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Chapter 734

Yang Xuan likes to walk on the field ridges. Whenever he was unhappy when he was a child, he would wander aimlessly in the deserted fields.

The feeling that he was the only one between heaven and earth made him feel confused at that time, but he felt very safe.

The crops in the fields are growing well.

"Zitai, how did you know about this?" Ning Yayun asked. Yang Xuan said: "In Chenzhou, I hired a few old farmers as consultants, each of them paid one hundred yuan a month. They did nothing else.

I specialize in traveling around and inspecting farming. Before I came to Taoxian, I received news that the weather this year was very abnormal. At first, I was dubious. When I arrived in Taoxian, I found more than ten old farmers as consultants..."

There was a dead end road ahead, and Yang Xuan jumped over it easily.

"Their views are consistent with those of the old farmers in Taoxian County. They all said that this year's weather was abnormally severe. Moreover, they all mentioned the drought twelve years ago... almost exactly the same."

"I just decided..." Ning Yayun flicked her tail,

"The secret is unpredictable, but next year, I'm afraid there will be a lot of changes."

"I just heard that there are methods of deriving calendars in metaphysics, and I thought I could get a glimpse of it, so I invited the master to come with me." Ning Yayun asked, "Then why are you suppressing food prices at this time?" Yang Xuan said.

: "Now that there will be a natural disaster next year, how many people will believe it? If you don't believe it, it will be troublesome. If you believe it, it will be even more troublesome and the people will panic. I am suppressing food prices now to hide food from the people. I have food in my hands and don't panic. People have food in their hands.

, even if a natural disaster comes next year, we have confidence. As for the timing, if we don’t suppress food prices now, we will not dare to after the wheat harvest." Ning Yayun understood,

"After a bumper harvest, grain prices are suppressed, and low grain prices hurt farmers."


"You...to be honest, you kept everyone in the dark."

"For many things, the fewer people know about them, the better." Ning Yayun pointed to the old farmers in the fields,

"Aren't you afraid of these people going around talking about it?" Yang Xuan smiled,

"Who would believe it except me?"

"Then why do you believe it?" Ning Yayun asked. Yang Xuan smiled and said

"The savings of three major ministries for many years are in my hands. The money is just waste and gravel. Take it out and use it on the people. It is worth it. Secondly, I have just arrived in Taoxian County and need to establish my authority.

It is necessary to show kindness and establish prestige, conquer Nangui City and overwhelm the generals of the army; show kindness and let the people buy food at low prices..."

"I know your temperament. It's impossible for you to throw away all your savings for many years just to show favor." Ning Yayun felt that there was a tail wagging behind Yang Xuan's butt.

"The most important thing." Yang Xuan leaned over and picked up a piece of garbage, threw it with all his strength, and smashed a cauliflower snake so that it turned around and ran away.

He turned around and looked at Ning Yayun,

"I am the helmsman of Northern Xinjiang. I am willing to work very hard for a 10% chance!" Ning Yayun was silent for a long time and said: "I don't know when the horns on your head will be gone." Youjiao.

The dragon is a horned dragon, which is a young dragon.

Once the horns are gone, it will be time to fly into the sky. Yang Xuan touched the top of his head and said,

"Maybe it won't change." Ning Yayun took a look and said,

"I feel that your aura has been changing." Damn it! Lao Ning's secret skill can be called cheating. Yang Xuan asked: "Then have you ever met the emperor?"

"I met you many years ago."

"By the way, he was still the prince and prince at that time. So how did you feel when you saw him?" From a human perspective, the false emperor was a failure.

But his methods and scheming are not to be underestimated.

"That time he came to see me and wanted to win over me and metaphysics. That year..." Ning Yayun narrowed her eyes and looked at Yang Xuan,

"There are faint horns on his head." Yang Xuan was greatly shocked.

"That horn is not as strong as yours, and is a bit shadowy." Yang Xuan: "..."...

"Still bringing food in!"

"That beast, he wants to kill them all!"

"What should I do?" The price of grain outside remains unchanged, 30% lower than the market price. Those grain merchants have closed down. At first, they just watched the show with nothing, but when they found out that they had become the protagonist, they all panicked.

"What should we do?" The grain merchants were also panicked. Some went to seek help from the powerful men to join forces, while others came to the Jiedu Envoy's Office to plead.

"Don't worry about it." Yang Xuan's words came out,

"Doing business requires one's duty. The more you think about it, the worse your death will be!" The grain merchants looked at each other, and then they remembered that when Zhou Ning wanted to buy grain to give to the people, they followed the powerful and happily raised the price of grain.


Retribution comes so quickly!

"Transport it out, transport it outside Northern Xinjiang!" Someone came up with an idea.

"What about the cost along the way?"

"It's less than 20%, it's better than cutting the price by 30%!"

"Okay!" For the benefit of more than 10%, the powerful and grain merchants celebrated each other. So in one afternoon, carts of grain were pulled out.

When they arrived at the city gate, they were intercepted.

"Deputy envoy orders, no grain can be transported out of the city without a note from the Jiedu Envoy's Office!" The grain merchants were dumbfounded, and someone shouted: "Why?"

"Yes! Why?!" A man walked out of the city gate, pressed the handle of the knife,

"With the knife in Yeye's hand!"

"Wang Lao Er!"

"That crazy monster with a human head!" If anyone under Yang Xuan's command has the most powerful intimidation, it's not Lin Feibao or Tu Shang, but Wang Laoer.

As Yang Xuan's enemy, it is not scary to see Yang Xuan. At worst, he will be killed, but at least he can keep his body intact.

It can be seen that when you see Wang Laoer, you can only accept the fate of losing your head and body. If your head and body are separated, your soul will become a lonely ghost. Who is not afraid?

The grain merchants all retreated. Wang Laoer walked out together with a burly man.

"Go back!" Wang Laoer scolded: "Profiteer!"

"Why?" Someone was still asking angrily. Oh! Wang Laoer pulled out half of the horizontal knife and walked over slowly.

"When I was a beggar, a kind person gave me three cents. I thought I would buy grain so that I could eat more for a long time. When I arrived at the grain store, the man used a scale and shorted me by 20% of the grain. I reasoned with the man,

The shopkeeper passed by and said to the reporter... If you hack a beggar's money, aren't you afraid of having nightmares at night? A bunch of beasts!"

"This is a fool, leave quickly."

"Yes, yes." A group of grain merchants ran away in a hurry, looking back as they ran, fearing that the stubborn Wang Laoer would take action.

"Have you ever been a beggar?" the big man asked.


"Then why are you afraid of reporting to the official?"

"Aniang said, don't deal with officials, lest your identity be found out."

"What happened next?"

"Then I met Lang Jun. Lang Jun gave me biscuits to eat, so I followed him." Wang Laoer licked the corner of his mouth and said,

"I will never forget the taste of that Hu cake. By the way, Lao Zhou, what does it mean that Lang Jun asked you to follow me and hang out with the old thief?" Pei Jian, whose pseudonym is Zhou Jian, said: "I don't know either.

.By the way, are there any taboos?"

"Yes!" Wang Laoer took out a piece of dried meat and handed it to him.

"Don't be too serious."

"Don't be too serious?" The food shipment was intercepted.

"This is catching a turtle in a urn!"

"He wants our food to rot in his hands!" Someone gritted his teeth and said he wanted to kill Yang Gouxiang, but he just shouted.

A strong man rushed into the lobby excitedly,

"Good news, good news!" Everyone slowly looked at him.

"Our people discovered that Yang Gou had seized a huge amount of grain in Nangui City this time and smashed all of it." Sun Xian was overjoyed,

"I see, everyone, there is no such rule in Northern Xinjiang. Yang Gou is using food to win people's hearts. If you know the officials of Chang'an, write a letter quickly to impeach him!"

"Yes, send it on a fast horse!" After a burst of ecstasy, someone said: "What about our food?"

"Yes! Our food can't wait that long."


"Sell quickly!"

"If we lose, we lose. It's worth it if we can make Yang Gou unlucky!"

"That's right, I'm willing to donate half of my family property if I see Yang Gou in trouble!" Haoqiang's grain has entered the market at a reduced price.

"Our slowdown." Yang Xuan instructed: "The grain purchased later will be stored for the coming year." Carts of grain were transported to the grain depot. Yang Xuan went to inspect it and said with satisfaction: "There is grain in hand."

"Don't panic!" Then he called the officials responsible for guarding the grain depot.

Dozens of officials stood together, looking very lively.

"The deputy envoy has arrived!" The officials quickly stood up. Now the deputy envoy's reputation is extremely good. In the Northern Xinjiang Army, his prestige has skyrocketed.

Among the people, the low-priced grains received rave reviews from the people. Yang Xuan was surrounded by several officials and walked out of the lobby.

Looking at these officials, Yang Xuan said: "The so-called people rely on mountains to eat mountains, rely on water to eat water, and rely on grain depots. Naturally, they have to be grain rats. If you want to be greedy, be greedy. There will be a big inspection and inventory of the grain depots once a month. Who thinks

If your ability to make false accounts is better than mine, then just go ahead and give it a try. If you are caught, kill! The whole family will be made into slaves!" Shouldn't it be exile?

"Erect the pole!" Yang Xuan was in a hurry and left in a hurry. A group of officials stood in the sun, but felt cold all over their bodies.

"Erect a pole!" The deputy envoy invented two things. The first was of course the Jingguan Temple, and the second was to erect a pole, which frightened his enemies.

Yang Xuan left the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion. He was going to visit the new territory of Xuanxue. Money and food were needed there, and he would allocate them personally.

Neither Liu Qing nor Zhou Ning talked about this. It was obvious that Boss Yang wanted to win over metaphysics and make metaphysics his forbidden pet from now on.

Anyone who dares to interfere is Boss Yang's enemy. The new territory is much larger than the one in Lin'an.

"Lin'an's territory is wasted." Ning Yayun felt a little distressed.

"When I was in the Imperial College, you didn't feel sorry for me!" Yang Xuan said with a smile.

"I'm used to living a hard life." Ning Yayun said in a free and easy manner: "Actually, metaphysics has been living a hard life since its earliest days."


"Enjoy the joy of suffering." Yang Xuan: "..." A sergeant ran over in a hurry.

"Deputy envoy, there is a powerful granary in the village outside the city. My brothers just discovered that they are pulling food out." Yang Xuan said with a smile;

"I'll go take a look, and you'll take a look here too. If there's anything wrong, just tell me." Ning Yayun asked, "Do you want me to go with you?" Ning Yayun was soft-spoken and short-handed when taking advantage of others.

He took the initiative.

Good thing... Yang Xuan shook his head,

"Zhou Jian!"

"Here!" Zhou Jian and Wang Laoer, the old thief, were together and stepped forward upon hearing the sound.

"You're going to go too!" Huang Chunhui solemnly introduced Zhou Jian twice. Yang Xuan felt that there was something unreasonable in it, but he didn't ask.

It wasn't that he wasn't curious, but that he chose to trust Huang Chunhui. After arriving in Taoxian County, he gave Zhou Jian a cold shoulder for a while, then called him over the day before yesterday and asked him to hang out with Wang Laoer and the old thief.

"Take the order!" Yang Xuan led more than a hundred riders to pursue him. On the trail, a line of carts was moving slowly.

Ma Chong, the grain merchant leading the team, looked back from time to time with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Hurry up!" the accompanying man said: "We have good hands with us, what are we afraid of? Several sergeants can be killed with one knife." The two men riding horses in front heard the sound and said reservedly: "Just don't worry." The horse

Chong smiled ferociously and said, "Yang Gou wants to cut off our financial path! What a sweet dream." The man said, "As long as we leave northern Xinjiang, food prices will be high."

"The key is to find this road!" Ma Chong sneered: "There are three cunning rabbit caves. Many powerful people's granaries are outside the city. Find this road and quietly send the food out..." The man sighed: "The food in the city is all gone."

It’s a loss.”

"Loss? The messenger to Chang'an is working hard. What will the court think when they find out that Yang Gou secretly used the captured grain to win people's hearts? Your Majesty will skin him!"

"Who is that?" the guy asked, pointing to the front. Ma Chong turned around and saw Yiqi appearing in front. The armor stung Ma Chong's eyes, and he shouted: "Kill him!" Two of them!

The masters smiled grimly, and one of them drew his sword and shouted: "Ma Langjun, watch it!" The two cavalrymen rushed forward.

Ma Chong turned around and ordered: "Kill this sergeant and then turn around." The man nodded, breathing a little quickly.

After all, this is killing officers and soldiers! But Ma Chong's eyes were full of madness. At this moment, he couldn't care less about anyone who dared to block his convoy, not even his biological parents.

Those two experts were recommended by others to escort him along the way. They also showed off their own cultivation skills, which shocked Ma Chong.

When Ma Chong saw the two men approaching the sergeant, he smiled and said, "Killing someone is a way of expressing bad breath!" A man suddenly jumped out from behind the sergeant.

The man was tall and tall, and he drew his sword. The two masters smiled fiercely and waved their swords. Two against one... The man swung his sword. The light of the sword was like a sword, but also like a waterfall.

In a flash, two heads fell down together. The horse neighed miserably and jolted wildly, knocking the headless corpse off its back, and then ran away without daring to look back.

The power of a sword! Ma Chong opened his mouth, and the madness in his eyes turned into despair.

"One knife! Just one knife!" The good hand in his eyes was unable to perform a single move in the man's hand. Shouldn't this level of cultivation shock Tao County?

Why appear in the wilderness? Click, click, click! The sound of horse hooves came intensively, and groups of soldiers were slowly approaching from all sides.

"Get off your horse and kneel down!" someone shouted.

"It's Wang Laoer!" the boy said desperately, "Deputy Yang is here, he's here!" Ma Chong turned around and shouted wildly: "Come out, rush out together!" The boy slapped his hand,

"Chong Ni Niang! That's Deputy Ambassador Yang!" He knelt down without hesitation. Yang Xuan appeared on the side of the man.

"Excellent sword skills."

"You are exaggerating." Pei Jian bowed slightly on his horse.

"My cultivation level is average, but my vision is good." The old thief whispered: "Lang Jun, this villain is no match for him." Tu Chang shook his head, obviously admitting defeat.

Lao Huang gave me a big surprise! Boss Yang, who was in a great mood, rode over.

"Who is the leader?" Wang Laoer kicked Ma Chong down,

"Lang Jun, that's him!"

"Put up the pole!" Yang Xuan rode towards Taoxian County, followed closely by Pei Jian and others. Put up the pole... Ma Chong collapsed in despair.

Shit and urine flowed everywhere. Wang Laoer was happy when he saw it.

"Hey! No need to oil it yet." (

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