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Chapter 877 You want to rebel

After returning home and looking at the courtyard he had not seen for a long time, Yang Xuan felt a sense of strangeness.

"It's already been swept this afternoon."

Uda said.

Yang Xuan had already seen it. When he walked into the bedroom, he smelled of damp wood and a bit of decay.

He wanted to get a midnight snack, but after lying down, he couldn't help but think of Yu Dong's words.

Asking the prince to inspect the army showed Emperor Xuande's trust in the filial emperor, but that inspection offended many people in the army.

But he is the prince after all!

The prince who was trusted by the emperor and empress.

No matter how dissatisfied you are, you have to kneel down.

But Yang Xuan vaguely felt something was wrong.

That night, Emperor Xuande and Empress Wu both fell down, and then sent people to bring poisoned wine.

When Emperor Xiaojing heard that the empress had fallen, he ordered Yi Niang to take Yang Xuan away.

During this process, there were numerous figures on the outskirts of the secluded area, and people kept trying to intercept and kill Yi Niang.

The place of filial piety to the emperor was in the Forbidden Garden, which was the emperor's private garden and occupied a large area.

But that night, those people appeared in the forbidden garden without restraint.

Where are the guards?

There were many troops stationed in the imperial city, and there were also troops patrolling the Forbidden Garden... But where did they go that night?

If they appear, those people will have no choice but to flee. Otherwise, if a large army gathers, a wave of crossbows and arrows are formed, and then they form a formation to charge, even the best warriors will have to kneel down.

But that night, the guards seemed to have fallen asleep.


But that's not right. Only the emperor can mobilize the guards. Emperor Xuande and Emperor Wu were poisoned that night. Who dared to fight privately?

After thinking about it, I tilted my head and fell asleep.

He slept soundly.

In a daze, I saw the flames soaring into the sky.


The Forbidden Garden is full of people, and there are many swords and guns.

"Take the child and leave, hand it over to Yang Lue!"

The man with a vague face took one last look at the child in the basket and waved his hand, "Go!"

Yi Niang was blessed and said, "The slave has gone, please take care of yourself, Your Highness."

She carried the basket and hurried out of the confinement.

Outside, those skilled players almost went crazy when they saw the basket in her hand.

"It's that kid!"

"Kill him!"

"There is an order from above, that child must be killed!"

Those men in black rushed towards me like crazy.

Even if he was imprisoned in the Forbidden City because of his filial piety to the emperor, the emperor still allowed him to keep his bodyguards.

The guards rushed forward regardless of their own safety.

But there are many people in black and they are powerful.

They retreated step by step.


A guard turned around and shouted.

Yi Niang's figure flashed and she quickly ran away.

On the road, from time to time you can see one or two guards waiting.

They smiled, as if they didn't know they were about to die, and waved, "Go quickly!"

The infant child opened his eyes blankly, looking at the firelight and the man in black flying in the air and rushing towards him...

Those guards frantically intercepted and were immediately surrounded and killed...

The child suddenly felt a little warm on his face, and he touched it.

It's tears.

Yi Niang choked with sobs and tears kept falling.

The child murmured, smacked his mouth, and refused to fall asleep.

That night!

Yang Xuan opened his eyes.

The sons who served the emperor had different fates. After the eldest son Li Yao and Li Yuan ascended the throne, Li Yao died of illness.

The remaining two, Li Xin, the Zhen King, and Li Zhen, the Yong King, are now in Chang'an City, and have been under house arrest for many years.

If he had not been able to escape at that time, based on the urine properties of Li Yuan and his son, he would probably have died of illness.


In the darkness, Yang Xuan seemed to be laughing at himself.

He stood up quietly.

Went to the courtyard.

The night guard saw him and wanted to come over, but Yang Xuan waved his hand.

He needs to clear his mind.

How did the Emperor of Filial Piety die?

He rarely thought about this problem before, because it was useless to think about it.

Arriving in Chang'an now, with the entire northern Xinjiang behind him, Yang Xuan couldn't help but think of those things back then.

The prince who was called the wise and filial emperor, the prince who was called my Qianliju by the emperor and the queen, and the heir to the Tang Dynasty who was praised by the ministers.

Why did he just go?

Judging from the information Yang Xuan learned, the biggest crime for honoring the emperor was poisoning and preparing to kill Emperor Xuande and Empress Wu; the second was molesting Emperor Xuande's concubines.

The crime of poisoning Emperor Xuande and Empress Wu was recognized. Yang Xuan felt a little ridiculous, but when he thought about it carefully, at that time, he was imprisoned for his filial piety to the emperor, and he developed hatred for the emperor and empress. He thought that if he killed the emperor and empress, he would be able to stand up.

This logic is self-consistent.

There are many examples in history of princes or deposed princes launching counterattacks out of desperation.

As for the concubines who molested Emperor Xuande, this was also the trigger that led to the deposing of the crown prince.

But Yang Xuan felt that just teasing Emperor Xuande's concubines was not enough for Emperor Xuande and Empress Wu to make the decision to depose the crown prince.

What made them give up the son they once praised so much?

Yang Xuan raised his head and looked into the depths of the night sky.

What happened before?

The prince is the foundation of the country. If Emperor Xuande wants to depose the prince, the officials will not do it and cannot sit idly by.

But they sat back and watched, or a very small number of people opposed it.

Why did the prince, who was once praised by kings and ministers, become a rat crossing the street, with everyone shouting to beat him?

What happened in those years?

Who is causing trouble in the middle?

Who are those people?

Is it a noble family, a powerful person, a powerful person, a clan, a foreigner, or what?

Once he takes up the banner of rebellion, the first thing he does is to distinguish who is his friend and who is his enemy.

This is the most important thing.

If you can't figure it out, you can't tell the difference between friend and foe, and you don't even know if someone stabbed you in the back.

The words of the man guarding the checkpoint echoed in Yang Xuan's ears again.

——Already have it!

——There was a break in the middle.

——Respect the emperor and inspect the army!

——Then he returned to his old ways!

Yang Xuan said softly: "That's the prince! Even if he is the deposed prince! Moreover, rumors had already spread at that time, and the emperor and empress felt regretful and their attitude towards the prince changed for the better."

"As a minister, I would not dare to offend the filial emperor at this time. I am worried that if he comes back, I will not end well. So, what should the troops on duty do if they find the Forbidden Garden ablaze at night?"

"You should attack without hesitation!"

"But Yi Niang said that all the troops in the imperial city seemed to have died that night."


"Who is my friend!"

"Who is my enemy?"

The guards of Chang'an are responsible for protecting the palace city, the imperial city, and the city of Chang'an, which is very important.

Yang Xuan was somewhat glad that he had formed a friendship with Wei Zhong early.

It drove a nail among the guards.

He crossed his arms and stared at the night sky intently.

"Mr. Lang!"

After an unknown amount of time, the guards changed shifts.

Yang Xuan took a look and saw a streak of fish-belly white appearing on the horizon.

He actually stood there for half the night.

"Mr. Lang."

Jiang He'er looked like he hadn't slept well, so Yang Xuan asked: "Do you want the bed?"

When he first arrived in Chang'an from Yuanzhou, he couldn't sleep well the first few nights.

Jiang Heer shook his head, "I'm excited."

"What are you excited about?"

"As soon as I closed my eyes, there was a blazing fire. That was the gate of the Yang family in Yingchuan! It was burned down by Lang Jun and the wall was destroyed. I feel excited just thinking about it."

Heroic women like you are rare!

Yang Xuan smiled, "Do you think it's a big scene?"

"Yes, yes!" Jiang He'er said excitedly: "When I traveled around the world with my master, I also punished evil and promoted good. At that time, I was able to control the powerful in a place, and master was very excited..."

It doesn’t look like your division is very good!

Yang Xuan coughed dryly, "The scene will be even bigger in the future."

"Uh!" Jiang He'er was startled, "No matter how big you are... big enough to be the emperor?"

Of course, but this issue cannot be discussed any further, otherwise Jiang Heer's thinking will diverge. Yang Xuan said: "I will go to the palace to see the emperor in the morning and give you half a day off."

Jiang Heer immediately dropped the topic, "I want to go shopping."

"With guards."

Yang Xuan felt that Chang'an City was full of malice at this moment.

After breakfast, Yang Xuan was ready to set off.

Han Ji followed beside him, "The emperor will probably test Lang Jun's ambition. Last night, Lang Jun was set on fire! Domineering, only domineering. If Lang Jun is as deep as the sea, his father-in-law will not say a word even if he is bullied.

In the eyes of the world, this is more terrifying than being domineering!"

“The simpler, the better!”

The world is like this. The superiors like simple subordinates. What do you mean? Just don't use your brain with me, just do it as simple as possible.

Therefore, one after another, these old and cunning guys were serious when dealing with their subordinates, but pretended to be reckless young men who were just starting out when facing their superiors.

Aren't you afraid of neurasthenia?

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills!

My acting skills are not bad!

All the way to Zhuque Street, there were many officials on the street now, familiar people gathered together to talk, and more people rode their horses slowly in silence.

Yang Xuan looked around and regretted not seeing Wei Zhong.

He wanted to find out how all parties reacted to the Emperor's inspection of the army.

How about inviting Wei Ling'er to drink later?

But if I invite her to drink, will Old Wei think that I am seducing his daughter?

Then he turned around.

Is it possible for the daughter of General Youwuwei to become a concubine?

Wei Zhong would come to him with a horizontal sword and fight to the death.

Yang Xuan saw a few familiar people, but as soon as he raised his hand, those people looked away as if they had seen ghosts.

Is this the fear of being implicated?

Yang Xuan felt that he had become the god of plague.


Zhou Zun is here.

"My father-in-law!"

Zhou Zunce immediately stepped forward, "You... did a good job last night!"

Yang Xuan thought that his father-in-law would say that you were impulsive, but he didn't expect it!

My father-in-law probably thought I was just drinking.

"Some people say you drank too much and set fire under the influence of alcohol. I said yes, yes!" Zhou Zun looked in agreement. In the dim light, it had some comic effect, and then he said with a straight face, "But who is okay?

Bringing kerosene with you? You have been doing this for a long time."

"My father-in-law's eyes are like lightning!"

The beautiful flowers that my father-in-law has been raising for many years were taken away by him, including the pots, so don't be stingy when it's time to flatter them.

"Haha!" Zhou Zun chuckled, "The Yang family was brightly lit last night! The wall was built overnight. I haven't seen such a grand event in many years, so I took people to watch the fun."

No wonder you have dark circles under your eyes, I thought you were too high... Yang Xuan said: "You didn't choke a few words over there?"

"I am worried that I have no excuse to take action." Zhou Zun said.

The Zhou family held back last time because they were alone, and the Wang family was no match for Yang Songcheng and others, not to mention that the emperor was trying to push back.

The son-in-law is back, and behind him are more than 100,000 Northern Xinjiang troops.

This time the strengths of the two sides were reversed.

"Don't underestimate Yang Songcheng." Zhou Zun looked to the left. Yang Songcheng, who had probably stayed up all night, was smiling and talking to several officials.

The gates were burned down, the walls were knocked down, and the good men were killed... To be able to still be so calm, the city is truly remarkable.

"He didn't take action last night. First of all, he wasn't prepared. To be honest, I didn't expect you to take action, let alone Yang Song." Zhou Zun looked pleased.

"My father-in-law, there is a saying in the art of war: take the enemy by surprise and attack him unprepared." Yang Xuan said with a smile.

"Haha!" Zhou Zun chuckled as his son-in-law showed off his military skills, "This time the Yang family is in disgrace, and they will be mortal enemies from now on. You don't need to cover up in northern Xinjiang. If his people dare to stir up trouble, they will be killed."

This is inevitable, but those in the Beijiang Guild Hall must also be careful. Once Yang Songcheng gets caught, he will not hesitate to take action and make the Beijiang Guild Hall a joke.

Zhou Zun suddenly waved, "Guo Zhang!"

Yang Songcheng turned around and smiled, "Shilang Zhou!"

The two of them smiled cordially and rode their horses closer. Zhou Zun said, "Zitaicai will be back soon. What can you tell me from the head of state?"

Yang Songcheng glanced at Yang Xuan and smiled kindly, "Coming?"


Later, Wang Laoer said: "They are all drama queens as Lang Jun said."

He glanced at Han Ji and found that the old ghost was looking at him with fascination, "Mr. Han, what are you looking at?"

"Watch the masters compete!"

Yang Xuan watched the secret battle between his father-in-law and Yang Songcheng and was very excited.

When he arrived in front of the imperial city, Zhou Zun told him, "Whatever he asks, answer if you can. If you can't, just answer perfunctorily."


Zhou Zun suddenly smiled and said, "I have forgotten that you are the lord of Northern Xinjiang. Why should I remind you of this?"

"From what you said, your experience is not comparable to mine."

A happy smile appeared on the father-in-law's face, "Go!"

Yang Xuan is here.

The emperor did not show any prestige and asked Han Shitou to greet him in a dignified manner.

"Shaojian Han!"

Yang Xuan cupped his hands.

Han Shitou glanced at him and cupped his hands, "Deputy Ambassador Yang."

Yang Xuan knew that this person was a confidant of the false emperor, so he did not make any excuses.

"Please follow us."

Han Shitou turned sideways and walked slowly.

The young master looked even more majestic, showing that he was quite tired from the northern Xinjiang.

Han Shitou took a glance and saw a lot.

But he is also more calm. Even if he knows that the emperor has bad intentions, he is still calm and unhurried. He is indeed your majesty's dragon species!

Han Shitou suddenly thought of the two sons who served the emperor in Chang'an.

One is impulsive and the other is timid.

Although I don't know whether the impulsiveness and cowardice of those two people are real or fake, but compared with the Yang Xuan in front of me, the gap is huge.

Holding heavy troops in hand, waiting for the right time.

This is the way of the king!

Arriving in front of the main hall, Han Shitou stopped.

Turn around.

He took a deep look at Yang Xuan and said, "Deputy Envoy Yang, please go steady!"

Are you provoking me?

Yang Xuan chuckled, "My path is naturally stable."

Han Shitou said: "That's good."

He immediately went in and said, "Your Majesty, Yang Xuan, deputy envoy of Northern Xinjiang Festival, please see me."

The emperor was in civilian clothes and said, "Let him in."

Yang Xuan was brought in and glanced at the emperor casually.

After not seeing each other for a long time, the pseudo-emperor's face looked thinner, but it still had the air of an immortal. After seeing Yang Xuan, the pseudo-emperor smiled.

"I have met His Majesty!"

Yang Xuan saluted.

look up.

"Be bold!"

A waiter nearby shouted loudly.

You are not allowed to raise your head in front of the emperor. Of course, this rule is valid. For example, old ministers or confidants are naturally not in this category. Otherwise, how can those ministers know the emperor's physical condition?

Is this a show of force?

Yang Xuan glanced at the waiter.


The emperor spoke.

"I heard that you want to rebel?"



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