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Chapter 67 Spring Breeze, Battle Drums

Many people in the palace now know that the imperial concubine is called Emperor Erlang.

What a treason!

It's not bad to be called a queen like this. Are you worthy of being called a concubine?

But the emperor not only agreed, but also called the imperial concubine by her nickname.


"The swan geese have flown away."

Said a certain sharp concubine.

She was waiting on the emperor's only way back to the harem.

"Your Majesty is here."

A palace maid came flying over.

The concubine nodded, "Give me money."

Her maid came forward and handed over a bunch of copper coins.

As if she had experienced it countless times, the palace maid took the money with one hand, took out a huge purse and threw it in with the other, and then ran away.

The shouts echoed behind me.

"Your Majesty is here."

"Give me money!"

So when the emperor arrived, he saw a huge welcoming lineup.

When the imperial concubine heard the news, she just laughed.

His eyes were so calm and enviable.

"Jiro won't stay there."

"Your Majesty has arrived."

The emperor strode in and supported the imperial concubine without waiting for her to salute, "Hongyan really has a keen eye for pearls."

The imperial concubine was stunned, "Erlang, this is..."

"You suggested that the county lieutenant should be sent to protect Princess Nanyang. Today he destroyed the plot of the Northern Liao envoy."

The imperial concubine was startled, "Who?"

Jiao Li whispered: "Your Majesty, you are the county captain who stopped the assassin."

The imperial concubine suddenly realized this and couldn't help but feel guilty for a moment.

The emperor glanced at her seemingly casually and said, "That young man is quite brave."

The imperial concubine held his arm and said, "That doesn't live up to my original recommendation."

The two of them go in.

The imperial concubine asked: "What is that boy's name?"

Jiao Li said: "It seems to be called Yang...Yang Xuan."

"It doesn't cost you money, it costs your life."

Yi Niang muttered dissatisfiedly, and several of her chickens were wandering around her feet.

Fang Zheng outside the door smiled bitterly, "Yiniang, everyone has to pay taxes."

"The rich and powerful won't hand it over."

Yi Niang complained while giving the money. As for the cloth from the tax, she had already prepared it.

"I won't go to my house for labor."

"Easy to say."

As long as you give money to the cloth, you are the uncle.

This is the smoothest company in Fangzheng to collect taxes.

"The young master is back."

When he saw Yang Xuan, Fang Zheng greeted him with a smile.

Several carts behind him were piled with money and cloth.

Among them is the Yang family.

Yi Niang was obviously dissatisfied with paying taxes. She patted the non-existent dust on Yang Xuan's body when he came in and complained.

"In those days, let alone taxes, we didn't even give money for food."

Cao Ying said casually: "We are rich... old thief."


The box fell to the ground and the old thief opened the lid.

The golden light is shining!

Yi Niang was happy and her hands became heavier.


Yang Xuan received a slap on his back, and he swore that it must have turned green.

After learning that the money was used to buy a house and open a ramen restaurant, Yi Niang put down the gold ingot reluctantly, "At least I saw money back then, but my eyes were dazzled. Saving is the way to build a family. Don't do it."


Although he said it harshly, he still added a hard dish to his lunch.

"roast chicken!"

Wang Laoer's eyes lit up and he started to fuck while squatting.

"Yeah!" Yi Niang glanced at him.

Wang Laoer was biting into the chicken, and his movements immediately stopped, and he slowly knelt down and sat down.

Yi Niang looked at everyone with a straight face, "Etiquette and etiquette! How many times have I said it? I can't embarrass my husband, calling you an old thief!"

The old thief is also used to eating while squatting. Hearing this, he said: "Yiniang, I have been here for many years..."

"Why?" Unable to explain, Yi Niang swore that she would let the old thief have a drink at dinner.

The old thief said: "It will be very time-consuming to rob a tomb when encountering a mechanism. The tomb passage is low, so you can only eat while squatting."

"Why don't you sit down?" Yi Niang didn't believe it.

The old thief sighed, "It is an ancestral rule that you cannot sit down when entering a tomb..."

"So what if you sit down?"

"Our rule is to treat death as life. The tomb is the home of the owner of the tomb. Unless the owner invites you, you cannot sit in it."

The master invites you!

Yi Niang glanced at Yang Xuan and said, "From today on, sit down!"

I am the owner of this house!

Yang Xuan felt a chill running down his spine.

The old thief sat down.

The family had lunch in silence.

After lunch, Han Ying came.

"Please go and choose a place."

"Looking at the tomb? I know this man well." The old thief has been a little turbulent recently and doesn't want to go anywhere.

"Look at the place, they sell ramen."

Walking along Zhuque Street, Yang Xuan felt a little like a nouveau riche.

Those brokers have humble smiles on their faces and introduce the situation of the house they represent, which will make you feel like you are a god.

When he pointed to the bigger house, the middle-aged man almost had snot bubbles in his nose.

"He wants to call you daddy." Suzaku was also so beautiful that he wanted to bubble up.

"That's it."

Yang Xuan finally bought a house in Guangfufang facing Zhuque Street.

"Renovate and decorate, and recruit people." Yang Xuan began to assign, "Han Ying teaches the cook."

"Yes." This was the core. Han Ying felt that she valued herself.

"Every cook signs a ten-year contract."

If someone leaks the secret of Yuanzhou Ramen and is found out within ten years, Yang Xuan will make him regret it for the rest of his life.

Large-scale transactions between nobles rarely used copper coins, but mostly used cloth, gold and silver.

"The gold is not yet warm."

The old thief returned home and was still talking about it.

"Money is just a small thing."

Cao Ying and Yiniang discussed it and came back and said to Yang Xuan: "Lang Jun, Fang Zheng mentioned something before when he came to collect taxes. Beiliao is now constantly provoking conflicts in the north."

"What do you want to say?" Yang Xuan sat down and Yi Niang brought him tea and said softly: "Lang Jun, the world is getting into chaos little by little."

Cao Ying knelt down beside him and nodded, "We need to go faster."

Yang Xuan pondered for a long time.

"Prepare gifts."

"Where are you going?" Yi Niang was a little confused.

"I'm going to meet that warrior."

When Yang Xuan came to the gate of the Ministry of War carrying several oil paper bags, the guard Zhang Gu asked: "Who are you looking for?"

"Yang Xuan, the captain of Wannian County, asks to see the Minister of Song Dynasty."

"What?" Zhang Gu asked the purpose.

At the same time, he glanced at the gift in his hand, his eyelids twitching wildly.

Song Zhen is a model of uprightness, how dare this man come to bribe you?

"Say hello."

Zhang Gu went in slowly.

Let yourself relax by the way.

"Shang Shu."


Song Zhen had just finished handling a political matter and was closing his eyes to rest.

Zhang Gu said: "Yang Xuan, the captain of Wannian County, wants to see you."

Song Zhen opened his eyes and thought for a while.

Zhang Gu is more ambitious, "He brought a gift."

"Let him come."

Song Zhen was surprised at Zhang Gu's daze and hummed softly.

"If you are in the military, you will bear heavy responsibilities!"

Later, Yang Xuan was brought in.

Song Zhen glanced at the oil paper bag and asked, "What did you bring?"

Yang Xuan said: "I heard that you have rheumatism in your legs and feet. I happen to know a famous doctor, so I got some medicine."

"That's not bad."

Song Zhen glanced at him with a pair of tiger eyes, "What are you doing here?"

The gift is received, which is a good start.

"I heard that Northern Xinjiang is uneasy." Yang Xuan probed.

Song Zhen said calmly: "People in the army speak straightforwardly. Your temptation will only lead to contempt. Say it!"


Yang Xuan said awkwardly: "I want to ask the minister for advice. Is this true?"

"What, you want to join the army?" Song Zhen picked up the documents on the desk. This was a signal.

I'm very busy, nothing to do...get out of here!

"Yes." Yang Xuan knew that he could not join the army at this moment.

He bet that Song Zhen had a crush on him.

"You do have some ambition." Song Zhen's face softened a little, "Last time you and the Imperial Academy intercepted the Southern Zhou spies at the North Gate, your methods were bold and your tactics were outstanding..."

Yang Xuan lowered his head and said, "Shang Shu is so complimentary."

Song Zhen knocked on the case with a document, "Back then, the Northern Liao was so famous that the Tang Dynasty had to bow its head. But later Emperor Wu endured the humiliation and took the heavy burden. More than ten years later, the army went out and defeated the Northern Liao army in the first battle. The Northern Liao army has been unable to recover until now. But in these years,

Cultivation and recuperation also gave them ambition, and all this is because of the hundreds of thousands of well-trained cavalry."

"The lower official is stupid, does Bei Liao want to attack the Tang Dynasty?" Yang Xuan knew very little about Bei Liao.

Song Zhen said: "When a dynasty's army is extremely powerful, the emperor must find a place for these powerful forces to contribute. Otherwise, these powerful forces consume the national power in vain every year. What's worse, these powerful forces will give birth to ambitions. Young man,

The army is not just playing house, the army... wants to kill people!"

It's not about killing the enemy.

Just kill your own people!

Which one do you choose?

"So the Emperor of Northern Liao must find an outlet for those powerful cavalry."

"Smart boy, I like this metaphor very much."

A smile appeared on Song Zhen's serious face, and then disappeared, "I don't see the generosity and courage to serve the country in you, but I see a lot of calmness in you. You need courage, otherwise you will lose your life if you go to Northern Xinjiang.


Yang Xuan felt that Song Zhen saw him clearly, so he respectfully handed over his hand and said, "I would like to be taught."

"Go ahead."

Song Zhen watched him leave, and suddenly sighed quietly: "Bei Liao is working hard to govern, and He Lianfeng only wants to avenge the shame of the past. And what is your majesty doing? Using a post station to transport fruits to your favorite concubine from the south."

The room was quiet for a long time.


Someone hurried in and saw that the check-in room was full of sawdust.

Several cases.


Yang Xuan left the Ministry of War and met Liang Jing.

"Are you successful?" Liang Jing smiled, "Let's go, my brother will take you to experience some exotic customs."

The so-called exotic customs are just a group of exotic women.

"You must keep your integrity as pure as jade." Zhuque reminded him, "But this is the future uncle of the country, Yang Xuan, and I want to get along with him. No, let's talk in bed together at night."

Night chatting in bed together is naturally impossible.

The two of them each brought an exotic beauty into the room.

The rooms are adjacent.

The foreign beauty's Tang dialect was a bit awkward, and she said shyly: "It's not soundproof."

"The spring breeze blows, the war drums beat, who is afraid of whom in this world!" Suzaku shouted.

The exotic beauty looked at Yang Xuan and thought to herself that this young man looks like a young chicken, he is of the highest quality, and I am willing to do it even without paying him!

Yang Xuan came over, and the foreign beauty pulled her belt without him having to say anything.

"The technique of undressing is good."

Yang Xuan praised.

The beauty got on the bed and hooked her finger at Yang Xuan.

"The slave's scream was louder than hers."

Yang Xuan sat in front of the desk, poured himself a cup of tea, raised the cup to his lips, and said lightly.

"Call it yourself!"


Thanks to the leader of ‘Sir of Dybala’ for the reward, Sir! Can we change the IP? Every time I have to explain that you are a native and I am a scholar.

This chapter has been completed!
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