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Chapter 652: Military Parade under the City

"Nineteen years ago, the Northern Liao Dynasty learned of the changes in the Tang Dynasty and the death of Duke Pei in Chang'an. People in Northern Xinjiang were panicked, so they raised an army and went south. In that battle, 30,000 troops besieged Lin'an..."

At the top of the city, the old soldier's eyes were full of memories and intoxication, "The Liao was so majestic at that time! Thirty thousand troops besieged Lin'an and attacked like crazy. The city was in danger..."

"The civil servants in the city also went into battle with swords, shouting for a fierce battle and not falling behind others. In the Tang Dynasty at that time, the civil servants could also make foreign races fearful!" Yang Xuan recalled the grand occasion with some intoxication.

Unfortunately, nowadays, the world is declining, and those literati prefer to write papers and seek refuge with powerful people in order to obtain the qualifications to be recommended as officials, or to qualify for official positions in the imperial examination.

"Chen Zhou's farewell driver Yao Jun fell to the top of the city and was captured. The Northern Liao people forced him to kneel down towards the top of the city. He would rather die than have his legs broken."

The old pawn also thought about this, "That man, beat him hard! Even if his legs are broken, he refuses to kneel until he is pressed down, and he still has to hold his head high."

"The people from the Northern Liao Dynasty asked him to persuade the defenders to surrender, and Yao Jun spoke..." Yang Xuan said word by word: "All men of the Tang Dynasty are destined to die!"

At the top of the city, He Lianrong came up.

"Yang Gou is talking about what happened back then." An old official said: "In that battle, Lin'an was almost defeated."

"So, what does Yang Gou want to do?" He Lianrong asked.

Under the city, Yang Xuan said: "The Northern Liao people were so angry that they smashed his tongue with a knife."

Uda walked over with a knife, and Wang Yan howled and struggled, "No! No! Let me go, Commander Yang, I am willing to surrender, I am willing to surrender! Ah!"

Uda roughly thrust the knife into Wang Yan's mouth and stirred it randomly.


Yang Xuan said: "Then, the Bei Liao people dragged him to death with war horses. After the battle, only one scattered bone was found."

"Woooooo!" Wang Yan's eyes widened, and blood flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Uda mounted the horse, and a guard tied Wang Yan's rope to the horse.


Ouda struck the horse, and the horse leapt out with a long neigh.

Wang Yan was dragged by the rope, stumbled behind, and started running wildly.

But soon, he couldn't keep up with the speed of the horse and fell to the ground.


The screams echoed below the city.

Yang Xuan said: "The Lin'an garrison watched Yao Biejia being dragged to death and worshiped with tears in his eyes. Afterwards, everyone worked bravely. When the people in the city heard about this, they came to help in the battle.

Lin'an was defended.

Yao Gong is immortal!"

He turned around, "I always feel that I should do something for the soldiers and civilians who died in those years. The people have been killed, and the corpses of the enemy soldiers are everywhere.

So, what else is there? After much deliberation, the only option is... Zhujingguan!"

The prisoners were summoned.

"Dig the soil! Carry the corpse!" the sergeants were roaring. At this moment, if anyone dares to explode, jump in and become a living member of the Beijing Temple!

Corpses were piled up one after another.

Getting higher and higher.

It’s getting harder and harder!

An earthen platform was built next to it, like a scaffolding from another world.

The huge Jingguan is higher than the city.

Standing on the top of the city, you have to raise your head slightly to feel the majesty of this building.

"Is this Jingguan?" The old pawn took a breath, "What Yang Gou is good at, fortunately I didn't attack, otherwise I wouldn't be able to run away with my old legs, and most likely it will become a target in Jingguan at this moment.

A corpse!"

A sergeant next to him asked: "Chenzhou's army will withdraw, and we will just demolish it. Yang Gou has done nothing for nothing. What does he want to do?"

The old soldier's eyes were desolate, "When Daliao went south, he brutally killed Chenzhou Biejia. Today, he also brutally killed Tanzhou Sima and built a capital.

This is to tell us that no matter who has done something to Chen Zhou, no matter how many years have passed, he will still take revenge!

Yes, it’s revenge!”

Under the city, Yang Xuan looked at the capital and said ecstatically: "What do you think of Dechang?"

Zhou Xin shook his head, "It's a bit scary."

This is a war building that has never appeared before. People in Chang'an have heard about it, but they only heard about it and thought it was just an ordinary thing.

Only when you see it in person can you know how impressive this building is.

"Brother-in-law, it's been nineteen years, and you still want to avenge them?"

Zhou Xin found this mentality a bit scary.

"The revenge of ten lifetimes can still be avenged!"

Zhou Xin was silent.

Han Ji said: "Many people talk about forgiveness, but they don't agree with Lang Jun's cruelty."

"Forgiveness?" Yang Xuan smiled, "It would be okay if Beiliao regretted his crimes back then.

Has Bei Liao ever repented today?

Ningxing City was full of southern expeditions to break the fanaticism in northern Xinjiang.

How do you think we should deal with such vicious and unrepentant Beiliao people?"

Without waiting for anyone to answer, Yang Xuan said: "An eye for an eye! No amount of forgiveness is as effective as this."

They were beaten so hard that they trembled when they heard the name of the Tang Dynasty. They were beaten so hard that they did not dare to look directly at the people of the Tang Dynasty. They were beaten so hard that they knelt down when they saw the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty and were afraid...

Northern Xinjiang has been attacked by Bei Liao for many years, and the souls of countless victims are floating in the sky, waiting for future generations to avenge and forgive them...

How can we repay kindness with kindness?"

The pursuers came back one after another.

They brought groups of prisoners and strings of heads.

The Fengzhou Army also returned.

"Turn back and thank Ambassador Sun for me." Yang Xuan exchanged a few words with the general.

A brigade commander was behind, looking at Yang Xuan with some fanaticism. The comrades beside him asked: "What do you think Yang Xuan is doing?"

"My art of war was taught by Commander Yang!" said the brigade commander.

"You're so bragging!"


The brigade commander took advantage of Yang Xuan's free opportunity, took a few steps forward, and said, "Qin Yuan, I have seen the envoy."

Yang Xuan was startled and thought of this person. Wasn't he the captain of the team when he went to Fengzhou?

Along the way, this person became his admirer and wanted to become his disciple... Yang Xuan smiled and said, "Remember when you were still the leader of the team and got promoted?"

Qin Yuan said respectfully: "Xia Guan learned the art of war from the envoy. He made great achievements in clearing the mountains last time and was lucky enough to be promoted."

"Do it well!" Yang Xuan stretched out his hand, and Qin Yuan bent down, allowing him to pat his shoulder.

After patting Qin Yuan on the shoulder, Yang Xuan left.

Qin Yuan was so excited that his whole body trembled.

"Do you really know Yang Shijun?" My colleague came up and said with some envy.

"I almost became a disciple at first..."

There were many things after the war.

Bury the corpses, treat the wounded, study the next step in the war, etc.

Chen Huagu and his disciples were very busy.

The wounded were gathered in an open space with cloth spread on the ground, which served as hospital beds.


A sergeant who had been stabbed in the arm left.

A sergeant with a lower abdominal injury was carried onto a cart and will be taken back to the camp to recuperate.

"The envoy is here."

Yang Xuan arrived, and the wounded struggled to get up.

"Sit down, lie down!"

Yang Xuan pressed his hands and asked about the conditions of the injured one by one, very cordially.

"Where are you from?" He leaned over and asked a lying sergeant.

The sergeant said excitedly: "It's from Lin'an."

"How many enemies were killed in this battle?"

"Three people!"


Yang Xuan patted him on the shoulder, "Recover from your injuries. Chenzhou and Northern Xinjiang need warriors like you to defend them!"


Yang Xuan also visited the doctors.

"You and others are just doing things, so I won't go into details. What are you missing?"

Chen Huagu said: "We are short of manpower."

Yang Xuan turned around and said, "Old Han, remember to discuss this matter with Lu Qiang and the others when you go back. Tell them, just say it was me who said it. Don't just focus on cultivating talents. Doctors cannot ignore them. No matter how many talents there are, it doesn't matter if you can't save your life." use?"

Chen Huagu said excitedly: "Thank you so much, envoy."

"Why do you want to thank me?" Yang Xuan stretched out his hand and Chen Huagu bent down.

Yang Xuan patted him on the shoulder, "A small doctor saves people, a big doctor helps the country. Different paths lead to the same goal."

The pursuers are back.

The sun has also drifted to the west, and the sunlight is dim.


Yang Xuan mounted his horse.

"What do you want to do?" Wang Laoer asked.

The old thief shook his head, "I don't know."

The army assembles.

Even the Fengzhou Army came.

The people in the southern part of the town were consciously watching the fun.

Yang Xuan frowned, "Call me!"

Uda rode his horse over and said, "Your Majesty, you are ordered to assemble!"

After the war, Dangya, who had been criticizing himself all the time, pointed at himself and said, "You asked me to wait?"

Aren’t we just dogs?

How can you be qualified to stand with the people of Tang Dynasty?

Uda nodded, "Hurry up!"

Dangya was overjoyed, "Gather! Hurry, gather everyone!"

This is an admission!

When Dangya saw that the warriors under his command were extremely excited, he thought to himself, if Yang Gou... no, if the respected governor spoke up and asked them to kill the Khan, would they take action?

he thought.

You should be able to!

In today's battle, the people in the southern part of the town thought they were the saviors, so they were inevitably a bit arrogant.

When Fengzhou's three thousand cavalry appeared, all their arrogance turned into cold sweat.

What they worship is the strong. At this moment, the strongest in this land is Yang Xuan!

Yang Xuance immediately stepped forward, followed closely by Lin Feibao and others.

He arrived at the city gate.

The horse turned around.

Facing his subordinates who were waiting in formation, he said: "Let's get started!"

The prisoners were the first to come forward.

Groups of prisoners walked slowly and staggeringly.

Their expressions were blank, or they were sad and angry, or ashamed, or... miserable.

No one dared to raise their head and look at Yang Xuan... After Wang Yan was dragged to death, they were afraid.

At the top of the city, curses could be heard all the time.

"They should die for the Liao Dynasty!"

"Shameless person!"

"Why not commit suicide?"

There were many prisoners, most of whom were servants. They walked shamelessly and even had the leisure to look at the defenders at the top of the city.


I just don't have the courage to go see Yang Xuan.

One visit to Beijing completely broke their backbones.

Everyone is afraid of becoming one of them.

And the inventor and creator of Jingguan made them even more frightened.

No one looked directly at him.

Next came up Zhennan and the servant army.

"Wan Sheng!"

These warriors are cheering.

They must be lucky that Khan followed the right person, so although the shouting was not neat, they were extremely happy.

It’s like celebrating the New Year!

Next is the Fengzhou Army.

As guest troops, they rode their horses slowly and enjoyed the curses of the defenders.

Finally, the one who came up was Chen Zhoujun.

The foot soldiers were in front, walking with strong and vigorous steps.

Yang Xuan smiled and raised his hand.

The infantry raised their arms and responded, "Wonderful victory! Ten thousand victory! Ten thousand victory!"

They had never respected a superior officer so much.

It was this Shangguan who led them all the way to counterattack, annihilating the three major tribes that had been causing trouble for many years, and defeating the Tanzhou Army that left Chenzhou helpless.

After this battle, the morale of Chenzhou's military and civilians will rise to an incredible level.

People will feel confident and bold enough to go out to the city to farm.

The scouts will confidently and boldly cross the so-called center line and move towards Tanzhou.

All of this was brought to them by the envoy in front of them.

The cavalry came up.

"Wan Sheng!"

Amid the cheers, Yang Xuan smiled and raised his hands.

"Wan Sheng!"

Pairs of reverent eyes focused on Yang Xuan.

He has never been so energetic.

No problem seemed to trouble him.

Incredibly quick thinking.

He turned his horse around and faced the city.

"This is proofreading!"

At the top of the city, the messenger roared, "He is humiliating Daliao!"

After defeating the Tanzhou Army, they paraded under Tanzhou City.

This is a slap in the face!

He Lianrong took a deep breath and said, "I will apologize on my own."

He glanced at Xiao Manyan.


Yang Xuan drew his sword.


Amidst countless sounds of drawing swords.

There are many long knives!

Yang Xuan said: "Shout!"

"Will you surrender or not?"

The soldiers shouted.

"Will you surrender or not?"

At the top of the city, everyone looked pale.

"Will you surrender or not?"

City head.

The mountains roared like a tsunami.

Dead silence!

After a long time, Chenzhou's army began to withdraw.

"Aren't you going to attack?"

Han Ji asked.

Yang Xuan shook his head, "Tanzhou City is strong and there are abundant supplies in the city. Everyone wants to save their lives at this moment, so it is difficult to attack. Even if it can be defeated, how many troops can Chenzhou Army have left? A wise man will not do it."

The old thief took out a pamphlet and charcoal and asked: "Lang Jun, why don't you attack other places? For example, Huanghui County."

Yang Xuan said: "The attack on Yanbei County is not for Yanbei, but to mobilize and force Helianrong. Attacking a strong city is never the goal."

The old thief was recording and thinking.

Xin Wuji stepped forward and said, "Master, I will follow you back to Lin'an this time!"

Yang Xuan looked at him and said, "From now on, the southern part of the town... will stay on the grassland to protect the people grazing in Chenzhou and alert the Tanzhou army's movements."


Xin Wuji agreed.

But he raised a question, "Master, after all, the name Zhennan doesn't sound good. How about Master choose another one?"


Yang Xuan turned back and glanced at Tanzhou City, "When we defeat Tanzhou City and go all the way north, aren't those conquered areas the south?"

Xin Wuji said goodbye, went back to gather his troops, and told Yang Xuan what he said.

"The master has great ambitions, and I will do my best to assist him in the future!"

, it’s Ning Xing.”

Dangya lowered his head, "Yes. I was very wrong today. Fortunately, Khan was wise."

Xin Wuji patted him on the shoulder, "I know you feel humiliated by being a dog, but look at today's battle. Those tribal warriors can't even be dogs now."

"Then what is our future goal?" Dang Ya asked.

Xin Wuji thought for a while, "There are three levels of dogs, six and five. Our goal in the future... is to strive to be the best dog!"

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