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Chapter 822 Let the aliens see the courage of my Tang man

Yang Xuan made many assumptions about this battle.

He Lianrong was conservative... This was the most speculated situation before the war.

The last defeat should have put huge psychological pressure on the Tanzhou Army. If they fight again, this pressure will restrain the Tanzhou Army. It is good to be able to achieve five out of ten tasks.

In this way, the Northern Xinjiang Army can launch an attack calmly.

Yang Xuan was even prepared to use long-range weapons to destroy the Tanzhou Army step by step.

Crossbow carriages, crossbow arrows... If the Tanzhou Army did not move, the follow-up trebuchets would slowly arrive.

That thing is so fascinating!

This battle should be as easy as a drill.

But the Tanzhou Army in front of us exploded!

One by one, they attacked the Northern Xinjiang Army's defense line like madmen.

There are rules for fighting between two armies...the so-called rules are the experiences summed up by previous generations.

After the war, let's do a tentative attack first, which is a warm-up.

Make a mental preparation for your own side, lest the army presses forward together, and the battle ahead is too fierce and scares the new recruits.

This is called the rhythm of attack.

To follow the rhythm is not to be conservative, but to be calm.

But the Tanzhou army turned into a rude big man, and without saying a word, he just started doing it with an axe.

Look at He Lianrong, he looked crazy before. Although he didn't know what he shouted, but after listening to the shouts of the Tanzhou Army, he was determined to fight.

The general is risking his life. The soldiers below have no problem saying, let’s die together!

Ahead, Nan He's voice was sharp, "You have to stop it even if you risk your life!"

Behind the spearman is the swordsman.

First use the spearmen to slow down the enemy, and then use the swordsmen.

This is also the rhythm.

Otherwise, Mo Daoshou is the one who takes the lead, and Mo Daoshou is the one who persists... People are not strong, they will get tired. Moreover, in the first contact, the losses on both sides were not small. It is not easy to cultivate Mo Daoshou, and Yang Xuan is reluctant to let go.

At this moment, he must be grateful for his decision, otherwise, with this impact, his Mo Dao Shou may have suffered heavy casualties.

Some people were stunned and said subconsciously: "Deputy envoy, we need reinforcements!"

Yang Xuan slowly looked over. The man dismounted and knelt down, "I made a mistake."

The general's determination cannot be shaken during the war!

Yang Xuan said calmly: "Back off!"

The official looked pale and said, "Yes." He then took his horse and retreated slowly. This retreat would lead to the baggage train. After the war, while rewarding merits, some soldiers who failed to fight well would also be punished.

People will be among them.

Yang Xuan began to pay attention to the battle situation again.

The first row of spearmen is almost gone.

All gone.

They were either knocked away or fell to the ground, and were immediately trampled to death by the iron hoofs of the Tanzhou Army.

The second row of the array was attacked next. The speed of the Tanzhou Army was slowed down a lot by the first row of spearmen, but the impact of the second row of spearmen was still in a mess.

At least three long gunmen fell.

The war horse neighed and fell, and the enemy soldiers on the horse flew out, either hitting the spears or falling to the ground. The sound of broken bones was drowned in the various miserable howls.

The body of the Northern Xinjiang soldier who was knocked away flew upside down until he knocked down his comrade behind him.

Zhao Yong was stunned.

This was the first time he encountered such a crazy opponent.

Being brave and not afraid of death is just a way of saying it. He only saw the real fear of death today.

Treat yourself as dead!

Those Tanzhou soldiers didn't take their own lives seriously at all. Generally speaking, when they saw a sharp spear in front of them, their opponents would unconsciously dodge and make twisted movements with their bodies.

But the Tanzhou Army didn't react at all, and even bumped into it deliberately.


The comrade in front was knocked away and disappeared mid-air.

How tragic!

Zhao Yong glanced at his subordinates on the left and right.

The old soldiers were indifferent, but the joints of their hands holding the spears turned white.

Obviously, such Tanzhou Army made them feel surprised and a little afraid.

People are not stones, they also have all kinds of negative emotions.

Fear is one of them.

Faced with such a situation, even the generals, let alone the veterans, would feel chilled in their hearts.

The comrade in front was penetrated by a spear, and Zhao Yong shouted: "Brothers!"


More than fifty of his subordinates shouted.

Zhao Yong stared ahead. The Tanzhou soldier who had stabbed his opponent to death let go of his hand, discarded his spear, pulled out his long knife, and shook the stopped horse with a grin.

Also keeping an eye on Zhao Yong.

Zhao Yongyong didn't have to turn around to know that the deputy envoy was under the banner and was paying attention to the front.

His spine felt warm, as if the deputy was looking at him, smiling, patting his shoulders, and listening to him talking about his achievements in this battle.

I will not disappoint the deputy!


The order came.

Zhao Yong shouted, "For the deputy envoy!"

His subordinates shouted, "For the deputy envoy!"

More than fifty people came forward.

The opponent raised his sword high and rode towards him.

Zhao Yong's eyes widened, and he took a step forward with both hands.

Military boots stamped heavily on the ground.

The dust is flying.



More than fifty spears were thrust out at once.

Ahead, the crazy enemy troops encountered their first wall since this battle.

The war horse was shot and fell down with a long neigh. The spearman let go, drew his sword, and beheaded the enemy who was panicking and getting up from the horse.

More often than not, the enemy soldiers were shot, and they held on to the barrel of the gun, as if this would relieve their pain. Then the enemy retracted their guns, blood spurted out, and all the madness disappeared.


Nan He is observing.

The entire defense line looked messy due to the enemy's crazy attack, and both sides were intertwined.

This is the most dangerous situation.

Once a breakthrough is made somewhere, the entire line of defense will be shaken in an instant!

He Lianrong!

Not bad!

Nan He looked back.

How about Mr. Lang?

The flag does not move, there are no instructions.

Yang Xuan was under the banner, looking at the battle situation with deep eyes, as if he was an outsider.

A horseman rushed over.

On horseback was Yang Xuan's guard, who shouted loudly: "The deputy envoy said..."

Nan He lowered his head slightly.

The guard shouted: "I trust Nan He!"

Nan He felt his eyes heat up and blood surged in his chest, "Tell me, sir, I'm right in front!"

If it is defeated, I will stand in front of Lang Jun!

Until death!

Someone came to report, "Team Modao requests to go out to fight!"

Nan He glanced at the Mo Swordsmen and shook his head. "Wait!"

At this moment, the two sides are intertwined. Once the swordsmen are replaced by the spearmen, it will definitely cause chaos. Once the enemy takes advantage of this chaos to attack, the defense line is in danger of collapse in an instant.

Nan He shouted: "Squeeze out! Squeeze out the enemy troops!"

You are strong!

I am stronger!

This is Nanhe’s choice!

He was like a stubborn donkey, roaring: "I'm here to watch you wait, go! Go! Go!"

The general's roar reached Zhao Yong's ears.

He shouted: "Go forward! Kill!"

Zhao Yong led his men to take the first step in counterattack.

The enemy troops in front of him were charging wildly. Zhao Yong saw a sergeant under his command being stabbed through by a spear. The enemy soldiers discarded the spear casually. The sergeant held the gun barrel and knelt unsteadily on the ground. He was then knocked over by a war horse.

He looked left and right.

All the subordinates opened their mouths, as if shouting something.

But he knew that those shouts were meaningless words.

Cheer yourself up.

Everything in sight is a scene of fighting.

Extremely tragic.

Zhao Yong panted, just a few impacts, and more than half of his physical strength was consumed.

The enemy troops on the opposite side were still going crazy, but their horses' speed had slowed down.

A horseman jumped over, and the enemy on horseback swung his sword. Zhao Yong avoided the sword. The distance between the two sides was too close, and the long spear became a burden.

He let go without hesitation and drew his sword, all in one movement.

The sword flashed by, and he tried his best to dodge. The long sword passed over his shoulder and drew a line of sparks on the armor.

Then, the opponent's backhand was a knife, and the conversion was so fast that it was dizzying.

This is a tough soldier!

He has rich experience and wears heavy armor, which shows that his status is not low.

Zhao Yong narrowly avoided the knife, and someone exclaimed, "Brigade commander, be careful!"

Everyone could see how ferocious this enemy was...he was coming for Zhao Yong.

The role of the warrior is to open an opening or kill the enemy leader.


The third knife.

Zhao Yong blocked.


He blocked it!

Countless images flashed through my mind.

Mother, nephew, chicken, flatbread...

Erlang, remember to go home!

——Do a good job!

The deputy patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Strength surges through the body again.

The sword was swung out like lightning.

The blood flashed away and then shot out.

The following enemy troops actually exclaimed, as if this fierce soldier was a great person.

Zhao Yong cut off the man's head, held it high and shook it.

"Wan Sheng!"

The cheers continued along the entire defense line.

Morale is picking up little by little.

One goes down and the other goes up!

Zhao Yong picked up the spear and said, "Brothers!"


"Follow me!" Zhao Yong took a step forward, "For the deputy envoy!"

"For the deputy envoy!"


The remaining thirty or so people all took a step forward.

Spear thrust forward.

The enemy soldiers were howling miserably, and fear appeared in their eyes for the first time.

When you are less afraid of death than your opponents, their madness is just a joke!

The shouts are spreading.

One by one, the soldiers raised their spears and shouted: "For the deputy envoy!"


The entire front line miraculously stabilized.

Then, begin to squeeze out the enemy troops.

Yang Xuan witnessed this brutal fight that was almost like an encounter.

"That one took the lead in launching a counterattack, and did a great job." Yang Xuan pointed to the front, and Han Ji whispered to a clerk: "Find that person later."

The clerk ran away in a hurry.

The battle line is pushing forward, and the enemy's first wave of impact has exhausted its momentum.

"Mo Daoshou, come forward!"

Nan He let out a long breath, knowing that this wave of crazy attacks had been blocked.

"Who strikes back first?" he asked.

"It's a brigade commander who was sent by the deputy envoy."

Nan He nodded and continued to pay attention to the battle situation.

Zhao Yong, covered in blood, was brought to Yang Xuan.

"I've met the deputy envoy."

Zhao Yong salutes.

Yang Xuan glanced at him, "Hey! I remember you. Zhao Yong?"

Zhao Yong said excitedly: "It's just the villain."

Han Ji said seemingly casually: "I recognize this person. His promotion was personally handled by the deputy envoy."

This is trying to win people's hearts for the boss.

Song Zhen glanced at Han Ji and felt that this man was covered in thorns, and every thorn was directed at the Tang Dynasty.

I wish Yang Xuan would start a rebellion today.

Zhao Yong knelt down and swallowed: "A villain is so virtuous and capable that he can only repay the deputy envoy by dying."

Yang Xuan remembered this man's loyalty and concentration, "Today you were the first to stabilize the defense and the first to lead a counterattack, which bought time for the rotation.

This merit is not small. It stands to reason that he should be promoted.

You have only been in the army for a short period of time, so I won't talk about your qualifications, only your ability and merit.

But after all, your foundation is not solid.

To lead an army, you only have enough experience in fighting.

I have memorized this skill.

It's hard to work hard and learn how to lead an army.

Fifty people are fighting, but how can five hundred or five thousand people fight?"

Yang Xuan pointed to his temple, "This is knowledge, go and learn it."

Five hundred people, five thousand people...

Being able to control five thousand people is the backbone of the Northern Xinjiang Army.

This is optimistic, but also a promise.

Zhao Yong said loudly: "I am willing to die for the deputy envoy!"

Yang Xuan smiled, "Do a good job! I'm watching you and waiting!"

Song Zhen looked at Zhao Yong's excited resignation, but what he was thinking about was the emperor...

At the court meeting, the officials who were promoted were also very excited, but what they were grateful for was their backers.

In Northern Xinjiang, these soldiers were grateful to only one person.

The Lord of Northern Territory, Yang Xuan!

"The enemy troops have rotated."

Ahead, the enemy troops began to rotate.

The second wave of 5,000 people rushed forward with crossbows and arrows.

The rotation is seamless.

"He Lianrong seems to have been dormant for a while. His subordinates are more elite than the last time they fought. This man is extraordinary!"

Han Ji praised.

Song Zhen nodded, "The Tanzhou Army attacks ferociously. I have seen many ferocious attacks, but it is rare to see such ferocious and uncompromising tactics. This is a powerful force. Zitai, be careful!"

Lao Song fought endlessly in the first half of his life and was rich in experience. Even after a long absence from the battlefield, those memories and instincts are returning one by one.

Yang Xuan glanced at Ning Yayun, "What do you think, Master?"

"You want me to lead the army to fight in the future?" Ning Yayun waved her tail.

"Want to, but can't."

Let Lao Shuaiguo lead the army to fight, the scene is quite beautiful.

Jiang He'er muttered, "The general is holding a harp and swinging it around. He also carries a guqin on his back, so he can play it a few times. People say that the drums and horns are contending. When the leader comes here, it becomes the harp on the left and the guqin on the right."

Yang Xuan almost laughed out loud.

At this time, the second wave of enemy attacks arrived.

When the two teams crossed each other, the speed of the second wave of cavalry inevitably slowed down.

Mo Dao was raised high.

Each of the Mo Dao hands was wrapped in armor, and a pair of eyes looked out from the holes in the visor.


The sword flashed!

Both men and horses were shattered.

"This is Yang Gou's Mo Dao Team!"

Chen Faxiang looked solemn.

He Lianrong said: "No matter how sharp the Mo Dao is, it is still held by a human. As long as it is a human, he will get tired.

Tell the soldiers to fill my sight with corpses.

At the top is me!"

A tragic aura shocked Chen Faxiang, "Yes."

The second wave of attacks became more and more crazy.

"The enemy is so crazy."

Han Ji couldn't help but be amazed.

Groups of cavalry took turns to attack the Northern Xinjiang Army's defense line, smashing into pieces before Mo Dao.

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes and watched.

"The enemy's arrogance is related to what He Lianrong said.

I didn't like to talk before the war, not because I couldn't talk, but because the warriors in Northern Xinjiang did not need my encouragement to keep their morale high.

Today, He Lianrong commanded the entire army with fearlessness. He was looking at me, waiting for my response. My response was..."


Yang Xuan drew his sword.

"Young men, let the foreigners see the courage of my Tang Dynasty man!"

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