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Chapter 816 A lot of heads


When He Lianchun was under house arrest in Ningxing, He Lianrong sent someone to deliver food to him.

This friendship is very valuable, so after He Lianchun came to the throne, he took great care of Tanzhou and provided a lot of money, food, and troops.

Of course, friendship is priceless, but it has a time limit.

After taking advantage of the emperor, He Lianrong knew what he had to do.

"Tanzhou has been dormant for too long."

In the middle of the prefecture, He Lianrong summoned civil and military officials to discuss matters.

He is missing one hand, and it was not until this year that he finally got used to it.

Holding the teacup and taking a sip, you will feel the breath of spring in your nose, and your body will relax and feel comfortable.

Sitting below him was his staff member Kanazawa, and on the other side sat General Chen Faxiang.

Jinze smiled, "Yes! Tanzhou has been dormant for a long time. Now that His Majesty has ascended the throne, there is a new atmosphere everywhere. We, Tanzhou, must also rise up."

Everyone knows that this is the tone.

He Lianrong was observing everyone.

"Last year, there was a heavy snowfall in northern Xinjiang. It's a pity that the news came a little late. Otherwise, this would be the best opportunity."

It snowed in northern Xinjiang, and the grasslands were not light. The messenger spent more than ten horses to rush to Tanzhou. After hearing the news, He Lianrong gathered an army and prepared to attack in the snow.

But just two days after leaving, the news came again.


The snow has stopped, and everyone in northern Xinjiang is living and working in peace and contentment.

have to!

Let’s go home!

Otherwise, when the army rushed to Chenzhou through the snow, Lu Qiang, who was waiting for work, would laugh like a pig.

"Spring has begun, and the entire Northern Xinjiang is clearing up wasteland. But where are they coming from? They are coming toward Northern Xinjiang, and they are coming toward us."

He Lianrong's anger suddenly erupted, "In the past, they didn't dare to go too far. They were worried that our cavalry would trample their crops, and they were worried that we would burn their wheat that was about to mature.

I wish I could shrink into the territory of Northern Xinjiang, not even daring to poke my head out.

But now? They came out, they stepped into the territory of Daliao, and openly set fire to the land of Daliao. This is a shame!"

The crowd rose up in excitement.

Stand with hands tied.

He Lianrong patted the table and said, "Spring has begun, and it's time for the warriors' swords and guns to be sharpened, and it's time to see blood.

At the moment, Yang Gou's mind is full of land reclamation and the fight with Chang'an. How can he care about Chenzhou?

Furthermore, a snowstorm depleted the scant grain reserves in Northern Xinjiang, so he had to find a way to purchase them.

At this time, I can imagine how anxious he was.

Then, take advantage of his illness and kill him!"

Chen Faxiang said: "Food shortage is a problem. Sir, there are people smuggling food here."

"Whoever smuggles it will have his whole family confiscated."

He Lianrong said with murderous intent: "Before we send out troops, I am short of a few heads to sacrifice to the flag."

Everyone was in awe.

He Lianrong stood up and said, "The messenger from Ningxing has come and said that there is a new year and a new atmosphere. You must be loyal to the emperor by eating the emperor's salary. Everyone."

Everyone bowed.

Kanazawa smiled and said, "The commander has already considered everything, and this attack will be a great victory."

After the last defeat, Tanzhou was hit so hard that it has been dormant until now.

He Lianrong learned from the pain, reviewed the battle countless times, and pondered Yang Xuan countless times.

He has an idea.

"In the last battle, our army should have won a great victory, but Xin Wuji in the southern part of the town took refuge with Yang Gou at a critical moment, giving our army a fatal blow. From this, I also saw Yang Gou's weakness."

He Lianrong said calmly: "What is he good at? Surprise attacks! It's ambushes. Remove these two things, what can he have? Don't forget, last time, our Tanzhou Army almost made him hate the city."

Xin Wuji!

That wild dog!

He Lianrong sneered and said: "Now that our army in Tanzhou is strong, our goal in this battle is to destroy the southern part of the town. If the southern part of the town is destroyed, the grassland will be in chaos. Those small tribes will fight each other to determine a khan."

Kanazawa added: "Now this grassland is the pasture of Northern Xinjiang, producing countless cattle, sheep and war horses every year. If the southern part of the town is destroyed and the grassland is in chaos, then the people of Northern Xinjiang will not be able to eat meat, and the army will be short of war horses.

The size of the cavalry will shrink..."

Chen Faxiang nodded slightly, "I am convinced by your plan."

This is strategy!

A fatal blow!

He Lianrong was not proud, "You can't be in a hurry when fighting Yang Dog, so we should take it step by step. First destroy the southern part of the town and cut off the meat and war horses in northern Xinjiang. Then sit back and watch the battle between northern Xinjiang and Chang'an, waiting for an opportunity to attack Chen


Kanazawa said: "The southern part of the town has been very proud recently and has been slacking off for a long time. Our army has been dormant for a long time, and even the scouts have not been close to the southern part of the town.

Many people think it is weakness, but I can tell you, this is the envoy's plan. The purpose is to arrogant the enemy!"

He Lianrong said: "That's how people are. When a strong enemy suddenly lurks, he will be alert. When this strong enemy lurks for a long time, he will gradually forget about it and become negligent. This is our opportunity."

He looked at everyone and said: "After we go down, prepare food and grass. In three days, I will lead the army to attack."


Everyone left, but Kanazawa stayed.

"Your Majesty, over at Ningxing, Your Majesty has been having some difficulties recently."

He Lianrong sat down, took a sip of the cold tea, and felt refreshed. "Your Majesty has great righteousness at hand. As long as you survive this period of time, you can see hope."

"The eldest princess has suddenly emerged!" Kanazawa smiled a little strangely.

He Lianrong said: "The eldest princess's battle was quite amazing. Her timing was impeccable, catching Lin Ya off guard. Moreover, she had great righteousness, and Lin Ya couldn't tell her the pain."

"In the past, everyone underestimated her." Kanazawa said softly: "Your Majesty, I am afraid that you will be suspicious of the eldest princess."

"Suspicion is the instinct of an emperor." He Lianrong had experienced a lot, and when it came to such things, he no longer felt nervous as before, "Emperors will be suspicious of everyone."

"Yes." Kanazawa said, "I don't know what the eldest princess wants to do."

"She is a woman, and it is always good to weaken Lin Ya." He Lianrong pointed to his chest, "To be honest, ask yourself, if you were the eldest princess, dealing with Lin Ya and His Majesty, you would be in a panic.

Don’t panic?”

Kanazawa nodded.

"Without an army in hand, no matter who wins, the eldest princess will end in disgrace."

This is something you would only say to your closest confidants.

He Lianrong said: "So, I conclude that although Your Majesty is afraid of the eldest princess, he will fully support her. After all, Lin Ya is here!"

Kanazawa changed the subject, "Her Majesty, if this attack goes well..."

He Lianrong said: "If we successfully defeat the southern part of the town, the next step is for me to lead my army to Chenzhou."

He looked at Jin Ze and said, "I have learned something in the past two years. When using troops, victory or defeat is never a matter of one moment. When my army comes to Lin'an, what will happen to Yang Xuan?"

"He will send troops to attack."

"Yes, but if the Northern Xinjiang Army moves, it will cost a huge amount of money and food."

Jinze was startled, "Shijun...are you going to waste Northern Xinjiang's money and food?"

"Everyone knows that there is a shortage of food in Northern Xinjiang. How to spend their money and food? Mobilize!" He Lianrong smiled and said: "If our army destroys the southern part of the town, Northern Xinjiang will be shaken.

Then the army came to Chenzhou, and Yang Xuan sent troops to help anyway.

I hope he can feel happy looking at the empty granary. Haha!"

"I heard that there is a lot of food and grass in Yanbei City."

More than thirty miles away from Yan Beicheng, Yang Xuan rode his horse on a hillside, pointed ahead and said, "Yan!"

"Here!" Helian Yan rushed forward.

"Talk about it."

He Lianyan said: "After being defeated by Lang Jun last time, He Lianrong learned from the pain. While repairing the city, he hoarded a lot of food, grass and weapons. He made up his mind that if Lang Jun came to attack again, he would not be able to get out.


Song Zhen asked Han Ji next to him, "Are you... afraid?"

Han Ji said reservedly: "When Lang Jun was the governor of Chenzhou, he could defeat him. Now that Lang Jun is the lord of Northern Xinjiang, how can he not be afraid?"

"…Subsequently, Ning Xing sent grain, weapons, and soldiers in a steady stream, and He Lianrong also summoned many tribal warriors, who were full of ambition.

He once told his subordinates that before the Chen State, there was a melee between the various states, and some of the princes were defeated and subjugated. They waited for the opportunity and finally took revenge. This is what Tanzhou must do!"

He Lianyan nodded, indicating that the situation was finished.

"Who is this person?"

Song Zhen asked, and then felt it was inappropriate, "I think it's a secret, so there's no need to say it."

Stop it!

Han Ji pretended not to hear: "This is He Lianyan, the leader of the Jinyi Guards, the niece of He Lianchun of Northern Liao Dynasty. Later...

Lang Jun was versatile, and He Lianyan fell in love with Lang Jun at first sight, so he defected to Lang Jun and took charge of the Imperial Guard from then on.

By the way, Jin Yiwei is our secret spy agency for the external affairs of Northern Xinjiang... Song Gong, where are you going? Song Gong!"

After hearing all the secrets, do you want to leave?

Song Zhen coughed dryly and said, "I have an urgent need to urinate."


Han Ji smiled happily, and when he saw Wang Laoer muttering, he asked, "What is the second child mumbling about?"

Wang Laoer muttered, "As people get older, they pee more. When I look at Song Zhen, I think of you. Old Han, in a few years, will you be like this too..."

"What's going on?"

"I get up seven or eight times during the night, and I have to be careful about getting my shoes wet when I pee."

Han Ji, "I am in good health."

"But everyone gets old!"


"Last time you went to the toilet and occupied it for a long time. The old thief even asked if you were entertaining yourself in there. I said you must have been peeing..."

Old thief: "..."

Song Zhen reined in his horse and asked Tu Shang, "Who is this second Wang..."

Tu Chang looked at Wang Lao Er with relief, "Lao Er has been with Lang Jun for many years and is a good boy!"

Song Zhen stroked his beard, "No wonder the more I look at him, the more pleasing I become."

Ning Yayun was beside her, also smiling.

Tu Shang smiled and said: "No one dislikes the second child."

Yang Xuan rode over and said, "Tell me to follow up and stop all the baggage."

Han Ji asked: "Does Mr. Lang want to take advantage of the enemy?"

The so-called "feeding on the enemy" means taking no food and supplies wherever you go and grabbing them wherever you go.

"After the grassland aliens invaded the Central Plains, they often didn't bring supplies." Yang Xuan closed his eyes, "The Central Plains is prosperous everywhere, and just plundering can keep them fed and drunk. Now, I just follow suit."

He thought about the history of another world.

Whenever the dynasty was weak, those foreign tribes came in, burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil.

But there’s always a time when it’s all gone, right?


Without food, they will treat the Central Plains people as military rations.

Women are the best, insult them at night, kill them and eat them during the day.

The name is: Two-legged Sheep.

"Yan Beicheng!"

Yang Xuan pointed forward, "We will attack tonight and capture Yanbeicheng, and our army will gain a foothold. Then, no matter how He Lianrong responds, our army will be in an invincible position!"

He looked at the crowd.

The old thief holds his head high and his chest high, who else would he be than me?

Wang Laoer is eating dried meat with pure eyes.

Pei Jian coughed dryly, obviously wanting to compete, but felt that his qualifications were not good enough.

Nan He wanted to lead the army, so it was impossible for him to do this.

"The old thief and the second thief will bring some people and see if they can sneak in."

"Take orders!"

He Lianyan said: "There hasn't been a war in Tanzhou for a long time, so the checks on people coming in and out are not strict."

"However, be careful with your ten thousand year ship." Yang Xuan pointed at Tu Shang, "Tu Gong led some people to pretend to be horse thieves..."

Tu Shang pointed at himself, "I'm pretending to be a horse thief?"

He felt that he looked upright, but he couldn't get along with the horse thieves!

Yanbeicheng guard Jin Wan is a cautious person.

When He Lianrong was looking for the guard of Yanbeicheng, he searched and searched and finally found him. This also explained Tanzhou's subsequent strategic situation facing northern Xinjiang.


Standing on the top of the city, Jin Wan looked at the sheep in the distance, fascinated, but then depressed.

"That grassland originally belonged to Daliao. The so-called three major divisions are also the three dogs that I kept in captivity in Tanzhou. Now the three dogs have become ancient, and the herdsmen are building roads in northern Xinjiang. The southern part of the town has become Yang Dog's

Dog! Because of this, the price of meat in Tanzhou has increased by 50%. Ganniang!"

Jin Wan's son died in the last battle. When the Chenzhou Army counterattacked, he was hacked to death with a knife. When the body was found after the war, the lower half of his body was missing, and it looked like it had been chopped off with a knife.

Lieutenant General Chen Xi knew that Jin Wan hated Yang Xuan and Beijiang deeply, so he whispered: "Be careful, the overall situation is more important."

"I know." Jin Wan took a deep breath and suppressed the pain of losing his son, "Yang Gou is in a state of despair now, and he doesn't know when he will be able to take revenge."

Outside the city, a caravan came slowly.

The caravan of more than thirty people is neither big nor small.

"Be careful." Jin Wan's cautious instinct drove him to order: "Your Majesty will send out troops in three days. Be more cautious recently and make fewer mistakes. Double the number of people on night watch at the top of the city."


Under the city, several sergeants shouted: "Where did it come from?"

The businessman leading the team said with a smile: "Master Jun, this villain is from the south of the town."

The two sides are sworn enemies, but it does not hinder the exchanges of merchants and envoys. This is the advantage.

"Verify identity."

Everyone entering and exiting Tanzhou must have a certificate, similar to the road guide of the Tang Dynasty.

The businessman smiled and took it out, "Master Jun..."

While watching, the sergeant glanced at the caravan.

A very honest young man followed the businessman, and two other people followed him, one fat and one thin.

Behind them are some guys.

Nothing wrong.

Proof...there's nothing wrong with it either.

The seal is complete.


Someone went over to inspect the goods.


"The horse thief is coming!"

Hundreds of riders appeared in front and rushed toward the convoy.

"Is this bitch going crazy with hunger? How dare she come to Yanbei City to ask for wildfire!"

Jin Wan at the top of the city was going crazy.

"Hurry, the horse thief is coming."

A group of businessmen panicked and turned around and shouted: "Lao Wu, Lao Wu!"

The honest young man muttered, "Isn't he the second child?", and then shouted, "Hurry up and get the car in, quickly!"

The sergeant shouted: "Pull off the horse!"

An old soldier said: "After hiding all winter, these horse thieves have no food. Even if they see a tiger, they dare to take a bite. Be careful..."

The convoy entered the city quickly.

The sergeant grabbed the honest young man who was going on a rampage and asked, "Why are you so rampant?"

The young man said: "I'm afraid."

The sergeant laughed and scolded: "You are as timid as a mouse. I will show you the heads of a few horse thieves later to see if you are still afraid. Speaking of which, your mother-in-law doesn't care about your reckless temperament. Next time I see them, I will definitely say something


This is taking advantage verbally, elevating oneself to the generation of young people's parents.

The young man nodded, "Okay!"

The businessman smiled apologetically and said, "Master Jun, his mother is a noble person!"

The sergeant smiled and scolded: "Noble man? I like to see noble people."

Young people sneaked into the city.


"So many heads!"

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