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Chapter 588


"The child is crying!"

"Zheng Wuniang is coaxing."

"I'll go take a look."

"Hey! It's pulled!"

Yang Xuan looked at the poop on the diaper and couldn't laugh or cry.

"If the young man eats more and poops more, he will definitely be an unparalleled hero in the future!"

Zheng Wuniang said it very seriously, as if A Liang would definitely step on the auspicious clouds to see her in the future.

Yang Xuan handed the diaper to Hua Hong, and someone brought warm water. Zheng Wuniang washed A Liang's buttocks and wrapped it again.

"Poor baby!"

Ah Liang's little face was twisted, obviously he didn't like being restrained.


He shouted with all his strength.

"Xiao Langjun is going to play!"

Zheng Wuniang carried A Liang out, pointed to the branches and said, "Look at the flowers on those branches, they are fragrant!"

Zhang Siniang came over and glanced at A Liang, "Young Master still doesn't understand."

"I understand!" Zheng Wuniang said.

"I can't even remember what happened when I was a child." Zhang Siniang felt that Zheng Wuniang was a little bit off.

"Remember, it's important to remember, as long as he understands."

Zhang Siniang couldn't reason with her, so she went over and saluted, "Mr. Sir, I'm asking in the kitchen what's for dinner."

"Aning didn't explain?"

"My wife has given birth and is taking a bath. She probably won't be able to come out for a while."

The result of not taking a shower for a month was that after confinement, Zhou Ning kicked Yang Xuan out.

Immediately, the maids vacated the entire room, replaced everything except the bed, scrubbed it, and incense it, making it smell fragrant.

When things are changed, people must also be changed.

A long and pleasant bath can make people feel refreshed.

"It's a big day too, let's get some good food."

Zhou Ning was in confinement, and Yang Xuan was eating the food without any taste.


Zhang Siniang was blessed, her buttocks were slightly raised, she turned around and still maintained this posture, then twisted her waist and went to the front yard.


Yang Xuan saw disdain in Yan Xiao and Hua Hong's eyes.

"Go and see if An Ning is washed?"

Yang Xuan has nothing to do today, it is rare for him to rest at home.

With a happy smile, he said, "Yes."

Turning around, Yan Xiao twisted her hips and walked slowly.

This disease is contagious... Yang Xuan: "..."

Yan Xiao suddenly stiffened.

Oh my god!

What did I do?

She quickly retracted her hips and walked very stiffly.

Boss Yang stood there and felt that the robe was indeed the greatest invention.

Hua Hong's complexion is slightly red, and his whole body feels hot.

"Lang Jun, someone is coming from Chang'an."

Zhou sent a steward over.

"I've met my uncle!"

Those who are busy with work do not say to take a break, but first hand over the gift list.

"I know that there is nothing lacking in Northern Xinjiang now, but Alang said that the little lady is lonely and helpless in Northern Xinjiang, and her parents' family will give her some grass as a comfort."

Zhou Qin is complaining.

"Sending straw from a thousand miles away is a sign of lightness of gift but great importance of intention."

Yang Xuan said casually.

The steward's eyes were filled with excitement, "My uncle, he really means what he says."


I learned it by watching TV series.

Yang Xuan asked about Zhou Qin and Zhou Zun.

"Alang is in good health. He walks with birds every day and is at ease. He is busy at school, and Langjun often comes home late recently."

Could it be that my father-in-law is having an affair?

Yang Xuan spread his thoughts.

"Go and rest first! Come see Aning again tomorrow morning."


The steward stood up and resigned, "Alang said that he must get to Northern Xinjiang before the young lady is born. The villain thought it would be fine at first, but there was a flood on the way and the road was washed away. Seeing that he was about to miss the deadline, he went to find a

Stay overnight in the village.

Who would have thought that when the villagers in the village heard that they were coming to visit my uncle in Northern Xinjiang, they spontaneously brought hoes and shovels and blocked the opening of the river again."

Yang Xuan just nodded lightly.

This uncle is becoming more and more calm now.

The steward felt that he was honored, "There are countless people with five surnames in the family who are officials. In the past, when they boasted about their family's official reputation, it was mostly because of their good governance. If they were asked to come to Northern Xinjiang to see my uncle's rule, they would definitely hide it.

Go face to face."

The steward resigned and Yi Niang came in.

"Have you thought about it, Mr. Lang?"

Yang Xuan scratched his head, "We are husband and wife, and there is no doubt about our love for each other. Logically, I should tell An Ning about my identity. But I am worried about what An Ning will think."

Yi Niang sat down with her back straight, "Are you worried that a daughter from a wealthy family will put her family first?"

Before Yang Xuan could answer, Yi Niang continued: "When I was in the palace, Emperor Wu often summoned some ladies from aristocratic families or noble ladies into the palace.

They were either feasting or playing.

Those girls from aristocratic families are indeed quite wealthy.

A woman's foundation lies in her family. If your family is prosperous, your husband's family will not dare to bully you no matter what.

If your natal family is in decline, your husband's family, even if they are kind people, will unknowingly despise you.

Therefore, they know that their roots are from their natal family. But Mr. Lang thought a lot, but forgot one thing."

"What's the matter?"

"The human heart is made of flesh."

Yang Xuan: "..."

Yi Niang smiled and said: "Let's just say that when I went to Lang Jun's birth mother, I just thought it was an errand. After Lang Jun was born, when I looked at him, I thought the child was so ugly..."

The two of them simultaneously remembered the wrinkled A-Liang when he was just born.

Can't help but smile.

"But just looking at it, one early morning, I got up, my mind was still groggy, and the first thing I did was to go see Lang Jun. When His Majesty asked me to take Lang Jun out, that moment..."

"At that moment you must have felt that this was your own child!" Yang Xuan smiled.

Yi Niang nodded, a little embarrassed, "Yes! That year, I took my husband with me and hid in Chang'an City in fear. After learning that Your Majesty was gone, I cried secretly, looked at my husband, and swore that if

Anyone who wants to hurt Mr. Lang, I will tear him to pieces!"

She looked at Yang Xuan with gentle eyes, "She is your wife and the mother of your children. Even if she doesn't want to get into trouble, when she sees A Liang, Lang Jun, she will be your helping hand."

Yang Xuan was silent.

"When a woman has a child, the child is everything to her."

"Aiwujiwu, I have become more beautiful in her eyes."

"Mr. Lang has a handsome face."


The two chuckled for a while.

"Mr. Lang, don't let her down."

Yi Niang said seriously: "Mr. Wang, please remember that you will not and cannot have only one woman. It will be very dangerous for an emperor to have only one woman.

When something goes wrong with this woman and her child cannot become the heir, then if the husband is old, who will the Tang Dynasty entrust to him?"

From the time Zhou Ning became pregnant, Yang Xuan has been here till now.

In the eyes of people in the backyard, this kind of thing is almost unbelievable.

Huahong and Yanxiao are the concubines prepared by the Zhou family for him. When Zhou Ning is unable to have sex, these two girls will officially take up their posts.

There are also Zhang Siniang, and even Jiang Heer and He Lianyan.

But Yang Xuan is so plain.

Yang Xuan thought of the false emperor.

His queen was the daughter of Yang Songcheng. According to the pseudo-emperor's ideas, he probably wanted to kill all Yang's sons... The prince was not far away from death, and the King of Yue was far away in the south.

"The lady is out."

When Yang Xuan heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said: "This bather has been reborn."

That afternoon, the Yang family celebrated for a while.

"A Liang!"

The couple played with the child.

The child's voice is no longer quiet now, and he is crying at the top of his voice, which makes his head hurt.

Zheng Wuniang skillfully picked up A Liang, and after teasing him for a few times, the child stopped.

Zhou Ning glanced at Yang Xuan and nodded slightly.

Zheng Wuniang only has children in her eyes. She has found the right person.



"I have something to say to you."

"Here?" Zhou Ning smiled.

"Go to the study!"

The couple walked out of the room.

Yi Niang stood under the eaves and nodded slightly to Yang Xuan.

Then she went to the front yard.

"Today, the husband wants to talk to his wife about those past events."

Cao Ying and Lin Feibao were startled.

"Isn't it too early?" Cao Ying said, "At least wait until the young man is one or two years old."

Lin Feibao nodded, "Yes."

The rate of child death in these days is too high. The two of them had seen many such things in the palace, so they were worried that something would happen to A Liang, but Zhou Ning would not be able to deal with it.

"What if the lady doesn't want the Zhou family to get involved in this muddy water?" Cao Ying said: "Why don't the family members dare to rebel lightly? It's because the family has a big business. The foundation that has been established for many years has been destroyed by a single ambition. How many people are there?

Can anyone make this determination?"

"If Madam Zhou doesn't want to get involved, Madam..." Lin Feibao was suddenly startled, "Madam doesn't have to tell Madam Zhou."

"It depends on what she thinks." Cao Ying had a headache. "Which is more important, the family or our side."

In the study, the couple sat opposite each other.

"Zitai doesn't drink?" Zhou Ning asked.

"No." Yang Xuan poured her a glass of warm water.

"A pot of warm water, it seems you have a lot to say today." Zhou Ning took the water cup.

"Yes! Many words."

"Then say it! I listen!"

Yang Xuan opened his mouth, but was stuck.

He didn't even know what to say.

"Actually, I also want to ask you a lot of things." Seeing that he was a little awkward, Zhou Ning took the initiative to speak.

"Yeah! Tell me." Yang Xuan took a sip of water to moisten his inexplicably dry throat.

The water cup was warm. Zhou Ning held it in his hand and said softly: "I know the origins of the old thief and the second child. One is a tomb robber and the other is a beggar."

Yang Xuan smiled bitterly.

"Cao Ying's talent lies in political affairs, and she is not bad at planning. Even if a person like this has no background, he can work as a staff member and get ahead at least. But he follows you when you are down."

"Housekeeper Yi Niang is sharp, doesn't talk much, and values ​​rules. She is not a woman from a small family, but Lang Jun said she is his cousin."

What a loophole in the beginning!

Fortunately, Zhao Sanfu did not go deep into the Yang family to investigate, otherwise problems would have been discovered.

"What else did you see?" Yang Xuan smiled.

Seeing his smile, Zhou Ning felt reassured, "I heard that Huang Linxiong and others rushed into the battle, and I thought that you were very lucky, Zitai, to have picked up these big-bellied men. But once I saw Huang Linxiong treat you

When you salute, you are not as respectful as you are to your benefactor."

"Like what?"

"More like being your own master."

Yang Xuan smiled sadly.

"I am your pillow." Zhou Ning comforted: "I can see many things, but others have no chance to see them."

"Is there more?"

"Also." Zhou Ning wrinkled her nose when she saw him frowning, "After A Liang was born, Yan Xiao told me that he saw Yi Niang swallowing harder and secretly comforted herself."

If Yi Niang found out about this, Yang Xuan felt that Yan Xiao would probably die.

"I told her not to talk nonsense about this matter." Zhou Ning said with a smile.

Yang Xuan said, "I was born into a noble family."

As expected... Zhou Ning smiled.

"Not long after I was born, something happened to my family. My father ordered Yi Niang to take me away."

No wonder Zitai respected Yi Niang so much...Zhou Ning once again raised Yi Niang's status in his heart.

"Father then left, leaving behind a bodyguard. The bodyguard took me to Yuanzhou in southern Xinjiang, which is Xiaohe Village. You should know that."

"Yeah." Zhou Ning's eyes softened a lot, thinking that Zitai had to endure hardships since he was a child, but it is really rare that he does not fall into the aspiration of becoming a great person.

"Because the opponent was strong, the guards did not dare to take care of me, so they gave money to a couple in Xiaohe Village and entrusted me to them. I always thought that I was their child."

Yang Xuan's eyes were calm, Zhou Ning slowly reached out and held his hand.

Husband and wife are one, and his discomfort is her discomfort.

The candlelight flickered, and the tenderness in Zhou Ning's eyes warmed Yang Xuan's heart, and he held her hand in turn.

"Something happened to the guard later, so the supply money was cut off, and the couple..."

To this day, Yang Xuan still cannot speak harshly to the Yang family.

"I went into the mountains to hunt and exchange prey for money..."

Although those years were difficult, when I think about it now, the hardships have been forgotten and I only remember the happiness.

"When I was fifteen, the guard suddenly came back. He..." Yang Xuan looked at Zhou Ning and suddenly smiled, "He asked me to get married. He wanted me to get married and settle down in Xiaohe Village...


"Don't he think that the Yang couple will bully you in the future?" Zhou Ning felt incredible, "Even if we want to get married, we should change places."

"According to my understanding, if I had gotten married in Xiaohe Village, the Yang family would have been in trouble."


Plus eliminate future troubles.

There is no shortage of such means among aristocratic families.

But who is Zitai's father? How could a guard kill so decisively?

"Unexpectedly, my father's enemy suddenly appeared and found the guards. Knowing that it was not safe, the guards asked me to go to Chang'an. You should know what happened next."

The enemy is still there... Zhou Ning said: "As the governor of Chenzhou, can't you take revenge?"

Yang Xuan smiled, "Not enough."

"What about Mrs. Zhou?"

This mother-in-law insists on getting it!

Yang Xuan shook his head.

"Who is it among the five surnames in the family?" Zhou Ning Bingxue was smart and subconsciously thought of this.

Not them.

Yang Xuan looked at Zhou Ning and tapped his thigh with his fingers.


Still don’t say it!

Zhou Ning raised his head, "I'll help you!"

In an instant, all hesitation disappeared.

"My opponent is Li Mi!"


"Yes, that's him!"

Zhou Ning suddenly realized, "No wonder you want to support Northern Xinjiang's independence. That's it. With Northern Xinjiang in your hands, you have a chance for revenge. Zitai, what's your last name?"

"I thought you wouldn't ask this."

"You have to ask after all, otherwise I wouldn't know if the parents-in-law I worship are right."

"My surname is Li."

Zhou Ning looked at him, an idea floating in his mind.

Yang Xuan smiled.

"Your biological father..."

"Honor the emperor."

Yang Xuan walked to the door and opened the door.

Cao Ying took the lead, while Yi Niang and Lin Feibao filed in.

"I've seen my wife!"

Asking for votes!


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