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Chapter 943 Vitality

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Gambling was not allowed in the Tang Dynasty.

Gambling is illegal!

But this time Pingkangfang started a gambling game openly, and the sergeants of Jinwu Guard and the pawns of Pingkangfang turned a blind eye.

The gambling game is set up in a restaurant. As long as you place a bet, you can enjoy a free meal, food, wine, and even beauties lined up for you to choose from.

A bet of 100,000 is worth this kind of treatment.

There was an endless stream of people placing bets, and they all placed bets of 100,000 on the Beiliao side.

Northern Liao was a great enemy, but at this moment, the great enemy became Northern Xinjiang.

Chang Yun greeted the guests with a smile.

Every guest who comes in will sign up.

"Qian Yanghou bet two hundred thousand dollars!"

The accountant immediately recorded the name and amount.

The steward asked for the certificate and handed it over to Chang Yun, "Alang is not feeling well today, so I asked you to come here."

Chang Yun said with a smile: "As long as it comes to your mind."

The steward asked: "How sure are you?"

"Nine times out of ten!"

"In this case, I will go back and tell Alang the good news."

"Easy to say!"

Watching the steward leave, Chang Yun's companion asked: "Are you really that sure?"

"Fifty percent."

"Then you say it's a certainty."

"For gamblers, two cents are enough to make a bet. Besides, this is not about gambling, but about taking sides!"

"The battle in Neizhou is unusual for people to worry about it in such a way. I don't know how the Duke of Qin will be filled with emotion when he finds out about it."

"If you win, you will go to heaven. If you lose, you will go to hell!" Chang Yun smiled ferociously, "I hope he loses all his pants!"

"Good news!"

There are children shouting outside.

Chang Yun said disgustedly: "What I dislike the most right now is the children, get rid of them!"

The companion smiled and said: "I'll go!"

He's out.

Then, it came back again.

His face was pale.

Chang Yun held a cup of tea, drank it with gusto, and asked: "Where's the good news?"

"Northern Xinjiang!"

The hand loosened.

The tea cup fell.


Li Han was at home discussing family matters with his grandfather, King Liang.

"You don't need to worry about that beast."

"He is his father after all." Li Han lowered his head.

"You're worried that if I go first, he can suppress you?"


"Don't worry, if I leave, just take him with you. At any rate, the father and son turned against each other in the world, but under the earth, the father is kind and the son is filial."

Li Han was silent.

The footsteps were a little hasty.

The steward appeared outside the door, "Alang, good news from Northern Xinjiang!"

King Liang raised his eyes and said, "Say!"

"In December, the Duke of Qin led his army to Neizhou!"

Li Han suddenly stood up and said with joy, "Okay!"

Then, he stamped his foot, "It's a pity that I didn't place a bet!"

Pay two for one!

Liang Wang said calmly: "I asked someone to use your mother's identity to place a deposit of 300,000 yuan."

"Six hundred thousand compensation!"

Li Han praised: "I am wise."

The steward looked constipated.

"Is there anything else?" King Liang asked.

"Alang, King Wei has paid two million dollars!"

King Liang: "..."

Chief Ding is going crazy.

"Go and move the money! Everyone, go!"

The entire palace, except for the guards who were watching the door, was all driven out by him...

The large cart was moving all the way to Pingkangfang.

In the palace, Concubine Shu was making clothes as usual, but this time she was making clothes for children.

She has not seen the child yet, but she has told her son that she will bring the child into the palace when the weather is warmer. She is a grandmother! She has saved a lot of things to give to her grandson.

"Now that we have a grandchild, the child will get married in the future, so this betrothal gift cannot be shabby, right?" Concubine Shu said slowly.

"Who says it's not the case?" Yu Nan said with a smile, "Nowadays! Marrying wives in the clan has become a fight for wealth. Although it is not necessary, we cannot embarrass the woman!"

"The money here is being saved so that when the child grows up, it will be used for his marriage. Once he has a child, I will be able to live in the same house for four generations."

Concubine Shu happily thought about the future.


A palace maid came in with a happy look on her face, which actually meant she was flattering.

"What's the matter?"

Concubine Shu felt that the palace maid's flattery was a bit strange.

"The good news from Northern Xinjiang has come to the palace. Your Majesty smashed the paperweight."


Concubine Shu lowered her head and continued making clothes.

The palace maid lowered her head, her eyes full of disappointment.

Concubine Shu suddenly put down her needle and thread, "Reward her!"

Yu Nan casually took out the silver coin and threw it over.

"Thank you, ma'am."

The palace maid thanked her and resigned.

Concubine Shu asked: "I remember how much Erlang got down?"

"Two million!" Yu Nan was trembling.

"How much compensation?"

"Four million!"

Concubine Shu, "It seems that Erlang has become a very rich man?"

She asked: "How many years has it been since I gave a generous reward to someone?"

Yu Nan thought about it and said, "It will take twenty years at least, right?"

Concubine Shu waved her little hand and said, "Anyone who works here will be rewarded fifty coins...one hundred coins."

"Thank you, ma'am!"

Yu Nan said: "Your Majesty is angry over there, but we are happy over here, for fear of doing something wrong!"

Concubine Shu said: "Each person will be rewarded five hundred coins!"

Yu Nan: "..."

After he went out, Concubine Shu picked up the needle and thread and whispered:

"I never considered him my man. The angrier he was, the happier I was."

The good news reached the alley.

Clang clang clang!

"It is said that the Duke of Qin took Neizhou, which is so powerful."

"No, everyone says that the Duke of Qin is a famous general of the Tang Dynasty. Now that he has taken Neizhou, two characters have to be added in the middle of this famous general of the Tang Dynasty."

"Which two words?"


Clang clang clang!

King Wei swung his hammer and struck the blade.

"Second brother!"

Sister Huang who went for a walk came back and asked happily: "How much money did we bet?"

"One thousand coins!" King Wei said.

"Good news from Northern Xinjiang, Neizhou has been captured." Huang Damei said happily: "Hurry up and get your capital and two thousand dollars back."

"Win?" King Wei raised his head.

"Yeah! I won!" Huang Damei was so happy that Neizhou was her home.

"Wait until I finish striking this knife."

King Wei slowly drew the horizontal sword and asked, "What do you want to eat for lunch?"

"Mutton pancakes, from the Qian family."

For the first time, Sister Huang wanted to eat delicious food outside.


"Second brother, remember to ask him to add the sauce."


King Wei went out and greeted the neighbors in the alley.…

After leaving the alley, a guard was waiting, looking at him like he was looking at... a god.

God of Gamblers!

He pawned his family property and raised two million dollars for betting, just out of loyalty.

Unexpectedly, once the situation turned around, two million became six million.

Six million!

This is a huge and mind-boggling number.

"His Majesty in the palace said he was overjoyed and was going to confer a title on Duke Qin's child. However, Duke Qin's child will definitely inherit the title in the future, so we can't leave it alone."



"It must be incompetence and rage!"

King Wei went to Pingkangfang.

"I've met the king!"

Good fortune has disappeared.

King Wei said: "My three thousand coins!"

Three thousand coins packed a big baggage, which was very heavy. King Wei carried it easily, walked a few steps, turned around and said, "Next time we start again, send someone to the palace to support us."


Stewardship is dull.

After walking a few steps, I saw a group of people running towards me.

"My family's money."

"What money?"

Chang Yun appeared at some point and said with a straight face, "I am willing to admit defeat!"

"Chang Yun, you damn girl don't want to live anymore?"

"That's the money that my family needs to survive!"

"I just lost four million of King Wei's money, and there's so much left, why not pay it back?"

"Isn't it all about being willing to accept defeat in order to be loyal to His Majesty?"


There are more and more people...

Chang Yun sneered, "Report to the official!"

A group of Jinwu Guards sergeants appeared and drove the group away.


A waiter took a sip at these people and said: "What are these rich people dreaming about?!"

Chang Yun turned around and went to the backyard.

The room in the backyard was beautifully decorated. There were more than ten men sitting in it, drinking the best tea, and there were even two female dancers dancing for fun.

Chang Yun came in, smiled and saluted.

"Please also tell your masters that the bet will be sent to your residence later."

Zhou family.

In winter, everything dies. At this time, Zhou Qin likes to look at the vast expanse of white and listen to the crisp chirping of birds in his ears.

"The vast expanse of white is desolate, but the birds are chirping but it is full of life. There are traces of the Tao in it."

Zhou Xin said, "Aweng, tell me!"

Zhou Qin hung the bird cage on a branch and said: "Spring, summer, autumn and winter, spring is for vitality, summer is for growth, autumn is for collection, winter is for dormancy...

Birth, growth, harvest, and death. The same is true for this person. He was born with a cry, and then he grew up, studied, became an official, and did things. When he was forty or fifty years old, he had to put it away. When he was in his twilight years, he

We should wait for destiny and let it control us."

"In other words, we live forever and say goodbye in winter."

"No." Zhou Qin shook his head, "Autumn and winter are harsh, and everything seems to be withering, but things must be reversed, otherwise peace will come, and it will be spring in a blink of an eye, and everything will grow..."

"But when a person dies, he is gone!" Zhou Xin said.

"Silly boy!" Zhou Qin said with a smile, "When I die, winter will come. But you are waiting here!"

Zhou Xin suddenly realized, "Children and grandchildren!"

"My blood flows in your waiting body. If you wait, I will still be alive. If the Zhou family is immortal, I will live forever."…

This topic was a bit sad, so Zhou Xin quickly changed it, "My brother-in-law won a great victory. It is said that the emperor was furious, and he was afraid that he would attack my brother-in-law."

"He is good at political power, but Northern Xinjiang is now very firmly managed by your brother-in-law. At this moment, he must be regretting that he was not decisive enough in the beginning, but it is too late."

"What about using the military?"

"Unless it's the guards of Chang'an." Zhou Qin said: "But the guards of Chang'an are neglecting the battle formation. I asked people to inquire about the movements of the guards of Chang'an."


A steward came in and said, "Alang, there is a letter from the eldest lady."

"A-Ning's letter? Bring it here."

Zhou Qin took the letter, opened it and looked at it carefully.

What was written... Zhou Xin didn't dare to go over and read it, he was itching unbearably.

Zhou Qin raised his head and put the letter back.

"Aweng, what did Sister A say?"

"Your sister said that this pregnancy looks very good."

"Could it be a girl?"

"Your brother-in-law thinks so too and is looking forward to it."

"If it's a sweet-smelling and soft girl, I, as an uncle, should also go to Northern Xinjiang to see it."

"After arriving in Neizhou, the morale of the soldiers and civilians in northern Xinjiang has been greatly boosted. Some people say that next year we should go all-out northward. Do you know what this means?"

Zhou Xin was startled, "Are we planning to start a war with Bei Liao? But that's just Northern Xinjiang!"

"Where your brother-in-law is, there is a country!"

Zhou Qin said leisurely: "Your brother-in-law became the magistrate of Taiping County, opened trade routes and built workshops. This is not what a county magistrate should do.

After arriving in Chenzhou, he built Chenzhou into a self-sufficient place.

I don't know what I'm worried about. I think it won't be like this when I get to Taoxian County!

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived in Taoxian County, he started to become self-sufficient in food.

Without these means, once your brother-in-law offends Chang'an, Northern Xinjiang will collapse in an instant due to lack of food, grass and weapons."

Zhou Xin was excited, "Did my brother-in-law prepare to fall out with Chang'an as early as Taipei? Isn't this a prediction of the future?"

"I don't know whether it's a matter of time or another, but I only know that he won!"

"Aweng, I'm afraid there will be no room for change in Chang'an and Northern Xinjiang."

"They are friendly on the surface but stab each other behind their backs. This will be the future of Northern Xinjiang and Chang'an."

"What about the Zhou family?"

The steward left and came back, "Alang, someone is coming from the palace."

It was Han Shitou who came to the palace.

It was rare for this prominent figure in the palace to go to the courtier's house. Now that he came to Zhou's house, Zhou Qin also pondered his intentions.

"Please come."

Zhou Qin didn't say anything about changing his clothes, he just wore a green shirt, his hair was randomly tied with a wooden hairpin, and he was waiting with a birdcage in his hand.

Han Shitou came slowly and said, "Duke Zhou."

"This flat-haired beast keeps barking this morning, so it turns out he has a distinguished guest!"

Flat-haired, beast... Haha!

Han Shitou said with a smile: "Mr. Zhou is in good spirits."

"Many old friends are still alive. I can't die yet. I have to watch their respective fates before leaving."


The two exchanged pleasantries with guns and sticks, then went in and sat down.

A servant was serving tea. Zhou Qin took a sip from the water cup and looked outside comfortably...

If the host doesn't speak, the guests will be embarrassed.

Han Shitou said, "Although the Zhou family has had some twists and turns in recent years, life is still going well."

"Yes!" Zhou Qin said calmly.

"In the past few years, the aristocratic families have acquired a lot of land. His Majesty saw it and should have stopped it. But think about it, after all, we are all one family. Therefore, the aristocratic families have made a lot of profits in these years."

"Your Majesty, what does this mean?"

"Northern Xinjiang is quite disgusted with land annexation. Last time, the powerful people in Northern Xinjiang were punished for paying taxes. Speaking of which, the aristocratic families have not paid taxes for many years, right?"

Zhou Qin was silent.

"Your Majesty has no intention of recourse. He is just worried that once the world is in chaos, life for the aristocratic family will be difficult."

Zhou Qin remained silent.

Han Shitou smiled and said: "Your Majesty said, we are a family!"

I decided I can’t bear it anymore!

Whose side is Zhou on?

This is the purpose of Han Shitou's visit.

Zhou Qin said without thinking almost: "I like daughters and granddaughters the most, so I am quite dissatisfied with my son-in-law and grandson-in-law. I always feel that they have robbed me of my treasure."

"Yes!" Han Shitou laughed.

Zhou Qin said: "But I am very satisfied with Zitai."

Han Shitou stood up with a smile, "Duke Zhou has decided?"

Zhou Qin nodded slightly, "It's decided."

Han Shitou resigned.

The old servant came in and said, "Alang, are you going to fall out?"

Zhou Qin nodded, "Zitai defeated Neizhou, and the pattern of northern Xinjiang changed drastically. The emperor was angry and decided to treat Zitai as a life and death enemy from now on. This is to force the Zhou family to take sides."

"Aren't you worried, Alang?"

"The head of an aristocratic family should be indifferent to life and death. For the sake of the family, even if it means killing himself, he will not frown. I am not afraid of death, but..."

Zhou Qin said gently: "I can't bear to see Aning disappointed!"

Han Shitou returned to the palace and said, "Your Majesty, the Zhou family still supports Northern Xinjiang."

"That old dog Zhou Qin didn't wait and see?" The emperor sneered, "So, wait until I kill Yang Ni, and then we'll see what happens to him."

Han Shitou smiled and said, "Your Majesty is brave."

"From today onwards, all guards in Chang'an will conduct strict drills."

The emperor's voice echoed in the palace.

Majestic, shining like the scorching sun!


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