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Chapter 683 Join the Army

"My disciple of metaphysics has been in seclusion for many years, and is somewhat out of touch with this world. It is true that the mind can be maintained by seclusion, but if he is exposed to the filth outside, then... he will almost become a scourge."

Ning Yayun sighed, which made Yang Xuan secretly happy, and immediately continued, "Headmaster, Bao Dong has made great progress since he joined the state house to help me. Now he can also take charge of a party."

That guy's ability to spread rumors is getting stronger and stronger.

What are those disciples and professors of metaphysics doing in the mountain gate?

As it gradually becomes available on the market, I will give you this opportunity!

Lao Ning, take the bait!

"Let's talk about this later. I'll go out for a walk."

The disciples of metaphysics are so free and easy, but they have never seen people like Wang who are crazy about fame and wealth. Ning Yayun was shocked by these three views and felt a little uncomfortable.

Lao Ning didn't take the bait, and Yang Xuan continued to take a nap.

Jiang He'er and He Lianyan's voices could be faintly heard outside.

Then Helianyan came in.

"Mr. Lang."

"Yeah!" Yang Xuan still closed his eyes.

He Lianyan walked behind him, knelt down and gently squeezed his shoulders, "Lin Ya was the leader last night."

"Yeah!" A pair of jade hands gently kneaded the shoulders, which felt quite good.

"I know something about Lin Ya's temperament, and she is determined to retaliate. After last night's failure, I think he will look for opportunities to take revenge."


He Lianyan's hand slipped to his temple, "Lang Jun said that Linhe City is easy to defend but difficult to attack. I don't think Lin Ya will be asking for trouble. I think the only way is to sneak in..."

Yang Xuan patted the back of her hand to show encouragement.

"Lin Ya has led the army for many years. When he suppressed the grassland tribes, what he was best at was making surprise attacks... overcoming powerful enemies."

"Penetrate behind the strong enemy and wipe out the weak opponents. The strong enemy is in a dilemma, either take the initiative to attack, or you can only sit back and watch him wreak havoc."

He Lianyan suddenly sighed, "I only said the beginning, but Mr. Lang already knew it."


In another world, there is an army with superb skills.

Being drilled into Sun Wukong's stomach makes you feel so uncomfortable that you want to fart and pop him out.

He Lianyan whispered: "If Lang Jun is in Daliao, he only needs to be loyal to He Lianfeng. I bet that in ten years at most, Lang Jun can become one of the top people in Daliao."

"It's a pity that I only like Datang." Yang Xuan moved his head and motioned for her not to stop.

He Lianyan gently rubbed his temples, "So, does Mr. Lang have any ideas?"

"This matter is quite simple." Yang Xuan closed his eyes, "It is impossible to intersperse large groups of people. The target is too big and can easily be captured by our army. A small group of people...

They carried food and grass for several days. After going deep, there was no grass to replenish their horses. Therefore, they could only fight quickly, move in and out quickly..."

Helianyan stretched out her hand and wiped it on his forehead again and again.

"If he can do it, why can't I do it? Compared with the cavalry, who am I, Chenzhou Army, afraid of?"

The look of disdain made He Lianyan whisper: "I'm thinking how stupid the emperor and concubine of Chang'an were to give up on their husband!"

Later, the gates of Linhe City opened wide, and groups of cavalry set off, scattered into the night.

The morning wind carries a hint of coolness in early autumn.

Mao Wen, the leader of the team, was galloping with his men.

"Correct, there are horse hoof prints here."

Sergeant Zhao Duo dismounted and knelt on the ground with one knee.

Mao Wen dismounted and went over to take a look. He looked up and looked ahead. "The horse's hoof prints are very fresh. They should have been made yesterday. Look at how many there are."

Everyone dismounted and took stock carefully.

"The team is in full swing, with more than a hundred riders."

"Sure enough, it's a small group of people!" Mao Wen mounted his horse, and Zhao Duo asked: "Team leader, why are they sneaking into the depths of northern Xinjiang?"

Mao Wen said with a gloomy face, "People from Linhe and other places have entered the city, but deep down there are some people who are lucky enough to stay in the villages outside the city. Once they are discovered... massacring the village, they will even throw away their heads." Below the city, it will damage the morale of our army."

Many of the soldiers in the Northern Xinjiang Army were locals, and their fathers and fellow villagers were slaughtered. What a torment!

Zhao Duo took out the water bag and took a sip, "Those birdmen are timid and afraid of death. But they are lucky. They do it again and again, but they still hurt us. According to what I say, let them fend for themselves. It’s time to destroy yourself.”

Mao Wen said with a cold face, "What are you talking about! They are all from my northern Xinjiang, why are they not involved? Besides, without them paying taxes, where will we go to eat? Are we going to beg?"

Zhao Duo said: "They paid taxes and we worked hard, but we lost money!"

"Fart!" Mao Wen scolded: "We, as warriors, should be proud of serving our country. Why should we lose anything?"

Seeing his stern look, Zhao Duo lowered his voice and muttered: "Those people are so ignorant and don't understand anything, but they don't listen to advice..."

Mao Wen scolded: "You used to complain a lot, so why did you join the army in the first place?"

Zhao Duo lowered his head, "My family is short of money. If I join the army, I can get some money to settle down."

Someone retorted, "But Northern Xinjiang needs our men to protect it!"

Zhao Duo was not convinced, "There are hundreds of thousands of troops in Chang'an!"

"The army in Chang'an doesn't care about us. We in Northern Xinjiang rely on the men in Northern Xinjiang to protect us. Do you understand? Our parents, wives and children have to be protected by ourselves!"

Mao Wen pointed at him and was so angry for a long time that he finally spoke, "Yes, I want to ask you, would you like to join the army?"

If Zhao Duo says he doesn't want to, Mao Wen can send him to Shangguan if he turns around. He doesn't want such a weakling!

The comrades all looked at Zhao Duo with unkind eyes.

Zhao Duo lowered his head again and did not answer, but everyone knew that if he had to choose again, this person would probably not want to.

"Bullshit!" Mao Wen yelled, "Hurry up!"

Everyone chased after him for a while, and at noon they found that the horse's hoof prints were scattered.

"There are both left and right." Mao Wen stood on the ground and frowned: "I'm going to find a village."

"Team leader, what should we do?"

Mao Wen said: "The only way is... to spread out and follow."

He divided his subordinates into two groups, each group consisted of twenty-five people.

"Blow the trumpet when you spot the enemy."

Then the chase began.

Mao Wen led 25 people to the right side.

Galloping all the way.

When they saw a village, they overtook the enemy.

"More than thirty people, the team is in order!"

Mao Wen gritted his teeth and said, "Charge forward!"

"Blow the trumpet!"

The trumpet sounds.

This is the call to the team on the other side.


The two sides charged at each other.

The two sides were strangled together, and Zhao Duo followed Mao Wen. He would strike when he saw an advantage and hide when he saw a good opponent.


There was the sound of a horn in the distance.

Among the enemy troops, someone said: "Quick fight! Hold them back!"

Someone in the village is looking for the hiding place of the villagers.

Mao Wen shouted: "Get some people and stop them."

Zhao Duo was the first to run away.

"Bullshit!" Mao Wen scolded.

The five cavalrymen followed closely behind and rushed into the village.

As we rushed into the village, we saw more than ten war horses tied outside a house and two enemy soldiers guarding them.

"Tang Jun is coming."

Several enemy soldiers rushed out from inside. Without saying a word, the two sides immediately caught each other and started fighting.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for his comrades to struggle with their opponents, Zhao Duo slashed all the way and rushed straight into the courtyard.

He wanted to find a place to hide.

In the lobby of the house, three enemy soldiers discovered the entrance to the cellar. The people inside were desperately pulling on the wooden cover, and the people outside were also pulling desperately.

One is outward, the other is inward, both sides are exerting force.

Once the wooden lid is lifted, the villagers below become a hero.

Zhao Duo rushed in, and an enemy soldier turned around and found him, "Kill him!"

An enemy soldier came over with a sword drawn. Zhao Duo trembled, looked left and right, and wanted to run away.

"Aniang, Aniang!"

The cry of a girl came from the cellar.

Zhao Duo's body was shaken.

Somehow, the appearance of my younger sister when she was a child came to mind.

His cheeks trembled.

The enemy troops rushed forward with ferocious looks and swords raised high...

Under the sun, Zhao Duo suddenly screamed, "Ah..."

He raised the knife with both hands and just chopped without caring.

The enemy has probably never encountered such a desperate and subconscious dodge.


Zhao Duo continued to swing the sword... He did not miss every time he practiced. The reaction formed through repeated practice allowed him to strike one strike after another.

The enemy army was also angry, thinking that this man might be a powerful foreigner, so he shot back.

He saw that the horizontal sword was still there, and then...he died with his eyes closed.

Zhao Duo gasped, his eyes full of bloodshot eyes. He took a step forward, subconsciously took half a step back, and then stepped forward again.

"Kill him!"

The two enemy soldiers discarded the wooden lid and rushed forward together.

Zhao Duo stopped, his eyes blank for a moment.

He joined the army not to protect his family and country, nor to show off his bravery... The most common situation among men in the Tang Dynasty who joined the army was because they thought it was a way out.

The folk customs of the Tang Dynasty were fierce, especially the people in northern Xinjiang. They had heard about Northern Liao and Northern Liao since they were young, and knew that they were the formidable enemy. From an early age, they were indoctrinated with certain concepts, such as: if they want to live in peace, the only way is to live in peace.

The Northern Liao Dynasty was destroyed.

When they grow up, their eyes will naturally turn to the north, and then they will think about how to destroy Bei Liao.

Only join the army!

If you join the army, you can get meritorious service, and your meritorious service can help your family live a good life. If you can become a general, it goes without saying that your father and ancestors will be proud when they offer incense to their ancestors.

Therefore, men in northern Xinjiang are proud to join the army.

But Zhao Duo is different. He has five brothers in his family and one younger sister. His two older brothers failed to live up to expectations, and their marriage has left the family almost impoverished. He has two older brothers who are also getting married.

Moreover, there is a weak sister down there.

These days, a woman's dowry must be prepared from the moment she is born. If the dowry is small, a woman will be looked down upon when she arrives at her husband's family. If there is something big or small in the future, if she has no money, she can only look to the sky.

Therefore, his parents told him that it would be better to join the army, where he would not have to worry about food, clothing, and maybe even become a general.

He left the house just like that. He remembers that his frail sister came to see him off, burst into tears, and asked him when he would be back.


In the cellar, the girl's cries turned into shouts.

The people inside must have noticed that no one was pulling up the wooden cover outside.

Zhao Duo raised his sword.

Take a deep breath.


The sword flashed.

After just one confrontation, he was stabbed twice.

The other side was not much better. One of the enemy soldiers had a hole in his waist, and his trouser legs were soaked with blood.

With this kind of injury, veterans in the army said that he would not survive.

I will kill two people!

You can accumulate merit and be promoted!

He was stabbed twice on the chest and shoulder, and blood was flowing continuously.

The sword light flickered again.

Zhao Duo swung his sword.

Three sword strikes, and he staggered back.

On the opposite side, the man who was seriously injured before fell down.

The remaining leg was stabbed by Zhao Duo, and he struck the ground with a long knife and glanced at Zhao Duo.

Zhao Duo was stabbed in the abdomen and blood kept gushing out.

At this moment, all you need to do is go up and make one more stab to gain the victory.

Zhao Duo also struck the ground with his sword.

The enemy hesitated for a moment, and seeing that Zhao Duo was no longer able to take action, they turned around and walked towards the cellar. As they walked, they took out something to make a fire.

According to the order, it was best to harvest the heads of the people, the more the better, so they started a tug of war with the villagers in the cellar.

But it's obviously too late now.

In this case, we might as well burn him to death and use a few shrunken heads to deal with.

It can also be regarded as a military exploit.

He limped toward the cellar entrance.

I probably heard footsteps inside and panicked.

"Burn you beasts!" the Beiliao sergeant laughed ferociously.

He heard the sound of wind behind him and turned around to avoid it.

Laughing wildly, "Yeah, I exposed my back to you on purpose. I thought you would run away, but I didn't expect... Come on, Yeah, let you die!"

Zhao Duo fell down and the sword failed.

Just now, the thought of escaping came to his mind.

Two heads, his credit is enough.

But for some reason, when he saw the enemy troops heading towards the entrance of the cellar, his heart suddenly started to hurt, as if someone had pinched his heart.

The knife missed, and he fell to the ground, then rolled over to avoid the knife.

He did not avoid the second blow immediately.

Another opening was made in the lower abdomen, and the internal organs could be seen.

The enemy is preparing to start fire.

As soon as I took a step, my ankles tightened.

He turned around and lowered his head, and saw a hand grabbing his ankle tightly.

Zhao Duo's eyes were dazed, and he threw the long knife over with all his strength.


The enemy was hit by a knife and fell slowly.

Zhao Duo let go of his hand and stared blankly at the sky.

The team seemed to appear in front of them, roaring: "Yes, I want to ask you, would you like to join the army?"

His lips moved slightly...

"Quickly, see if there are Beiliao people here, kill them all!"

The shouts of colleagues came from outside.

The villagers in the cellar knew they were safe.

The girl started to sing.

"The flowers are blooming in March! They are red, ah! They are red!"

Zhao Duo saw Amei.

Amei stood in front of him, clapping her hands happily and singing.

"Children in Northern Xinjiang are blessed, children in Northern Xinjiang are blessed!"

He saw the team rushing over and looked anxious.

He spoke slowly.


This chapter has been completed!
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