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Chapter 610

Lin Feibao is like a huge cheetah, swimming in the darkness.

Because the two sides were facing each other during the day, both sides strengthened their own defenses.

Two sergeants were standing on the side of the tent, one taking a nap and the other looking at the night sky worriedly.

For those in power, this fight is for their own power, while ordinary people are chess pieces and have no choice but to do so.

Every time there is an internal fight, a group of people will die.

Everyone hopes that they are not the ones who die.

But who can tell clearly!

Can't you live a stable life?

The sergeant sighed.

Suddenly my spine felt numb.

It seems like there is something behind me.

He lowered his eyes.

The moonlight swayed from the sky to the ground, casting a human-shaped shadow in front of him. Around the shadow, a larger shadow... appeared.


A big hand grasped his neck.

The sergeant heard a sound in his neck.

Very crisp.

He stared blankly at the night sky.

I really just want to graze!

Lin Feibao glanced at the large tent in front of him and gently put down the corpse in his hand.

Then, he approached quietly.

Inside the big tent.

General Tanzhou was teaching Wan Shu and others a lesson.

"Huang Chunhui vomited blood. What does it mean for that sick tiger to vomit blood? Can you tell me?

It means that Northern Xinjiang is going to be in turmoil.

The envoy said that Huang Chunhui had devoted half his life to Northern Xinjiang, and for this reason he did not hesitate to fall out with Chang'an.

What will he do before he leaves? Clean up! Clean up the northern border for his successor.

And you and others are like fleas and bugs in his eyes, and he wants to get rid of them as soon as possible!"

Wan Shu looked ugly, his head was a little drowsy because he stayed up late, and said: "The worst thing is wandering around."

"I won't give you a chance to wander around!" the general said coldly: "The turmoil in northern Xinjiang is an opportunity for Daliao. The envoy has said that Tanzhou will definitely send troops.

In this way, the grassland will become a battlefield.

Yang Gou will not retreat or defend. In other words, Yang Gou will send troops without hesitation to fight Tanzhou.

At that time, where will the southern part of your town go?"

Zhuo Ding stopped Wan Shu's rebelliousness with his eyes and said: "We will naturally follow the envoy and help the Tanzhou army in the battle."

"The so-called following is more about watching the excitement. The envoy said that the southern part of the town must be broken up. You and others can each lead a small tribe..."

Wan Shu jumped up, his face turned red, "Are you going to make me a wild dog?"

The general looked at him with squinted eyes, "You are just a wild dog. Don't forget, if Tanzhou is not here, Yang Gou can strike with all his strength. No, this famous general of the Tang Dynasty can kill you with just one casual blow.

No burial place.

Who can resist him?"

No one answered.

The most defiant Wan Shu stopped talking, raised his hand, and then put it down again.

The general said solemnly: "Yang Dog can easily kill you! Therefore, it is your goodwill to save your life and property and become a rich man in the future. Otherwise, go build roads for Yang Dog!"

Chenzhou welcomes you... This is the slogan of Chenzhou. Under this slogan, the prairie prisoners transformed into road builders. According to Boss Yang, they repair the earth.

Boss Yang kindly allowed the prisoners to have enough food and clothes to wear.

The grassland people are extremely cruel to the captives, so they all think there is something wrong with Boss Yang... The captives are disposable, and they are done after they are used. As for the labor, we can just catch them again.

Wan Shu was unhappy after all, "Can Tanzhou defeat Yang Dog? If not, the grassland will be occupied by Yang Dog. In just a few years, Yang Dog will be able to form a powerful cavalry."

"It's convenient for me to go."

Zhuo Ding stood up.

After a night of drinking, in addition to feeling dizzy, I also urinate profusely.

The general winked at a follower.

The attendant nodded and followed out.

The general said calmly: "The last defeat was due to non-war crimes. Yang Dog took advantage of the opportunity to attack the Hu Yu Department to ambush our reinforcements.

Yang Gou dare not face our Tanzhou army directly.

When Daliao's eyes turned to this grassland, Yang Gou had no chance. Just like tonight, I am sitting here controlling the life and death of the southern part of the town, what can Yang Gou do? "

The general's eyes were bright, and the bloodshot eyes were too dense. It looked like the entire eye sockets were filled with blood.

A pool of blood.

Wan Shu forced a smile, "Yang Gou..."


Screams came from the direction of the king's tent.

The general smiled and said: "Xin Wuji, it's over!"


Suddenly there was a short pitiful howl outside.

Then the screams came.

"There's an assassin!"

"He's coming!"



"Okay, flank him!"

"Bu Song is dead!"

"It's just a knife!"

"Can't stop it!"

"He cuts one after another. No one can withstand his sword. This is not a human being!"

"It's the devil!"

The screams were continuous and extended all the way outside the tent.

The general held the handle of the knife and slowly pulled out the long knife.

Several leaders in the tent gathered together, drew their swords, and stared at the curtain with bright eyes.

One leader even picked up a bow and arrow, unfurling the bow and nocking an arrow...

The curtain was slowly lifted.

call out!

The arrow flew out.

There was no expected scream.

A majestic big man walked in.

The long knife hung down by his side, blood flowed down from the blade, and dropped drop by drop at his feet.

Several good men came forward from behind the general.


There was another howl from the king's tent, and then it became quiet.

Only the footsteps of the big man were left.

The general smiled evilly and said: "Xin Wuji also thought of assassinating him. What I didn't expect was that there would be such a good hand... kill him!"

Several good players rushed forward.

The general shouted: "Come together!"

The leaders raised their swords and prepared to charge.

The general has already arrived.

Clang clang clang!


The air wave suddenly exploded, mixed with a sharp roar.

Several long knives exploded, and fragments flew into the sky, piercing the tent.

The noise outside suddenly came in.

Several good players fell to the ground.

Lin Feibao's body flashed and he avoided an arrow. The general raised his sword and said, "Xin Wuji is impossible and does not deserve to have a master like you. Who are you?"

The long knife flashed.


The general felt that he could withstand a few rounds, and then his men rushed in and surrounded and killed the fierce man.

But with just one strike, a huge force caused his long knife to fly away, and then he felt a pain in his chest and hit the table.

He lay there, panting, watching Wan Shu and others stop and retreat in panic.

"He is one of those people who came today!" a leader roared, "Those guys who wander on the grassland like wild dogs, if they can easily kill our guards, why wander around? This is wrong!"

If it were them, if they had such strong and powerful hands and annexed small tribes along the way, they would quickly become stronger.

Instead of hanging around until now, they are still a bunch of street kids.

A leader gritted his teeth and said, "Fight him."

The leader fired his arrow again, and the others rushed forward.

The general fell to the ground, blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth. He smiled bitterly as he watched the leaders rush forward, and then...

A pile of corpses.

Wan Shu huddled in the back, just as he said, the real warrior dies the fastest, and those who huddle in the back become the best.

However, this time he had no way to retreat.

Poof, he knelt on the ground and begged: "The little man is willing to serve the Khan. The little man is willing to be the Khan's loyal dog and bite for the Khan..."

This is surrender.

Wan Shu knew that Xin Wuji needed help and someone to serve as a negative example to deter the careerists in the southern part of the town.

Even if he becomes a slave, he is willing to do so.

This person has a good ability to adapt to the changing circumstances...

The general felt that the power in his body was being drawn out one after another.

"You chose the wrong owner. Xin Wuji is just my husband's dog!"

The long knife was waved.

Wan Shu's head rolled down beside the general.

The general tried his best to open his eyes and asked weakly: "Who is your master?"

Lin Feibao came over.

Raise the knife.

"Yang Xuan!"

Yang dog!

Xin Wuji turned out to be Yang Gou’s man!

I'm going to report...

The last thought was extinguished with the light of the sword.

In the king's tent, Xin Wuji was trembling.

Just before, several assassins sneaked in quietly.

He thought it would be a brutal fight and was even ready to help.

Immediately, several big men stepped forward with swords drawn.

The assassins are extremely flexible, and the long knives in their hands are different from ordinary ones, being somewhat narrow and long.

This is a professional assassin!

The long knives of several big men formed a net.

An assassin twisted his body, trying to get through the net.

Immediately, it turned into pieces.

The assassin behind threw a hidden weapon.

"Master!" Xin Wuji exclaimed.

Yang Xuan didn't even look at it and took a sip of tea.

The protective ability of the Qiu Long Guard... It was a rare opportunity for master and apprentice Ru An to test it, but in public and at the gate of metaphysics, Ning Yayun was able to shine and successfully sent out favors.

This time is a small test.


Several horned dragon guards took a step forward together, their sword webs extending.

The hidden weapon collapsed and flew away.


Seeing that there was nothing they could do, the two Eagle Guards wanted to evacuate.

But their speed can't match the sword light.

One Eagle Guard was strangled by the knife net, and the other Eagle Guard lost his arm. He staggered back, raised his head and smiled miserably: "I once successfully assassinated a powerful man under the eyes of more than thirty guards, and escaped safely. Today, I was killed by several people.

A big man strangled him.

I dare say that these big men can even serve as the emperor's guards.

Xin Wuji, how can you be qualified to enjoy such a guard? You..."

The web of knives passed by.

"Too many words!"

Zhang Xu turned around and said, "There are still enemies outside. Please tell me."

This was the first time Yang Xuan saw the Qiu Long Guard displaying his power to protect himself.

Several long knives formed a knife net, sweeping away any assassin who wanted to break through.

How many people in this world can break through the sword nets composed of fifty horned dragon guards?

Ning Yayun?

Ru'an's master?

Or those old monsters in the palace.

Yang Xuan felt like he was wearing a thick layer of armor, which greatly increased his sense of security.

However, many times he has to balance.

"Tu Gong and the others have to move too."

There were screams outside.

"This person is mine!" Wang Laoer was shouting, and then screamed, "Tu Gong, you are taking my head again!"

"Xiao Pan, watch it! Ouch!"

"Master, be careful!"

The old thief who was pretending to be a rival was stabbed, but fortunately the eagle guard guarding the outside did not apply poison to the blade.

The gunshots erupted, and the roar sounded like a hurricane.

"Fire the arrow!"

Uda is roaring.

Under the rain of arrows, no assassin can escape.

Immediately, Ouda's voice came from outside the tent.

"Reporting to the gentleman, two assassins were killed."


Yang Xuan put down the water glass and said, "Listen."

Everyone listened attentively and heard all kinds of chaos in the royal court.

"I'm on my back!" Yang Xuan yawned, "I'm sleepy, go back to sleep."

He Lianyan looked at Xin Wuji and said, "Let them calm down."

"Take orders!"

Xin Wuji came out of the king's tent and shouted: "Where are the people of this Khan?"


Thousands of riders were waiting under the leadership of Dang Ya.

"Command everywhere to quiet down."

"Take orders!"

Thousands of riders rushed out.

Immediately, the sound of killing continued uninterrupted.

Xin Wuji closed his eyes.

"Are you feeling distressed?"

Han Ji stood in the shadows on the edge.

Xin Wuji nodded, "Somewhat."

"It seems that you have become much smarter."

"I have experienced a lot in the past two years. If I still had some ambitions before, then, with the destruction of the Jibo Department and the Tiger Control Department, those ambitions quickly dissipated like residual snow in the sun."

"You are very candid."

"Actually, I don't want to be honest, but my previous cleverness was easily seen through by my master. That time, my master spared me. But I know that there will never be a second time. The second time I am ambitious, my master will kill me without hesitation.

Got me."

"I cherish my life!" Xin Wuji turned around and looked at Han Ji in the shadow, "When I first met my master, although he was powerful, he was not as powerful as he is today.

In just a few years, the master managed Chenzhou incredibly well.

I know that Chenzhou is too small for the master to use his skills. The master must go to Taoxian.

I dare not guess or bet on what changes the master in Taoxian can bring to Northern Xinjiang.

The master is kind because I am useful. When I am useless or even harmful, one of those temples, those poles... must belong to me.

I am afraid, and I am willing to become the most loyal hunting dog, and my descendants will hunt for my master."

Han Ji was silent for a moment, "It's a good thing that you can reveal your heart. However, no matter how much you talk, it's better to just do it."

Xin Wuji grinned, "I thought, maybe if I follow my master, I can become a general in the future. A general of the Tang Dynasty! It's exciting to think about it."

"Khan be careful!"

Several guards rushed over.

Ahead, dozens of people were rushing towards the king's tent.

Xin Wuji slowly backed away and said to Han Ji: "Protect the master!"

Han Ji shook his head, "No need."

Just then, screams came from behind.

The screams continued.

In the light of the fire, a strong man walked over carrying a long sword.

Dozens of rebels turned back and killed them.

Broken limbs and broken legs kept flying.

Dozens of people could not stop the big man for a moment.

After a while, the big man walked up to Xin Wuji and asked in a deep voice: "Where is Mr. Lang?"

Xin Wuji's cheeks trembled, "The master is in the king's tent."

Lin Feibao walked outside the king's tent and reported in a deep voice, "I'm reporting to you, the generals of the Tanzhou army, and the rebel leaders who are planning to rebel. Except for Zhuo Ding, I will kill them all."

Yang Xuan's voice came, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Don't dare!"

"Zhuo Ding has been caught."

Zhuo Ding was grabbed by two sergeants.

He turned pale and shouted: "Who is Xin Wuji if he doesn't have such ability? Who is that group of people? Let me see, otherwise I will die with my eyes open!"

Xin Wuji sneered, "Are you worthy?"

In the king's tent, Yang Xuan, who had just been woken up from his nap, couldn't hold back his anger, "Then let him do it!"

Zhuo Ding was stunned for a moment, and when he saw Xin Wuji looking at him like he was looking at a dead person, he couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.

"Substitute, follow Ben Khan."

Wu Da pointed at Zhuo Ding, and two guards went over to help him.

Immediately, he followed Xin Wuji in.

That thief, this time he will definitely... No, why don't I give in?

Before seeing the butcher's knife, people are always full of courage, and they will not lose even if they lose.

But when death approaches, courage is like the ebbing tide, running away very quickly.

How should I speak...

Go and persuade them to surrender!


There are still more than a thousand people who are stubbornly resisting. I'm going to persuade them to surrender!

Zhuo Ding perked up.

Then, he was about to speak to Xin Wuji.

Then he entered the king's tent.

The young man I saw during the day was sitting on the Khan's throne, and beside him, a beauty dressed in men's clothing was waiting on him.


Zhuo Ding's heart trembled.

Xin Wuji knelt down.

"Master, this is Zhuo Ding."

"I hear you want to see me?" the young man said calmly.

Xin Wuji actually has a master!

Who is this owner?

Can fight against the master of Tanzhou!

In the past few years, Xin Wuji has always been able to turn danger into disaster. Chen Zhoujun's several attacks failed to damage the foundation of the southern part of the town. Therefore, everyone thought that Xin Wuji was the master.

Looking at it now.

This is water!

Then, the identity of the master who can make Xin Wuji so respectful will be revealed.

Zhuo Ding's body softened, and a stream of water flowed out from his lower body...

"Please forgive me!"


This chapter has been completed!
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