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Chapter 705

Yang Xuan felt that the civil unrest in Dengzhou had nothing to do with him, so Han Ji whispered: "Lang Jun, Dengzhou is more than three hundred miles away from northern Xinjiang."

Yang Xuan's heart was moved, and he thought that if he raises the banner to rebel, he can't tell who will support and who will oppose him.

If I could win over the hearts of Dengzhou's soldiers and civilians...

Let’s get started on this!

"Also, iron ore!"

Han Ji seemed to see his boss' tongue dancing in his throat, so he took a step back and was very respectful.

The official who conveyed the order knew that the matter was being done unfairly by the court, and was worried that Yang Xuan would refuse categorically, so he said: "The news of the civil unrest in Dengzhou came yesterday. Today, the court and the government discussed it, and many people suggested that the deputy envoy should go."

Many people!

Yang Xuan sneered, "Zheng Qi, that old dog who gave birth to a son without dermatitis!"


Who says it’s not!

The official felt that this matter had nothing to do with him, and said with a smile: "Please go quickly, I heard... there is a big fuss."

Yang Xuan left with his guards.

At the Huang family's blacksmith shop, Chief Ding came quietly, "Your Majesty, the Crown Prince... has died of illness!"

King Wei raised his head and said: "Let's go!"

He lowered his head and continued to strike.

"Your Majesty, this is an opportunity."

"My king, don't be in a hurry!"

"The King of Yue will be anxious!"

"The more anxious he is, the more Aye will want to beat him!"

"The father-in-law is here!"

"If he is smart, he should borrow less of Yang Songcheng's power, otherwise...do you know why the prince died?"

Chief Ding shook his head, "I don't know."

"Just because he is Yang Songcheng's grandson!"

Ding Chang was startled.


Sister Huang's voice came from outside, and Chang Ding hurried out and stayed aside.

"Big butts make it easy to have children. The king has found a good woman this time. But it would be better if she was bigger." Ding Chang was wondering where there is a woman with a big butt, and he wanted to find a woman with a big butt to be a concubine for King Wei.

"Let's have cold food for lunch, and I'll make you some mutton soup..."


"I'll make pancakes, mutton soup and pickles for dinner."


"I'll go to the kitchen. Take a rest when you have time."


Clang clang clang!

The sounds in the blacksmith shop are still there.

After Zhou Qin learned about the death of the prince at home, he sneered and said: "The emperor killed his own son. It is a must-have in the history books!"

The old servant said: "Alang, I haven't seen you yet!"

Zhou Qin was holding the birdcage with one hand behind his back, "Many times, there is no need to see, just..." He pointed to his head, "Think about it yourself."


Zhou Xin comes in.

"Is your brother-in-law gone?"

"Someone from the court asked my brother-in-law to go to Dengzhou and tell him there was some kind of civil unrest, so he asked him to suppress it!"

Zhou Qin was carrying the bird cage and was about to smash it. The bird, perhaps sensing that something was wrong, quickly chirped flatteringly.

Zhou Qin held back, but veins popped out in his hand holding the handle of the birdcage.

"Zitai will be the deputy envoy of Jiedu. What he should do now is win the hearts of the soldiers and people in northern Xinjiang. This will make him suppress the civil unrest... The more he kills, the worse Zitai's reputation will be! Gan Niniang


Mirror stand.

Zhao Sanfu and Wang Shou were discussing matters.

Today, Zhao Sanfu is no longer that transparent person, and is almost on an equal footing with Wang Shou.

Wang Shou dropped the paper in his hand, "There are a lot of refugees in Dengzhou, but Zhu Nian refuses to help them. Some rebellious people, Lu Er, rebelled against them. This matter... I'm afraid it has already come out, but Zhu Nian wants to cover it up."

Happy New Year, Dengzhou Governor.

Zhao Sanfu picked it up and looked at it, "In recent years, there have been more and more refugees."

Wang Shou smiled and said, "The imperial court asked Yang Xuan to suppress it. The famous Deputy Envoy Yang killed many foreigners. I don't know how many capitals he will build when I go to Dengzhou this time."

Zhao Sanfu was silent.

He thought of the time when he and Yang Xuan stood on top of Chang'an City in the early morning, looking at the oaths made by the smoke.

I want to protect these fireworks, but now, the fireworks are gradually withering.

Zitai, kill less people!

Ningxing, when the emperor's coffin was pulled into the city by a carriage, the emperor's uncle knelt down and cried.

Changling knelt beside him, raised his head, and cried silently.

"Ah!" the emperor's uncle cried.

The contrast with Changling's silence is sharp.

Later, everyone welcomed the spirit into the city.

He Lianhong walked to Chang Ling's side and whispered: "Your Majesty knew about his body before he went on the expedition..."

"Prince?" Changling asked.

Helian Hong was silent.

Changling reached out and put his hand on the carriage, "Father, he is gone after all!"

Tears rolled down his face.

Silent grief is the most touching thing. He Lianhong advised: "If you want to cry, just cry."

Changling shook his head, "My father once said that I am neither impatient nor impatient. When he passes away, I will definitely cry silently. I also want to cry out and tell him that you are wrong. But I...


She shook her head.

Slowly raise your head and look at the sky.

Open your mouth.

"Father, the soul is back!"


Dengzhou is mountainous. With more mountains, there are less fields. Therefore, starting from Chen State, the population of Dengzhou has been somewhat small.

The land cannot support that many people, so the extra people will either become refugees or do other things.

In early spring, the mountains in Dengzhou still looked gray, and the trees had not yet sprouted buds.

The same is true for Dingdong, where Zhouli is located.

In the prefecture, the governor of Dengzhou, who was in his thirties or less than forty, was drinking tea in the New Year. Sitting next to him was Fang Shuo.

Taking a sip of tea, Zhu Nian raised his eyes, his fair face looking more comfortable, "Spring has begun, but there is still no food in the mountains. That traitor Lu Er must be starving to death!"

Fang Shuo put down the tea cup, wiped his beard, and said with clear eyes, "Your Majesty, it looks like it's going to rain today. The spring rain is lingering. Once it continues, life in the mountains will not be easy. It can kill people with cold. Without food,

Nothing to wear..."

Zhu Nian sneered, "That thief will never atone for his sins."

Fang Shuo also gritted his teeth and said: "We had already locked him up in the mountain, but we didn't expect that the thief would use the unknown path to go down the mountain and approach Dingdong, causing panic. Otherwise, how could Chang'an know about this!"

The joints of Zhu Nian's hand holding the teacup turned white, and his eyes became more fierce, "Over in Chang'an, everything that needs to be unblocked has been unblocked."

Fang Shuo put down the tea cup, looked outside the door, turned back, and said softly: "I'm afraid those wealthy people won't do their best."

"Peace of mind!" Zhu Nian said calmly: "They are also in this whirlpool. To save us is to save themselves."

"If the Zhao family can take action..." Fang Shuo picked up the tea cup and put it in his face, "Look what I said. The Zhao family is a legendary family in the hearts of northern scholars, how could they be willing to take action for us."

"The Dengzhou Zhao family is only a descendant of the Zhao family, and the main branch is still in Lu County in northern Xinjiang." Zhu Nian said quietly: "Don't worry about this matter. Legends and saints also want to eat the fireworks of the world!"

Fang Shuo was startled, "Your Majesty is saying..."

"I didn't say anything." Before the sarcasm in Zhu Nian's eyes dissipated, he changed the subject, "I don't know who will come from Chang'an."

"In civil unrest, the Ministry of War should dispatch troops to suppress it." Fang Shuo said, "I have an old acquaintance in the Ministry of War, and I have already sent a letter to inquire."

"I have thought about all the generals Chang'an can mobilize." Zhu Nianqian smiled and said: "Here we go, good wine and good food."

"Good wine and good food are not enough." Fang Shuo thought he was too optimistic.

"I'm not a beggar. I came from Chang'an with a bright future! I know it." Zhu Nian said calmly: "When the time comes, please invite Zhao Li, the head of the Zhao family, to accompany you. Who doesn't respect the head of the Zhao family branch?"

Even though Shijun had a friendship with the Zhao family, he kept it secret from me... Fang Shuo smiled a little reluctantly, "That's it, no worries!"

Zhu Nian smiled and said: "The Zhao family is a big family in the north and has an outstanding reputation. Such big families cherish feathers the most. I have a friendship with the Zhao family. It is hard to say. Old Fang."

Fang Shuo's eyelids twitched a few times, and he suppressed his jealousy and said, "Shijun."

"Such things require stability." Zhu Nian said earnestly, "You can't control it!"

Fang Shuo's heart became more and more sour. Zhu Nian saw that he looked uncomfortable and couldn't help but smile, "Zhao Li likes to talk about poetry, but you are not good at it."

Fang Shuo took a deep breath and said, "That's what the envoy said."

"We are all on the same line, sharing weal and woe." Zhu Nian comforted him: "If this were not the case, how could I tell you about my friendship with the Zhao family?"

——Don’t be so shameless, if you beep again, I will fall out!

Fang Shuodui smiled and said: "You are so talented, I admire you so much, I admire you from the bottom of my heart!"

A clerk appeared outside the door and said, "Your Majesty, the person who inquired about the information is back."

"Let him come."

Zhu Nian and Fang Shuo looked at each other and both smiled.

A dusty man entered the duty room and saluted.

Fang Shuo said impatiently: "Don't get involved in these red tapes. Who did Chang'an send? Is it a famous general?"

The man raised his head and said, "It's Yang Xuan."


Fang Shuo exclaimed.

"Yang Xuan."

Fang Shuo looked ugly, "It turns out to be this vicious dog. The terrible thing is... we have no friendship with him. He is here, what should we do?"

"Calm down!" Zhu Nian glanced at the clerk, who handed over his hands and resigned.

"Idiot!" Zhu Nian scolded with an ugly face: "How dare you talk nonsense when someone is here!"

Fang Shuo didn't say that he was scared just now, "He is also one of ours, what are you afraid of?"

"For many things, the fewer people know about them, the better." Zhu Nian asked the man, "How far is Yang Xuan from Dengzhou?"

The man said: "Thirty miles."

"Bitch slave!" Fang Shuo's face flushed, "He must have rushed here as soon as he got the order. We have no grudges against him, how can we be so aggressive?"

"Shut up!" Zhu Nian pointed at him, and then asked, "How many troops did he bring?"

"You can't ride two hundred."

Fang Shuo felt relieved, "It's okay, it's okay!"

"What did I say? Calm down!" Zhu Nian said calmly: "What will happen if he comes? Can it change the world? There is no evidence for those things, so what are we afraid of? Huh?"

"I was frightened by his reputation." Fang Shuo said frankly, "In this battle in Northern Xinjiang, he led the Chenzhou Army to defeat the Linya Army of the Northern Liao Dynasty. From this, the Chenzhou Army was known as the most powerful force in Northern Xinjiang. The name of a person is a tree.

The shadow!"

"That's a fight, just chop and kill. But the matter in Dengzhou is like a spider web, intricate and intricate. Even if the experts from Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment come together, I won't be afraid. Not to mention Yang Gou!"

Zhu Nian raised his glass of water and took a sip, "If he is polite, then there will be exchanges."

"What if he is rude!?"

Zhu Nianxiao said cautiously, "This is not Northern Xinjiang."

The man slapped his forehead and said, "I forgot to mention that Yang Xuan is now the deputy envoy of Northern Xinjiang."

Fang Shuo: "..."

Zhu Nian also stayed for a moment, "Calm down, I said, this is not Northern Xinjiang, not his territory. To put it bluntly, when a dragon comes, it has to be coiled up. When a tiger comes, it has to lie down. Not to mention a dog.


The morning of the second day.

Yang Xuan led more than a hundred horses and walked slowly on the official road.

After entering the boundary of Dengzhou, the group slowed down.

Dengzhou is very mountainous, and animals can be seen crossing the road from time to time. Some small animals are so bold that they stop in front and look at the group of people curiously.

"It's a rabbit!"

Uda shot an arrow, knocking the rabbit to the ground.

A guard rode forward, leaned over and picked up the hare.

"Bake it!" Wang Laoer was greedy.

The old thief shook his head, "No, it's better to stew it and eat it."

“The stew smells so bad!”

The two argued endlessly.

Several common people were carrying farm tools and stood aside, lowering their heads in fear.

Yang Xuan suddenly reined in his horse and said, "Ask."

Han Ji dismounted and went over, looking for an older man, "My husband is going to the fields!"

The old man raised his head and said with a smile: "Yes, yes!"

Han Ji smiled and asked, "In this season of drought, do you have enough food stored at home?"

"Enough to eat, enough to eat!" the old man said with a panicked smile.

Yang Xuan dismounted and came over, and Han Ji quickly introduced, "My husband, Yang Xuan, deputy envoy of Northern Xinjiang Festival, has been ordered to deal with the civil unrest in Dengzhou."

The old man bent down to salute and was supported by Yang Xuan, "Don't shorten my life!"

The old man stood still and said, "Don't you dare!"

Yang Xuan got straight to the point, "I just want to ask how the people of Dengzhou are doing. You said it, and I will leave after listening. By the way, old thief."

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand, and the old thief took out a piece of silver. Yang Xuan shook his head, "This is a disaster, I want copper coins."

The old thief took out a bunch of copper coins and handed it over. The old man glanced at it, eager to try it, but in the end he did not dare to take it.

"You take it and leave, and I will leave too. The road faces the sky, and we each walk half way." Yang Xuan took the copper coin and handed it to the old man.

The old man gave in a few times and handed the copper coin to the young man behind him: "Third brother, hurry up and take a look in the fields first."

The young man glanced at him and refused to leave. The old man kicked him away, "Xiong Wazi, get out!"

Only when the young people leave can the old people be willing to say, "It's hard!"

"How hard is it?" Yang Xuan squatted down and motioned for the old man to squat down too.

The old man looked ahead and said worriedly: "At this time every day, the officials in the city will come out to investigate."

"The people are not afraid of ghosts, but of officials. This place in Dengzhou is evil!" Yang Xuan pointed to the front, "The official roads are blocked."

"Take orders!"

Zhang Xu led his men and horses and left.

The old man was shocked. After calming down, he continued: "The taxes collected are cruel! If you don't pay them, then..."

Later, Yang Xuan helped the old man get up, "If you leave, I will leave too. Don't worry, I won't come looking for you again!"

The old man bowed gratefully, and then headed south with a few farmers.

Yang Xuan and others went all the way to Dingdong City, and soon they saw several officials arguing with Zhang Xu and others.

"Where are you waiting? Get off your horse and stand with your hands raised!" The servant who followed was holding a ruler and looked as if he had to kneel even if the emperor came.

Zhang Xu just blocked the official path and said nothing.

Yang Xuan rode over.

An official raised his head and asked, "Where did it come from?"

Yang Xuan moved his hand and the riding whip flashed.

The rampant little official covered his face and howled miserably.

"Be bold!"

Several officials immediately became furious.

Yang Xuan held the leather whip and said, "Yeah, Yang Xuan, tell Zhu Nian that within half an hour, Yeah will see him here.

He doesn’t have to come!”

This chapter has been completed!
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