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Chapter 903

Late autumn, Qianzhou.

A group of scouts from Wangbing County passed lazily at the foot of the mountain.

A scout glanced at the mountain road and said, "I heard there are tigers in the mountains."

"What's the use of knowing?

Going into the mountains to find tigers depends on luck,"

"Everything has stopped. This mountain road used to lead to the iron mine. Later, the iron mine belonged to us and the road was abandoned. Now I am afraid that the mountain road is full of things."


There should be a convoy transporting ore here in the next few days, right?"

"^It's late autumn, and the convoy set off a while ago because they were worried that the autumn rain would make it difficult to walk in the mines. "ee" When an autumn rain comes, it's like winter!"

The scouts went away and descended from the air. The mountain road stretched upwards, then turned several times and bypassed several mountains until it reached the mine: there were military camps at the foot of the mine, one for guarding, the other for inspection, and several

A craftsman took a break and came out with a bag on his back, "Open it!"

After rejecting the horse, Sergeant Jigu said, there are wooden buildings on both sides, with lookouts and archers on them. The military camp is on the side. Once the enemy is found, we can respond at any time. After checking the baggage, no contraband was found. Several craftsmen were smiling.

Saying goodbye to the sergeant.

A sergeant asked: How long can you go home this time?"

A tall craftsman said: "Half Moon."

"Not bad, not bad," the soldier said sincerely with envy. The craftsman said, "It's not bad for you to wait. You can rest for a long time during the rotation."

"Go back quickly!"

The sergeant waved his hand, and several craftsmen shouldered their burdens, led their horses, and went out to the left. The sergeant said, "Are you going to take the mountain road?"

The small craftsman said: "Yes!

If you go this way, you can get home one day earlier, one day earlier, not one day!"

That pun made both the craftsmen and the sergeants laugh, "A big heart meets a tiger!"

The sergeant smiled and said, "Even tigers dare to come out when they see us people." The craftsmen retreated from the mountain road laughing and talking. The mountain road was covered with grass. It was late autumn and the edges of the weeds were not yellowing. The short craftsman was called

Guo Xiao, I carried my baggage and said with joy, "Your wife has low vision. At first, the coal man made several offers and she was willing to agree. When I came to talk about you, the coal man asked you if you had any means to support your wife and children.

"Guo Xiao looked at the other eight of us and deliberately tried to pass it off. Helian, who was married, was heartbroken and said, "Guo Xiao, tell me!"

"It's useful to tell him."

Guo Xiao made fun of it, but still said, "We have studied, why do we want to make money?"

Is it strength?

So in front of the Coal Man, you lifted up half of the fan under the stone mill outside your home. He waited until he saw the Coal Man's mouth open. You wanted to stop lifting it for a while, but your mouth was drooling. Hey.


You couldn't help but laugh when you saw it, and you were discouraged." I was quite sorry, and then said proudly: "Your wife heard about this at home, and she immediately fell in love with you."

"Just blow it!"

An old craftsman said with a smile: "There is no way I can get involved in marriage matters.

It's all up to elder Ye Niang to make the decision,"

"Your wife is capable but has no independent opinions. She is worse than a woman!"

Guo Xiao smiled.

Helian said with envy: "If you don't have such a powerful woman, then why does he still have the desire to work hard in the mine?"

"Husbands and wives should understand each other. You are a woman, so naturally you have to earn less. If you work harder, you and your children will save more." The group of people walked hurriedly along the mountain road. It was late autumn in the mountains at this time.

Animal dung can be seen and birds are chirping crisply.

The colorful leaves were pleasing to the eye. Helian pointed to the small tree on the left and said, "Look, it's so tall and tall!"

Guo Xiao smiled and saw an arrow flying out of the forest on the left. Helian then fell down, covering his chest.

Wo Jia Shi firmly rolled off his horse, arrows flew out like rain, his companions screamed, and the horses neighed: Then, a group of sergeants walked out of the forest, "Fix the blade!"

A general said enthusiastically, and several soldiers came over to mend their swords one by one.

We walked behind Guo Xiao.

Guo Xiaomeng got violent, knocked out one sergeant with one punch, grabbed the long knife, and killed another one... The general narrowed his eyes and said, "Kill me!"

Several sergeants rushed down and finally killed Guo Xiao at the cost of eight casualties."

That’s the Tang Dynasty!"

The general looked gloomy, obviously thinking of some pleasant past events. I turned around and said, "Please come carefully." There were constant sounds outside the forest, and groups of sergeants came out and looked at them with disgraced faces.

He Lin was surrounded and walked out. I looked at the corpses of men and horses on the ground and asked, "Did anyone escape?"

The general said: "There is a well,"

"Sending people to investigate," He Lin was obviously satisfied with the general's handling of the matter."


Immediately, two teams of people ran along both sides of the mountain road to look for possible Tang people. He Lin sat casually on the ground and no one gave him a water bag. I took a few sips and my white face became less relaxed. "That's close."

Iron mine, it's a pity. If we launch a surprise attack at this moment, it would be easy." I looked at the general and said, "Kong Jia, order the soldiers to rest and eat some dry food."

The general handed over his hand and said, "Yes."

No one dragged away the bodies of the men and horses, and the mud from the well covered the blood stains. He Lin took out dry food, dry pancakes and dried meat. Eat dry pancakes and dried meat slowly, chew them carefully and swallow them quickly, and drink water smoothly.

, the fragrance of the noodles quickly overflowed, and the saltiness of the dried meat spread out, just like a boy and girl who were separated when they were young, meeting in the mouth. Kong Jia came back, sat opposite He Lin, took out the dry food, raised his head and said

: "We will be able to walk out of the mountain road in a few days, but do we need someone to check on the Tang army scouts first?"

He Lin chewed the food hurriedly, drank a sip of water, and said: "The mountain road leads to the junction of Wangbing County and Huilong County. There are few scouts from both sides going back and forth there.

That's the white light on the lamp: If you investigate rashly, you will encounter a cheat or a hunter if you are cautious. Let's take it easy." I remembered the words of the emperor's confidants after setting off.

You need to be afraid of Chen Shui!

I answered yes, but the emperor's order was to play it safe, "Your Majesty was in Tanzhou, and it was said that he had dealings with Chen Shui." He Lin raised his voice, "Your Majesty said to play it safe, that was a hint.

, "When the emperor was young, he hated to speak too clearly. It was a shortcoming and an inertia. The emperor was used to thinking about a person and matter over and over again. After thinking about it thoroughly, I will express what I think is the most profound insight," Your Majesty said to Chai.

Yi Po attaches great importance to it."

Kong Jia knew the meaning of those words, "There are small mistakes in big hearts, don't let me catch us,"


As long as we can approach Taiping County quietly, winning this battle will be easy. Now it seems that I am not 40% sure. "He Lin took a sip of water," Ning Xing said, "Your Majesty looks stupid."

,How can a group of idiots and stupid people be valued by the late emperor?"

But His Majesty is so fat and looks so stupid!

Kong Jia looked loyal and said, "Your Majesty, Rongzhi."

He Lin stood up and said, "Let's go!"

A crowd of soldiers stood up, outside the forest and down the hillside, one after another... He Lin's eyes lacked the splendor."

For Your Majesty's sake!"

Compared with He Lin, Chai Yi was much more embarrassed.

I chose another route. The terrain was steep and the mountain roads were flat. Many places looked like roads at all. But at a casual glance, I saw that there were young people walking around. It was full of weeds. There were low mountain walls on the left and tens of thousands of feet on the right.

In the abyss, there was no one holding the horse, walking cautiously against the mountain wall, crash!

The sound of sliding gravel came. Yang Gou turned around and saw a sergeant falling upwards in despair. I stretched out my hands in vain, trying to grab something, but these sergeants were all close to the mountain wall. Someone stretched out his hand. At that time, Hou stretched out his hand.

, two people definitely fell together, "I!"

The screams went up all the way.

Until there was a loud crash, the soldiers' faces turned blue, and Chai Yi said in a deep voice: "Keep going!"

It wasn't until we reached a narrower place that Yang Gou was allowed to rest. I sat down against the mountain wall and closed my eyes tiredly. Jiang He, the deputy general on this trip, sat down next to me and gasped: "I almost died just now."

Your feet are slippery, damn it!

Who found that road?"

"At the beginning, this place was Tanzhou's sphere of influence."

Yang Gou told the reason. At this time, Emperor Hou was serving as governor in Tanzhou, and everything was going well, so Chenzhou also knew about this place."

"If Emperor L wants to take charge of the Ministry of War this time and I succeed, my husband will be in trouble." Jiang He is also from Lin Ya. "This idiot Ma Dun is just living in his crotch."

Yang Goure smiled, "In order to save his life, Ma Dun revealed some of the secrets he had in private,"

"The fact that I escaped with my life is considered lucky or not." Chai Yi took out the dry biscuits, "Yes, I am alive."


"I am just corrupt. One of my henchmen, Yuyu, sold weapons to businessmen,"

"lIs this a minor matter?

And it's me." Seeing Yang Gou's expression of indifference, Jiang He asked, "Have these weapons from Tandao flowed into Northern Xinjiang?

That's right, the criminals here in Northern Xinjiang are trying to buy weapons from us, so who are they?"

"These savages of the north!"

"Shegu people?"

Jiang He exclaimed and Yang Gou nodded.

Chai Yi scolded: These savages are extremely fierce. Xiao Liao can suppress us only with weapons.

Wait until we change the arrows from wolf fangs to iron, and the iron knives to sharp blades, damn it!

These officials in the north know how to scold their mothers!"

Farther north to the north of Beiliao, the weather is hot, but it still hinders human survival. The Shegu people are the masters of this land. In the past, we obtained food and weapons through trade with Beiliao.

I don’t know when, Beiliao came up with the idea of ​​recruiting us as subordinates. The Shegu people were quite happy just after the end, thinking that they had found the calf. In this hot area, the production is quite rich, including all kinds of rare prey, pearls, medicinal materials...

The officials who were in charge of us were greedy for those things, so they secretly added 20% to the refunded tribute. The Shegu people gritted their teeth and gave it. The more he talked, the more others would complain. The seventh time, it was increased by 80%.

Seventy-one... When the tribute items were reduced to eight times the size, the Shegu people did it, robbed it, or killed it!

The ancient people saw that they were antithetical to each other!

Grass mud horse!

I used to live a good life outside the forest, why do I have to come out and suffer?


Those tough hunters gathered together to fight with the Northern Liao army who came to conquer us. After all, the Shegu people had no battle experience. They had few victories when they first joined forces, and gradually they were no longer victorious or defeated... A few days after the late emperor's departure,

Years ago, the Shegu people still won less and lost more, but we still lacked many good weapons. What would happen if we replaced Beiliao's equipment?"

My husband said, if you spare me, I will probably throw it inside to feed the wild dogs."

Yang Gou felt his stomach was not twitching, so I frowned and took a sip of water, "Let people go to the back to scout, and if anyone is found, whether they are husbands or hunters, kill them all."


Jiang He stood up and prepared to make arrangements, "Wait a minute," Yang Gou called me, "Remember to ask us to be in plain clothes and pretend to be hunters," Yu Zhen was very verbose... Jiang He nodded, "Yes."

Yang Gou ate the dry pancakes, thinking about the situation in Ningxing, and said with a warm smile: "Taiping looks like a county, but outside of this is Chenzhou, and even the commercial center of northern Xinjiang. The defenses are quite tight, but Lin'an is far behind."


I chewed the dried meat, and Jiang He came back and sat down. "I told you," Yang Gou nodded, "He said... when we leave the mountain road, cross Taiping County, and arrive at Lin'an, we will send someone to warn Taiping..." Jiang He

He was startled and said, "That's good. When we raided Lin'an, He Lin was inexplicably facing the heavily guarded Taiping. He might be disappointed!"

I shook my head.

Yang Gou also shook his head, "The risk of this kind of thing is too small. If we are discovered by others, even if we escape to death, our husband will be questioned by the people in heaven, that's all." Jiang He said with a smile: "We are raiding Lin'an.

He Lin raided Taiping, we are the Chenzhou Administrative Office, I am just a county town!"

The seven people ate their dry food in silence, Chai Yi squinted, "When Lu Hu was in Chenzhou, he built Taiping and Lin'an into important commercial areas. It seemed that he made a lot of money, but because of this, the city gates of the two places were small, and the business

The queue of troops is overwhelming, which also gives us a good opportunity to raid. Our people haven't found out the news yet. In Lin'an City, the governor Lu is weak in civil affairs and has a military background. That is our opportunity," Jiang He asked

: "Tandao, is that why your husband chose to raid Lin'an?"

Chai Yi nodded, "Surprise us, break the city, and set fire to it. If we can get Lu Ruo's head... it's best to capture him alive."

"Yang Xuanrong!"

Jiang He smiled, "The emperor's men were captured by Lu Husheng, which is extremely embarrassing!"

"Yes, if we can capture Lu Ruo alive, we will give the emperor a hard slap on the face," Chai Yi said with a smile, "It will also be a hard slap on Lu Hu's face."


"Ha ha ha ha!"

The seven people laughed, "Let's go!"

Everyone stood up and continued to retreat along the mountain road. In late autumn, Chen Shui could have some leisure time. If he had something to do, he would go out for a walk with his son in his arms, or take people out of the city to have a barbecue or something.

Good wine and barbecue, the gods can change it!

That day, Chai Yizheng and others went out to the city for an outing and found a place to barbecue. The lamb legs were roasting squeaking and a chicken was spitting oil under the flames.

Chai Yi sat on the ground, thinking about some things for next year: It will be like that this year, and before spring next year, you have to go north: It's your time!


Two riders came from the north, "Stop!"

The accompanying guards stopped the seven people and brought them over before checking their identities, "I've seen the deputy envoy..." The seven people saluted: That's the Jin Yiwei's secret agent."

It’s the Duke!"

Yang Xuanou said, ring!

The seven people looked up, surprised and loyal!

Chai Yi slightly tilted his head at Yang Xuanzong. Is the person trained by my mother bad?

Yang Xuanou's fox tail almost curled up, "My lord, we found two groups of people coming from the Northern Liao Dynasty coming south. We followed them all the way. When we approached the northern Xinjiang, we sent people to clear up the rear. Do we dare to follow..."

"How many people and horses?"

"One stock is about 8,000 horses, and two stocks are 8,000 horses."

Chen Shui closed his eyes, and the terrain of Northern Xinjiang loomed in his mind, "That's the preparation for the attack, the Jin Yiwei has made a contribution!"

Chai Yiou said: "I just did my duty."

But beforehand, the two spies of the Imperial Guard were bound to receive promotions and salary increases. "Where will we go?"

Han Ji was thinking, "Will he be the one who raids our land reclamation?"

Once the people who reclaimed the wasteland were bloodbathed, the consequences would be very minor. Chen Shui squinted his eyes and said, "Instruct Nanhe Shao to send scouts to patrol the front line of the newly opened wasteland." Jiang He'er has not recorded it yet. "Be cautious in sending messages everywhere,

The young scout was sent to patrol, and it was clear that it was too late. "Chai Yi just did some calculations and came to that conclusion."

Yes, when the messenger arrived, he estimated that the enemy troops had also arrived," Han Ji thought for a while, "Qianzhou|!"

"This side of Qianzhou is a trade road, and the city gates are strictly guarded." Chen Shui stood up and said, "Order."

Jiang Heer looked up at me."

Jiang Cunzhong leads two thousand horses towards Linhe, please be slow in Shunchang area!"

Jiang Heer finished recording and raised his head again."

Prepare two thousand horses, one man and two horses, and go to Chenzhou to see,"

This chapter has been completed!
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