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Chapter 973 Is it so unbearable?

The war has begun.

The most cunning people in the world are probably businessmen.

Just after Bei Xinjiang shouted the slogan of spring and march northward, merchants from Bei Liao on the side of Bei Xinjiang were almost like-minded and stocking up on goods.

"Shopkeeper, why are you hoarding goods?"

"Idiot, once the war starts, trade will be cut off. When the fighting is over, how big of a deal will it be?"

"But...but what if I was robbed?"

"Who dares to rob us?"

"Northern Xinjiang Army."

"Fart! Duke Qin said that merchants are friends of Northern Xinjiang. Since he came to power, have you ever heard of any merchant being robbed?"

"What about the army in Daliao?"

"Da Liao's army is indeed capable of plundering, but now that the Duke of Qin has sent troops, they have no intention of plundering. It's important to save their lives!"

This is a caravan, with dozens of large vehicles stretching along the official road.

The shopkeeper was very impressed by what he said.

"Learn more!"

The shopkeeper felt secretly happy.


The sound of horse hooves came from behind.

"It's an army!"

The guy behind shouted.

The shopkeeper looked pale and said, "Pull it down, pull it down!"

The guys panicked and drove the cart down the official road.

Then the cavalry came.

Bursts, gusts... The wind that rolled up was frightening.

The shopkeeper looked to the left and couldn't see the edge at a glance.

He saw the big flag.

"It's Lin Shijun."

The shopkeeper knelt down and shouted: "Lin Shijun is mighty!"

Lin Jun on horseback glanced at him and said to Shen Changhe: "The distance is getting closer and closer. There are more and more scouts from the Northern Xinjiang Army. Old Shen, go and have a look."

Shen Changhe waved his whip, and the horses rushed out of the central army and galloped forward.

"Ask the scout!"

Shen Changhe said.

A group of scouts who had just returned were brought over.

"The scouts of the Northern Xinjiang Army are very fierce. No matter how many of us they encounter, they will charge and kill them first."

"High morale?"

"Yes! It's outrageously high."

"The one who comes must be a general."

At this time, someone from the front shouted, "The Tang Army scouts are coming!"

Shen Changhe looked up and saw a group of cavalry appearing in the distance.

"Deport!" a general shouted.

A group of cavalry came to meet them here.

"The Northern Xinjiang Army has arrived with more than a thousand cavalry!"

Shen Changhe sneered, "This is Youqi."

Lin Jun of the Chinese army also saw the cavalry, "Before the battle, you have to seize the opportunity first, even if you kill a chicken with a bull's-eye, attack!"


Following his order, a group of cavalry was detached from each side and outflanked them.

The cavalry in the middle began to accelerate.

Ahead, the two sides came into contact.

I saw flags waving, swords and guns dancing, and people falling from their horses from time to time.

Someone was screaming, but nothing could be heard.

Some people actually fled.

Lin Jun said: "Kill."

A group of cavalry rushed out behind him. After catching up, they strangled the dozen or so fleeing cavalry.

Come back immediately.

"Why did you flee?" Lin Jun asked.

"They said, here is... Wang Laoer!"

Heads were flying, and Wang Laoer shouted happily.

"Nine, ten..."

Lin Jun reined in his horse and looked into the distance.

Shen Changhe rode back. "Your Majesty, this is Wang Laoer."

"Yang Xuan will order Wang Laoer to lead the scouts to attack every battle to frighten the opponent. When Wang Laoer comes, who will follow?"

"Your Majesty, maybe it will be Yang Xuan."

"Yang Xuan is faced with two choices at this moment, whether to stay in Kunzhou and cut through the city with a sharp sword, or to order his generals to attack the city and intercept my Taizhou reinforcements."

Lin Jun thought.

Ahead, Wang Laoer shouted: "Withdraw!"

The enemy cavalry on both sides are almost outflanking them. If they don't move, they won't have to leave.

"Come on!"

Just go!

Wang Laoer did not forget to turn around and wave. If the old thief were here, he would definitely say that he looked like a brothel madam soliciting customers.

The outflank failed, and Lin Jun ordered the cavalry on both wings to return to the formation.

"The arrival of Wang Lao Er shows that the situation in Kunzhou has changed, but it does not rule out that Yang Xuan is playing tricks. Between the two..."

Choosing is the hardest.

The so-called art of war is to judge the opponent's thinking without meeting the opponent, and then make the optimal response.

Lin Jun was silent.

The army was still marching, and every cavalryman would look at him as he passed by.

Facing this famous Daliao general, they looked at him with reverence.

When the reputation of the Shegu people was frightening, Lin Jun, an unknown person, quietly came to the north.

Defeat the arrogant Shegu people in one battle.

The second battle, the third battle... the invincible Shegu people suffered a bloody blow here.

Three battles and three victories.

But then Ning Xing's transfer order came and ordered him to go to Tanzhou.

Everyone in the army knew that this was the emperor's method.

If Lin Jun is allowed to continue fighting, Lin Ya's prestige will become even higher.

Tanzhou, a place where even Yang Xuan refused to take a second look, what could such a famous general with outstanding achievements do?

What should the Shegu people do?

Under political calculation, there is never any overall situation.

Lin Jun didn't resist, which gave him a lot of points.

When he arrived in Tanzhou, the crowd that greeted him could not be seen beyond.

An old man came over with a drink and said in a trembling voice: "The soldiers and people of Tanzhou have been suffering for a long time. When you come, we will be like dew after a long drought!"

"Get ready to fight!"

Lin Jun nodded back at those respectful glances.

"Who could it be?"

Shen Changhe has already played the role of a staff member and analyzed them one by one.

"There are not many generals under Yang Xuan who can stand alone, and Jiang Cunzhong is one of them. Jiang Cunzhong is a veteran general in Northern Xinjiang. He has many tricks and strategies. It turns out that he was Yang Xuan's subordinate. The second one is Nan He, and Nan He is Yang Xuan's confidants have been following him since Taiping to Taoxian."

"Jiang Cunzhong is facing a difficult situation, and those methods cannot escape your eyes."

"There is not much information about Nan He. I only know that this person is one of Yang Xuan's eyes in the army. He is very loyal, but not much is known about his ability to command and fight."

"The last one is called Zhou Jian. He is a little-known person. The final battle to conquer Neizhou was commanded by him, which is interesting."

Lin Jun said: "No matter who it is, I am the main one."

"Enemy Scout."

shouted from the front.

"There are more and more scouts from the Northern Xinjiang Army, expel them."

Lin Jun galloped out and said, "Follow me."

Behind him, thousands of cavalry followed him closely.

Ahead, hundreds of Northern Xinjiang Army scouts were strangling the rangers here.

The number of Northern Xinjiang Army scouts was obviously much smaller, but they refused to retreat.


Lin Jun was also moved by it.

"I estimate that the other party is not far away, so let's use them for surgery."

Lin Jun waved his hand, and the cavalry swarmed out from behind.

"Cao Ni Ma, how many people are there?"

The general of the Northern Xinjiang Army on the opposite side cursed.

“It’s great when there are so many people!”

The Beiliao general here smiled ferociously, "Surround them."


The Northern Xinjiang Army scouts began to withdraw, but they were hotly pursued here.

Lin Jun came up.

"Your Majesty!"

The soldiers cheered.

In front, the Northern Liao cavalry were chasing the Northern Xinjiang Army scouts like hunters.

"Look, does it look like a panicked dog?"

The general of the Bei Liao Dynasty liked to be arty and elegant. He felt that he had found the feeling of composing poetry. He just held back half a sentence...

The Northern Xinjiang Army scouts in front reined in their horses and turned around in a circle.

"What a courage!"

The Northern Liao general's poetry was interrupted and he was furious!


"Shouting the soul!"


"I'm calling you mother!"


The general slowly raised his head.

A flash of black emerged from the sky.

Countless black spots are vying to beat at the end of the sky.

Then, it spread forward piece by piece.

The sun shines on that black patch, reflecting patches of light.

"It's the Northern Xinjiang Army!"

someone shouted.

The general's enthusiasm for poetry had long since dissipated, and he shouted: "Withdraw! Withdraw!"

The scouts were in hot pursuit.

Kill lone enemy troops along the way.

This is how things change.

"Your Majesty, we found the Northern Xinjiang Army's troops!"

The scout fled back in embarrassment.

Lin Jun reined in his horse and looked into the distance with squinted eyes.

"Tens of thousands!"

“There’s more to come!”

"This is Yang Gou's main force."

"They are here to intercept our army!"

The Northern Xinjiang Army scouts were provoking on the outside.

"Form up!" Lin Jun simply ordered.

Groups of cavalry began to form and move closer.

"Inform the baggage, stop and be cautious."


The team of scouts was showing off their skills, dragging the corpses of enemy soldiers back and forth in front of the array.

"Get away!"

someone shouted.

A group of cavalry rushed out.

The scout quickly ran away.

"Like a dog, hahahaha!"

The Northern Liao army couldn't help but laugh when they saw how embarrassed they were fleeing.

Ahead, a swarm of cavalry was approaching.

A big flag was raised fiercely.

As if someone was strangling her throat, her laughter stopped abruptly.

"Yang Ziqi!"

The flag waved.

"The Duke orders, stop!"

Thirty thousand cavalry reined in their horses.

The war horse neighed softly, and the cavalry on the horse was silent.

Opposite me, Lin Jun smiled and said: "I have always been worried that it was Nan He or Jiang Cunzhong who came, but I didn't expect it was him. I have been looking forward to this battle for a long time, okay!"

He rode his horse to the front of the formation and looked carefully at the military formation opposite.

"The formation is neat and the morale is high. This person is commanding the army well!"

Lin Jun nodded and said to Shen Changhe: "His coming here means that Yangcheng is indeed lost. Kunzhou will no longer be able to contain his main force. With 30,000 horses, I conclude that this is his main force for this expedition. He left behind

I am looking forward to it when I attack Kunzhou and lead my own cavalry to intercept our army. I think so is he."

Shen Changhe said: "The two armies are evenly matched in this battle. Yang Xuan is good at ambush, but there is no cover here, so his methods are useless."

"Don't underestimate him. It's not that he is good at ambush, but the opponents he encountered in the past were very stupid, so he succeeded many times."

Lin Jun smiled and said: "He needs a rest, and our army also needs a rest..."

Shen Changhe said: "Eat some solid food!"

"Step by step?" Lin Jun shook his head, "Get ready..."

Shen Changhe was startled.

The two sides have almost the same number of troops. At this time, following the steps is not conservative, but a fight for strength.

Lin Jun actually wanted to have a confrontation.

He suddenly slapped his forehead.

"This is how you took the lead!"

What are the rules? There are no rules here in Lin Jun.

If I want to attack, even if the front is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, my subordinates will have to rush forward without hesitation.

He turned his horse around.

"Do you have confidence?"

With four simple words, Lin Jun asked calmly.

"Must win!"

Thirty thousand cavalrymen burst into shouts.

It's like a mountain falling apart.

"The voice is not small."

Yang Xuan picked his ears and said, "Observe our army's formation first. If you want to attack without taking a rest, you are taking an unusual path!"

The old thief said: "My lord, this man is trying to boost morale."

"The Northern Liao Army is facing a losing streak against me. He doesn't boost morale and his subordinates have low morale. How can they fight?"

Jiang He'er said: "My lord, it's time for us to respond."

He Lianrong's face was solemn and he said, "My lord, this man does not have a false reputation."

"It's rare to meet an opponent like this, I'm very happy!"

Yang Xuan lightly kicked the horse's belly, causing the horse to move slowly.

He walked slowly in the passage between the arrays.

until before the array.

The horse turned around.


Then raise your hands.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

Yang Xuan rode into the formation and shouted: "We, the Northern Xinjiang Army..."

Each arm is raised high.


"We, the Northern Xinjiang Army..."


"We, the Northern Xinjiang Army..." Yang Xuan hissed.

Thirty thousand soldiers shouted.


Yang Xuan returned to the Chinese army.

Looking at the other side, "Old thief."


"You lead the left wing!"

"Take orders."



"You lead the right wing."

"Take orders!"

The army was instantly in order.

Yang Xuan looked across.

Lin Jun has returned to the Chinese Army.

"Left wing!"

On the opposite side, Yang Xuan said: "Let the old thief attack!"

As soon as the old thief took his place, he received the order.

"The Duke ordered me to attack with the left wing!"

The old thief's blood was rushing all over his body.



The Northern Xinjiang Army took the lead in launching the attack.

Opposite, Shen Changhe was stunned, "Their left wing took the lead."

Lin Jun nodded, "The terrain on the left wing of the Northern Xinjiang Army is somewhat undulating, which is not conducive to mobilization and assembly. I originally wanted to attack his right wing, mobilize his center army, and then attack violently with the right wing. Unexpectedly, he took the lead in responding. Since

If it’s not easy to defend, then I’ll attack. It’s such a joy to have such an opponent!”

Shen Changhe could not experience that kind of joyful feeling that is hard to find against an opponent. "Your Majesty, do you want to continue the attack on the left wing?"

"Why not?" Lin Jun said: "He hits his, and I hit mine."


The opponent's left wing also moved.

Han Ji smiled and said: "In the past, most of the opponents of the Duke were slow. If nothing else, this famous Northern Liao general was at least determined."

"The Shegu people have an iron will, and those who can defeat them are certainly not cowards!"

The left wing came into contact with the enemy. As soon as they made contact, the Northern Xinjiang Army gained momentum and broke in smoothly.

The Northern Liao Army was obviously a little surprised by the strength of this Northern Xinjiang Army, but they immediately used their reserves to push the Northern Xinjiang Army out, and the two sides fell into a stalemate.

On the right wing, the Northern Liao Army encountered a hail of arrows from the Northern Xinjiang Army.

"There are crossbows when you are far away, and longbows when you are close." Shen Changhe said: "Some people in Ningxing say that Chang'an has cut off all supplies to Northern Xinjiang. It is difficult for Northern Xinjiang to be false. But at this moment, it seems that they are not short of money and have no money."

Lack of iron."

The war is about money, food and population, and it is about overall strength.

And smelting is the key.

Many people in Ningxing believe that even if there is no shortage of food in Northern Xinjiang, there will definitely be a shortage of iron tools.

Some people say that the Wang family has iron ore in northern Xinjiang, but the Eagle Guard spies came with the news that after the ore was mined and smelted, it was sent to Guanzhong.

"Those people underestimated the output of that small iron mine."

Lin Jun shook his head.

Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows.

Under the attack of the Northern Liao Army who sacrificed their lives, a hole appeared on the right wing of the Northern Xinjiang Army.

"Opportunity!" a general said.

Lin Jun said in a deep voice: "Left wing, increase troops!"

Instantly, Shen Changhe seemed to smell the strong smell of blood.

Lin Jun stroked his beard and said calmly: "Yang Xuan, are you so unbearable?"


This chapter has been completed!
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