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Chapter 828 You are a fool


A chamberlain was walking in the palace.

He hurried along and reached the queen.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty said that you are not free today."

Today is the queen's birthday. The emperor came here last year, had dinner with her in the evening, and even gave her rain and dew.

But it won’t come this year.

The powder on the queen's face was relatively thick, and the skin on her face did not move, so her emotions could not be seen.


After the chamberlain left, the queen sneered: "He used to show off, but this year he stopped showing off."

People around me didn't dare to persuade him and kept their heads down.

The queen took a sip of tea and suddenly smiled.

"He originally asked Zhang Chumao to be the governor of southern Xinjiang, thinking that sooner or later, northern Xinjiang would get it.

Unexpectedly, Huang Chunhui gave him a difficult problem and promoted Yang Xuan.

He still didn't care at first. How could a young man make a comeback?

But he has forgotten that a young man who can be valued by the Zhou family is mediocre.

It's good now that Beijiang is no longer willing to listen to Chang'an's orders. He is panicking, hahahaha! Panic!"

The laughter rushed outside the palace and floated in the sky above the palace.

The emperor and his concubine were walking in the pear garden.

"Erlang, look, the flower trees I planted last year have sprouted young leaves."

The imperial concubine trotted over, squinted her eyes, lowered her head and sniffed the buds, as if the whole spring had been smelled into her body.

That focused look made the emperor's heart move slightly.

"Oh! Let me see!"

The emperor went over to take a look, and even touched it, "It shows that he is a man of good fortune."

The imperial concubine smiled and said: "This is what Erlang said. How about giving him an official title?"

The emperor stroked his beard, pretended to be thoughtful, and said seriously: "I see, I will appoint him as the supervisory censor!"

The two couldn't help laughing.

Han Shitou stood not far away, with a group of palace people behind him.

A chamberlain came over and whispered, "Over the mirror, Zhao Sanfu is here, saying it's urgent news."


Han Shitou turned around and said, "Be smarter."


The palace people behind him responded.

Han Shitou walked out all the way.

Zhao Sanfu stood outside. He had lost a lot of weight recently, but he became more majestic.

"I've met Young Inspector Han."

Han Shitou nodded, "Tell me something."

Zhao Sanfu said: "News came from Northern Xinjiang on a fast horse..."

It was news from the little master... Han Shitou's right hand moved slightly.

"Yang Xuan sent troops, defeated the Tanzhou army, captured Tanzhou governor He Lianrong alive, captured Yanbei City in Tanzhou, and garrisoned it."

In the past, this kind of news should have been good news.

But everyone who heard these words had a sullen face.

"I know." Han Shitou asked, "Has anyone from Northern Xinjiang sent anyone to Chang'an?"

Zhao Sanfu shook his head, "Jingtai has not been informed."

That is, he won’t come.

I'm doing my thing, any celebrations or good news have nothing to do with Chang'an.

This is the independent kingdom.

A country within a country.

Han Shitou sighed, "I know. By the way, I heard that you and Wang Shou had many arguments recently?"

Zhao Sanfu said with a smile: "Wang Jianmen wanted to send Xiaguan to Northern Xinjiang, saying that... at any rate, Xiaguan and Yang Xuan had some friendship back then, so it was convenient to go to Northern Xinjiang. Naturally, Xianguan refused, so a quarrel broke out.


He was a little worried...worried that Han Shitou would think there was something wrong with his position.

Once Han Shitou felt that he had a problem, he would report it to the emperor.

According to the emperor's suspicious temperament, even if there is no solid evidence, he will still be driven to a place where no one can shit.

In this way, the good situation created over the years will be gone.

The ideal of protecting this world has become a joke.

He was nervous but acted indignant.

Han Shitou looked at him and said for a long time: "Jingtai is your Majesty's domestic slave. Think more about official business and how to do things for your Majesty instead of fighting for power and profit. Go back and tell Wang Shou this."

This is to characterize the dispute between him and Wang Shou as a struggle for power.

Zhao Sanfu was overjoyed, "Yes."

Han Shitou suddenly stretched out his hand.

Zhao Sanfu didn't move.

The hand fell on his shoulder and patted him gently.

"There are too many ways in this world, you have to identify them and walk steadily."

This is a warning to me to be loyal to the emperor... Zhao Sanfu bowed slightly and said, "I understand."

Then Zhao Sanfu left, hurriedly walked, and disappeared from sight.

"I hope you really understand."

Han Shitou entered the pear garden.

"His Majesty."

The emperor and his concubine were playing with the fish.

"What's the matter?"

The emperor stood up and clapped his hands.

The imperial concubine smiled and said: "This fish is interesting." As she said this, she carefully held the cute little fish in her hands.

"Erlang, look."

The little fish was all red, waiting quietly in the remaining water in the palm of my hand.

"Your Majesty, news from the Mirror, over in Northern Xinjiang..." Han Shitou coughed dryly, "Yang Xuan led his army to defeat the Tanzhou army, captured He Lianrong, the governor of Tanzhou, and ordered him to guard Yanbeicheng..."

The emperor looked calm and said, "Let the important ministers come to discuss the matter. Zhou Zun does not need to come. In addition, let people go to southern Xinjiang and reward Shi Zhongtang Ruyi."

As you wish, as I wish.

Whenever an emperor rewards his ministers as he wishes, it means putting them to good use.


The emperor turned around and bumped into the concubine's hand.

The water splashed, the little fish fell to the ground and began to struggle.

The imperial concubine was stunned, and then retreated silently.

The little fish was struggling on the ground, its body covered with pebbles and mud.

Placing one foot on its edge, Han Shitou leaned over to pick up the small fish and gently put it into the water.

"Isn't it good to live well?"

Soon, officials gathered.

"What's going on?"

Luo Cai asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

"Your Majesty has arrived."

The emperor came, and it was as calm as ever.

"I've summoned all the ministers to get some news."

The emperor said: "The rebel in Northern Xinjiang led his army northward, defeated the Tanzhou army, captured Helianrong, the governor of Tanzhou, and ordered him to guard Yanbeicheng."


Before the emperor finished speaking, someone clapped their hands.

Zhang Huan retracted his hand in embarrassment and said, "I have no status."

But the emperor said: "Zhang Qing, tell me."

Zhang Huan pondered his thoughts and said, "Your Majesty, the grassland between Chenzhou and Tanzhou was originally controlled by Northern Xinjiang, but the existence of Tanzhou caused Northern Xinjiang quite a headache.

Go herd! A single surprise attack by the Tanzhou Army can cause heavy losses to Northern Xinjiang.

This time, after defeating the Tanzhou Army and guarding Yanbei City, they will be able to completely control the grassland.

In this way, northern Xinjiang will no longer be short of cattle, sheep, and horses... and Chenzhou will not have to worry about Tanzhou's raids.

From this, business will become more prosperous..."

Luo Cai nodded, "Businessmen will do anything to make money, but who doesn't want to do business in a safe place? After this war, Chenzhou will definitely become a commercial center in the north."

The vision of the important ministers in the court was naturally beyond the reach of ordinary people. In just a few words, he explained the situation in Northern Xinjiang clearly after the war.

As Zhang Huan said, Northern Xinjiang is alive.

Zheng Qi said: "In this way, after this battle, the traitor becomes even more proud."

The abbot said quietly: "The stronger the northern border is, the more rampant the traitor will be."

He glanced at the emperor. He knew about the emperor's attack on southern Xinjiang, but it was a step too late.

The situation was fine originally, but once the northern Xinjiang was in chaos, the emperor instinctively took action and wanted to take control of the southern Xinjiang.

Otherwise, he would be a traitor in northern Xinjiang, and the emperor in southern Xinjiang... He, the emperor, would be trapped in Chang'an in an instant.

The abbot understands, but understanding is understanding. He has sent people to southern Xinjiang and told Zhang Chumao to firmly control southern Xinjiang.

He had a hunch that the world seemed to be changing.

No one knows where it will change.

The emperor said, "How do you think we should suppress that traitor?"

When the news came that Yang Xuan had killed Tian Xiao and others, the emperor was shouting to kill Yang Xuan, the traitor.

Now, it has turned into oppression.

The abbot lowered his eyes slightly, hiding the contempt in his eyes.

This son-in-law is the best at playing tricks, and even he is vaguely no match for him.

But when it comes to courage and courage, they are far behind.

I think back to that young man who was so heroic and dared to plot to seize the throne, I will never come back.

Zheng Qi said: "I think this matter...can only be shelved."

The emperor was furious before, but now he gradually calmed down.

"I, understand."


How can he cope?

Is it said to the outside world that Yang Ni has achieved another major victory?

Moreover, he also captured the Jiedushi of Northern Liao Dynasty.

God be damned, the people of Chang'an will probably be surprised and happy.

So, what has become of me, the emperor?

The more brilliant Northern Xinjiang is, the more embarrassing Chang'an will be.

The emperor said: "This matter must be suppressed."

From suppressing Northern Xinjiang to suppressing this matter, the emperor's reaction was not unpleasant.

The abbot said: "Your Majesty, I think it's time for a great victory in Southern Xinjiang."

Everyone was startled.

A smile gradually appeared on Zheng Qi's face, "Wonderful!"

The emperor looked at the father-in-law as if he knew his thoughts very well.

News of the great victory in northern Xinjiang will come. If you want to suppress this matter, you can only use news of the great victory in southern Xinjiang to hedge your influence.

But there will be no great victory in southern Xinjiang... It doesn't matter, it's not us who has the final say whether there is a great victory or not?

But the emperor has decided to replace Zhang Chumao with Shi Zhongtang and seize control of southern Xinjiang... At this moment, the victory in Nanjian is Zhang Chumao's life-saving straw.

In this way, the emperor's plan naturally failed.

At least, it will take a year or two to implement.

A year or two!

In the past one or two years, the Guozhanghui has continued to provide support to Zhang Chumao.

The aristocratic families and dignitaries behind him will also gather under the banner and help each other with power.


Am I afraid?

When it comes to playing tricks, the emperor has never been afraid of anyone.

Even Emperor Xuande and Empress Wu, his grandfather and grandmother, as well as his father and uncle, were filial to the emperor.

The abbot looked at him with a smile in his eyes.

As gentle as jade.

The emperor smiled and said, "The emperor's plan is quite clever. So, prepare it immediately."

This matter cannot be accomplished overnight. Someone must be arranged to pretend to be a messenger reporting victory, and documents must be forged...

Zheng Qi smiled and said: "I know that Yang Xuan has the most domineering temper. I dare to bet that he definitely wants to use this victory to gain prestige. When the news of the victory in southern Xinjiang comes out first, this person will probably be very angry.

Smoke is coming from the seven orifices."

"Hahahaha!" the abbot laughed loudly.

The emperor squinted his eyes and said, "Just follow this."

Wait a little longer, and when he takes control of the entire world, Yang Ni will be destroyed.

Then dispersed.

Zheng Qi left the hall and said: "If this matter is leaked, everyone..."

He glanced at Luo Cai and Zhang Huan.

Zhang Huan didn't dare.

Luo Cai...

The abbot shook his head, implying that he didn't need to worry about this.

The people in the mirror will keep an eye on Luo Cai and others. Anyone who dares to leak the secret will have his house ransacked!

Beijiang Guild Hall.

Although official contacts between Chang'an and Northern Xinjiang have been severed, private contacts are not restricted.

Specialties from northern Xinjiang continue to flow into Chang'an, and goods from Chang'an continue to go north.

A motorcade arrived outside the Beijiang Guild Hall.

A businessman jumped down from the carriage, clapped his hands, looked up at the plaque of the guild hall, and said with a smile: "I don't know who came up with the guild hall, the Beijiang Guild Hall. All the people from Northern Xinjiang can come here for help, and they can even stay.

The price is cheaper than outside, and it’s safe. Come on, go in and take a look.”

Entering the clubhouse, Jiang Xing was waiting for guests with a smile.

The person talking to him was a scholar, "I have met Mr.

Jiang Xing cupped his hands and said, "You're welcome, but what's the matter?"

The scholar asked: "It is said that Chang'an hates Northern Xinjiang to the bone. If we set up a guild hall here, will it be..."

Jiang Xing said: "Although our Northern Xinjiang has many conflicts with Chang'an, it still belongs to the Tang Dynasty. If Chang'an moves the guild hall without reason, it will push Northern Xinjiang outward. Who dares? Do you think so?"

The scholar patted his forehead and said, "Yes, but I got distracted. So, please arrange a room where I will study hard."

"Easy to say."

Jiang Xing asked his clerk to make arrangements.

The businessman stepped forward, and then a waiter walked behind Jiang Xing and whispered something.

"I'm sorry." Jiang Xing smiled and said, "I have something urgent here."

He immediately went to the backyard.

In a room in the backyard, a man was drinking water.

Jiang Xing came in and the man stood up, "Jin Yiwei Zhang or."

Jiang Xing clapped his hands, and someone outside said, "No one."

The man handed the sign and Jiang Xing looked at it carefully, "What's the matter?"

Zhang You said: "This is good news. The deputy envoy led the army to defeat the Tanzhou army, captured Helianrong, the governor of Tanzhou, and even destroyed Yanbei City and sent people to garrison it..."


Jiang Xing received the good news and felt relieved when he saw the familiar handwriting, "Does Tao County have an explanation?"

Zhang You said: "Commander Helian said that now Chang'an is slandering Northern Xinjiang as treason, and we want Chang'an and the world to know that we in Northern Xinjiang are guarding the border and fighting for the country.

Therefore, when good news is received, it should be disseminated immediately, the sooner the better."


"Also." Zhang You put down his bowl, "Ning Xing asked the guild hall to say something when spreading the news..."

"What words?"

"Let's just say that Chang'an will not accept the good news from Northern Xinjiang."


Isn't this a scam?

Who came up with this idea?

The news spread immediately.

Zheng Qi personally arranged for the victory in southern Xinjiang.

"Is the paperwork ready?"

"It's almost there, but they said it's not as good as those people in the world."

"Who's going to look at it seriously? Just bring it."


"Where's the one who reported victory?"

"We will enter the city in an hour."


Zheng Qi stroked his beard and smiled.

He sat down to drink tea and looked at the victory document. "It's not bad, but the writing is a little less interesting."

He took a few glances.

Slowly raise your head.

The sound of footsteps came and stopped outside the door.

A clerk was holding on to the doorframe, panting.

"Shang Shu, good news about Northern Xinjiang is spreading outside!"

Zheng Qi stood up suddenly, "Who leaked it? No! Hurry, go and stop them, the news of southern Xinjiang cannot be delivered, cannot be delivered!"

As soon as the good news from northern Xinjiang came out, you will have good news from southern Xinjiang.

Do you think everyone is a fool?

A clerk came in happily, and with a hiss, the teacup flew out wiping his cheek.


The clerk was stunned and stood with his hands tied.

Zheng Qi stood there with a pale face.


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