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Chapter 975

The two armies are fighting for their comprehensive strength.

The bravery of the soldiers, their training, the quality of their weapons, the general's command...

This is the human factor.

The right time, right place and right people are the most important thing.

In commanding, the most important thing is to guess the opponent's arrangement.

Where are your elites?

Finding the enemy's elite is almost half the battle.

During the battle between Northern Xinjiang and Northern Liao, Huang Chunhui successfully hid the Xuanjia Cavalry and dealt a heavy blow to his opponent in the end, winning the final victory.

In this battle, both Yang Xuan and Lin Jun used many methods to confuse their opponents so that they could not guess where their main force was.

Only in this way can a general attack be launched at the end.

Catch the enemy by surprise and attack them unprepared!

This is the eternal way to win.

Lin Jun took action.

It wasn't that he couldn't help it, but that he felt the opportunity had come.

The left wing of the Northern Xinjiang Army was fiercely attacking his right wing. The veteran's deployment of troops and generals was quite satisfactory. There were no loopholes, but he couldn't find anything that stood out.

This is a mediocre general.

Lin Jun gave this evaluation.

Then, he waved his hand.

"Right wing assault! Give it to me and defeat the enemy in one battle!"

His elite troops were placed on the right wing, holding back and waiting for the Northern Xinjiang Army to reveal its flaws.

As expected, Yang Xuan mobilized two thousand cavalry to the left wing to increase the intensity of the attack.

The two thousand cavalry were naturally a little less, but then Yang Xuan remained motionless.

Lin Jun knew that if this continued, Yang Xuan would drag his army with him and entangle him all the way. Either Sang Yuanxing would go out of the city to attack, or force Lin Jun to evacuate, or go and make peace with Sang Yuanxing.

Evacuation is not allowed, otherwise there will be no explanation.

The idea of ​​reuniting with Sang Yuanxing almost crossed his mind before Lin Jun put it out.

What he hates most is being beaten passively.

Therefore, if the opportunity does not come, then I will create the opportunity.

The flag waved.

The right wing cheered, and then dodged the passage. At the end of the passage, a group of heavily armored cavalry was accelerating.


With the acumen of a tomb robber, the old thief sensed the approaching crisis.

He knew he couldn't retreat.

Once they retreat, the entire army will collapse.

"Prepare to attack!"

The old thief gritted his teeth and shouted.

It is useless to sit back and wait for death while being attacked by the enemy's heavy cavalry.

He thought about his experience when he met more than ten fellow tomb robbers who wanted to take advantage of them.

That time he didn't run away, but rushed over with the sword that the nobleman was buried with.

As a result, those colleagues got timid and turned around and ran away. He killed three of them and stayed with the noble man to spend the endless night.

Therefore, when faced with a crisis, he chose to fight back just like he did back then.

He glanced back.

The banner remains the same, and under the banner, Yang Guogong remains as calm as ever.

"The Duke is watching us!"

The old thief roared, "For the sake of the Duke!"

Countless soldiers put aside their frustration and fear and shouted: "For the sake of the country!"

In the middle army, Yang Xuan said: "Right wing! This old silver coin!"

King Yong looked slightly cold, "What a Lin Jun!"

He witnessed the entire battle and thought of the absurdity of public opinion in Chang'an.

——Bei Liao is no match for me, otherwise how could I have been defeated repeatedly by Bei Xinjiang? If I had replaced you, I would definitely be able to defeat Ningxing.

At this moment, he just wants to drag those people here so that he can have a good look at his opponents.

The horse trampled Ning Xing, fearing that he would be killed before he even got on the horse.

But what to do now?

Once the left wing collapses, the overall situation will be irreversible.


"I'm watching his response, right wing?" Lin Jun smiled, "If his elite is also hidden on the right wing, then after this battle, I really want to have a drink with him."

Is there any better feeling than connecting with your opponent heart to heart?

Defeating such an opponent is like drinking fine wine, getting drunk and hearty.

When the Northern Liao Dynasty was strong, a famous general led an army to attack Chen Guo. He defeated Chen Guoyi in a battle and became a famous general in Qiancheng. The battle was so hearty that after the final victory, the famous Northern Liao general actually chose to become an official.

He said that no matter how interesting the subsequent battles were, the battles in this life would probably not be interesting either.

So, why are you still in the army?

It’s better to go back!

However, the right wing of the Northern Xinjiang Army did not move and did not launch a counterattack.


Shen Changhe wanted to yell.

"The enemy's army is in the middle!"

someone shouted.

The Chinese military flag waved.

Yang Guogong smiled and said: "Zhang Du!"


Behind him, a warrior put on his helmet.

"Don't worry about the left wing, I want you to attack the enemy's flag directly!"

"Take orders!"

Zhang Du raised the spear in his hand.

Behind him, rows of cavalry avoided him.

At the end of the passage, three thousand cavalry wearing black armor were waiting.

In order to transport the black armor of these three thousand cavalry, Yang Xuanduo brought thousands of good horses.


Yang Xuan waved.

"The Duke ordered, Black Armor Cavalry, attack!"

Three thousand black armored cavalry rumbled into action.

Yang Xuan smiled and said, "My sons, the whole army is ready to attack!"

The flag waved.

All armies are responding to the flag.

"The Duke of Guo ordered the entire army to attack!"

"The Duke ordered the entire army to attack..."

On the left wing, the old thief who was in danger under the impact of the enemy's heavy cavalry roared: "Counterattack! Counterattack!"

A counterattack is naturally impossible to succeed, but he only needs to use this momentum to suppress the enemy's momentum. It only takes a moment, and it is enough!

Buy time for the Chinese army to defeat the enemy.

This is strategy!

The old thief studied the art of war diligently and learned a lot from his boss, and today he finally shines.

On the right, Tu Shang shouted: "Counterattack!"

Wang Laoer led the people up.

A familiar shout came.


The army in the middle was mobilized in full force, leaving only a hundred guards around Yang Xuan.

There are no reserve teams left.

Lao Tzu Stud!

Do you dare?

Yang Xuan looked at the big flag opposite and said, "How good are you? Come, let's check it out."

At this moment, Yang Xuan's eyes were stern, as if a tiger was overlooking its prey.


Qian Xiang trembled all over and whispered: "Your Majesty, this is the unparalleled warrior!"

It seemed normal to confront the enemy calmly and calmly, but when the decisive battle came, Yang Xuan showed strong self-confidence and belief in victory, which moved Qian Xiang.

Moreover, Yang Xuan governed well, and gradually transformed the dilapidated northern Xinjiang into Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall.

If such an unparalleled warrior can become the support of King Yong, there is great hope of counterattacking the false emperor!

King Yong's eyes were filled with brilliance and he said softly: "Aye, I have met a great talent!"

This great man was talented in both civil and military affairs, and he was extremely disdainful of the false emperor.

He holds the powerful troops in Northern Xinjiang, and if his command is determined, given time, he will definitely be able to gather the strength of Northern Xinjiang and launch a counterattack.

He was tempted.

Originally it was not him but King Zhen who was leaving Chang'an this time, but King Zhen said he was not feeling well and could not go.

He understood King Zhen's thoughts - the false emperor was suspicious of King Zhen. If King Zhen came to northern Xinjiang and the battle went smoothly, the possibility of dying of illness after returning to Chang'an would greatly increase.

But he is different, everyone knows that King Yong is a pile of mud, the kind who cannot hold up the wall.

When he comes, he treats it as a trip and an advertisement for the false emperor - how do I treat my cousins? Be kind, right?

The pseudo-emperors in the past did not have this need, so they were imprisoned, so what?

I can even rob my daughter-in-law, let alone imprison several nephews.

But things are different now.

As he got older, the clamor in the court for establishing a crown prince became louder year by year.

He dragged it on for a long time, and some officials asked him if the mountain collapsed, who would succeed him?

These words are treasonous, but impeccable... I am loyal to the Tang Dynasty, and I am worried about the foundation of the country!

Public opinion gradually moved in another direction.

The two princes, King Yue and King Wei, kept each other in check in Chang'an, which indeed allowed him to live in peace for a while.

But what followed was the worry of the officials.

When you are old, find yourself an heir!

Li Bi was angry and simply pulled King Yong out.

There is a reason for this. When Li Yuan was the crown prince, he once said something, which roughly means that I am a filial brother, but it is a pity that I have a misunderstanding with Ye Niang. When I get old in the future, I will let my brother’s descendants do it for me.


These words were meant to offend the Emperor Wu, almost to the point of deceiving him. But when he said them, he was just saying it in a colorful way, so no one could find fault with him.

At that time, Emperor Wu was at a time when his eldest son was unjustly killed by his two sons and Emperor Xuande was seriously ill, so he just smiled.

How scheming she was to regard these words as Li Yuan's comfort.

But her will is stronger than countless men, and she doesn't need anyone's comfort.

Emperor Wu didn't care, but his words came out.


The prince said that in a hundred years he would let his descendants who respect the emperor succeed him?

Then laughed it off.

Naturally, no one took these words seriously, even the stupid Baitian knew it was a lie.

But I can’t stand the emperor’s golden words!

No, this time the emperor ordered King Yong to come to northern Xinjiang to supervise the army, which immediately caused an earthquake in Chang'an City.

Many people were guessing what the emperor meant, but they couldn't figure it out.

The only thing that is known is that the emperor has no brotherly feelings towards his two cousins.

But I can’t stand his shamelessness!

It is said that the father-in-law even scolded his mother, which shows that he was annoyed.

The King of Yue claimed to be ill and squatted at home for a long time. It is said that he only smiled bitterly the whole day.

When he encounters such a father, he can only smile bitterly, otherwise, he will be killed next.

Only in the Huang family's blacksmith shop in a small alley, the rhythm of the sound of forging seems to be eternal, leisurely and calm.

As soon as King Yong came out, Chang'an was shaken.

King Yong knew that he had become a thorn in the eyes of many people, so this trip must be fruitful in order to live up to his adventure.


He found a gem.

If you can win over, this is not a gain.


Gold mine!

He was on the horse, watching Yang Xuan's command the whole time.

There is nothing pretentious about being profound, and it is even a little simple, making people feel that fighting is nothing more than this, and famous generals are nothing more than this.

But when the trump card was revealed, King Yong knew it.

It turns out that the so-called famous generals are those who have prepared various means and responses without moving their expressions.

This is so girly!

After being imprisoned for many years, King Yong had an urge to vent.

However, Yang Xuan glanced at him and asked, "What do you think, Your Majesty?"

How could he respect this king so much?


This is just a customary question to the supervisors to give an explanation to the outside world.

King Yong was instantly ashamed of his escapade and nodded, "What a great achievement, Duke!"

Yang Xuan did not show any arrogance or pride, but looked at his left wing.

"The winner of this battle is on the left wing!"

King Yong said: "The left wing is now in danger..."

Yang Xuan pointed to the left wing, "Only the left wing can block the enemy's attack, and our center can easily defeat the enemy. You see, the enemy's center has not moved. This is a gamble and a battle of momentum."

King Yong understood, "Our left wing is in danger, and the enemy's center is in danger. At this time, let's bet on who can stay calm."

This brother is so smart!

What a pity!

On the left wing, the old thieves are already in action.

He led a group of cavalry to block the enemy's heavy cavalry. Not long after, he was dressed in red, and he didn't know whether it was his own or someone else's.

"Don't take even one step back!"

The old thief roared and was immediately shot in the side by an arrow.

The battlefield became quiet at this moment.

The old thief lowered his head to look at the arrow.

He raised his head and cursed: "Grass mud horse! Kill the enemy!"

The general was not afraid of death, and his subordinates immediately exploded.

The Northern Xinjiang Army fought one after another, desperately trying to stop the enemy.

In the middle, Xuanjia Cavalry has already engaged the enemy.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang...

Amidst the intensive crashes, Zhang Du took the lead and rushed in.

The first wave of Xuanjia Cavalry's offensive was almost unstoppable.

"Your Majesty!"

Shen Changhe frowned, "I'm afraid the Chinese army won't be able to hold them back for long."

"I'm watching!"

Lin Jun stared at the Xuanjia Cavalry, watching their tactics, watching their formation with ease, using their spears to pierce the opponent, then let go, and drew out his horizontal sword to chop.

What’s next?

Lin Jun looked up and saw the light cavalry following behind, constantly expanding the breach from both wings.

The fit is seamless.

"The training is good. In order to achieve such a tacit understanding, it is quite difficult to practice."

"Your Majesty!" Shen Changhe pointed to the right, "The left wing of the Northern Xinjiang Army is in danger."

A group of cavalry had broken through the blockade on the left flank of the Northern Xinjiang Army. The general pointed at Yang Xuan and shouted something.

"The key to this battle lies on the right wing. I am lying on the right wing with my elite troops and waiting to move. I wanted to defeat my opponent in one go, but I didn't expect that person to be quite tenacious. Only a quarter of an hour earlier, the battle was settled. Who is that person? ?”

"Jia Ren! One of Yang Xuan's confidants, known as the old thief."

"Oh! What's your specialty?"

"Said he likes to visit noble people."

Lin Jun was startled, then smiled, "Tell them to withdraw!"

"Retreat!" he added.

There was no gloomy look between his eyebrows, but rather a look of excitement.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, we have not been defeated!"

Lin Jun pointed forward, "Wait a minute and see, what's behind the Three Thousand Black Armor Cavalry?"

Behind the three thousand black armor cavalry are the light cavalry, and behind the light cavalry are... the cavalry who are ready to go, even taking off their armor.

"This is to pursue him lightly. If we don't retreat, we won't have to retreat. We can only fight him desperately."

Lin Jun waved his hand with a cold expression, "Our army is alone outside, with unpredictable surroundings. How can we fight desperately? Withdraw!"

His subordinates felt awe-inspiring.

Clang clang clang!

In the sound of gold, Shen Changhe said: "This battle is actually not lost."

"The Xuanjia cavalry have thick armor. They set off from northern Xinjiang all the way. Our scouts did not find any trace of them. It can be seen that Yang Xuan deliberately planned to catch me off guard."

All those armored clothes walked slowly along with the baggage, and the Xuanjia cavalry pretended to be ordinary cavalry and followed the army.

"In order to transport these armors, Yang Xuan estimated that he lost a lot of horses, but it was all worth it."

From the moment he saw Xuan Jiaqi, Lin Jun knew that there was no chance of winning this battle.

He ordered a retreat without hesitation, which was to stop losses in time.

"The enemy is defeated!"

Yang Xuan smiled, "You don't have to stay behind. The whole army will pursue you. If you encounter enemy forces, take a detour."

"The Duke ordered the whole army to pursue us!"

"Wan Sheng!"

Amid cheers, the Northern Liao army retreated across the board.

The entire Northern Xinjiang Army pursued and killed him.

Not far after the chase, thousands of riders lined up in front, waiting.


Thousands of horsemen with bows and arrows.


Tu Shang led his men around from the right side, while the old thief started from the left side.

However, just by going around like this, the distance widened.

Even so, the combined attack of the two groups, plus the pursuers in the middle, still jointly cut off the tail of the Northern Liao Army.

"Almost three thousand!"

Lin Jun looked back and looked calm.

It was as if the men and horses that were cut off were not his subordinates.

"He actually brought the Black Armor Cavalry!"

A general said sadly and angrily: "Victory cannot be won without force!"

"shut up!"

Lin Jun stopped him and said:

"I lost this battle, and I am convinced!"

The old thief is still hunting.

He was already red-eyed, and he was galloping all the way with the arrow.

"Old thief!"

"Old thief, the Duke has withdrawn his troops!"

Wang Laoer caught up with him and stopped him. When he saw the arrow on his side, he couldn't help but panic.

"What's wrong with you, old thief?"

The old thief gasped, "It doesn't matter if I go into battle injured, why should I fear death?"

Wang Laoer rode his horse over and suddenly stretched out his hand to pull.

The arrow was easily pulled out, and upon closer inspection, there was no blood.

"Old thief, you are taking credit!"

"Fuck! I still want to go down in history!"

Even though he was injured by an arrow, he still won the three armies bravely. What a great gimmick?

"Wan Sheng!"

At this time, cheers came from behind, and the two turned around.

Yang Xuan came on horseback, guarded by more than a hundred guards.

He smiled easily.

"Our army lost three thousand, and the enemy's army was more than five thousand." Tu Shang brought the preliminary results.

"Lin Jun, that's great!" Yang Xuan praised.

King Yong said: "But he was still defeated by the Duke."


This battle was won.

Yang Xuan drew his sword.

Horse galloping.

Along the way, the soldiers raised their weapons and cheered.

"The Duke is mighty!"

"The Duke is mighty!"

"The Duke is mighty!"

Yang Xuan pulled the reins, and the horseman stood up.

He raised his sword high and pointed it forward.

"Wan Sheng!"

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, King Yong said softly: "I am willing to be an envoy."


This chapter has been completed!
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