him, they can only think of maturity.

"What a gentleman!"

A woman praised on the roadside.

Ning Yayun didn't squint her eyes and found the place along the way.

This is a mansion, and even the clothes worn by the disciples would overwhelm the disciples of metaphysics.

"Who are you looking for?" The disciple was very polite.

"Is Fidelity here?" Ning Yayun flicked her tail, immediately making the disciples stand in awe.

"Langjun hasn't gone out these days, are you..."

Ning Yayun said, "Tell your husband that someone from Xuanxue is here."

After a while, a middle-aged man came in a hurry.

The man is Fidelity. He has two eyeballs under his eyes, black and blue in color. The flesh on his cheeks is weak and drooping, and the corners of his mouth are slack...

Too much wine!

Hurt your vitality!

"Dare I ask..." Fidelity handed over.

"Metaphysics, Ning Yayun."

"It's actually Headmaster Ning who has come personally, and Peng Pi is so radiant! Please come in, please come in!"

In the side room, there was a door panel with two benches underneath. Lying on the door panel was a livid-faced woman.

"This is my concubine, Mrs. Wang, alas!" Fuda sighed, "Yesterday, for some reason, she actually fell into the well, and she was already dead when she was found.

Just go ahead if you say this person has gone! His eyes are still open.

The old servant at home has learned something before, saying that he has grievances. If he is buried without closing his eyes, the whole family will be in bad luck. Master Ning has great magic power, so he thinks he can find a way?"

The old servant standing next to him said, "My lady is here."

A woman dressed in elegant clothes entered the wing, took a look at the corpse, and sighed: "My husband loves her, and I treat her as my sister, but this person is so unhappy!"

Ning Yayun glanced at her and didn't see Qi Se, but she saw the satin underwear inside.

Is this my sister?

I’m afraid it’s not Sister Qiu!

"Close your eyes!"

Ning Yayun originally wanted to say that this matter was unreliable.

However, An Ziyu's roar immediately echoed in his ears.

If I can't make any money, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back.

"Can I take a look?"

Fu Da said: "Who kind of person is Master Ning? Just do what you want! By the way, do you want us to avoid him?"

Ning Yayun's head was full of black lines, "There's no need to take off your clothes."

Fuda said coquettishly: "I thought I wanted to dance with a great god and invite a god to come. I make a lot of money, but it is said that gods like money, but they don't like people who make money. Alas!"

This man talks too much.

The old servant muttered beside him, "Actually, I am more reliable in doing these things."

Ning Yayun squinted her eyes and looked at the corpse carefully.

Reach out.

Inner breath flourishes.


The lying corpse trembled violently.

"Oh!" The woman covered her mouth and exclaimed.

Fidelity was also frightened.

Old servant: "..."

"Master!" Fidelity was the first to wake up, "Is it possible to communicate?"

Ning Yayun nodded, "Yes, but I need to resurrect my soul to go to the underworld. Are you willing to go?"

Fidelity shook his head like a rattle and looked at his wife, "How about you go?"

The woman covered her forehead and said, "Slave, I'm dizzy."

Ning Yayun said softly: "Then get out of the way."

The couple dispersed a little more.

Ning Yayun stretched out a finger, as if it were a huge stone, and explored it bit by bit.

Fidelity and his wife held their breath and watched carefully.

The old servant imitated Ning Yayun's posture and slowly stretched out his fingers.

Although their backs were to the three of them, the auras of the three could not be hidden from Ning Yayun.

He reached out and touched the corpse's cheek.

Immediately, the inner breath penetrated.

But the person stayed there for too long, and the meridians and other places were seriously blocked.

Another person would certainly not be able to drive the inner breath through, but who is Ning Yayun?

The inner breath suddenly becomes thinner, so subtle that it almost breaks off at the touch of a finger.

But under Ning Yayun's control, this subtle inner breath penetrated from the cheek all the way up.

On the way, I encountered constant blockages, and my inner breath cleverly went around and around.

If someone who has attained the level of cultivation were allowed to observe the inner breath route, they would definitely be shocked.

This kind of micro-management ability is amazing!

Playing the piano all year round is not useless. The inner breath can control the strings and change the subtle sounds of the piano. It can also naturally change the meridians of the human body.

The inner breath rushed up and then was withdrawn.

Ning Yayun sighed, "It's a little difficult."

What kind of person is Fidelity? What a clear-eyed person!

This can be done, but it is not easy.

For businessmen, isn’t difficulty just money?

"How difficult is it?" Fidelity asked.

It's like asking a businessman when discussing business: "How much is the minimum price for your product?"

Ning Yayun flicked her finger, and a cloud of flying dust rolled up on the ground.

"There are external forces, I don't know if they are gods or ghosts."


The sound of the teeth of the Fidelity couple clicking was very clear.

"Ning, Headmaster Ning, is ten thousand dollars enough?"

Ning Yayun originally only wanted five thousand dollars, but she didn't expect...

"Hey! I'll give it a try."

Ning Yayun stretched out her fingers again and pressed on the corpse's cheek.

Close your eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, he opened his eyes.


The Fuda couple looked at it.

The inner breath moves.

The eyelids of the female corpse slowly closed.

Fu Da was excited, "A living god! Ning Zhangjiao!"

The woman is blessed with good health, "Thank you so much for teaching Master Ning how to do this to your slave sister. I guess she has been reincarnated now!"

"Not so fast!"

Fidelity sent someone to withdraw the money.

After receiving the money, Ning Yayun turned around and handed over her hands to the corpse.

I owe you for using you to make money.

"This woman previously confided that she was beaten severely during her lifetime and suffered severe pain in her back."

When Ning Yayun probed in with her inner breath before, she found some traces of violent blows.

This is not suicide.

But he killed himself!

In this way, if I tell you your grievances, it can be regarded as clearing up everything.

In this way, there is no cause and effect.

Fidelity slowly looked at his wife.


The woman suddenly laughed.

"This bitch, relying on your favor, dares to shout at me."

"So, you killed her?"

The woman looked at Fidelity and said, "It was you I wanted to kill!"

God is above!

Ning Yayun stood up and said, "Fortunately, I'm not married. It's great to be alone!"

"Fidelity! Fidelity!"

Someone yelled outside.

Fidelity pointed at the woman and said, "Report to the official!"

After Ning Yayun uncovered this matter, there was no way to cover it up.

Ning Yayun walked out slowly.

I saw a man about the same age as Fidelity walk in.

Fidelity went over and said, "Brother Chen, is there something wrong?"

"Old rich, I heard today..."

The subsequent sounds were a little blurry, but Ning Yayun just circulated her inner breath and heard some of the content.

"...The king killed too many people, and the gods were so angry that they came to the world.

Nine days later, a disaster will occur, and the entire Chenzhou will not be spared!"


Are you actually here for Zitai?

Moreover, they also talk about ghosts and gods.

Ning Yayun thought about it, and it seemed that the original metaphysics was called invincible in the world. After he accepted metaphysics, he gave up because he was not short of money.

Pretending to be a ghost in Chenzhou.

Have you ever asked me?

Fuda turned around and said, "Master Ning, please give me your advice on this matter."

Ning Yayun smiled, "What's the matter?"

The man whispered: "This person..."

There was a look of pride in Fuda's eyes, "This is Headmaster Ning of Metaphysics. I saw Headmaster Ning take action with my own eyes earlier. It was a shocking move that made ghosts and gods weep!"

"It turns out it's Headmaster Ning, why do you think he looks so godly?" The man held his hand.

Ning Yayun flicked her tail.

His appearance is so good that just standing there makes people admire him.

The man said: "Yesterday, my clerk was mumbling that Yang Shijun had killed too many people and had offended God, and that a god would come down to earth to bring disaster. I beat him severely, but when I turned around, I found that there were many people.

Everyone is talking about this..."

"The gods descended to earth?" Ning Yayun frowned.

"Yes!" Fidelity's eyes were scorching, "Headmaster Ning, are there any... seniors in metaphysics who can communicate with the headmaster?"

These people are all gone, so why communicate?

If people are gone and can still communicate with strangers, they only need to reveal themselves, and metaphysics will instantly become the Tang Dynasty, no, become the first sect in the world.

"I have never heard of it."

Ning Yayun is vague.

"Have you ever told me where the god descended to earth?"

The man nodded, "It said it was in a brothel in the west of the city."

Fu Da said angrily: "The brothel is dirty, how can the gods descend to earth there?"

The man said: "Someone has said that in the eyes of the gods, we are all ants. The brothels are just dust."

"This is true." Fidelity clasped his hands together and prayed, and then asked: "Headmaster Ning, should we avoid such things?"

The man said: "There are only two ways. One is to leave Chenzhou for shelter. The other is... to worship the gods with those people."

"So, I also want to see the gods, is it possible?" Ning Yayun said with a smile, using the secret skills of metaphysics.

The man only felt that the old handsome pot in front of him was particularly friendly, and he couldn't help but said: "It's in Chunyun Building."

Ning Yayun nodded, "If so, please lead the way."


All the way to the west of the city.

Originally, all the business in the city was in the market. When Yang Xuan took over as governor, although the square wall was demolished, there were still not many people doing business in the residential area. They were shy and shy, like a female actress who had just debuted.

Nowadays, business in the city is booming everywhere, and even the deep alleys are not lonely.

This is not the case.

Chunyun Tower is located in a deep alley.

"What a hole!" Fidelity looked at the luxurious brothel in front of her and couldn't help but rub her hands.

Ning Yayun couldn't help but shake her head when she saw his face flushed.

People in the world are ignorant and addicted to desire, thinking that this is life. However, they do not know that desire can make people restless and unsettled.

The man turned around and said, "Headmaster Ning is right here."

"Please call the door."

Brothels are always open to welcome guests, but here the door is closed.

At first glance, there is a problem.

"It is said that only acquaintances can enter because they are afraid of disturbing the gods' rest."

The man came forward and knocked on the door.

Knock knock knock!

Someone inside whispered: "The mountains are high and the rivers are long."

The man looked excited and nervous, "The blessings are long-lasting."

Ning Yayun felt a gaze projected from the crack in the door, passing over her body critically.


Outside the door, a man in Tsing Yi stared at Ning Yayun warily.

"I have been studying Taoism for many years. I heard that gods descended to earth, so I wanted to come and pay my respects."

Ning Yayun shook her tail.

At the same time, I glanced at Fidelity.

Fidelity stabbed his friend and whispered: "Don't be angry."

He didn't see the gods or anything like that, but he saw Ning Yayun's god. Only with Ning Yayun around could he dare to go in with confidence.

If something happens, would it be nice to have Headmaster Ning in front of you to take care of it?

The man wanted to introduce Ning Yayun's identity, but he thought of it like Fidelity.

It's nice to have a backrest.

"Come in!"

The three of them went in. The man looked at both ends of the alley and slowly closed the door.

Two heads popped out of the wall diagonally opposite.

"Ning Yayun actually went in. Is his old sweetheart here?"

"Fart, Headmaster Ning is highly respected."

"Then why did he go in?"

"Maybe it's a meeting with gods?"

"Our people are inside. With him here, if we encounter trouble, we can still ask for help."

"Should I report this matter to Lady Helian?"

"No need! Madam said, let us keep an eye on it and wait for the envoy's orders."

"Then, keep staring."

"Hey! Can you see that god?"

"Saw it."

"What's it like?"


Ning Yayun and the three of them went in all the way until the lobby.

At this moment, the lobby was full of people, sitting next to each other, all looking attentively at the makeshift table above.

The stage was built with wooden boards and covered with exquisite carpets.

A man wearing golden clothes sat on it with an indifferent expression.

The man's cheeks were thin and his bones were very prominent, and he looked indescribably weird.

Ning Yayun glanced at it.

The man turned his head and looked over for a moment.

Ning Yayun smiled.

He knew that this person had some cultivation.

Two men were mingling at the back, muttering.

"Ning Yayun is here?"


"Could it be that the lady invited you to help?"

"Hard to say."

The two men are He Lianyan's men.

Ning Yayun and the others found a corner to sit down, very close to the two men.

The man on the stage spoke:

"Chenzhou has killed too much, and the souls of the dead roar day and night, and their resentment goes straight to heaven. The Emperor of Heaven has received the report and is furious. He will bring disaster and destroy Chenzhou!"

Everyone was panic-stricken and leaned forward, "The gods are merciful."

The man said calmly: "Fortunately, someone said that the people are ignorant and can still be saved. The Emperor of Heaven took pity on the world and asked me to come down to earth and have a look. If the people of Chenzhou are sensible, then there is still something that can be done about this matter. If they are not ignorant, then

…Thunder is coming.”

"Ask God for mercy!"

"We will obey all the instructions of the gods."

The man's tone of voice was very interesting and made people feel friendly in spite of themselves.

The method is good!

Ning Yayun smiled.

The man said: "Since you are willing to comply, let me ask you, have you ever mobilized the people around you?"

"It's activated. My family, as well as my father-in-law's family, are all waiting for the gods' orders."

"The villain turned on the neighbors."


The man smiled and said, "It's all reasonable, okay!"

Everyone was overjoyed.

The man's expression suddenly changed, he looked up into space and moved his mouth slightly, as if he was talking to someone.

After a while, he sighed.

"The Emperor of Heaven has just sent a message, and today is the day to take action."

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

The man said: "In an hour, God will bring disaster. The only way to avoid disaster is... to rush into the state house."

"Take orders!"

"I'll go back and call someone right away!"

"Young man, go back now!"

The people present gradually became excited.

The two men looked at each other.

"Something is wrong!"

"It must be stopped, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"But there are only two of us. Look at these people, they are so fanatical. I'm afraid they will be beaten to death if they open their mouths."

The two men looked livid.

The man watched this scene on the stage, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

He raised his hands.

"Then, let's get started!"

Everyone stood up.

The two men looked at each other.


"Okay! Let's fight!"

At this moment, everyone heard a voice.

Very rich baritone.

"Where is the spirit? I want to see it!"

Asking for votes!


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