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Chapter 738

Zhang Yi stood up slowly and squinted at the big man.

"The two of us did not commit any crime when we came here."

The big man said coldly: "Sign up, what are you waiting for when you come to Northern Xinjiang?"

"I have a guide!" Lang Yun took out the guide with an angry look on his face.

The big man shook his head, and Lang Yun looked around, "This is Northern Xinjiang, where is Wang Fa? Is there any more Wang Fa?"

"Road guides are evidence for the people of the Tang Dynasty to travel far. The two of us came all the way with this guide and were never intercepted, but we didn't expect to be in Taoxian County..." Zhang Yi pointed to the people who avoided it, "This is


The people looked at them as if they were robbers, with a look of gloating on their faces, as if a big show was about to begin.

The people in northern Xinjiang are evil!

Zhang Yi and Zhang Yi have been in Chang'an for a long time. In Chang'an, at the feet of the emperor, the people have a sense of superiority. Even if they want to watch the excitement, they will not stay so far away. The closer the better.

He wished that the blood from the fight between the two sides spurted onto his body.

But the people in northern Xinjiang are different!

Looking at them... was like looking at two dead people.

Zhang Yi's heart moved slightly and he whispered: "If something goes wrong, break out."

Lang Yun nodded, "Kill this person."

Both of them are good players, and the power of joining forces is extraordinary.

Lang Yun threw Lu Yin over, and the big man stepped on it, "For the last time, sign up and say what you want!"

Zhang Yi sneered, "There is one on the road. Besides, you are not a petty official or a sergeant, why can you intercept the merchants? There are few evil people in the place?"

The big man took a step forward, pressed the handle of the knife, "Ten breaths, kneel down!"

Zhang Yi and Lang Yun stepped forward side by side.

"Is there any place in northern Xinjiang where we can be reasonable?" Zhang Yi said angrily.

But he knew in his heart that the two of them might have been seen through.

What went wrong?

Zhang Yi doesn't know.

Lang Yun felt a little regretful.

He was originally from Jianghu. He committed a crime and was surrounded and suppressed. His cultivation was vulnerable to the army. When he was desperate, a man stood up and asked him if he would like to be a dog.

Isn’t it really humiliating?

Lang Yun asked the other party in a strange way, where are you from?

Mirror stand!

Lang Yun weighed for a moment between being a dead man and being a dog, but the other party raised his hand without hesitation. Behind him, the crossbow flashed with cold light.

I'm a dog!

He chose to be a dog, and from then on became a peripheral expert on the stage, specializing in doing some shameful things...killing, killing, killing!

Being a dog is frustrating, but the rewards are not low.

Moreover, he only acts as a dog for Wang Shou. At other times, he is still a human being, and a scary one at that.

Lang Yun felt good about days like this. Apart from the lack of freedom, he had no regrets.

When he came to Northern Xinjiang this time, before setting off, Wang Shou told him that if he succeeded, he would become the director of the mirror.

From now on, we are also organized people.

Moreover, the chief executive has a high and powerful position and has a team of people who can take charge of the job independently.

Lang Yun was tempted.

Therefore, Yang Gou must be killed this time!

He moved his right hand, and a whip made of an unknown material slipped into his palm.

Ten breaths have arrived.

Lang Yun moved his hand, and the whip swept away, changing direction midway, winding like a poisonous snake, and was about to hit the big man's lower abdomen.

The sword came out of its sheath with a swipe, and chopped down like lightning.

The whip changed direction again, avoiding the knife, and turned upwards, with its sharp head heading straight for the big man's throat.

The big man's horizontal sword was almost impossible to reverse, and the back of the sword suddenly hit the whip.


Zhang Yi's fist was still halfway up, but the whip in Lang Yun's hand suddenly broke.

This whip is made of several metal materials, with high toughness and high strength. Zhang Yi once saw Lang Yun whipping a boulder with a whip, making deep marks with each whip stroke, but the whip was unscathed.

Such a whip broke after being struck by the back of a big man's knife.

My punch!

Zhang Yi let out a long roar, and the internal energy in his body accelerated and quickly gathered on his fist.

He was most worried that the big man would take advantage of him to accumulate internal energy, and he was also quite annoyed that he had underestimated the enemy.

But after the big man broke Lang Yun's whip with the back of his sword, he was actually waiting for him.


What a fool!

Zhang Yi was secretly happy. At this moment, he felt that his fist was indestructible!

The big man drew his sword.

Zhang Yi exhaled.

Following this breath, the inner breath rushed forward from his fist.


A huge force rushed out.

Zhang Yi felt his eyes go dark, and then he flew out.

In mid-air, he looked at the big man in horror, opened his mouth, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He thought to himself that his cultivation level was not bad, but he was defeated by this big man in one move.

Who is this person?

The masters around Yang Xuan all have records.

Not to mention those big men, Ning Yayun and Tu Chang.

The old thief and Wang Laoer are not good players.

This big man was not among them.

Therefore, the two of them easily prepared to kill the big man and then ran away. As for the plan of waiting for an opportunity to kill a few of Yang Gou's henchmen, they put it on hold for the time being and waited for Tian Xiao to come before making plans.


This big man, who was despised by them, broke Lang Yun's ancestral whip with one blow and knocked him away with one blow.

This is so girly!

There are not many people inside the mirror who can crush the two of them, and each one of them is Wang Shou's darling.

Relying on Qiancheng.

But just in northern Xinjiang, they encountered someone.

They were ready to trick someone, but they were tricked.

Is such a good player like a cabbage next to Yang Gou?

Just pull it and you can pull it out.

And he left it outside the city.

It's like throwing away garbage!

This is unrealistic!

Zhang Yi landed and spat out another mouthful of blood.

Lang Yun came closer, the half of the whip in his hand looked particularly weird.

He stared at the big man, "Who are you?"

The big man came slowly and said, "Zhou Jian!"

Never heard of it!

Zhang Yi and Lang Yun swore they had never heard of this name!

"Never heard of it?" Zhou Jian asked.

If he gives his last name, Pei!

Chang'an will be uneasy about this surname that people in northern Xinjiang miss.

Before Pei Jiu committed suicide that year, he sent his family away.

Over the years, while Jingtai was chasing Yang Lue, he also did not forget to look for Pei Jiu's family.

According to Wang Shou, to cut the grass, you must remove the roots!

Some people speculate that Pei Jiu's family is in northern Xinjiang and is under the protection of Huang Chunhui.

So Jingtai sent many people to investigate in northern Xinjiang, and many people died.

Pei Jian!

When he was in Chang'an, he was one of the top young men.

Pei Jiuwei is famous, and his son is also good at war and swordsmanship. Everyone says that a tiger father has no dog son, and the Pei family will produce another general in the future.

But plans didn't change quickly.

Soon he became a lost dog.

During these years in Taoxian County, he lived in seclusion, but never forgot to pay attention to the outside world.

Chang'an's suppression has always been there, and Chang'an has repeatedly tried to get rid of Huang Chunhui, but never succeeded.

He prayed countless times that Huang Chunhui would stand up decisively and fall out with Chang'an for the sake of Northern Xinjiang and his father Pei Jiu.

Countless times, after Huang Chunhui quietly defeated Chang'an's methods, he continued to sit in the lobby with his eyes drooped, like a sculpture.

He doesn't hate Huang Chunhui, but he is unwilling to do so!

He is unwilling!

Since childhood, he has worshiped his father.

Brave and heroic.

Make friends all over the world!

He commanded the northern Xinjiang army and suppressed the Northern Liao Dynasty, unable to move.

When a man reaches this point, he is at his peak.

But this heroic father died not in battle, but in internal fighting.

Died at the hands of that father and son!


In Pei Jian's eyes, his father died in desperation rather than committing suicide.

My father did not want to rebel and pit Northern Xinjiang against Chang'an, so he went to Chang'an.

If there had not been any palace changes involving Li Yuan and his son, why would this have happened?

He understood Huang Chunhui's forbearance, but he couldn't accept it emotionally.

Later, Huang Chunhui and Chang An fell out, but it was just a falling out.

Because Huang Chunhui is old.

That battle was his final battle.

He was at a loss and didn't know what to do next.

Huang Chunhui is leaving and Liao Jin takes over.

Pei Jian knew that Liao Jin was a fierce general, but his ability to coordinate the overall situation was far inferior to that of Huang Chunhui.

Moreover, there is no friendship between them.

What made him feel strange was that Huang Chunhui recommended him to Yang Xuan instead of Liao Jin.

If recommended to Liao Jin, with Huang Chunhui's prestige, Liao Jin would treat him well.


Pei Jian thought that because Liao Jin could not stay long, Huang Chunhui simply took the initiative and recommended him to the young Yang Xuan.

But when Yang Xuan went to war with the powerful men, Pei Jian's idea wavered.

This is too rash!

He felt that Yang Xuan was just fighting for his will. Even if it was to buy low-priced grain for the people, he could have used other means to avoid making enemies like this.

When he learned that someone from Chang'an was coming, he immediately wanted to tell Huang Chunhui.

Uncle Huang, is this your arrangement?

He felt that Huang Chunhui knew that Yang Xuan wanted to completely fall out with Chang'an, so he recommended himself to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan didn't know his identity, but still trusted him.

This letter seemed extremely precious at this time, which made Pei Jian, who had been idle for many years, even more moved.

The human heart is made of flesh.

He asked himself, if it were him, would he reuse a person of unknown origin?

Even if this person is recommended by someone you deeply trust.

He felt that he would hesitate and ponder.

But Yang Xuan pulled him to his side without hesitation.

Open your own small circle to him.

A scholar dies for a confidant!

Pei Jiu's heroic spirit was also passed down to Pei Jian. Years of dormancy made this heroic spirit dusty.

At this moment, he put aside his hesitation and brushed away the dust.

The tiger's eyes were full of joy.

These two came at just the right time!

The sword roared horizontally, and the strong wind was like a sharp arrow, stabbing Zhang Yi and two people's cheeks with pain.

It seems that we have underestimated this person's strength!

Damn it!

Zhang Yi roared, rushed forward, and shouted: "Lao Lang!"

Lang Yun followed him and threw half of the whip.

At the same time, Zhang Yi punched.

Lang Yun put one hand on his shoulder and flew past him.

A palm!

This series of attacks was like mercury pouring down the ground, so smooth that it was dizzying.


The two stared at Pei Jian.

With just a slight movement of the horizontal sword, the half of the whip containing Lang Yun's inner breath was broken into pieces and flew everywhere.

Lang Yun's heart felt cold.

Then a knife.

Zhang Yi's inner breath was almost in his fist. He only felt a coldness on his wrist, and then his inner breath felt like... It was like having constipation for half a month and suddenly having diarrhea one day.

A thousand miles away.


Then, he saw his right hand detached from his wrist and flying in the air.

From the broken wrist, the inner breath spurted out along with the blood.

Lang Yun, who was looking over his head, saw this scene and pressed down his palm without hesitation, preparing to take advantage of the situation and retreat.

Pei Jian raised his head, stared and shouted.


He slapped it away with one palm.


Lang Yun thought about many possibilities.

But when I flew out, there was only one answer left in my mind.

This is a ferocious beast!

We have the wrong opponent!

The two of them fought desperately, but the other party easily defeated them with just one blow of a knife and a palm.

How to fight this?

The two stumbled back and stood together, supporting each other.

All around, apart from the common people watching the excitement, there were no helpers for the big man.

But the two of them could not think of running away.

They were convinced that if they could not run ten steps, they would die under the sword of a big man.

"Why don't you run away?" Pei Jian came over.

The horizontal knife pointed diagonally at the ground.

With a slight shake, blood drops rolled off the blade.

Zhang Yi smiled miserably, "You seem to be walking slowly, but I bet that if the two of us run away, we will definitely die miserably within ten steps."

Pei Jian shook his head, "Five steps!"

Zhang Yi's face turned pale, and the feeling of powerlessness made him tremble all over.

Life in Jingtai is very comfortable, killing people, collecting money, enjoying... With the identity of Jingtai, he runs rampant in Chang'an.

Zhang Yi still feels unfree.

At this moment, his biggest wish is to stay in Chang'an forever and never take a step out.

No, he would rather hide in the mirror his whole life and never step out of the imperial city!

Lang Yun was coughing up blood. As he coughed, he said, "We know Yang Gou's good players very well, but we have never heard of Zhou Jian. Who are you?"

Pei Jian smiled, a little stiffly, like a tiger smiling kindly at its prey.

"It has been so long that I have forgotten the past."

During the years of dormancy, he kept recalling the events of the past and indulged in them. It was not until one day that he saw the worried eyes of his wife and children that he cheered up again.

From then on, he sealed up most of those memories.

At this moment, everything is open.

Those past are like paintings, one after another flashing through my mind.

Extremely clear.

Lang Yun coughed up a mouthful of blood, "We are from Jingtai. Jingtai sends people to Northern Xinjiang every year to inquire about the activities of Beiliao. This year, the two of us are here."

Zhang Yi nodded vigorously, "Although the Northern Liao army has retreated, nothing is certain. The two of us were ordered to come here to investigate the movements of the Northern Liao army. If something is wrong, we must quickly report to Chang'an."

Pei Jian shook his head, "The person on the mirror, isn't that Wang Shou's dog?"

It turns out that this person is dissatisfied with the mirror... Zhang Yi's heart tightened, "Do you dare to kill the people on the mirror in broad daylight? I have countless experts at the mirror, and even if I search the world, I will cut you into pieces!"

Lang Yun said: "If you have anything to say, we are also officials. If we kill officials in public... aren't we afraid of Chang'an's wrath?"

He looked at the people and thought, these people will always be afraid, right?

"It's best to kill them!" A woman sniffed, "They are all a scourge!"

"No, these people are the worst. They want to bring down Northern Xinjiang."

Do the people of Northern Xinjiang actually think this way?

Zhang Yi felt cold in his heart, "We have companions around us. Zhou Jian, if you kill us, aren't you afraid of being held accountable?"

"If you kill an official, you will never be able to escape your guilt for the rest of your life!" Lang Yun raised his hand tremblingly.

The deputy envoy treated me well, and he was considerate and considerate. The Pei family is very loyal, so I have to do something to be worthy of such love... Pei Jian raised his knife.

said softly.

"My surname is Pei!"


Zhang Yi and the two thought of Pei Jian's sword skills before, and immediately thought of Pei Jiu.

Their expressions changed dramatically.

Just when they want to yell.

The sword light drowned them.

Behind the crowd.

A horned dragon guard turned and left.

"Damn it! This cultivation level and this swordsmanship made Ye Ye's eyesight go blind!"

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