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Chapter 954


Wu Luo thought of Lin Jun.

When she went to Ningxing to get married, she had heard of Lin Jun and even met him once.

That time was when Lin Jun returned from conquering the Shegu people. Unlike those triumphant generals, Lin Jun looked particularly calm, even indifferent.

Later, Wu Luo heard that Lin Jun was the most valued nephew of Left Prime Minister Lin Ya, more important than his son.

Lin Jun also lived up to his expectations, conquering the east and west and winning every battle.

This famous Liao general was stationed in Taizhou with the intention of confronting Yang Xuan.

Don't underestimate the enemy!

However, it seems that Yang Xuan has never been seen underestimating his enemy. This man is extremely cautious... Wu Luo resigned.

Yang Xuan said to Zhou Ning: "From today on, you can put aside the big and small matters at home, and Yi Niang and Aunt Guan will take over."

"Okay!" Zhou Ning smiled.

Yang Xuan picked up his son with one hand and threw it outside the door, "Don't disturb your mother, just go and play by yourself!"

This is the power of the male host, who sets the tone of the prenatal period with just one word.

At home, when his wife is healthy both physically and mentally, he does not interfere with family affairs.

When he walked out of the house, he became the Lord of Northern Territory, and his gentle eyes turned cold in an instant.

"Who is coming?" Because the distance was relatively close, Yang Xuan chose to walk.

He Lianyan followed beside him and said, "The person here is called Shen Changhe, and he is Lin Jun's staff."

"Is there any latest news about Lin Jun?" Yang Xuan asked.

This time it was He Lianrong's turn to step forward. He said: "Lin Jun is sharp in military tactics but calm. He is the most valued by Lin Ya. This person is low-key and doesn't like to have fun..."

Low-key, calm, with sharp eyes, he likes to speculate on his opponents indifferently and sarcastically... Through He Lianrong's description, Yang Xuan got such an impression.

"Lin Jun keeps a low profile. Many times it is Shen Changhe who comes out to greet people..."

Yang Xuan nodded, "Not bad."

"The Duke has given me the award." He Lianrong smiled, then was startled.

After being praised, I was so happy.

Yang Xuan arrived at the Jiedushi Mansion, and Shen Changhe was observing the architecture of the Jiedushi Mansion.

Simple and simple, with no trace of luxury in sight.

Officials were rushing to and fro, and no sign of slackness could be seen.

There was no sign of anxiety or impatience among the officials.

A majestic yet amiable character makes the image come to life spontaneously.

"The Duke."

"I've met the Duke."

Shen Changhe turned around and saw Yang Xuan slowly approaching surrounded by people.

When he was in Neizhou, he had seen Yang Xuan on the battlefield, but at that time Yang Xuan was wearing armor and there were many people around, so he couldn't see it clearly.

As expected, he was very kind.

Yang Xuan nodded slightly to the officials and looked at Shen Changhe.

"Shen Changhe, I have met the Duke." Shen Changhe saluted.

Yang Xuan looked at him, "Neizhou is under siege, but Lin Jun is leading the army on the outside, trying to sneak attack at the critical moment. After the defeat, he took advantage of the situation to capture Taizhou. I have always wanted to ask, is he here to reinforce Neizhou, or is he just pretending to be there?"

Dao destroys Tai?"

After the battle in Neizhou, Yang Xuan discovered a lot of doubts after reviewing the battle. For example, Lin Jun's reinforcements seemed to be treating Neizhou as cannon fodder.

This idea became even stronger when it was later learned that Xiao Hongde had betrayed Lin Ya.

Clarifying this matter will be of great help in understanding Lin Jun.

So as soon as they met, Yang Xuan tried it out.

He actually knew that it was probably a fraud... Shen Changhe was stunned, "Why did the Duke say this?"

This person is quite cunning... Yang Xuan said: "If you are shocked and laugh it off, I will definitely feel that this judgment is wrong. Why do you say this? It means there is no silver here."

As expected, he was persevering... Shen Changhe smiled and said, "I can't understand what the Duke said."

It's true or false. Just guess if you have the ability.

He is a competent staff member.

"What did Lin Jun ask you to do?" Yang Xuan asked.

Shen Changhe said: "Since the Duke took charge of northern Xinjiang, the two sides have been fighting endlessly. When you come here, you can't bear to see the people displaced."

The weasel sheds tears for the chicken!

"The envoy said that the Liao Dynasty frequently invaded northern Xinjiang in the past, which was the cause of the disaster. After the envoy took charge of Taizhou, he strictly ordered his subordinates not to provoke..."

This is singing a song of peace... Yang Xuan found it funny, "Does Lin mean that the two sides will coexist peacefully from now on?"

"That's right." Shen Changhe said with a smile: "After all, Chang'an is very windy!"

Chang'an is suppressing northern Xinjiang, why are you fussing over it?

"You want me to turn the blade of the knife and attack Chang'an?" Yang Xuan smiled a little contemptuously, "If you are here just for this, then go back and tell Lin Jun that a three-year-old child can do such a clumsy trick."

Shen Changhe saluted, "I am rude."

Yang Xuan nodded. "You are rude."

Shen Changhe was stunned.

Han Ji said coldly: "Who gave you the courage to test the Duke? Lin Jun or He Lianchun!"

The two counselors looked at each other.

"I haven't asked for advice yet..."

"Han Ji!"

"I'm offended." Shen Changhe saluted again, "Your Majesty ordered me to come here to redeem those prisoners."

"Spring has begun, and roads are being built." Yang Xuan left these words and walked into the check-in room.

What does this mean?

Shen Changhe was really shocked this time.

When he saw Han Ji coming up, he realized that Yang Xuan felt that he was not qualified to deal with him. Counselor, then deal with the counselor!

The previous temptation was a literati routine, and Shen Changhe didn't think there was anything wrong with it. But now that he thought about it carefully, he found that he had overlooked something.

What he faced was not an official or a general, but Yang Xuan, who was almost the head of a country.

Even Lin Ya is not as handsome as Yang Xuan... When the emperor is here and the eldest princess is here, he can only bow his head and bow his head.

However, Yang Xuan was different. He immediately fell out with Chang'an and killed the emperor's envoy whenever he asked.

This kind of people are straightforward in doing things, no matter how fancy they are or what tricks they play...

Han Ji smiled and said: "With these fancy things, when the Duke is happy, he will play with you. When he is unhappy, he will come and go wherever he wants."

The Duke of Guo thinks you are a source of fun, so he will play with you.

Now the Duke thinks you are very boring, so let’s play with me!

There was not a single bad word, but it conveyed the domineering power of the Lord of Northern Territory to the fullest.

You shouldn't use tricks to test... That regret immediately dissipated. Shen Changhe smiled and said: "What you mean is that Chang'an suppresses Northern Xinjiang and Ningxing suppresses Taizhou. Both sides are in the same boat, so why bother making wedding dresses for others?"

They are both traitors, but the lord is the master of the Tang Dynasty with upright roots, and Lin Jun is just the nephew of the traitor. Is he worthy of being compared with the lord?

Han Ji felt contempt in his heart and asked, "Do you have any suggestions, Commander Lin?"

Jianyan, this is treating Lin Jun as Yang Xuan's subordinate.

Sharp fangs... Shen Changhe said: "The envoy has said that he is willing to restrain the scouts and knights under his command."

This is a good-faith step.

"Restraint?" Han Ji thought carefully, "It's easy to say."

"Then, this is the first step. From now on, envoys will have more frequent exchanges to communicate with both sides..."

Han Ji didn't listen at all to what was said below.

No brainer.

Restraining scouts and rangers is still a chore!

After Shen Changhe finished speaking, Han Ji nodded, "I will ask the Duke for instructions on this matter."


Shen Changhe didn't even have the chance to see Yang Xuan.

He smiled and said, "Please do."

Han Ji went in and Yang Xuan was reading documents.

The document was talking about the Fengzhou Iron Mine. Because Chang'an had cut off the supply of iron ore, the Jiedushi government requested the Fengzhou Iron Mine to expand its production.

In the document, the iron ore industry is crying out for poverty, asking for money, food, and manpower.

Yang Xuan's comment: Verify the money and food, and give it. Verify it manually, and report it.

Money and food should be given, and as for manpower, Liu Qing said that in the beginning of spring, people will be needed everywhere in northern Xinjiang.

"Mr. Lang."


Yang Xuan didn't look up.

Han Ji said: "Shen Changhe said that he is willing to restrain the scouts and rangers and not attack or harass the other party."

"It's a tactic to delay the attack, or to paralyze." Yang Xuan looked at the document and suddenly thought of something.

The Wang family has mines in northern Xinjiang. If they can buy the ore, the problem will naturally be solved.

But if he opens his mouth, he will inevitably be suspected of bowing to the Wang family.

Moreover, if Wang uses this to seek something...

Yang Xuan suddenly smiled, feeling that he had thought too much.

When he reaches his position, he can't help but think about the complex aspects of everything, and the darkness of human nature.

It’s not easy to have a big family and a big business!

"Then let's..." Han Ji said: "Is it just a lie? Or..."

Yang Xuan raised his head and said, "Bei Liao has invaded the Central Plains for many years. Did the Central Plains send fewer envoys in those years? Did Bei Liao agree? The more I prayed, the more rampant they became. He can stop if he wants, who will give him the face?

When you have no strength, your kindness to others will be considered as flattering by others!

It’s more powerful to speak with your fists!”


Han Ji smiled.

This is his lord!

Those officials and generals who are full of worries and look forward and backward when doing things are nothing more than household dogs.

Yang Xuan raised his hand and Han Ji stopped.

"Lin Jun's move does not care about the two possibilities I mentioned. It is a delaying strategy, so it means that his foothold in Taizhou is not stable. Paralysis, this is an arrogant enemy. An arrogant enemy is nothing more than wanting to make a surprise attack... tell Zhen Siwen."

Jiang Heer started recording.

"Keep an eye on Taizhou and don't be careless. Again, the scouts and rangers will go out when they need to. If people need to be killed, keep killing them."


Han Ji asked: "In this case, I will reject him."

"Why refuse?"

Yang Xuan took the order recorded by Jiang He'er, signed it, raised his head and said, "Tell him, I deeply admire Lin Shijun and other peace envoys. The scouts and rangers in Neizhou will naturally treat each other with courtesy."


Yang Xuan continued: "Tell Zhen Siwen, go ahead and kill!"


This is not serious at all.

Han Ji went out and said, "The Duke said that he admires Lin Shijun and other peace envoys, and he wishes he could have a good time over wine. From now on, the scouts and knights in Northern Xinjiang should treat each other with courtesy."

Shen Changhe smiled and said, "That's good."

Naturally, such an agreement cannot be implemented in writing, that is, it is an oral contract.

Shen Changhe was taken to the post house to stay. After he settled in, his entourage checked, "No one is there."

Shen Changhe sat down and stretched out his legs comfortably.

The entourage said: "This time Yang Xuan can agree to this matter, which can be regarded as a gain."

Shen Changhe shook his head, "Yang Xuan is a ruthless person, and verbal promises are not reliable."


Shen Changhe smacked his thigh, "Your Majesty wants me to see what Yang Xuan is like and what Taoxian is like."

"A few years ago, the army conquered Northern Xinjiang, and I followed them here. At that time, the area between Northern Xinjiang and Neizhou was deserted, and the weeds grew taller than people. But now that wilderness has become fertile farmland. To be honest, the Central Plains people The ability of the earth is indeed the best in the world." The follower sighed a little.

"This is also where the countries are afraid of the people from the Central Plains." Shen Changhe said: "As long as they are given a chance, they can quickly become stronger when they turn around. This is true for the Chen State, and the same is true for the Tang Dynasty."

"Mr. Shen, do you want to say Yang Xuan?" the attendant asked.

Shen Changhe nodded, "Yang Xuan was originally just a county magistrate, but he was in charge of the place of exile, the city of sin. After blocking the horse thieves, Taiping developed."

"At that time, the emperor was the governor of Tanzhou!"

"Do you think the emperor has no regrets?" Shen Changhe said contemptuously: "If the emperor could have taken action at that time, the small Taiping County could have been destroyed. But he only raised the bandits to respect themselves. Fortunately, now, the original county magistrate has become Great enemy of Liao."

"When I met Yang Xuan today, I felt that this man was very majestic and full of confidence." The attendant thought for a while, "He looks like a hero, but he is not as fierce as a hero."

"His poetic talent is peerless. Anyone with peerless poetic talent can be said not to be gentle and elegant, but also look fierce." Shen Changhe smiled. "Ningxing sent Eagle Guards over there. They provoked the emperor several times and caused dissatisfaction. Those people jumped out. Your Majesty needs time to deal with these people, so let us come to Tao County."

"A delaying strategy."

"Also, proud enemy!"

Shen Changhe felt that it was a good thing to reach a verbal agreement, so he spent the remaining few days wandering around Taoxian County.

Jin Yiwei's people kept following him and found nothing fishy.

"I just wander around, occasionally buy some things, and talk to the people mostly about taxes and the like."

Helianyan said.

"Just send out a few spies at will for this test, no need to worry about it."

The work of recruiting warriors has been going very smoothly these days. Yang Xuan goes to see it every day. No, he has just changed his clothes and is ready to go.

"Follow me and take a look."


He Lianyan followed him, and after leaving the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion, he saw the excitement outside and asked Jiang He'er, "He'er didn't want to go shopping?"

Jiang Heer shook his head, "A lot has happened these days."

Yang Xuan said casually: "Can I get you a helper?"

"No!" Jiang He'er said subconsciously.

There are many people gathered outside the city now, and the selection of warriors is in progress.


Dozens of people started running around the venue.

Yang Xuan's arrival made everyone cheer.

Jielong is here.

"Mr. Lang, Zhen Siwen accepted the order and said that he will not disappoint the Duke!"

Yang Xuan nodded, "I'm looking forward to it!"

On the second day, Shen Changhe came to say goodbye.

"Celebrate the New Year with peace!" he said sincerely.

Yang Xuan nodded, "Tell Ambassador Lin that I have prepared fine wine in Taoxian County, waiting for him to taste it."


Shen Changhe resigned.

After going out, the entourage said: "From now on, our scouts will not be able to do whatever they want?"

"After surviving the envoy's suppression of those idiots, let Northern Xinjiang know what blood is!"

Shen Changhe smiled and was gentle and elegant.

"Yang Xuan is too arrogant. The Central Plains have always liked to restrain themselves. How stupid!"


Two hundred Taizhou scouts walked slowly.

Spring is here, and occasionally you can see some green, which is refreshing.

"Be careful!"

The old soldier among the scouts said: "This kind of terrain is easy to ambush."

"As mentioned above, there is no need to worry about Neizhou scouts recently."


"Even if it is a verbal agreement, Zhen Siwen does not dare to attack us for the sake of Yang Gou's face."

On the hill on the side, a horse rode slowly up.

Zhen Siwen pointed at the scouts and said, "Look, they are unguarded, which shows that they are confident."

Immediately, the general came up and said, "After all, the Duke has promised, sir, should we take action..."

Zhen Siwen raised his hand.

The crowd of hundreds of horses swarmed up the mountain.

Everyone is wearing the armor of a horse thief.

The scout was startled, "Enemy attack!"

Zhen Siwen waved his hand, "The Duke has said that he will attack Bei Liao, but Lin Jun said peace means peace? I'm paralyzing you!"

(End of chapter)

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