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Chapter 855 Gou Ri's World

The wind from Chang'an cannot reach Northern Xinjiang.

Just when the Chang'an Guard King had a healthy son, Yang Xuan also began to inspect various places in northern Xinjiang.

“The focus this year is drought resistance!”

Seeing the large-scale welcoming ceremony held by local officials, the Lord of Northern Xinjiang turned pale. Although he did not scold him, everyone knew that he was angry.

"Nothing to do?"

Yang Xuan looked at the officials who came to greet him, "If you have nothing to do, go to the fields, dig trenches, and dig wells!"

A group of officials were driven around by him, but he himself went to the countryside.

"Old man, look at this crop, is it going to be a failure?"

Yang Xuan, dressed in plain clothes, stood on the field ridge and asked an old farmer for advice.

The old farmer squinted his eyes and said, "Although it took a while, the water came in quickly. Look, I can't beat this year's harvest!"


Yang Xuan felt relieved.

The old farmer coughed dryly and spat out a mouthful of phlegm, "Without the wisdom of the deputy envoy, how would the good harvest today be possible..."

Yang Xuan didn't mind being flattered by his subordinates, but he felt a little embarrassed when he was praised by an old farmer.

The old farmer mistakenly thought that he was disapproving, so he pointed his fingers and said to him: "The drought in the north that year was not as severe as this year, but my family's harvest dropped by 40%.

That year, more than a hundred people starved to death in eight villages within ten miles. Now if you ask those people, who would not praise the deputy commander for his good work?"

This is a heartfelt compliment.

Yang Xuan smiled and said a few words, then left.

When they reached the avenue, Han Ji smiled and said, "Mr. Lang looks a little uncomfortable."

"I feel unusual and even alarmed by the officials' flattery, but the people's praise makes me as tipsy as drinking fine wine.

I want to warn myself to be careful and not to be arrogant, but I don't notice any arrogance. There is only a kind of... pleasure of getting rewards after giving.

It's like the feeling of climbing a high mountain after hard work, and when you reach the top, you can see how small the mountains are.

Tired, but extremely happy mentally.”


Several riders chased him from behind.

"Deputy envoy, urgent report."

Yang Xuan took the document, opened it, looked at it, and raised his head, "The drought is serious in the north, and refugees have already appeared!"

Han Ji's eyes lit up, "Opportunity!"

You can't hide your desire to rebel... Yang Xuan coughed dryly and said, "Demeanor."

Immediately, Yang Xuan led his people back to Taoxian County.

"The first thing is to write a letter to everyone. Don't do anything like this after the reception. Anyone who still does this will be removed from office on the spot."

Jiang Heer took note of it.

Arriving outside the gate of Jiedushi Mansion, Yang Xuan saw He Lianyan.

"News from Ning Xing."

"you say."

The two of them went in together.

"The fight between the emperor and Lin Ya has stopped."

"We are all waiting to see the impact of this wave of drought on Northern Xinjiang!" Yang Xuan said: "If the losses are heavy, I think He Lianchun will not hesitate to raise a large army, and Lin Ya will also put aside the past feud for the time being and join forces to destroy the Northern Xinjiang.

Let’s talk about Xinjiang later.”

"It's all meat, even if it rots in the pot, it's your own." He Lianyan knew Beiliao's mentality.

"We don't have such ideas here." Yang Xuan thought of the pseudo-emperor.

"Then...should we let the news out?"

"No need." Yang Xuan stopped and turned around, "We should still strictly investigate the Northern Liao secret spies, and everyone must be more vigilant to block news about the drought.

I want to see what happens when He Lianchun and Lin Ya learn about the true situation in Northern Xinjiang and their long-simmering conflicts suddenly burst out."

Lang Jun, withered!

He Lianyan went to make arrangements, and Yang Xuan entered the lobby.

When Liu Qing saw him, "The first batch of refugees came and were intercepted."

"From purchasing grain, to smuggling grain, to destroying water cities to seize grain, and then mobilizing the entire northern Xinjiang to fight drought, what is the purpose?"

Yang Xuan sat down with piercing eyes, "It's just for this moment."

Song Zhen took a sip of tea and said, "Northern Xinjiang is vast and sparsely populated. Although there has been a lot of land reclamation this year, there are still large areas of good land left uncultivated. Once these refugees arrive, they will help!"

Liu Qing stroked his beard, with a deep look in his eyes, "Song Gong forgot one thing. There was a severe drought in the north, and the central government ignored it. There were refugees everywhere, and there was no one to control it. In the end, it was me, Northern Xinjiang, and Zitai who endured all this."

Han Ji coughed dryly and said, "It can be seen that Chang'an is stupid, but the husband is wise."

Song Zhen glanced at Liu Qing, and Liu Qing said, "Yes! Chang'an, you are so stupid!"

"Let them open their mouths. No, I will go there myself."

Before he could go home, Yang Xuan had to leave again.

"Food must be mobilized immediately, and the shelter must be prepared. In addition, the doctors and medicinal materials must be prepared. Everyone, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Northern Xinjiang needs to replenish its population, and this drought is a God-given opportunity.

For Guanzhong, population is a burden, but for Northern Xinjiang, population is a strategic weapon.

However, Yang Xuan suddenly thought of the video he saw in the scroll.

Natural disasters are often accompanied by man-made disasters.

The government ignored it and the people had no choice but to flee.

Along the way, I have eaten up all the food, bark, grass roots, and everything I can eat. I have no choice but to eat dirt...

Those Guanyin soil cannot be digested and will bloat to death.

In the end, they were so hungry that they exchanged each other's children...Yi Zi cannibalized each other.

He stopped and turned around, "I want to tell the officials that they are all common people of the Tang Dynasty. If you can save one more, you will be saved. Before the natural disaster, there was no distinction between northern and southern Xinjiang!"

Song Zhen stood up, saluted solemnly, "Take your orders!"

Yang Xuan left the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion and thought for a moment, "Go home."

He returned home in a hurry.


A Liang came rolling in with leopards and dogs.

Behind him, Zheng Wuniang carefully protected him.

"A Liang is a good boy at home."

Yang Xuan picked up his son and immediately found Zhou Ning.

"The refugees are here and I have to go and see them. If there is any extra food at home, donate it."

"I know." Zhou Ning's pregnancy was not obvious yet, but Yang Xuan still warned: "Leave these matters to them. Also, pay attention to the swordsman, be careful not to be hit by it."

"I know, Huahong, hurry up and prepare clothes and dry food."

Yang Xuan brought the baggage, and A Liang stumbled to send it to him.


Looking at his son standing behind the threshold, Yang Xuan felt for the first time the emotion of a hero short of breath and a son and daughter loving each other, and waved: "Ah Ye will be back in a few days."


Ah Liang had tears in his eyes and sobbed.

Watching his father go away, he was reluctant to go back for a long time.

"Woof woof woof!"

Wealth and wealth were spinning around his feet, and his tail kept wagging.

The swordsman looked a little impatient, walked slowly, and suddenly rushed towards the big tree on the side.

Ah Liang couldn't help but look up.

A Liang rushed forward like lightning.


There were shouts and curses from the dense branches, and then a figure flashed and fell from the tree.

It's the Qiu Longwei who controls.

The swordsman chased him down from the tree. The Horned Dragon Guard wanted to take action, but when he looked at his young master, he could only turn around and run away.

The swordsman came back, squatted in front of A Liang, raised his head, and there was more warmth in his cold eyes.


It swayed a few times like a rich man.

Are you happy?

Ah Liang felt a shadow above his head, raised his head and saw his mother.

"Ah Ye goes about his business and works for the people. When Ah Liang grows up, he will be like Ah Ye, okay?" Zhou Ning said softly.

Ah Liang didn't understand, but still nodded.



The last time the army invaded northern Xinjiang and was forced back by Yang Xuan's army, the governor Luo Chi fell ill. He immediately went to court and said that his body was not suitable for the northern climate and he wanted to change his position as an official.

The result was called back.

At present, no one in the DPRK wants to come to the north to serve as an official.

Strictly speaking, no officials are willing to confront Northern Xinjiang.

You can't hit but you can't, scold... if you dare to scold, there's no way Yang Xuan really dares to slap you.

So what are you here for?

be bullied?

His patron also sent a letter, asking him to work hard and make meritorious deeds.

No longer able to pretend to be ill, Luo Chi had no choice but to go out and resume his duties.

Then I discovered that as long as I didn't take the initiative to provoke Northern Xinjiang, being an official in Dengzhou was not a bad idea.

Let’s quietly accumulate qualifications!

Give it a year or two and think of a way to leave the north.

Luo Chi made up his mind.

But the plan didn't change quickly.

This year the north has suffered from drought.

"Your Majesty." Sima Ma Lei came back, sweating profusely and anxious, "The drought is not bad everywhere, but the sun is getting stronger. The people are waiting for the government to provide disaster relief!"

Luo Chi smiled bitterly, "I think so too, but... the last time I gathered a large army to push towards northern Xinjiang, the army ate a lot of the food I had stored in Dengzhou, and what I have in stock now is just a drop in the bucket."

"Still no news from Chang'an?" Ma Lei sat down and someone brought tea. He shook his head and said, "I've brought some cold water."

He opened his mind and said irritably: "I went to check it out, if it continues like this, the revenue will be reduced by at least 30 to 40% this year. After collecting taxes, what will the people eat?"

Luo Chi said: "I have sent the memorial to Chang'an quickly. I hope that the princes of Chang'an and your majesty can send food."

On the second day, Ma Lei came back not long after leaving the city.

"Your Majesty, the refugees are here."

Luo Chi suddenly changed his color, "Not good!"

Ma Lei wiped his sweat and said: "These refugees have come to Dengzhou, how can we feed them? Without food, are we going to let them starve to death? To put it bluntly, those refugees are really going to starve to death, and once the plague breaks out

, Dengzhou can’t get better either!”

It is common sense that a major disaster will be followed by a major epidemic.

Luo Chi said: "Possibly intercepted?"

Ma Lei shook his head, "There are openings everywhere, and the refugees even come over the mountains and ridges, so there is no way to stop them."

Luo Chi took a deep breath and said, "Go and urge Chang'an!"

He stood up and said, "I'll go take a look."

The refugees gathered outside the city, looking sallow and thin.

"Your Majesty!"

When everyone shouted, Luo Chi's face became solemn.

"Your Majesty, I can't give it to you, otherwise our revenue in Dengzhou will be reduced. How will the people of Dengzhou make a living?" Behind him, an official gritted his teeth and said, "These are not the people of Dengzhou!"

Luo Chi blinked and said, "Let me give you a few meals first."

"Your Majesty!"

At this time, a team of people came rushing over.

"The envoy is the envoy to Chang'an."

Luo Chi was overjoyed and waved, and the messenger rode over.

"How? Where's the food?"

The messenger dismounted, felt weak and knelt down.

"Chang'an said... the local government will raise its own funds. If something goes wrong, it will be severely punished!"

Luo Chi shook his body, "The local government raises its own funds. How can the local government have so much food in reserve? Could it be... where is your majesty?"

The messenger raised his head and said, "Before I came back, I heard that Mrs. Guo Guo was celebrating her birthday and that your majesty rewarded her with a million dollars. Mrs. Guo scattered money in front of the house, and the people of Chang'an flocked to her. The scene was so chaotic that they trampled on each other and killed two people."

Luo Chi covered his forehead and said, "I thought of two lines of poetry. The wine and meat in the rich family smells bad, and the roads are frozen to death."

Ma Lei whispered: "Your Majesty, this is Yang Xuan's poem."

It's okay for others to recite it, but if you recite it, it's a taboo.

When the news reached Chang'an, would the emperor think: Luo Chi was mocking me for not knowing the sufferings of the people?

Luo Chi took a deep breath, "This matter..."

Everyone is looking at him.

There is still food in the Dengzhou granary, but if the granary is opened to help these refugees, what will the people of Dengzhou do?

An official said: "Your Majesty, warnings are being issued everywhere in Dengzhou that the people have no food."

Luo Chi sighed, "I feel guilty!"

He covered his face and turned around.

Ma Lei gritted his teeth and said, "Drive them all away!"

A group of soldiers passed by.

"There is no food in Dengzhou, so you can go there alone!"

The refugees looked at the Dengzhou sergeants blankly, and a woman suddenly shouted: "We just want a bite of food."


The sergeant had a cold face.

"Give the child a bite of food!"

The woman howled.

"We don't have to eat."

There was unbearability in the sergeant's eyes, but a cry came from behind: "Hurry up and leave!"

Groups of sergeants came forward.

The spear is turned upside down and can be whipped if necessary.

"Without food, where will you be?"

"Help me wait!"

An old man knelt down.

There was a huge crowd... Thousands of people knelt down.

With his back to the refugees, Luo Chi's hand covering his forehead trembled slightly.

"Your Majesty!"

An official said unbearably.

Luo Chi put down his hands and slowly walked into the city gate.

"Get away!"

Thousands of refugees begged and shed tears, and could only leave step by step.


A group of cavalry suddenly appeared, and the leader shouted:

"The Northern Xinjiang Army is coming."

Suddenly the scene was in chaos. The sergeants turned around and ran towards the city, as did the officials.

On the contrary, the refugees did not respond.

"What? The Northern Xinjiang Army is coming?"

Luo Chi was a little panicked.

"Your Majesty, more than ten riders have arrived."

Luo Chi breathed a sigh of relief, "This is the messenger."

More than ten riders arrived outside the city.

The leading sergeant said: "These refugees can go to Northern Xinjiang!"

What a good thing!

"Is there enough food in Northern Xinjiang?"

A clerk questioned and was kicked.

"These are all troubles. It's best to leave."

The sergeant said: "Our convoy will cross the border with food to help them go to northern Xinjiang. If they are attacked, the deputy envoy has said it!"

The clerk covered his buttocks and noticed that the sergeant suddenly became solemn.

"I will not offend anyone unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will offend them!"

The sergeant rode his horse to the refugees and shouted: "Everyone, go to Northern Xinjiang. Northern Xinjiang has prepared food for you and others."

"Is there one in Northern Xinjiang?" an old man asked in disbelief.

"Yes, the convoy is here with food."

The refugees began to move.

"Don't crowd!" the sergeants were maintaining order.

At the top of the city, Luo Chi was already stunned.

He vaguely felt something was wrong.

"North Korea does not care about the refugees, but Northern Xinjiang does. Who will the refugees thank?"

"Northern Xinjiang, Yang Xuan!" Ma Lei said: "If we make a start, the follow-up will be very troublesome.

Those refugees will rush to Northern Xinjiang after hearing the news. They will eat up Northern Xinjiang, and eventually both sides will lose.

To be honest, the subordinate thought that even if it was to win people's hearts, Yang Xuan's move would still save countless lives, so he should be praised.

But if we drag down Northern Xinjiang, then...the north will be restless."

Luo Chi watched the refugees go away, then turned around and said, "I just want to leave the north now, as far away as possible."

When the refugees arrived at the small river at the junction of Dengzhou and Beijiang, meals had been prepared on the other side.

The aroma of food wafted over.

"There's food to eat!"

The refugees started running, and no one could stop them.

Yang Xuan is on the side.

He was smiling all over his face, and Han Ji also prepared something to say.

An old man rushed to the wooden basin filled with food, knelt down and shouted: "Please, my grandson is starving to death."

"You can only drink porridge, otherwise you will die from a broken belly."

The sergeant giving porridge gave him a bowl of porridge, and the old man held it carefully.

A woman stumbled over with a child in her arms, knelt down, and the old man brought the porridge to the mouth of the child in her arms.

"Baby! Take a sip!"

The child opened his mouth and took a sip of porridge with difficulty.

A woman was being carried over, and two men were crying, "She has a child in her belly. Please give her some food!"

"Hurry up and sit down."

"Get her a bowl of porridge."

"Drink slowly! Drink slowly!"

"Live! Live! Hahahaha!"

"Sanlang, Sanlang, take a sip of porridge! Sanlang! My son!"

The refugees drank the porridge greedily, some laughed, some cried...

Han Ji sighed and turned around.

But he found his lord in tears.

"This is the way of the world!"

(End of chapter)

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