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Chapter 978 Please remember this day

The five thousand horsemen were still squatting in the wilderness.

The general looked up and looked ahead, "Listen carefully to the sound. We will attack when the horn sounds. Don't delay your meritorious service!"

The deputy general next to him smiled and said: "Lin Shijun is quite a good person."

The general said: "Anyone who can be a famous general is fine. As for his character, to be honest, he was pushed out to Tanzhou, which shows that he is unwilling to join the others. It's a pity."

"Yes! If he hadn't been Lin Ya's nephew, I think His Majesty would have reused him."

"The most important thing in this battle is the surprise troops. He is willing to let us be the surprise troops, which is beyond my expectation. This person has a big reputation! What a pity."

"How about saying something nice to him later?"

"Speaking nice words for him will offend others, so why bother? Once you get the credit, a few words are enough. Do you really want to sing praises for him? When the thunder comes from His Majesty's side, are you willing to bear it?"

The general sighed and suddenly raised his ears, "It seems... the movement has become less?"

The deputy general nodded, "It's too small, but why didn't you send the signal?"

"Is this a confrontation?" Most thoughts flashed through the general's mind.

"Should we wait?"

The general nodded, "Credit is hard to come by, keep waiting!"

The deputy general said: "If we can defeat Yang Dog..."

Far behind them, the old thief raised his long knife.


The rumble of horse hoofs shocked the general from his dream. He looked back and understood everything in an instant.

"This is a trap. Lin Jun, that beast, sold us!"

"Thank you very much, Mr. Lin, for your contribution!"

The Northern Xinjiang Army pursued them all the way, but at this moment they were mainly not chasing and killing, but shouting.

"Mr. Lin, thank you very much!"

"The Duke accepted the contribution of those five thousand riders with a smile."

The fleeing chamberlain sneered, "That's it."

Lin Ya's envoy gritted his teeth and said: "As expected, as the young gentlemen said, this son is so ambitious that he should be punished!"

Lin Yan was able to maintain a stalemate with Helianfeng for many years without falling. Naturally, her methods were extraordinary.

These people are nothing short of heroic.

The hero is saddened by the beauty.

This is about the hero not being able to control his hormones.

A hero is saddened by his children and grandchildren.

After all, Lin Ya is getting older, and when she looks at her children and grandchildren, she always feels soft-hearted.

No, this time he was persuaded by his son to fight for those two big tribes.

One big tribe can pull out five thousand cavalry, and two big tribes...

This is a piece of fat meat.

The emperor naturally refused, and the reason given was that it should be returned to the imperial court.

The so-called DPRK is himself.

In other words, the emperor wanted to take supplements.

If Lin Ya wants to fight for it, she has to give a good reason.

Justifiable reasons.

Naturally, this was not a problem for him, he just started.

——Southern Xinjiang is facing the Northern Xinjiang army and is short of major generals. It is best to recruit the two large tribes to supplement them.

This is a valid reason!

No one can blame you.

Some people say this is empty talk, and give an example... Last time Lin Jun led the Tanzhou Army to rescue Neizhou, but Neizhou was lost, but he escaped unscathed and got Taizhou into his hands.

What the hell is this a rescue?

This is taking advantage of the situation!

The emperor's people started to sneer, leaving Lin Ya speechless.

How can he retort?

The governor of Taizhou invited him, but Lin Jun reluctantly settled in.

Come on!

It's okay to deceive others with lies like this, but telling them in court will only make others look down on you.

Therefore, the only way to get those two big tribes is for Lin Jun to launch a counterattack.

Didn't Yang Xuan say at the beginning of spring that he would go north?

This is the opportunity!

If Yang Xuan attacks Taizhou, then needless to say, this is evidence that the Lin family serves the country and the people.

If Yang Xuan attacked other places, Taizhou's sending troops to rescue him would be the evidence.

When Lin Ya spoke, the emperor was naturally 'very pleased', so he sent a chamberlain to supervise. Lin Ya saw that, OK, I will also send an envoy to supervise. By the way, will your Majesty also provide some troops?

Without further ado, the emperor ordered his servants to bring his own instructions to southern Xinjiang, and dispatched five thousand cavalry from the local area for reinforcements.

Look, am I interesting enough?

The rest is up to Lin!

Lin Jun agreed somewhat reluctantly at that time, which is in line with the speculations of both parties.

He only has a few people under his command, so it's not worth fighting for the benefit of others.

Although he agreed reluctantly, he did not hesitate once he took action, which also echoed everyone's judgment of the famous general.

It is indeed Mr. Lin!

Moreover, Lin Ya also arranged the five thousand cavalry as surprise troops, thus giving away the greatest contribution of this battle.

Lin Shijun, a good man... At that moment, people from all three sides wanted to sing praises for Lin Shijun.

By the way, I touched his forehead to see if he had a fever.

The chamberlain was even more proud, thinking that His Majesty used two tribes to consume the Lin family, and also created a barrier. He is indeed a wise king!

When the emperor succeeds to the throne, everyone in the palace will choose to be loyal to him.

From then on, everyone loses everything, and everyone loses glory.

But He Lianchun was really...the emperor was obese and looked like he would be short-lived. This could be overcome. But he was not of the late emperor's bloodline, so his prestige was not high. Even the people in the palace felt that this emperor was a bit reluctant to take the position.

It would be okay if there was no Lin Ya. The emperor could slowly gather power and truly rule the world.

Lin Ya was here, and later there was a eldest princess. The emperor suddenly felt like a candle in the wind, and he actually wanted to extinguish the flame.

As a result, the people in the palace were somewhat disorganized, and the queen dealt with it ruthlessly. In addition, the emperor took successive actions and recruited two important positions from Lin Ya, and the situation was restored.

This time is also a game played by the emperor. Firstly, it consumes the strength of the Lin family, and secondly, it creates a gap within the Lin family.

Now it seems that the second goal should have been achieved, but the first goal has failed.

Lin Jun was like the calmest venomous snake. Under the dual pressure of his uncle and the emperor, he managed to escape completely.

Now that the matter has ended, Lin Jun's performance can be said to be impeccable.

But I can’t stand Yang Guogong’s wickedness!

"Mr. Lin, thank you very much."

Those shoutings successfully shook off Lin Jun's arrangements.

The chamberlain gnashed his teeth, and Lin Ya's envoy was furious...

The Northern Xinjiang Army stopped its pursuit.

They all waved.

"Lin Shijun, walk slowly!"


Shen Changhe couldn't help but want to curse.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid there may be trouble over there at Ningxing!"

Lin Jun was silent.

Shen Changhe sighed: "If it were someone else who came, with a public spirit, maybe he could explain it to the envoy.

Yang Xuan ordered 30,000 northern border elites to intercept the envoy, and they were equally powerful. But Ning Xing forced the envoy to attack... It is said that the general will be outside and will not receive the emperor's orders.

Looking through the history books, many famous generals were defeated miserably because of the king's instructions. But I remember that that man was Erlangjun's man. I dare to say that after returning, he will definitely add jealousy... As for the chamberlain, let alone the chamberlain."

The pursuers returned, and the chamberlain led the people away from the group and said, "We will go back to resume our orders right now. Can Ambassador Lin give us an explanation?"

Lin Jun was indifferent, "The two armies are facing each other, and the situation is changing rapidly. What should be done specifically should be coordinated by the generals. From so far away, Ning Xing feels that he has clairvoyance and can see the battle situation?"

He pointed at the soldiers, "These soldiers are all our warriors from the Liao Dynasty. They will go through fire and water for the sake of the Liao Dynasty. Every battle, Lin fights with fear, lest he not think carefully and cause the warriors to die in vain. But Ning Xing said If you say that, you will order them to die. Lin asked, why?"

Shen Changhe thought of several ways to break the situation, but the side effects were too great.

Hearing Lin Jun's words at this moment, he couldn't help but lower his head with a smile in his eyes.

Your Majesty, that’s great!

There was more anger in the eyes of those soldiers.

Lin Ya and the emperor were at odds with each other, but this time they actually teamed up to send an envoy.

Don't think about it, it must be the weasel paying New Year greetings to the rooster, and he has no good intentions!

His emotions were so controlled by Lin Jun.

"Lin had a big battle with Yang Xuan the day before yesterday. There was no winner or loser. He wanted to hang around in the periphery to contain Yang Xuan's army and give Taizhou a chance to relax. When reinforcements from all directions arrived, it would be a chance to counterattack. But Ning Xing failed. Forcing our army to attack..."

Lin Jun took a deep breath, "Yang Xuan lost thousands of his subordinates in this battle. Where are they? On both wings, this is his best ambush tactics.

If it had been in the past, I would have led the army on a cruise and struck him from the side. But today, under the pressure of two groups of envoys, I could only lead the army to attack.

Once we cannot attack by force, I have no choice but to retreat in order to guard against Yang Xuan's ambush attack. This retreat will destroy the fighting spirit and morale of the army, so I can only withdraw my troops back to Taizhou. I will bear all the responsibility for my merits and demerits!"

He cupped his hands to the chamberlain, and then cupped his hands to Lin Ya's envoy, "Have a nice trip!"

The army left.

The chamberlain sneered at Lin Ya's messenger, "You bitch slave, be careful all the way!"

Lin Ya's envoy scolded: "You are a useless thing, be careful of robbers on the way!"

The two groups parted ways.

The two sides rushed through the wilderness, one behind the other.

until afternoon.

The campsites of both sides are also more than a mile apart.

"What should I say when I go back?"

Lin Ya's envoy convened people for discussion.

"Lin Jun is ambitious."

Four words are enough!

The envoy shook his head and said, "My husband values ​​him very much. If I say too much, my husband will be disgusted. Otherwise... let's say he is dissatisfied with my husband. Yes, let's just say he is dissatisfied. But how dissatisfied we are, let's not talk about it."

"Wonderful! My husband thought about it slowly, and the more he thought about it, the more dissatisfied he felt."

The messenger smiled and said, "That's it."

"What a pity for this man!"

An older follower sighed: "A rare and famous general in Daliao will be buried in strife."

The envoy sneered and said: "There is no shortage of people in Daliao."

On the other side, the waiter was laughing.

"There is trouble within the Lin family, how wonderful!"

"What do you say when you go back?" someone asked.

The chamberlain said: "To His Majesty, I will tell you the truth. To the outside world, I will say that Lin Ya is domineering and ambitious."

With that said, the chamberlain stood up and looked at the wilderness and sighed: "We also thought about joining the army back then, but it's a pity. However, now looking at this vast land, we think, why can't the chamberlain lead the army?"

Everyone praised him and praised him as the next famous general of Daliao.

Just on the right, Lin Jun rode his horse and looked at the two camps.

Shen Changhe rode his horse over and said softly: "The scouts came to report. Yang Xuan led the army to camp on the spot, and kept sending scouts to follow our army...but they couldn't be driven away. Some of our scouts attacked rashly and never came back."

"The morale of the military is a little messed up." Lin Jun said.

"Yes, such disobedience to orders was rare in the past... Your Majesty, I have always wanted to ask, that battle was clearly indeterminate, so why did you say it was a defeat?"

"Why did my husband reuse me? Some people say it's because of my ability, and some say it's because I'm tolerant. I certainly don't lack ability. But there are so many capable people under my husband's command, why do you only reuse me? You know, I was defeated in my first battle in the army. , suffered a disastrous defeat, abandoned his helmet and armor, and only escaped with his own body.”

"We are relatives after all." Shen Changhe thought this reason was a bit ridiculous.

"He even killed his relatives!" Lin Jun said: "Ever since I was a child, I remember that my family treated me very well. I started studying at the age of three, and I had the best food and clothing. Outsiders didn't know that there were people around me. There are five maids, but there are only two brothers. My parents have nothing to say to me, I have whatever I want..."

Shen Changhe was stunned.

What's this?

It’s normal for parents to prefer one child over the other!

"When I got older, my family hired famous teachers for me to study, learn martial arts, and learn the art of war. I even had a martial arts field at home for me. Lao Shen is my own martial arts field!"

Shen Changhe: "..."

"When I was ten years old, I could go to the military camp to watch drills, while my brothers could only watch Cuju or wrestling."

"When I was thirteen years old, there was a woman by my side. She was extremely charming. In one night, she taught me what it means to be a man. The process was as gentle as water..."

This is the trick of wealthy people!

"But my brothers, when they were eleven or twelve years old, they had already lost their Yuan Yang to the maids around them."

"The envoy's maid..."

"No one dares to seduce me. If I get too close, they will retreat and say they will be punished if I get too close. And..."

Lin Jun said coldly: "My maids, especially the leading maid, once I saw her talking to my parents, she was quite calm and not like a master and servant."

A kind of speculation sent shivers down Shen Changhe's spine, and then he became ecstatic.

"When I was fifteen years old, I joined the army. My father gave me three people. Of those three people, one of them was a counselor, and the two of them were unpredictable. I failed miserably in my first expedition because of those two people. Someone brought me out, otherwise, the first time will be the last time."

Shen Changhe became more and more certain about his guess.

"When I was seventeen, I ran into trouble in the army. The superior officer was jealous of my talents and wanted to deal with me.

Lao Shen, whether in the military or officialdom, anyone who wants to rise to great heights on his own is a madman and a fool.

I was ready to be taken care of, but the next day, Shangguan disappeared. He said he was sick, but I haven't seen him since."

Shen Changhe thought of the protagonist Ning Xingli.

There is a strong family behind it.

"Did you think of pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?"

Shen Changhe nodded.

"Actually, when I was eleven years old, I knew that I was his son!"

Shen Changhe sighed, "This is a move to avoid disaster."

Lin Ya was against the emperor, and if he failed, the emperor would definitely kill his entire family.

Quietly leaving one of his children to his cousin to raise, even if the whole family is dead, there will still be incense and pork head meat in the future.

Didn't the emperor's uncle use this method to raise his wife and children in the house of his staff?

"He is getting old and starts to doubt me." Lin Jun said with a smile.

Shen Changhe said: "If this matter is revealed, Shi Jun will become the target of public criticism. Those around Xianggong will regard Shi Jun as an alien and opponent, and the emperor will regard Shi Jun as a formidable enemy and want to get rid of him quickly. "

"I should have shown weakness, so I said that I was defeated in that battle. A so-called famous Liao general who lost to Yang Xuan was a threat, but it was limited."

"My words were so indignant and almost reckless that the father would let go of his suspicion.

In fact, I have been thinking that he is a rebellious person in the eyes of the world. Do you really think that you are an emperor and are you worried that my outstanding son will enter the East Palace and compete with him for power? "

Shijun was so outstanding that he aroused the suspicion of his husband. Looking at it this way, the relationship between him and the emperor and the prince was actually no different... Shen Changhe smiled.

Lin Jun said: "Actually, he also helped when I was sent to Tanzhou. So, just think of him as the emperor, and me as the prince. Lao Shen, tell me, it's normal for the prince and the emperor to fight for power. ?”

Shen Changhe nodded.

"Today is a day of complete transformation for me, and it is worth celebrating. Since we want to celebrate, we must not see blood. Otherwise, how can we show our passion? Without passion, how can we survive in this world of tigers and wolves and reach the top?!"

He raised his hand.

Shen Changhe retreated quietly.

Under the sunset, a person raised his hands.

Behind him, there was a mass of cavalry.

The hand waved down.

The owner smiled and said:

"Father, please remember this day!"


This chapter has been completed!
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