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Chapter 931: Empty City Plan

The defenders were still eating dry food at the top of the city. When they noticed that the Northern Xinjiang Army was approaching, someone shouted: "The enemy is attacking!"

"It's early!"

The old soldier sat on the ground, slowly eating dry biscuits while squinting and watching the morning sun shining on the city.

Looking at it with great lust.

No one paid attention to the warning, everyone should rest and be in a daze...

Everyone knows that today is probably the last day.

The singing last night lasted for a long time, making them unable to sleep. When they closed their eyes, their minds were full of their hometown and their relatives.

What to do next?

A person takes one breath of life, but when this breath of energy is released, the whole person collapses.

Therefore, many officials who returned home from their official careers seem to have aged ten years overnight because their inner energy has dissipated.

The Northern Xinjiang Army is approaching.

"After they complete their formation, they still have to wait for the trebuchet to be in place..."

The old soldier took a bite of the dry biscuit and chewed it slowly, as if he wanted to taste every trace of wheat flavor.

"Enemy attack!"

someone shouted.

"Fen Ni Niang!"

The old soldier cursed.

"Enemy attack!"

This time it was screaming.

The old soldier heard the sound of footsteps, and countless people were running.

He slowly turned back and looked out from the opening of the battlements.

The Northern Xinjiang army was running under the overwhelming crowd.

The crossbowmen ran crookedly, but generally maintained their formation.

The crossbowmen were in position.

Pull the string, load the arrow...

"Enemy attack!"

The old soldier screamed and spit out the crumbs from his mouth.

Xiao Hongde, who was walking up to the top of the city, looked livid.

He was fooled again.

Soon the Northern Xinjiang Army rushed to the city.

A more brutal strangulation battle than yesterday began.

The Northern Xinjiang Army rushed upward crazily, and no one retreated.

"Tell them that they can either die on the top of the city, or rush into the city and seize the merit!"

Pei Jian's order left everyone with no way out.

One by one, the Northern Xinjiang troops rushed to the top of the city. They gathered together and charged to the left, right, and forward.


A general howled miserably and turned around to call for help.

Xiao Hongde saw a sergeant of the Northern Xinjiang Army brandishing a sword, causing the general to fall to the ground. He was then stepped heavily on his chest, and he could see with the naked eye that his chest collapsed.


The morale of the defenders continued to decline under these blows.

"Be careful, go to the reserve team!"

The general beside him begged.

Xiao Hongde nodded, the reserve team joined the battle group, and the city suddenly became chaotic.

"It's a mess!"

Pei Jian approached the city and commanded.

The fighting soon became intense.

The crossbow array began to extend its attacks, occasionally accidentally injuring its own people, but they were ignored.

"The enemy reserves are coming up."

Zhenwei Captain Zeng Guang said: "Do you need reinforcements?"

There were still 6,000 reserve troops behind, so Pei Jian followed suit and said, "Go with 3,000 people."

These three thousand horsemen were cavalry. They dismounted and blended into the crowd attacking the city.

At the top of the city, the two armies were strangled together, and the cheers of the Northern Xinjiang Army could be heard from time to time.

Soon, those cheers were silenced by the enemy reserves.

Both sides fought repeatedly. After more than an hour, the morale of the defenders gradually declined.

The shouting and singing last night made these powerful soldiers of Bei Liao lose their fighting spirit.

Pei Jian saw it.

Xiao Hongde also saw it.

Peng Zhi risked his life and rushed to the top of the city. "Xiangan, get those men and horses who are watching Zhao Dora back!"


Xiao Hongde shook his head, "I still have men and horses in my hands."

He ordered: "Open the city gates on both sides and prepare... to attack!"

Peng Zhi said: "The three thousand riders?"

Xiao Hongde nodded.

"There are still three thousand enemy troops," Peng Zhi said.

"It was a surprise and he was too late!" Xiao Hongde sneered, "He only has three thousand cavalry left. If he dares to mobilize those three thousand cavalry to intercept them, my cavalry will desperately bypass them and attack Zhou Jian."

Capture the thief and capture the king!

What Xiao Hongde wants is a surprise attack!

The city gates on both sides opened, and the cavalry were extremely excited.

The Northern Xinjiang Army is currently gathering under the city. All it takes is one blow from both sides and they will collapse in an instant.

The city gate opened, and the Northern Xinjiang Army scouts monitoring the situation outside blew the horn.


The sound of horse hooves is loud.

The expressions of the generals in the Northern Xinjiang Army changed slightly.

Only a few generals and Jiang Cunzhong looked at Pei Jian deeply.

"Enemy attack!"

But Pei Jian was indifferent.

"Pei Langjun!" Zeng Guang was anxious, "call for reinforcements."

"No need to say more." Pei Jian looked at the city and said, "Assemble!"


At the sound of the trumpet, two infantrymen were assembled from the army gathered under the city, blocking the two wings. The three thousand cavalrymen rushed out and ran towards their horses as if they were flying.

"The so-called surprise attack must be successful when the opponent is unprepared." Pei Jian said: "I have been guarding against this attack since the first day of siege."

In the siege team, there is a group of people who are stationary, and their task is to guard against the enemy's surprise attacks from both sides.

There were 1,500 horsemen on each side, and they circled around from the side.

When they saw the neat infantry waiting in formation, they were all dumbfounded.

If the opponent is prepared, what's the point of attacking?

Moreover, the three thousand people have already begun to mount their horses.

Withdraw or continue to charge?

At the top of the city, Xiao Hongde looked calm and said, "Charge!"

The drums sound!

Three thousand cavalrymen rushed forward from both sides without hesitation.


Pei Jian praised.

Jiang Cunzhong knew that this was the final attack.

Three thousand cavalrymen met with heavy casualties in the infantry array. The crossbow array changed direction, and wave after wave of crossbow arrows caused heavy casualties to them.

Then the cavalry outflanked...

They’re all really blooming!


Xiao Hongde looked back into the distance, "Lin Jun, it's time to come!"

The rumble of horse hooves shook the wilderness.

The endless cavalrymen rolled up clouds of smoke and dust.


Lin Jun reined in his horse and raised his hand.

Then, the sound of horse hooves gradually disappeared between heaven and earth.

"It's time for the scouts to come back!"

Lin Jun took out his water bag and took a sip of water.

Shen Changhe said: "This place is only more than twenty miles away from Chengyang. The scouts of the Northern Xinjiang Army are probably right in front. Our scouts have to go around..."

Lin Jun said: "It doesn't matter if we are alarmed. Scouts from Taizhou and other places are coming here. Who would suspect it?"


More than ten riders came from afar, all dressed as shepherds.

"They're back."

A scout disguised as a shepherd approached and said, "Your Majesty, the Northern Xinjiang Army is besieging Chengyang City!"

"Jianshui City and Jinshan City were both lost?"

Shen Changhe took a breath of cold air.


"Continue." Lin Jun glanced at Shen Changhe.

"I waited all the way to scout and avoided three groups of Northern Xinjiang Army scouts. Going forward, I could see more people and horses. I didn't dare to go any further, so I came back."

"There are no men from Neizhou Army and no men from Taizhou. Obviously, Yang Xuan has completely surrounded Chengyang City and is attacking with all his strength." Shen Changhe regained his staff's calmness, "The most important thing at this moment is to judge whether Chengyang City is still alive or not."

How long can we hold on? If we can do it with ease, then I think we can rest nearby and hide and wait."

If the situation is in danger, there is nothing to say, and you should attack with all your strength.

"How many scouts are there in the Northern Xinjiang Army?" Lin Jun asked.

The scout said: "More than a hundred horses."

Lin Jun dismounted and walked slowly.

Shen Changhe was stunned, and then followed him.

"If Xiao Hongde is at ease, then he will continue to send scouts out of the city to test and make surprise attacks to attract the ideas of the Northern Xinjiang Army, which will also boost the morale of the defenders. If so, the Northern Xinjiang Army's scouts will need at least three to four hundred riders before they dare to come out. Otherwise, we will not be able to intercept the assault in the city."

Shen Changhe said: "What the envoy said is that if more than a hundred riders of the Northern Xinjiang Army dare to come out to scout, this is..."

"Yang Xuan is at ease."

Lin Jun said: "And the fact that his scouts dispersed so far away shows that he did not take Chengyang City seriously and was wary of possible reinforcements."

"Yang Xuan has a trebuchet in his hand. If so, Chengyang City may not be able to defend it for a few days."

"No, two days at most."

"Then it's the right time to launch a surprise attack."

Shen Changhe thought this was a good time. Just when the Northern Xinjiang Army was in high spirits, the Tanzhou Army's 20,000 cavalry suddenly appeared.

Tsk tsk!

Xiao Hongde in the city opened the door to attack.

This battle can bring success.

"Wait!" Lin Jun shook his head.

"Your Majesty, it was said that it took two days, but we couldn't tell because of the fighting in the battle formation! It's hard to tell, but we were defeated in half a day and a day."

"What I'm waiting for is the destruction of Chengyang City!"

Shen Changhe was shocked.

"If that's the case, why did I lead the army here?" Lin Jun expressed his doubts for him.

Shen Changhe smiled dryly.

"Chengyang City is broken, and the Northern Xinjiang Army will definitely be very proud. At this moment, our Tanzhou Army will launch a surprise attack with 20,000 cavalry. I am 70% certain that it will succeed."

"Where's the remaining 30%?"

"What do you rely on to fight? The soldiers use their lives, the general directs properly, and it also depends on the weather and terrain. These can be controlled, but the only thing that cannot be controlled is God's will!"

Shen Changhe was impressed, but another worry arose in his heart, "Xiao Hongde is ours after all, we are standing still here and will not save him... I am afraid that there will be a flood of criticism from Ning Xing afterwards!"

"After I learned that Yang Xuan was sending troops to Neizhou, I obviously could have sent troops two hours earlier, but I delayed it until evening on the pretext of preparing dry food. When I got here, I stopped moving forward and prepared to sit back and watch Xiao Hongde's defeat. Do you think it was an internal strife?"

"Don't dare."

Shen Changhe said he didn't dare, but in his heart he felt something like this.

"Xiao Hongde has surrendered to the emperor!"

Shen Changhe was shocked, "Is this so?"

Lin Jun turned around, "As early as half a year ago, our people discovered that Zhao Dora and Eagle Guard were wooing Xiao Hongde. What would you do if someone wooed you?"

"Of course I have to inform the envoy."

"But Xiao Hongde has an ambiguous attitude."


Shen Changhe let out a long breath, "It turns out he is a rebel!"

But there is only one possibility for knowing such secret information. Xiao Hongde has someone from Lin Ya's side.

Put an eyeliner next to your sister-in-law...

Shen Changhe thought about his side, and then smiled dumbly.

I'm just a staff member, so I can't do anything wrong.

"Actually, we can also come to the rescue." Shen Changhe did not want to leave Chengyang after all.

"Chengyang is not the most important thing."

Lin Jun was counting the time.

An hour later, another group of scouts came back.

"The number of scouts from the Northern Xinjiang Army suddenly increased."

Lin Jun, who was resting, stood up and said, "Chengyang may not be able to hold on any longer. At this moment, the Northern Xinjiang army is full of ambition. It is the time to assemble!"

Twenty thousand cavalry assembled.

Lin Jun said: "Attack!"

After traveling more than five miles, we encountered a scout from the Northern Xinjiang Army.

"Enemy reinforcements!"

The scouts shouted, turned around and ran away.

Groups of rangers began to outflank the group from the left and right.

"Don't stand still!"

Lin Jun led his men and rushed over from the edge of the scout battle.

What he needs is a surprise attack.

The proud Northern Xinjiang Army was waiting to harvest the fruit of Chengyang. Twenty thousand cavalry suddenly appeared. Even if the gods were alive, it would be difficult to save the defeat.

The sound of horse hooves rumbled rapidly across the wilderness.


Lin Jun kept urging his subordinates.

The scouts of the Northern Xinjiang Army in front became more and more dense.

"Don't worry about them!"

At this moment, they were only seven or eight miles away from Chengyang City, and even if the scouts went back to warn them, it would be too late.

What is siege warfare?

A large army of hedgehogs gathered under the city and took turns attacking the city.

At this time, it is difficult to retreat, let alone gather and form an array...

Shen Changhe looked back.

Upon entering the eyes, everyone's cheeks turned red with excitement.

Everyone knows that this battle will go down in history.

Neizhou was lost, but as long as Yang Xuan's army was defeated in this battle, it could be easily recovered later.

You can even get Nangui City back easily.

This battle!

It will spread all over the world!

Some people couldn't help shouting: "We must win!"

"Must win!"

Amid the cheers, morale was like a rainbow.

The terrain ahead is slightly raised, like a small slope.

But the slope is not big and you can rush over it.

The cavalry in front were accelerating, preparing to take advantage of the situation and rush up the hill.

On the other side of the hill, a person suddenly appeared.

Then, the man kept looking up and saw a war horse... a cavalryman.

"Enemy Scout!"

someone shouted.

Logically speaking, the scouts should retreat after seeing the large army.

But he stayed away uncharacteristically.

The cavalry were coming up in a steady stream like magic.

Then it spread out to both sides, revealing a passage.


The general's order came from the Chinese army, and the cavalry reined in their horses.

Lin Jun came up.

On a small slope, thousands of cavalry were arrayed.

Everyone is looking at the middle passage.

A ride came up slowly.

A large flag followed.

The flag bearers struggled to hold the flag high.

The north wind blows, and the big flag whistles.

A big character shines brightly in the sun...

"It's Yang Ziqi!"

someone exclaimed.

Yang Xuan rode his horse to the front, looked at the size of the enemy army, and suddenly smiled.

"Tanzhou Lin Jun!"

Lin Jun's expression was solemn, with no hint of happiness or anger.

"Northern Xinjiang Yang Xuan!"

He never expected that Yang Xuan would appear here.

Moreover, he only had thousands of cavalry with him.

He has accounted for everything.

I just didn't expect that Yang Xuan would really put aside the war and come here to make soy sauce.

Shen Changhe breathed rapidly, "Your Majesty, let's attack!"

If Yang Gou could be killed, the situation would change in an instant.

Without Yang Xuan's control, Northern Xinjiang would inevitably be in chaos. Lin Jun could even integrate some surrounding armies and attack Northern Xinjiang.

"What's behind the slope?"

Lin Jun said quietly.

Shen Changhe said: "Yang Xuan is good at ambushes and has succeeded many times..."

Now it's a gamble.

Bet on whether there is an ambush behind the hill.

If so, then evacuate.

If not, we should attack decisively.

Yang Xuan pointed his riding whip at Lin Jun, "People say that Lin Jun is a famous general in the Northern Liao Dynasty. Now I have thousands of people riding here, why don't I dare to fight?"

Twenty thousand riders were silent.

Yang Xuan chuckled, "You bitch slave!"

This is a scolding array!

Lin Jun suddenly turned his horse around.


The 20,000 cavalrymen then left.

Yang Xuan, who was on the small slope, looked back at the other side.


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(End of chapter)

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