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Chapter 832

It stands to reason that after having just carried out an expedition that was not far or near, the Northern Xinjiang Army should focus on repairs at this moment and protect spring plowing by the way.

But they gathered.


Lu Qiang roared on the school field.

"Huang Xianggong speaks for our Northern Xinjiang and speaks for the deputy envoy. Is there anything wrong? Someone in Chang'an wants to kill him. This is a provocation to our Northern Xinjiang."

The soldiers' anger was building.

"The deputy envoy said that anyone who dares to attack Huang Xianggong will be punished. Do you have confidence?"

Isn't this the emperor he's talking about?

Kill the whole family of emperors...

"Yes!" the soldiers roared.


Chenzhou's army set off.


Sun Ying shouted on the school ground: "The deputy envoy said that whoever touches Xianggong Huang, our Northern Xinjiang Army will go south and kill this person. At this moment, the deputy envoy is watching me in Taoxian County, let's go!"

The Fengzhou army dispatched and approached Sangzhou.

"Your Majesty, the Fengzhou Army has been dispatched."

Wu Yun, the governor of Sangzhou, likes painting and is quite famous. When he has nothing to do, he likes to paint in the office. Either landscapes or plants and trees, and he is intoxicated by it.

He once said that if he had not been the eldest son of a powerful family and had to work as an official, he would have stayed in Chang'an and been a lifelong companion of painting.

Such people, after arriving in Sangzhou, can be said to rule by doing nothing.

As time went by, the local government actually said that he was a good official...at least he didn't bother the people.


Wu Yun held the paintbrush, with a look of surprise on his fair face, "The Fengzhou army is dispatched? Where are they going to fight? Bei Liao?"

"Your Majesty, you are coming to us."

Don't drive Xiao Lan to come in a hurry, sweating profusely, "Your Majesty, something bad has happened. The Fengzhou Army is coming to our side."


The brush fell on the drawing paper, and most of the landscape he had just painted was cut off.

"Let's take a look."

Everyone went to the top of the city.

In the distance, you can see smoke and dust billowing.

"That's the Sun Zi Banner, the Fengzhou Army."

A general looked solemn and said, "Your Majesty, Northern Xinjiang is afraid of a rebellion."

Wu Yun shook his head, "No."

"Your Majesty, the troops are approaching the city. This is not a rebellion. What is a rebellion?"

Wu Yun said: "Just watch."

The scouts are back.

The scout's face was ashen, and he was actually trembling after reaching the top of the city.

"Your Majesty, there are rumors everywhere in northern Xinjiang that Chang'an is preparing to attack Mr. Huang.

Deputy Ambassador Yang said that if Chang'an takes action against Huang Xianggong, the Northern Xinjiang Army will go south to conquer Wudao.

He also said that whoever laid hands on him would be punished."

Xiao Lan blurted out, "Is this a rebellion?"

Wu Yun sighed, "Although Northern Xinjiang has no contact with Chang'an, it can still maintain the situation. No matter how courageous Deputy Ambassador Yang is, he will not dare to rebel.

Who is Huang Chunhui? He was kind to Deputy Envoy Yang.

If something happens to him, and Deputy Ambassador Yang does not take action, how will the soldiers and people of Northern Xinjiang view him? How will the people of the world view him?

Huang Chunhui has become an official, who in Chang'an is so well-fed that he wants to take action against Huang Chunhui?"

The scout raised his head and said, "It's...your majesty."

Wu Yun coughed dryly and said, "I think the food in the palace is too good."

Are these words mocking His Majesty?

Everyone is pretending to be stupid.

The army camped ten miles away.

It was night, and the soldiers and civilians in the city couldn't sleep all night.

Only Wu Yun slept well.

On the second day, the Fengzhou Army approached.

"Wan Sheng!"

Amid cheers, groups of soldiers walked past the city.

"This damn thing is clearly a review and a demonstration."

At the top of the city, Xiao Lan said dissatisfied.

Wu Yun said: "Send someone to Chang'an and tell them that the Northern Xinjiang Army is enraged and the army is pressing down on the border. Either replace someone to guard the border, or agree to let me serve. Damn it! A bunch of idiots!"

Xiao Lan agreed and came back after making arrangements, "You don't seem worried?"

"I'm so worried!"

"Please give me some advice."

Wu Yun said: "Old man Huang Chunhui knows that corruption is impossible."

"What if it's rebellion?"

"Hey! He is already old. He did not rebel in northern Xinjiang, but when he arrived in Chang'an and had no soldiers in his hands, he rebelled. Do you think he is stupid, or are you stupid?"

"Then why did Your Majesty touch him?" Some people were puzzled.

"Huang Chunhui lives in seclusion in Chang'an, and the central government is most likely using him to attack him. However, if the news of the northern Xinjiang army's southward movement reaches Chang'an, Chang'an will most likely choose to cease operations.

Okay, I’m going back to painting, it’s okay, you can go back early.”

Everyone: "..."

On the second night, when everyone could not sleep, they suddenly heard cheers coming from outside the city.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

Immediately, martial law was imposed in the city, and there were many torches on the city head.

It was not until dawn that Wu Yun sent people out of the city to investigate.

"Gone, everyone is gone."

Wu Yun stroked his beard and said, "Go and find out."

The scout followed the army all the way, and in the end, he shamelessly raised his hand to get closer.

"Take it!"

"No, be gentle!"

The scout was not afraid of being captured, and said with a smile: "I'm just here to find out why the troops retreated..."

The team that captured him was pressing the hilt of the knife, "Chang'an, you've surrendered!"

The scout was left behind and shouted: "Hey! We haven't had breakfast yet! Brothers, do you have any pancakes?"

Captain's cheeks trembled slightly, "I've never seen such a shameless person, give it to him!"

After getting some pancakes, the scout ate them all the way back.

"It's said that Chang'an has given in."


Wu Yun waved his hand.

The general said: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's just a false shot."

Wu Yun cursed: "Get out!"

The general walked away sadly.

"What a feint!"

Wu Yun cursed.

Xiao Lan said: "Why are you so sure?"

Wu Yun patted the city wall, "That man is good at political power and pursues interests in everything he does. What's the point of killing Huang Chunhui? Can it offset the disadvantages of the Northern Xinjiang army moving south? No."

"But it's hard to tell when the emperor is angry!"

"That's right. However, if Deputy Envoy Yang wants to take action, he won't use a false shot, but will probably use the power of thunder. Hey! Look at those soldiers, how long do you think they can hold on?"

"Half a year...a month...half a month...ten days..."

Xiao Lan almost cried under Wu Yun's contemptuous gaze.

"Ten days!" Wu Yun said vulgarly: "Tanzhou was defeated in the first battle, and the governor He Lianrong was captured. Do you think we are better than the Tanzhou army? Or do you think I am better than He Lianrong?"

Xiao Lan smiled dryly, "Of course you are so powerful!"

Wu Yun looked at the north with a melancholy expression.

"I didn't sleep much last night. I spent the whole night thinking about what would happen if I faced Yang Xuan. After much thought, I realized that even if I cheated on myself, I would still be invincible.

The old man stood up in his clothes, looked at the map, pondered for a long time, and finally figured out two words."

Wu Yun stretched out two fingers, "Defeat!"

Xiao Lan sighed, "At any rate, I might as well coax myself!"

"I have already coaxed you." Wu Yun said sarcastically: "Yesterday I said that the Northern Xinjiang Army would not attack the city."

"You don't have any idea?"

"There's a fart bottom!"

Wu Yun finally released his fear at this moment, "Yang Xuan uses his soldiers to appear and disappear. If I don't coax myself, I will be afraid!"

"Your Majesty..."

"I'm afraid I might run away if I can't help myself!"

After Yang Xuan said those words, the entire northern Xinjiang started to move.

The army is gathered, and the food and fodder are gathered.

The whole northern Xinjiang is boiling.


The cries and curses of the foolish rulers among the people are endless.

Zhang Siniang came back from her trip and said to Zhou Ning: "Madam, now even the woman selling biscuits at the entrance of the alley is scolding you as a fool!"

"That woman is here again?"

Aunt Guan said: "She sells biscuits at the entrance of the alley, and there is an endless stream of people. If there are a few assassins mixed in... Madam, I think it is inappropriate."

"What's wrong?"

Yang Xuan came in with the eldest young master in his arms.

Aunt Guan said it again.

"That woman needs nothing to do."

Yang Xuan said casually and sat down.

"Her man is a sergeant of the Northern Xinjiang Army."

Yang Xuan explained to Zhou Ning.

Zhou Ning said: "Zitai, what do you want to do by suppressing the news of Chang'an's compromise and not letting it out?"

The day before yesterday, Eagle Falcon brought the news that Chang'an had compromised and the Huang family was safe.

Yang Xuan picked up Fugui and glared at each other face to face.

"Anger doesn't mean much."

Zhou Ning glanced at Yang Xuan and said, "I got it."

This is to use this matter to arouse the morale of the soldiers and civilians in Northern Xinjiang and let them know that Northern Xinjiang is Northern Xinjiang and Chang'an is Chang'an.

The deeper the hatred for Chang'an, the greater the certainty of raising an army in the future.

"Zitai, you are planning these things now, and it seems like it was natural."


Yang Xuan himself didn't realize that he was now arranging these things as normal as eating and drinking.

Ability is never innate, but is developed through nurture.

He took charge of Northern Xinjiang and gradually became accustomed to these plans.

What if you become an emperor?

Yang Xuan dropped the question, "I think it's almost done. I'll have people spread the news later."

A maid came in and said, "Mr. Bao Dong is here."

"Oh! He has done a lot of credit this time."

In this game between Northern Xinjiang and Chang'an, Bao Dong led his people to spread...ahem! Rumors, successfully raising the anger of the soldiers and civilians in Northern Xinjiang by several levels.

Yang Xuan went to the front yard.

“Prepare some good dishes!”

Bao Dong, who was familiar with the family, told the servant, "Bring me two jars of good wine. Brother, do you dare not come home without getting drunk today?"

Wang Laoer squatted beside him, "My home is right here."

Bao Dong: "..."

Yang Xuan came out and saw two sticks fighting for wine.

"Deputy Ambassador."

Bao Dong stood up and saluted.

The classmates who were classmates back then have now become superiors and subordinates.

Whose fault is this?

Yang Xuan thought about it for a while.

"Deputy envoy, those powerful people have been hiding at home recently. I was thinking, how about spreading rumors to their homes?"

This guy is very motivated!

"It's not necessary. By the way, there's something." Yang Xuan took the dried meat from Wang Laoer, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed, "News came from Chang'an, and the emperor relented.

Remember when delivering the message, focus on highlighting the momentum of our troops and people in northern Xinjiang who are united as one and can make Chang'an bow."


Bao Dong said: "Second brother, keep the food and wine until I come back."

He hurried back to find his subordinates.

"There is news from Chang'an that the emperor has relented."

Seeing the officials under his command cheering, Bao Dong pressed his hands down, and after they were quiet, he said: "The key point of this message..."

Everyone took out a booklet to record it.

Bao Dong said: "Without the wise decision of the deputy envoy, there would be no victory. Remember, we must focus on the deputy envoy's wisdom, and... the emperor's stupidity, and the old man. Understand?"


Bao Dong immediately went to the Jiedushi Mansion and Han Ji's duty room.

"How did Mr. Lang explain?"

Han Ji got the news a long time ago.

"Lang Jun asked them to highlight the unity of the soldiers and civilians in northern Xinjiang, which would make Chang'an fearful." Bao Dong said: "The lower official asked them to spread the news, mainly to highlight the deputy envoy's wisdom and the emperor's stupidity."


The two looked at each other.

"It's interesting. It seems that you and I are on the same team." Han Ji smiled, "Why do you also want to see Lang Jun fight all the way up?"

Bao Dong coughed dryly and said, "The emperor dared to bargain with the emperor because behind him stood the Yang family of Yingchuan and many noble families. The deputy envoy and the emperor fell out because of Northern Xinjiang. But Northern Xinjiang can rely on

how long?"

Han Ji smiled and said, "It stands to reason that it will last up to ten years."

"Yes! But ten years later, the emperor took action against the deputy envoy in Northern Xinjiang who he could not rely on. The deputy envoy could only sit back and wait for death." Bao Dong said.

"And you?"

"Me?" Bao Dong said sincerely: "My personal life and death really don't matter."

Han Ji looked at him carefully, "I can't see any hint of lying."

"I never lie."

"I understand."

A clerk came in.

"Mr. Han, someone outside is saying that the deputy envoy wants to rebel."

"This is a rumor!" Bao Dong said.

Han Ji asked: "Who is spreading rumors?"

"Lan Jing, the former Taixue professor, led a group of people to hold gatherings, drink and have fun, and spread rumors that the deputy envoy wanted to rebel."

"This is counterattack!" Han Ji stroked his beard and said sarcastically: "Chang'an compromised, but the emperor's face was lost. Those people were unwilling to accept it and wanted to spread rumors and cause trouble..."

He looked at Bao Dong, "What do you think?"

Bao Dong said: "Actually, the other party seized the opportunity very well."

"Oh! Tell me."

"Just when the morale of the soldiers and people in northern Xinjiang was at its highest, they spread rumors that the deputy envoy was complicit.

What are the rules in this world? The emperor is respected.

This rule has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for many years. In the hearts of soldiers and civilians, the emperor is like a god.

Nowadays, everyone is happily calling the gods as foolish kings, and this is the spirit that supports them."

"Huang Chunhui is angry at being dealt with!"

"Yes. At this time, rumors suddenly spread that the deputy envoy wanted to rebel, or a professor from Taixue University was saying, what would the soldiers and civilians think?" Bao Dong imitated, and his body trembled, "The rules will return to their minds immediately.

Oh! Are we actually saying that the gods are guilty? How treasonous!

At this time, it was like a basin of cold water pouring down from the top of my head, and my whole body was cold."

This man is a great talent... Han Ji thought of Yang Xuan's regard for Bao Dong and felt that his lord was really as bright as lightning. "The deputy envoy planned to counterattack Chang'an this time. Not only did he want to save Huang Chunhui, but he also had to cheer up the morale of the soldiers and civilians in northern Xinjiang."

, making them stick to the deputy envoy.

This matter cannot be taken lightly, you and I go to see the deputy envoy."

The two then went to see Yang Xuan.

"False rumors?"

Yang Xuan received them in the front yard, and servants brought them tea.

Han Ji and Bao Dong bowed to express their thanks.

Yang Xuan held the water glass and clicked his tongue, "This time the emperor was slapped and kicked by me. Not to mention the pain, I was completely embarrassed. I still didn't dare to have an attack. This is just to make amends. But here is

Northern Xinjiang! Baodong!"

Bao Dong stood up and stood with his hands tied.

My little friend!

Gone forever!

Yang Xuan wanted to have friends with whom he could communicate normally, but when he got to this position, he found that it was a luxury.

He gathered his mind and said calmly: "If someone gets a slap from me and thinks it's not enough, then I'll help him! Hit him back!"

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