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Chapter 805 There is an account, we should do the math

Changling is gone.

He Lianchun sat there on his knees, holding the memorial in his hand, and suddenly smiled.

"Power is so tempting!"

"His Majesty."

Liu Song is here.

In order to hide the son he gave birth to, He Lianchun entrusted the woman and child to Liu Song. The relationship between the two was that of guest and host, but in fact it was more like friends.

"Mr. Liu."

The emperor smiled and said: "You didn't go out today?"

"When I left the city, I wanted to go out for a walk, and I also brought the beauty with drinks. But as soon as I left the city, the north wind blew so hard, the wine was cold, and the beauty's face turned blue from the cold, and I couldn't take it anymore. Alas! I had to


Liu Song sat down and the emperor glanced at him, "Have you met Changling?"

Liu Song nodded, "The eldest princess looks more decisive and fierce now, which reminds me of the late emperor."

"Tell me, is it good or bad for me to let her participate in government affairs?"

"I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

The emperor was silent for a long time, "Yes! The benefits are greater... than the disadvantages!"

Liu Song and he were friends in times of need, so he knew the emperor's thoughts, "Your Majesty is worried..."

The emperor said: "Since I came to the throne, Lin Ya and others have been frantically grabbing power. I struggled to resist, so I dragged Changling into the situation.

To be honest, she has lived up to my high expectations and her methods are very good.

In addition, she is the only bloodline of the late emperor, so most of the old officials are willing to help her.

But you have to know...the sword hurts others, and sometimes it hurts yourself."

Liu Song was surprised, "Did the eldest princess..."

The emperor said: "She is preparing to attack Chen Song's 20,000 troops outside the city tonight."

"Hiss..." Liu Song took a breath, "Chen Song was a general of the late emperor. After the death of the late emperor, he was won over by Lin Ya and others. By taking action, the princess will not only get revenge, but also let the world see the consequences of rebellion!


The emperor nodded, "This is also the reason why I agreed to her in the end. Lin Ya and others are powerful, but they have no great righteousness. Without great righteousness, they are rebellious officials and traitors, and everyone can punish them."

Liu Song smiled, "Lin Ya is here, your majesty and the princess are natural allies."

The emperor put down the memorial and raised his eyes, "If he is not here..."

Liu Song said: "If he is not here, your Majesty's justice will be done."

"I don't want another Lin Ya."

"There is only one Emperor Wu."

"This is one of the reasons why I can tolerate her."

"So, is Your Majesty going to take action tonight?"

The emperor was holding the desk, and two chamberlains came over to support him.

The emperor was helped out of the palace, followed by Liu Song.

The sky was densely covered with haze, and the north wind howled, but could not move the thick clouds.

There was a piece of snow under the snow. The emperor stretched out his hand to catch a piece of snow. He looked down and saw that it was crystal clear.

“The weather is nice.”

"Yes!" Liu Song smiled.

The emperor ordered: "Get ready for singing and dancing tonight. I want to watch a play!"

Changling returned to his mansion.

Shen Tong asked to see him.

"Lin Ya and others are still having a party."

"The new emperor has ascended the throne and has taken away a lot of power. It's time to celebrate."

Changling opened the book and took away the leaf bookmark.

He rested his chin on his hands and watched quietly.

Every stroke on the scroll is her handwriting.

——The bright moon was there at that time, and it illuminated the colorful clouds.

Lin Ya is hosting a banquet for her confidants today at her residence.

Zuo Xiang's Mansion occupies a corner of Ningxing City, and some people say it can even hide 10,000 elite soldiers.

This is of course a joke.

But from the side, we can see how big Zuo Xiangfu is.

The spacious lobby is now filled with desks.

The civil and military officials were sitting one after another, raising their glasses and looking at Lin Ya who was in charge.

Lin Ya looked a little older than when she was in Nanzheng, with gray hair on her temples, but she could see the sparkle in her eyes when she opened and closed them.

He raised his glass and said slowly: "For many years, the Liao Dynasty has been suppressing the Tang Dynasty, but first it was defeated in the Southern Expedition, and then it even lost the Nangui City. This is unprecedented!

Today we will lose Nangui City, tomorrow we will lose Neizhou, and the day after tomorrow, will the Northern Xinjiang Army come to Ningxing?"

Everyone looked at him silently, but there was something special in their eyes.

The weaker the emperor, the stronger Lin Ya became.

When the strength of both sides is reversed, the status will also be reversed.

Lin Ya said: "The man in the palace was so focused on retaking Nangui City that he did not hesitate to get a woman to make plans. How many years has it been since Wu's death? I can actually see the woman standing in the court again, which is considered a blessing.


An official said: "My lord, that woman sent her confidant to Northern Xinjiang to seek peace with Yang Gou!"

Lin Ya nodded, "I have been pressing harder and harder recently, and the emperor is panicking. He is even more worried that the aggressive Yang Dog in Northern Xinjiang will cause shock in Daliao and destroy his prestige. Therefore, let the woman take action.

A woman actually makes the decision on a country's major affairs. What do you rely on? It's embarrassing to rely on those men and women who are ambiguous! You have lost my face in Daliao for many years!"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Lin Ya sneered and said: "This is a disguised marriage. The late Emperor knew it secretly, but he didn't know whether he was so angry that he vomited blood or was so angry that he opened the coffin board and yelled loudly."

Everyone showed a knowing smile.

Some even laughed out loud.

Lin Ya also raised the corner of her mouth slightly, "Yang Xuan is not a fool. He fell out with Li Mi, and he is a powerful official, which is tantamount to rebellion.

This person must want to rebel, but Li Tang's righteousness is in his hands and the people of the world have not rejected him, so he does not dare to take action.

If he didn't take action, Li Mi would naturally have a way to slowly control him.

What is his only option? To go north and continuously invade the Liao Dynasty, in order to create the image of a loyal minister. Let the world see that he, Yang Xuan, is opening up territory for the Tang Dynasty."

Several generals looked at each other, feeling somewhat humiliated.

"Changling sent people to negotiate peace. I bet that this trip is destined to fail. When the news came, the emperor was helpless. Changling..."

Someone said: "Ms. sir, I would like to honor the princess."

Lin Ya laughed and scolded: "After all, it is His Majesty's bloodline. If the news spreads that I forced Changling to marry, what will everyone in the world think?"

A man came in and said, "Ms. sir, the eldest princess entered the palace first and then left the palace and returned to the house."

Lin Ya said: "Keep an eye on the palace."


Lin Ya raised her glass and said, "Everyone, have a drink today!"

Everyone raised their glasses.

In the afternoon, the snow gradually became heavier.

Changling stood under the eaves and watched the snowflakes flying.


A maid came over and said, "Mr. Shen said that everything is ready. Princess, please make preparations early."

Changling turned around and went in.

Stretch your arms.


Clothes slipped off.

A chamberlain entered the princess's house.

Later, a carriage and more than ten guards left the mansion again and headed for the palace.

Someone outside the eyes sneered, "The emperor invites the eldest princess into the palace when something happens, why not give her the throne as well."

At the same time, the back door of the princess mansion opened, and several maids got on the carriage and went all the way to the market.

The princess's mansion is not short of money, and the maids often go to the market to buy.

After arriving at the market, the maids dispersed and each bought what they wanted.

One of them entered the jewelry store.

The shopkeeper said: "In the back."

We reached the back door all the way and opened the door. A dilapidated-looking carriage was waiting outside.

After getting on the carriage, the carriage slowly left the market.

When they arrived at the city gate, the sergeant guarding them just took a casual look.

The carriage left Ningxing City and headed west.

On the increasingly thick snow, two ruts gradually extended...

When Ningxing City was out of sight, dozens of riders approached the carriage from both sides.

A person approached and said, "Princess."

Chang Ling's voice came from inside the carriage, "I'm here."

"Guard Princess!"

Dozens of riders came closer to protect the carriage as it headed into the distance.

When the mountains could be seen, more than a hundred riders were waiting quietly in the snow.

The leading general has a reddish complexion and a mole on the left side of his eyebrow.

The carriage stopped.

The general dismounted and came over.

The car curtain opens.

Get off at Changling easily.

Walked to the front of the carriage.

The snow reflects light and shines on Chang Ling's body.

Wearing armor and holding a sword at his waist.

This is a heroic and eldest princess.

The general knelt down on one knee and said, "He Yanguang has met the eldest princess."

Changling said, "My father once said that He Yanguang was loyal to me. Today I am here to ask you, to whom did you give your loyalty?"

He Yanguang raised his head with firm eyes, "Your Majesty is here, and I am loyal to Your Majesty. Your Majesty is gone, and I am loyal to the eldest princess."

Changling looked at him, "I remember your words."

He Yanguang knelt on his knees and kowtowed, "I have met the eldest princess."

Changling nodded, "In Ningxing City, the rebels are having a feast to celebrate the recent harvest. When the late emperor was still alive, how could he dare to be so presumptuous? His righteousness was not upheld, and the emperor's throne was covered in dust, making the rebels arrogant and domineering."

In these words, there is no mention of the present day at all.

He Yanguang and others were silent.

"I could just sit back and watch. Even if Lin Ya gains power, he wouldn't dare to do anything to me. But I can't sit back and watch the country that the late emperor worked so hard to manage crumbling. Wait, are you willing to sit back and watch?"


"In this way, tonight, the traitor will be frightened!"

Changling stood there, with more than a hundred people kneeling in front of him.

The cold wind was howling, but she felt warm all over.

"Get up!"

"Thank you, Princess!"

He Yanguang stood up and said, "May I ask the eldest princess, what should I expect tonight?"

Changling turned around and pointed forward, "There is a military camp five miles away. Tonight, I want you to wait until you break through and besiege that military camp."

"Chen Song?"

"Yes, that traitor, tonight will be his end!"

Then everyone set up tents.

Changling summoned He Yanguang alone.

"What do you think of Northern Xinjiang?"

He Yanguang said: "When Huang Chunhui was there, Northern Xinjiang was like a sick tiger. It seemed to be blind, but if the sick tiger was angry, it could bite its prey.

After Huang Chunhui left, Liao Jin took over, but he fell soon after.

Then there is Yang...Yang Xuan."

He wanted to say Yang Gou, but he thought of the rumors... According to rumors, the relationship between the eldest princess and Yang Gou was somewhat ambiguous. It was said that they traveled together and lived in the same tent at night.

They all live together, and the eldest princess is so beautiful. If Yang Gou is a normal man, he should not be able to bear it!

Therefore, many people feel that the gap between the two should have been crossed.

"If Huang Chunhui and Chang'an were estranged from each other when he was there, then after Yang Xuan took over, Northern Xinjiang and Chang'an were enemies.

Without the financial and food support of Chang'an, life in Northern Xinjiang will be particularly difficult.

You can't see anything at the moment, it's like a fierce tiger, it will be weak after a long meal."

"What you mean is to sit back and watch the battle between Northern Xinjiang and Chang'an, and then attack again when Northern Xinjiang is weak."


"Why can't we attack?"

"The eldest princess, Lin Ya and others are powerful. I'd like to put it bluntly, but we don't have full control of Daliao at this time. The morale of the army is unstable when we go on an expedition at this time."

"Military morale...tell me."

"The military spirit is awe, and soldiers fear the emperor. But there is a prerequisite. The emperor must have the ability to awe the soldiers."

"I understand that a brave emperor can make warriors serve, but a weak emperor will only make soldiers look down on him."

"The eldest princess is wise."

He Yanguang's head hung down.

Then he resigned.

His generals came to find him and asked, "Has Your Majesty agreed to this?"

These 20,000 troops were He Lianchun's troops.

He Yanguang nodded, "There are servants in the army."

Later, the generals appeared in a tent.

In the darkness, a chamberlain walked in.

"Tonight, everyone obeys the orders of the eldest princess."

The will is in hand, and no one speaks.

"What is the eldest princess doing?"

In the midst of miscellaneous discussions, He Yanguang said: "Just follow the orders."

Someone said: "The eldest princess has never commanded an army, what does she know?"

He Yanguang glanced at the man and sneered, "Get out!"

The eldest princess doesn’t understand?

I don’t understand why he came here wearing armor and sword?

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand the art of war, there will naturally be generals. What I can do is guess people's hearts."

A candle was lit in Changling's tent.

The candlelight is too weak to read.

The night is getting darker.

Footsteps came from outside, "Eldest Princess, the time has come."

Changling got up and went out.

Shen Tong was outside, "Those soldiers are here."

In the distance, there is darkness.

Someone said: "Eldest Princess, why don't you try to win over her?"

Changling shook his head, "It's not necessary. What should come will come. If you force something that shouldn't come, it will only bring disaster."

He Yanguang brought people over and said, "Princess, what will be the next step?"

Changling said: "Approach quietly."

The crowd was so dense that one could not see the end of it.

Changling was at the front.

Looking at the military camp gradually appearing in the night.

When his father was alive, Chen Song was so loyal that he seemed ready to go through fire and water for the emperor at any time.

When his father passed away, Chen Song changed his family, as if yesterday's vows were all in vain.

Standing two miles away from the military camp, He Yanguang raised his hand and the army stopped.

He Yanguang said: "Princess, if you go further, the other party will definitely find you."

At this distance, unless the sentry fails to do his job, it will be difficult to conceal his whereabouts.

Changling said: "You wait here and wait for orders. When you hear the horn sound later, you will approach the camp and obey my orders!"


What’s next?

"I'm going to see Chen Song."

She took the lead and walked forward.


The eldest princess must have found a spy!

He wanted to capture an army of 20,000 soldiers without a single blow.

But if you miss...

He Yanguang felt uneasy, but gritted his teeth and said, "Eldest Princess, be careful."

He turned around and ordered: "Prepare for a surprise attack."

If discovered, the surprise attack will turn into an attack.

Without the suddenness, 20,000 versus 20,000, how many people will die?

In the dark night, more than a hundred people quietly appeared in front.

He saluted Chang Ling who was approaching, and immediately followed her.

All the way to the outside of the camp.

The camp door opened quietly, and the sergeant on night duty knelt down on one knee.

"Welcome to the eldest princess!"

Lin Ya and the emperor were in power, and the camp outside the city had to worry about being attacked by the emperor's men. Therefore, there was a rule at night and during marches: no lights were allowed.

In the darkness, snowflakes slowly fell.

A group of people appeared in front.

The sergeant on night duty came up to meet him.

Changling continued to move forward.

More than ten people knelt down, looked at Changling, with tears in their eyes, and whispered: "Welcome the eldest princess!"

"stand up!"

Changling moved forward, followed by dozens of people.

Changling just walked to the door of Chen Song's residence.

"Knock on the door!"

Knock knock knock!

Chen Song's voice came, sounding a little sleepy, "Who?"

The sergeant outside the door stepped aside.

Changling walked to the door.

There are good hands on both sides.


The door opens.

Chen Song was wearing clothes and yawning. When he saw Chang Ling standing outside the door, his open mouth never closed again.

Changling looked at him.

"There is a score, we should settle it!"

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