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Chapter 668 Of course I stand on the side of the people

"Sir, the enemy's scouts suddenly became denser."

The scouts brought the latest news.

"How far is the forward?" Huang Chunhui did not look at the map, but Liao Jin and others gathered around the map.

The scout said: "Brothers have gone more than a hundred miles deep, but still can't find it."

"That's still early."

The scout resigned.

Liu Qing pointed to the map and said: "The scouts risked their lives and penetrated more than a hundred miles without finding any trace of the enemy. Based on the distance traveled, my husband should be four to five hundred miles away."

Huang Chunhui said: "Since we haven't arrived yet, there is no need to worry about it. Keep an eye on everything. In addition, we must seize the food that needs to be harvested and don't let it fall into the hands of the enemy. That would be to support the enemy!"


Huang Chunhui closed his eyes and said happily: "I can still take a nap for more than ten days. It's really pleasant to think about it!"

"Ms. sir."

Jiang Cunzhong came in.

"What's going on over there?" Liao Jin said, "If it goes too far, we should also take action here to suppress it."

We have to give face to the wealthy family, but if we have done something wrong, we need to give it a beating.

Jiang Cunzhong smiled bitterly, "Yang Xuan closed Huang's business and found out a lot of abuses, including forcing girls into prostitution."

Liao Jin: "..."

Liu Qing opened his mouth and suddenly cursed: "You kid, do you think you have too few enemies? Stupid! Idiot!"

Huang Chunhui said calmly: "The Chen State is a world of aristocratic families and wealthy gentry. Rather than the emperor governing the world, it is better to say that it is co-governance.

Today's Southern Zhou Dynasty has some such shadows.

After the Tang Dynasty took over the Central Plains of Chen, there were countless aristocratic families and local tycoons.

In Chang'an, the influence of aristocratic families on government affairs was pervasive, and the emperor had to endure it.

In the local area, the wealthy gentry controlled the land, industry and population. If local officials did not bow their heads, government orders would not be able to leave the government offices.

Therefore, every time when an official takes up a post in a local area, he must first visit the gentry, talk cordially to them one by one, and appease the gentry. In fact, this is a hint that the conveniences that existed in the past will still be available in the future."

This is a helpless move.

If the local gentry does not cooperate, the officials will not be able to stay for long and will have to leave.

There is even the possibility of being ruined.

Liao Jin said: "Those people! They are greedy. But they are indispensable. With them around, there will be less trouble in the place."

In local areas, in the countryside outside the city, it was managed by the gentry.

Everything is handled down below.

If the aristocratic family members are the deputy emperors, then the local gentry is the local emperor.

Officials even had to ask the gentry to help them manage the local area, and were willing to give them some benefits, such as annexing land, and turned a blind eye to some violations of the law.

Everything is based on the overall situation.

As for the people, they are just like cattle and sheep. Officials who hold local posts also have an elegant name, called herdsmen.

Herd, herd!

Huang Chunhui said: "This has been done. If those people are making trouble later, suppress them."

"I'm afraid I will stumble him in the future!" Liao Jin smiled bitterly, "Young man, you are very motivated."

Huang Chunhui asked: "You didn't persuade me to wait?"

Jiang Cunzhong lowered his head and said, "I persuaded you."

But he didn't listen.

"What did he say?"

"Yang Xuan told the people that those powerful people wanted to test his attitude...he just came to Taoxian County..."

Zhang Du beside him raised his head and said, "Fair!"

Huang Chunhui's eyes flashed with brilliance, then disappeared immediately, "Fairness is so difficult! But since he has such ambition, come on!"

A clerk came in and said, "Sir."

Huang Chunhui said: "As I say, let those people ask for some face!"

As soon as the newcomers arrived, they encountered strong men who were aggressive and then slapped them in the face.

Huang Chunhui's words are a threat.

I don't have long to live.

I even dare to turn against the emperor.

Stop beeping!

Otherwise, if I kill a few people before the war, and then take credit, who would dare to comment?

Liu Qing thought of several possibilities for Huang Chunhui to suppress this matter, but he did not expect him to be so domineering.

The powerful people in the entire Tao County actually fell silent.

There were shouts and curses coming from a certain brothel.

"Huang Chunhui's old dog is dying soon. Whoever competes with him at this time should be careful not to be dragged away by him before he passes away."

When Yang Xuan came back, he was scolded by Huang Chunhui.

But then, Huang Chunhui said that he had just led the army to defeat the Tanzhou Army. Thanks for the hard work, he had a day off.

This special girl is so obviously protective of the calf!

This kid belongs to me. Before I take up my official position, whoever dares to do anything against him should not blame me for taking him away!

It stopped.

Yang Xuan left the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion and was greeted by Jiang He'er who was waiting outside, "Lang Jun."

"What are you so angry about?" Yang Xuan asked.

Jiang He'er said: "The officials who were coming in and out were all laughing when they saw me, and they were laughing weirdly. It was like..."

The old thief smiled, and Wang Laoer said: "It's like looking at a fool."

Jiang He'er said, "That's not me, it's you."

Wang Laoer said: "I will squat next to the old thief. If I want to look at you and the old thief, I will look at you and the old thief. You two fools."

"I'm so smart..."

“You’re smart and you’re being coaxed!”

Yang Xuan was curious, "Why were you coaxed?"

Jiang Heer stamped his feet, "Wang Laoer, if you dare to say that, I will put bugs in your food later!"

"I won't tell you, I won't tell you." Wang Laoer said angrily: "Isn't it just being asked if you like men? As for making such a fuss?"


Yang Xuan looked at Jiang He'er in men's clothing, she was so pretty that people's hearts fluttered.

Sin, sin!

Jiang Heer gritted his teeth and said, "Wang Laoer, you have offended me!"

The old thief said: "Lang Jun has offended a wealthy family this time, so he is afraid of trouble in the future."

Jiang He'er also said with a sad face: "I was outside the door and heard the officials saying that Lang Jun had offended the local emperors when he first arrived, and I'm afraid he won't be able to stand in Taoxian County."

Yang Xuan mounted his horse, and the guards followed him.

"I'm a little hungry." Yang Xuan felt that his appetite had improved. When he saw a stall nearby, he led his horse over.

The stall was set up by a middle-aged couple, selling Hu biscuits.

"What kind of filling is it?" Yang Xuan asked.

The woman was taking a nap and the man was kneading dough. Hearing this, he raised his head and said, "Shijun Yang!"

The woman woke up suddenly, rubbed her eyes, and said happily: "It turned out to be Yang Shijun."

The man said: "There are some stuffed with mutton, some stuffed with pig meat, and some stuffed with vegetables."

Yang Xuan knew that his stomach discomfort was a reaction to a hangover, so he couldn't eat something too greasy, "Let's have something stuffed with vegetables!"

The man skillfully took out a lump of noodles, kneaded it repeatedly, filled it with chopped stuffing, and then spread it flat.

After a while, the aroma came out, and Jiang Heer couldn't wait to say beside Yang Xuan: "Give me one stuffed with mutton."

"I want something stuffed with pig meat." As long as it's eating, Wang Laoer is indispensable.

On the right, several men in rich clothes came slowly, followed by more than ten slaves.

"That's Yang Xuan."

"This person sees us as nothing."

"After that, he will turn away everyone from his relatives."

"Without support, he won't be able to stay long and will have to get out!"

Several men sneered.

The Hu cake was ready and wrapped in a piece of oil paper. Yang Xuan took it and kept changing hands because it was burned.

The old thief gave the money, and the woman waved her hand, "No, no, no, no, Yang Shijun will eat it without charge!"

The old thief laughed and said: "How can we not charge money? When others see it, they will think that Mr. Lang buys and sells by force and eats without paying for it!"

The woman said: "This is the slave's choice."

The old thief was startled, "Your business doesn't look good..."

Are you full?

The woman glanced at Yang Xuan and said with some embarrassment: "I just want to give it to the envoy to eat."


The man interrupted, "For thousands of years, when it comes to powerful officials, it has been our God. When God speaks, we have to listen carefully. When we are exploited, there is no one to redress our grievances, which seems to be the right thing to do."

The woman said: "Mr. Yang said that he came to Tao County for the sake of fairness."

The old thief asked: "Has no official said this before?"

"Yes!" the man said sarcastically: "Those officials said it was nice, but it didn't take long before they became the guests of the powerful. Bah!"

The woman said: "Yang Shijun really dares to offend powerful people for the sake of fairness, so what does it matter if I give him a few cakes?"

Jiang He'er asked curiously: "Aren't you afraid of those powerful men?"

"It's natural to be afraid." The man picked up a lump of noodles and rubbed it while saying, "But as a human being, we have to show our conscience."

The woman glanced at Yang Xuan who was eating biscuits nearby and said, "We haven't read books and don't know those big principles, but we still remember the words passed down from generation to generation!"

She cleared her throat, as if she was about to say some great truth, but felt it was too serious, so she smiled, calmed down her emotions, and then said:

"We will help anyone who cares about us!"

On the way back, Jiang Heer was thoughtful and entered the backyard. Yang Xuan carried a chair outside, preparing to hold up the body and recover.

Jiang Heer carefully found a stool and sat next to him, "Mr. Lang."

"What's the matter?" Yang Xuan closed his eyes and felt that the voice was a little vague.

Damn it!

Don't get drunk next time.

"Lang Jun, did you offend the powerful for the sake of the people?"

Jiang Heer held his chin in his hands and turned his head to look at Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan leaned on the back of his chair and said: "A place is composed of officials, powerful people, and common people. These are the basic components. What does the chief official rely on to govern the place?"

"Powerful men and officials." Jiang He'er was born into a wealthy family, so he was well-connected in such matters.

"Relying on tyranny can stabilize a place, but it can never make a place rich or strong."

"Why?" Jiang He'er felt that Lang Jun's words were a bit absolute.

Yang Xuan said lazily: "What do the powerful want? They want land and population. He'er, people's desires are never-ending. Today there are 10,000 acres of fertile land. They are overjoyed, but tomorrow they will have ten thousand acres of fertile land."

Thousands of acres of fertile land, this is human nature. As the place develops, they will take advantage of it and become more and more crazy..."

"But aren't people greedy?"

"Human nature naturally includes everyone, from emperors to beggars. But people can use laws and rules to restrain them!"

"The powerful..." Jiang He'er was startled, "The law is useless to them!"

The powerful colluded with local officials, and their network of relationships was complicated...

"Laws are mostly made by them."

Jiang He'er looked shocked, "Lang Jun's words, they made the law. It reminds me of those powerful men who kill without any problem, annex fields with no problem, and lend money with no problem..."

"When the law fails to restrain the powerful, there will be chaos in the place."

"The stronger the powerful, the weaker the place." Jiang Heer was led to a truth by Yang Xuan's words, "The powerful are the disaster!"

"Being strong and powerful is a cancer!" Yang Xuan sighed, "Just have fun by yourself, don't bother me."

Jiang He'er still had a lot to say, but he could only hold it back when he heard the words, thinking angrily about He Lianyan.

It would be nice if Yan'er is here, the two of us are together.

Her body suddenly trembled, "Did Mr. Lang deliberately offend the powerful?"

Yang Xuan was a little groggy, and said casually: "Either offend the powerful, or offend the common people, or be a good old man, and be friendly... The chief officer must take sides."

"Langjun chose to side with the people?" Jiang Heer thought of the couple selling Hu cakes.

"Of course I am on the side of the people."

Being powerful is also a cancer!

Helianyan is on the way here.

Yang Xuan came to Taoxian with his troops, and He Lianyan had to arrange his troops to keep an eye on Chenzhou, so it would be a little later.

The three of them rested outside a small shop by the official road.

One has a bald head and looks full of flesh; one is tall and looks silently to the right; the other talks a lot and keeps saying something in a low voice.

"Are you sure she's coming today?" the man with a sinister face asked.

The man who talked a lot had disheveled hair and said, "Yang Gou goes first. That bitch is his loyal dog. She must arrange an eye liner to protect Yang Gou's home. Therefore, she was two days late. According to her schedule, she must pass by here today."


The bald man said: "Old Sun, you are full of hatred! Still can't let go?"

The tall old Sun was silent for a long time, his eyes gradually turned red, "My brother was sent to Tanzhou not long after he joined the Eagle Guard. This is a strife within the Eagle Guard, I agree. My brother was sent to Lin'an

When I was doing something, that bitch led his men to kill him on the spot..."

The bald man sighed, "This is life!"

Lao Sun roared in a low voice, "What fate? That bitch is familiar with our ways of doing things. My brother is upright and doesn't know how to change his approach, so he bumps into him head on.

My brother! His parents passed away early when he was young, and I single-handedly pulled him into adulthood. He is a brother like my son!"

He squatted down, made a fist with his right hand, and punched the ground.

A small pit appeared on the ground, and the surrounding dust vibrated.

The talkative man also squatted down and said, "Today is a good opportunity for revenge. The Southern Expedition is about to begin, and the commander-in-chief can decide who can kill the general of the Tang army and receive a heavy reward. The commander-in-chief also specifically mentioned the flirtatious fox, saying

Such a rebellious person, whoever kills her will be promoted when she returns home. She will be promoted and make a fortune!"

Lao Sun shook his head and looked straight at the official on the right, "I only want her head to pay homage to my brother!"


The bald man whispered: "She's here."

More than ten riders arrived like a whirlwind and dismounted in front of the shop.

He Lianyan dismounted and rubbed his waist with his backhand.

Lao Sun stood up and said, "Seller, give us a few cakes and we can take them away."


The store owner responded loudly.

Jielong turned around and looked at Lao Sun who was approaching, "Where did it come from?"

With the war approaching, he asked this question out of habit.

Lao Sun smiled, "He's from Tao County."

As he said that, he walked over.

His right hand hangs by his side, holding a short sword in his backhand.

The opportunity has come.

The sexy fox looked a little tired and out of energy.

She is distracted!

Lao Sun was ecstatic in his heart, but his expression remained calm.


I will take the head of the slutty fox today to avenge you!

He Lianyan raised her head and said, "Here we come!"


This chapter has been completed!
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