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Chapter 576

After Zhang Zhuo had breakfast, he went to inspect the royal court as usual.

"Are those rumors still spreading?" Zhang Zhuo asked.

Wang Zhan said: "Khan, after killing a few people last time, the rumors stopped for a while. But then they spread again, and I killed several more people yesterday."

"Everyone is curious!" Zhang Zhuo, holding a riding crop, looked at the herdsmen coldly, "These people have nothing to do and like to gossip. The more they ban it, the more vicious they will spread the word."

"Khan, thank you." Wang Zhan asked, "Then... we won't kill him?"

"Kill!" Zhang Zhuo rode his horse slowly, "It's not that you killed someone by mistake."

"Please give instructions from the Khan." Wang Zhan bowed his head slightly.

Zhang Zhuo pointed his riding crop at him, "You didn't kill hard enough or not enough! Who dares to spread rumors and kill his whole family? Who dares to say anything if he kills hundreds of people?"

Returning to the king's tent, the eldest son Zhang Lei and the fifteenth son Zhang Hao were both there.



Zhang Zhuo went in and said: "Although Yang Gou has not sent any troops, I feel something is wrong. Send more people to investigate."


After some arrangements, Zhang Zhuo felt a little tired.

"Aye, drink tea."

Chapter number brings tea.

"Well!" Zhang Zhuo said calmly: "What is Shishiro doing?"

"My child has been inquiring about those rumors recently."

"What did you hear?"

"Some people say that Yang Gou collects less taxes, while others say that Yang Gou is willing to protect them..."

"This is a rumor." Zhang Zhuo said: "Yang Gou has a guilty conscience for using such methods to disturb the morale of our troops. Fifteenth Lang did a good job. Come and reward Fifteenth Lang a hundred coins."


Zhang Hao knelt down, his lips moved, he sniffed and said, "I'll go find out the news right away."

"Go for it!"

Zhang Hao left the king's account and took the money back first.

"I don't want it!" Zhang Yue said coldly.


Chapter number opened a box and put the money in...mostly copper coins and a few pieces of silver were inside.

"I'm out!"

Chapter number went out to practice with a bow and arrow.

The archery target was for public use, and several of Zhang Zhuo's children were practicing at the moment. When they saw him coming, they all sneered.

Most of Zhang Hao's children were born to grassland women, but Zhang Hao's biological mother was a Tang Dynasty woman, so they were excluded. In addition, Zhang Hao's shamelessness in flattering Zhang Zhuo made the situation of the brothers and sisters even more difficult.

Chapter number walked over and started practicing with an expressionless face.

It was very difficult to draw the bow, and it was obvious that his left thumb was unable to exert force.

Zhang Hua's thumb was broken at first, but after it healed, it ended up like this. That's why some people said that he would never be able to use a bow and arrow for the rest of his life.

But he doesn't believe in evil and practices for a while every day.

The bow string was only stretched a little, and when he let go, the arrow flew past feebly, lightly touching the target and falling.

He opened his bow and fired his arrow again, but it was still the same, this time even more powerless.

After practicing the five arrows, Zhang Hao was sweating profusely and ready to go back.


As soon as he turned around, he bumped into Zhang Zhuo's seventh son, the burliest Zhang Li.

"You hit me!"

"Seventh brother...I didn't mean it!"

Zhang Li smiled cruelly, "I think you did it on purpose, did you see it?"

"I saw it!" everyone laughed.

“It’s fun to watch!”


Zhang Li punched Zhang Hao until he bent over, and then he punched Zhang Hao one after another in a leisurely manner.

When Zhang Hao fell, Zhang Li still kicked him a few times.


Zhang Li spat on him and said disdainfully: "Your mother-in-law is the best at pretending. She seems to be strong, but she flatters Aye and has the same virtue as you. The people of the Tang Dynasty are indeed weak and hypocritical!


Everyone laughed and left immediately.

Zhang Hao's body curled up into a ball.

Zhang Yue walked over slowly.

"Is this what you want? What if you don't flatter that beast? If you flatter him, you will offend these people. You are doing your own evil."

Zhang Hao's face turned livid and he slowly sat up, "I'm fine."

"I don't care about you." Zhang Yue said: "It's just that you were beaten severely by Zhang Li today. Zhang Li is domineering. Those people will probably not give me food in the afternoon. Why should I bear the responsibility for your fault? You can take care of yourself!"

Zhang Hao got up, sniffed, picked up his bow and arrow and returned to his residence.

He tidied his clothes and washed his face.

After half an hour, he went out with a knife.

This place is close to the king's tent and has the largest number of guards. Someone saw him holding a knife and asked, "Five Master, what are you doing with the knife?"

The guards all turned around.

"It's Juro!"

Everyone felt relieved.

Zhang Hao raised the knife: "I'm going to eat meat."

"Jishiro likes the knife the most. He changes it every day to cut meat."

Zhang Yue came back with a piece of mutton.

She found the knife and chopping board, took a closer look, and couldn't help but get angry.

"Chapter number, you poked holes in the chopping board again! Are you boring?"

She rushed out, but the chapter number was long gone.

Zhang Hao went out for a walk, listened to some rumors, and wandered back again. His posture was like that of a wanderer on the prairie street.

When he arrived outside the king's tent, he smiled at several guards.

Then, the sound of horse hooves was heard.

It's as fast as the drum beat during sacrifice!

"Urgent report!"

Chapter number suddenly turned around.

More than ten riders rushed over in embarrassment.


Guard interception.

Amid the long neigh of the war horses, more than ten people jumped off their horses.

"Emergency military situation!"

Zhang Zhuo, who was in the king's tent, said in a deep voice: "Bring him in."

A man who seemed to be the leader was dragged in. When he passed by Zhang Hao, Zhang Hao noticed that the man's eyes were extremely panicked.

It's despair!

It was like seeing a hellish despair.


Wails came from the king's tent.

"Yang Gou, he's here!"


There was the sound of something breaking.

Zhang Zhuo's voice was a bit sharp, "Where is he? How many troops are there?"

"It's less than eighty miles away."

"How did you find out?" Zhang Zhuo's voice was still calm, worthy of being a Khan.

"At midnight the day before yesterday, while I was sleeping soundly, I heard people outside shouting, and then flames shot into the sky. Someone screamed outside, calling Yang Gou.

When I rushed out to take a look, I saw the tribe was filled with flames, and groups of cavalry looked like ghosts, hacking and killing in the camp..."

"Then how can you tell it's Yang Dog?"

"I saw that big flag!"

"Yang banner!"

The leader's voice was trembling, not with fatigue, but with fear.

"Those cavalry were so fierce that my men only resisted for a moment... It was this moment that gave me a chance to escape..."

Zhang Zhuo stood up suddenly, "Come on, hurry up and go to Tanzhou and tell He Lianrong that Yang Gou is here!"

Several guards rushed out, brought dry food, and mounted their horses.

The chapter number went back quietly.

After entering the residence, Zhang Yue was still there.


Zhang Yue raised her head and looked at him indifferently.

"I know that you have practiced sword skills secretly and brought the knife. From now on, no one except me is allowed to come in! Whoever comes in will be killed!"

He took out a letter and said, "Keep this letter. If the Tang army comes in, give it to them and tell them that your mother is a Tang Dynasty woman. This way, you can save your life."

The letter was thrown on the bed, Zhang Yue didn't move it.

"Yang Xuan is here." Zhang Hao looked at her, "I'll go take a look."

Taking his sword, bow and arrow with him, he went to the king's tent again.

At this moment, the entire royal court was in a bit of chaos. The generals were summoning their subordinates, the herdsmen were temporarily recruited, and they were all reluctant to part with their families...


If Yang Xuan appeared at this moment, I think he would be able to break it with one blow!

"Tang Jun!"

Someone screamed, Zhang Hao raised his head and stood on tiptoe, and saw cavalry gathering outside.

"It's a Tang Army scout!" A general with blood on his face dismounted and stumbled over.

Zhang Zhuo appeared outside the king's tent and asked calmly: "Where? How many people are there?"

The general gasped, "Just five miles away, there are more than a hundred people, very fierce..."

Zhang Zhuo said coldly: "More than a hundred people have made you lose your mind?"

The general heard some bad intentions, and thought of killing chickens to scare monkeys before the war, he hurriedly explained: "The man who came is the head-headed demon. From the time he captured the first head, the warriors were a little panicked."

"As timid as a mouse!" someone yelled.

Before a big battle, a human head must be taken to frighten the entire army.

It's best to have your own heads.

The general roared: "The warriors are not timid, they are just afraid of losing their heads! The souls of those who lose their heads will be scattered on the grassland, blown by the new wind."

There are some rumors on the grassland, for example, people who lose their heads will have no rest in their souls.

People are afraid of death, but they are even more afraid of the unpredictability after death.

"Bad morale of our army!" Zhang Zhuo waved his hand, "Kill!"

"No!" The general jumped up, and a man behind Zhang Zhuo drew his sword and stepped forward, just swiping it.

"Flag sacrifice!"

The heads were sacrificed to the flag, and the whole army stood in awe.

"The Tang Army scouts are here!" someone exclaimed.

Zhang Zhuo said coldly: "Expulsion!"

Zhang Hao rode his horse to the edge of the royal court and saw some black spots approaching in the distance.

Those black spots are shouting.

"What are they shouting?" Many sergeants nearby were also watching.

Zhang Hao said: "They said, Chen Zhou is coming!"

"We have been bullying them all these years." Someone murmured; "Now, they are here."

"They want revenge!" Zhang Hao said: "The people of the Tang Dynasty seem to be generous, but they are towards their friends.

Whoever bullied them will always be remembered and passed down from generation to generation.

When their strength is strong enough, then it will be time for revenge. Now, they are here!"

Wang Laoer's horse dragged a rope and rushed wildly to the edge of the royal court.

This is a raid.

A small group of cavalry avoided the scouts of the Tiger Control Division and reached the royal court!

This was Han Ji's idea: The Tiger Control Division has been at peace for a long time, so let's teach them a profound lesson!

Wang Lao'er and the old thief started a fight, and in the end Wang Lao'er won with the title of "The Man-Headed Devil".

The soldiers and civilians of the Tiger Command watched him approach in silence.

On the left, a group of cavalry was coming with gritted teeth.

Wang Laoer galloped on his horse.

Lang Jun said that he must take the lead!

He almost lay on the horse's back to reduce wind resistance.

He raised his head and saw a group of people in front of him staring at him in shock.

That’s almost it!



Wang Laoer knew that this was the key battle for Lang Jun to establish the pattern of the grassland.

After defeating the Tiger Control Division, the grassland will become Chenzhou's pasture.

There is an endless supply of cattle and sheep!

According to Lang Jun, it will nourish the people of Northern Xinjiang and the children of Northern Xinjiang...

There are also groups of war horses. Once the cost of war horses is reduced to a certain level, the expansion of cavalry will be simple.

Use boundless cavalry to overwhelm Chenzhou’s enemies!

These are Lang Jun’s original words!

And the enemy!

Yang Xuan's study was a forbidden area, but it was open to Wang Laoer. He could go there to look for food, and he could study there with a frown on his face.

So he once saw a map with many places on it.

Northern Liao, Southern Zhou, Luoluo...

And now, it’s just the beginning!

He approached the group of people, and from the side, the enemy troops were already approaching.

Wang Laoer's horse suddenly turned to the left.

The speed was so fast that the rope dragged by the horse flew and spun around.

Human heads on ropes were flying in the air.

There was even blood and water splashing in that grimace.

It splashed on the faces of those soldiers and civilians.


The head at the end of the rope hit a sergeant.


The sergeant screamed as if he had been hit with a sledgehammer.

Wang Laoer rode his horse to the left.

Racing all the way!

He pulled out his long sword and shouted: "Yeah, yeah, it's here!"

The responding scouts shouted.

"Second brother, Cai!"

The Tang army scouts marched away.

Leave a mess behind.

The chapter number went back quietly.

"The Khan is discussing important matters."

The guard wanted to stop him.

Chapter Number said: "Aye needs me to take care of him."

The guard thought it was true.

The king's tent was full of people. Although the weather was cool at the moment, Zhang Hao felt a hot and uneasy atmosphere.

Zhang Zhuo remained calm.

"This is just a scout. He wants to take advantage of the chaos to lower the morale of our army and tell the warriors to calm down. Tanzhou reinforcements are on the way. As long as he blocks Yang Gou for a few days, he will either retreat sadly or be destroyed.


Everyone's spirits were lifted.

Wang Zhan smiled and said: "We have an army of more than 40,000 people. How many people can Yang Gou send out? The Khan said that it will not exceed 15,000 at most! Three times the number, even if it is not aggressive enough, it can be defended, isn't it okay?"

Everyone felt relieved, feeling that the sun outside the tent was brighter and Khan's features became clearer.

Even the little kid standing behind has become cute.

"Gather together!" Zhang Zhuo's eyes were bright, "We defend, but we will not just defend. Yang Gou knows that Tanzhou reinforcements will come quickly, so he will be impatient and impatient. When people are impatient, loopholes will appear.

Grab it and defeat him!"

"Take orders!"

Everyone agreed with a roar.

Guards rushed to all directions one by one.

"The Khan ordered the assembly!"

"The Khan ordered the assembly!"

"The Tiger Control Department needs your concerted efforts!"

"The Khan said that after this war, taxes will be reduced by 30%!"

"Thirty percent?"


The nobles and herdsmen were dumbfounded.

This was announced in public, there is no way Zhang Zhuo would go back on his word!

In the king's tent, Zhang Zhuo said calmly: "What rumors? I ignored them. It's not because I am helpless, I just want to wait until this time before taking action. The warriors in ecstasy will burst out with strength that makes Yang Gou tremble!"

Such scheming and skill... Wang Zhan sighed softly, "Khan is wise."

The army is marching.

Scouts kept coming and going.

Nan He sent someone to ask, "Your Majesty, do you want the vanguard to test it first?"

After all, there are 40,000 to 50,000 enemy troops, so this is a sign of caution.

Yang Xuan said: "Tell Nan He, this battle must be as powerful as a rainbow. No need to test, just crush it!"

Asking for votes!

This chapter has been completed!
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