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Chapter 928 Cocooning yourself


The tempo of the trebuchet suddenly quickened.


The stones passed over the city head and hit the city.

The defenders who had just withdrawn not long ago were startled by the screams.

"Enemy attack!"

What a large-scale attack lineup this is to make this person scream like a pig!

Xiao Hongde, who was thinking about how to coax Lin Jun after the war, was startled when the Eagle Guard arrived, and his expression changed drastically, "This is an arrogant enemy, coming to the top of the city!"

As soon as the soldiers rushed to the city head, the stone passed over the city head and fell heavily.

A sergeant was hit head-on by a stone. The stone continued to move forward with little hindrance, while the headless corpse stood there, staggering and refusing to fall.

"Save me!" screamed a general whose arm was broken.


Xiao Hongde was the first to rush to the city.

Everywhere you look...they are all human beings.

"Fire the arrow!"

The crossbow array approached the city, divided into several waves, and fired in turn.

The defenders who had just rushed to the top of the city were severely beaten and covered in a wave of crossbow arrows.

Looking at his fallen subordinates, Xiao Hongde, who had been thinking about his tactics for the past two days, felt regretful.


Everyone hurriedly went to get the shields.

The arrogance of the enemy for several days now bore fruit: the movements of the defenders were obviously in disarray.

Puff puff puff!

The stairs were built on top of the city, and creaking sounds came and went.

One by one, the death battalion sergeants rushed forward.


The trebuchet raised its firing range and began to attack the city.


Subsequent reinforcements arrived and encountered this wave of blows.


Stones tumbled among the crowd, and a passage of flesh and blood was swept out amidst the pitiful howls.

"Yang Gou!"

The general leading the team closed his eyes in pain.


The general looked up and saw a black cloud floating over the city, then going down...



The reinforcements raised their shields in panic, and then rocks fell from the sky, hitting the team heavily.

The screams were endless.

The crossbow arrows were like planting a layer of grass on the street, and the reinforcements began to run, leaving a field of corpses behind them.

How can we fight this battle if we have already suffered heavy losses before even seeing the enemy?

"Fire the arrow!"

The crossbow array showed its power, no longer focusing on the city head, but constantly adjusting its angle to strike at the center of the city.

Their lookouts bravely followed the siege soldiers to the top of the city, constantly reporting the enemy's troop assembly location in the city.

"Fire the arrow!"

Xiao Hongde shouted from the top of the city, "Counterattack!"

The city is in chaos, and the only option at this time is to fight back.

Drive the enemy troops down and then regain their morale!

It must be said that Xiao Hongde's reaction was extremely fast.

But the Northern Xinjiang Army's attack did not give him time to regain his military morale.

"Can't stop!"

Under the banner, Pei Jian said coldly: "Pass my military order. The attack must be like a wave, and it must be continuous, without giving the defenders a chance to breathe!"

Under his military orders, the Northern Xinjiang Army frantically attacked the city.

What frightened the defenders the most was not only the brave soldiers of the Northern Xinjiang Army, but also the crossbow array.

"Gather the archers!"

At this time, Zhao Dora also abandoned the previous suspicion and ordered the archers to gather to prepare to expel the crossbow formation.


But before the archers could assemble, the Northern Xinjiang Army pounced on them.

When an archer faces a powerful soldier, it is like a white rabbit meeting a wild wolf.

Not far from the city, Jiang Cunzhong said to the generals: "He has been arrogant to the enemy for three days, and suddenly he rose up. The crossbow array can reach the city directly, which is the result of the arrogant enemy. When the crossbow array is there, the enemy troops cannot gather in large numbers. This is supplemented by continuous reinforcements."

How long can the defenders hold out under constant attacks?"

Everyone looked back at the big flag.

"Not only did he arrogantly challenge his enemies, he also confused us!"

There was dissatisfaction and even jealousy in Jiang Cun's heart, but at this moment, it was clear.

"Only in this way can the enemy be convinced!"

The highest level of deceiving others is to deceive yourself.

"This man is extraordinary!"

A general scratched his helmet and said, "I was a little disrespectful to him a few days ago."

The attacks never stop.

"The city is broken!"

Suddenly cheers came from the top of the city. It turned out that the Northern Xinjiang Army had captured a section of the city.

"Fight back! Fight back!"

With red eyes, Dora Zhao rushed forward with her reserve team.

The light of the sword flashed, and Zhao Dora killed two people, but he was also hit by a knife in the waist. He narrowly avoided one shot after another, and saw the knife slashing at him, but he had no way to dodge.


A long knife stood in front of him.

Zhao Dora took advantage of the situation and killed her opponent. When she turned around, she found that the one who blocked the knife for her was actually Xiao Hongde.

That was a subconscious stab.

Dora Zhao moved her lips slightly, "Thank you!"

Then there was a brutal fight.

The piles of corpses at the top of the city are getting higher and higher, reminding people of Yang Guogong's Beijing view.

Yang Guogong was wandering around the periphery, a leisurely group.

He even wanted to have a small barbecue. It would be even better if he could have a bowl of light wine.

A group of cavalry arrived.

"The Duke, Zhou Langjun suddenly launched a fierce attack. The crossbow array advanced to the bottom of the city and crossed the city to attack the reinforcements in the city. Then, with the death camp and the soldiers as the forerunners, they continued to attack."

"Arrogant enemy!"

Duke Yang smiled.

"Exactly." The lieutenant who came to report the news thought to himself that the Duke of Guo really had eyes like lightning and had seen through Zhou Jian's arrangement a long time ago.

This is knowing people and being kind to them!

"How are the enemy troops doing?"

"The enemy was caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties. The city was occupied by our army several times. However, the enemy was brave and brave, and then they risked their lives to forcefully push our army out."

"It's up to me to take the initiative! Okay!"

Yang Xuan was in a good mood, "After that, we have to see what happens next."

Jiang He'er asked: "Lang Jun, do you want to go and have a look?"

"Anyone who picks peaches under his command is either stupid or bad. Which one do you think I am?"

It would be stupid and bad to interfere in the micro-management of more than ten people's positions.


Wang Laoer is back.

"Lang Jun, the enemy's army of more than a thousand cavalry has dispersed at this moment. Our army is searching for and killing them."

After the more than a thousand cavalry rushed out of Chengyang City, they attacked in the direction of Taizhou. Most of them were intercepted and killed along the way, and the rest dispersed in a rush.

This kind of sudden breakup is the most troublesome.

The killing is endless.

There will definitely be fish that slip through the net.

Later, Taizhou and other places learned of the war situation.


Yang Xuan squinted his eyes.

At this moment, Pei Jian launched a fierce attack and must not stop, otherwise it would give the defenders a chance to breathe and all the previous efforts would be in vain.


Yang Guogong sighed, "I still have to come."

He turned around and said, "Bring my big flag!"

The news reached Pei Jian.

The expressions of several generals changed slightly.

"If Taizhou reinforcements arrive, our army will have no choice but to fight. In this case, the attack on the city head will have to be delayed."

Pei Jian looked calm, "Maybe the reinforcements won't be able to wait until that day!"

A sergeant came over. "The Duke has sent people to carry the big flag and has gone north."

"The Duke has sent someone here."

A horned dragon guard approached, "Lang Jun said that he used the empty city trick to fool his opponent, and if he becomes Feng's wife a few years later, he won't be able to do it. As for Zhou Jian, tell him that there is no need to worry about Taizhou's reinforcements."

A big flag!

Can stop the Taizhou reinforcements!

Pei Jian's eyes sparkled, "Take the order!"

"My lord, you are so mighty!" a general praised sincerely.


Yang Guogong became the governor and handed over the army to Pei Jian. When a crisis arose, he lazily led the thousands of horsemen, under his own banner, to intercept the possible crisis for the army.

This calmness made all the generals feel relieved.

"Continue to attack the city!"

Pei Jian pressed the handle of the knife.

Boss Yang took five hundred horses and wandered toward the north.

After walking six or seven miles, we met Beiliao Rangers.


There were more than a thousand cavalrymen in Northern Liao, but when they saw that the other party only had 500 cavalry, they couldn't help but be overjoyed.

But the other party was unhurried, and even...a little happy.

Is this so fucking crazy?

Just when the enemy general was confused, Yang Guogong on the opposite side asked: "Is the distance enough?"

Wang Laoer said: "That's enough, you can hold it."

Yang Xuan said happily: "Raise the banner!"

The flag bearer behind him suddenly raised the flag.

The enemy troops who were only a hundred steps away were cheering.


The cheers stopped neatly, as if someone had cut them off with a knife.

Then, more than a thousand Northern Liao people stared wide-eyed.

The enemy general felt his heart beating like thunder and his whole body was exhausted. He looked carefully at the man under the banner...

"It's Yang Gou!"

He was about to call out.

His subordinates dispersed.


What general, Yang Gou is there, whoever wants to die will die.

"Help me!"

Before engaging the enemy, some of the fleeing enemy soldiers shouted for help.


Wang Laoer was angry, "Kill!"

He originally thought that the enemy troops would continue to advance without hesitation, but he did not expect that they would flee decisively.

What he didn't count was how much pressure Yang Xuan's appearance would put on the enemy.

"Run away!"


At the sound of the trumpet, cavalry appeared on both sides and began to outflank.

"I want some prisoners, preferably enemy generals. My dear, did you hear that?"

Yang Xuan cursed.

"I heard it, I heard it!"

Wang Laoer and his men chased and killed him.

Yang Xuan said with a headache: "How dare you let him lead the army in the future!"

Tu Shang coughed dryly, "It would be nice to have a wife."

"Really?" Jiang He'er was curious, "Do women still have such abilities?"

Tu Shang glanced at the old thief, who coughed dryly, "What do you want me to do?"

"How long has it been since you went to a brothel?" Tu Shang asked.

"Ahem! That place is not good." The old thief said calmly.

When he goes to a brothel, he doesn't go to a brothel, but to look and smell.

Now even this hobby is gone.

"This is the role of women!" Tu Shang said, "After the second child gets married, he will definitely be fine."

Mr. Lang has already said that he wants his second son to lead the army, but once this kid starts to kill, he will probably forget all about the army and the overall situation.

Women, don’t they have a role at this time?

Wang Laoer fled with the enemy soldiers killed by the two elders.

The enemy general beat his horse and fled, shouting and cursing at the same time.

He knew that Yang Xuan's appearance here meant that the war in Chengyang must have gone to the Northern Xinjiang side. Otherwise, how could Yang Xuan be so casual and elegant?

Not good!

However, it’s great!

If Chengyang cannot hold it, Taizhou naturally does not need to send reinforcements.

If reinforcements don't come out, I won't have to face Yang Gou directly.

Goodbye, Yang Gou!

A sword flashed behind him.

"Second brother, save someone under the sword!"

The enemy general felt his neck tighten and he was captured.

"Almost killed."

Wang Laoer felt a little regretful. He looked at the fat on the enemy general's neck and said, "This knife feels really good!"

The enemy general felt a chill all over his body.

"Second brother, he peed!"

Wang Laoer cursed and carried the enemy general over.

Yang Xuan dismounted and said, "Say, I'll give you a way out. Are you willing to go build roads in Northern Xinjiang?"


The enemy general knelt on the ground and without waiting for Yang Xuan to ask questions, he immediately told what he knew.

"...The envoy said that Xiao Hongde claimed to be a famous general, and he did not send anyone to ask for help. I guess there is no need for rescue. In this way, I, Taizhou, guard the city from top to bottom, which is a meritorious service."


Yang Xuan felt relieved.

"The envoy also said that Xiao Hongde is...is Lin Ya's man. Why should we rescue him? It would be better if he died."

It is unreasonable for the Northern Liao Dynasty not to decline and fall when the parties are united and opposed to each other.

"Why are you waiting here this time?"

"Your Majesty asked me to wait out... to make a show."

The enemy general looked happy and said, "I didn't expect to meet the Duke. The Duke just gives orders, and then the villain is willing to lead his men to build the road. Wherever the Duke points, the villain will build the road."

This is also a talent.

It's a pity that Jin Yiwei can't use it.

Yang Xuan said: "Have you encountered Chengyang's defeated troops before?"

"We met, and the villain asked, what did they say... Yang Shijun's troops were strong, and the war was going badly. He asked me, Taizhou, to send troops to rescue. But when the villain saw that there was no such despair in their expressions, he tortured one of them, saying that he was guarding It’s so easy, and it won’t be a problem if you stick to it for another ten days.”

Xiao Hongde is trapped in a cocoon!

Jiang He'er was so happy when he saw the enemy general smiling. Even though he knew it was a bit fake, he still couldn't help but ask: "Why are you happy?"

Han Ji smiled and suddenly felt that the reason why Yang Xuan brought such a relatively simple girl with him was not just a matter of pleasing the eyes.

Everything in Northern Xinjiang is complicated, and some things can make people furious.

Having such a relatively simple girl around makes me feel much better.

The prisoner said: "Since the Duke has appeared here, it will only be a matter of time before Chengyang falls. Taizhou's good days may not last more than two years."

The villain came first and worked hard to lead them to build the road. The comrades who came later, even if they were Shangguan, had to be controlled by the villain.

As long as you think like this, the villain will be very happy!"

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