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Chapter 990 It's not bad to change the dynasty

Early in the morning, the second child's cries echoed in the yard, and the eldest brother sat on the threshold, looking at his father with a bitter look on his face.

"Aye, noisy."

"It was the same for you back then." Yang Xuan was also sitting on the threshold, listening to his second child's cries with a headache, "but your voice wasn't so loud back then, and you didn't have so many tricks."

The cry of the second child has a rhythm, and I can hear it slowly. I feel happy, cry heartily, hurt, cry hoarsely, pull, cry painfully...

How can a child have so many plays?

Yang Xuan sighed, "Hey!"

Ah Liang sighed, "Hey!"

When Zhou Ning came out, he saw father and son sitting side by side on the threshold, holding their chins in their hands.

"A-Liang is going to metaphysics today, remember not to follow them in chanting sutras."

Zhou Ning looked sly, "The master wants to subtly make A Liang agree with metaphysics, but we don't chant sutras..."

"Is it okay if I don't recite sutras?" Yang Xuan asked.

"If you want to be a headmaster, you must memorize ninety-nine scriptures proficiently." Zhou Ning touched the top of A Liang's head, "My son is certainly not stupid, but does A Liang like the pain of having nothing to recite every day?


A Liang shook his head vigorously.

"Ninety-nine books?" Yang Xuan suddenly realized, "No wonder I said that the headmaster later gave up on his plan to get me into metaphysics. I see."

"What's happening?" Zhou Ning knelt down to straighten A Liang's clothes.

"That time the headmaster and I competed in memorizing scriptures. I was thinking about things. After he finished memorizing, I only remembered two lines. The headmaster looked regretful, hahahaha!"

Yang Xuan felt that Ning Yayun had been tricked by him and couldn't help laughing.

Zhou Ning asked curiously: "It must have been many years ago that the master wanted to draw you into metaphysics! What else could you have thought about at that time?"

Yang Xuan looked at her, "I miss you!"

Ah Liang felt that something was not right about the atmosphere and raised his head to look at Ye Niang.

Grandma's cheeks were slightly red, and Ah Ye smiled softly...



Later, Yang Xuan went to Jiedu Envoy's Mansion. As soon as he left the house, he met a messenger from Chang'an.

He is from the Zhou family.

Seeing that the messenger was anxious, Yang Xuan asked, "But is there something urgent?"

"Sister-in-law, Alang ordered me to come to Northern Xinjiang, firstly to deliver a message, and secondly to inquire about my possible war against the north."

"It's open, what's wrong?" Yang Xuan thought of Zhou Qin carrying the birdcage and couldn't help but laugh.

"When the villain was out of Chang'an, Zheng Qi, the Minister of Punishment, made a bet with Liang Jing. Zheng Qi said that I would not dare to start a war this spring, and Liang Jing said that there would definitely be a war."

"What's the bet?" Yang Xuan felt that Zheng Qi was full.

"Whoever loses will bow solemnly and call him brother when they meet."

Yang Xuan was startled, thinking that Zheng Qi was Yang Songcheng's man, and Liang Jing was the emperor's number one horseman. They were incompatible with each other!

"Why bet?" Yang Xuan felt that such impulsiveness was not the appearance of an important minister.

Anyway, you can bet on a few beauties!

They called each other brothers when they met, but they thought they were in the same group.

The messenger smiled bitterly, "It was Liang Jing who provoked me."

"Emperor?" The emperor's fair face appeared in front of Yang Xuan's eyes.

"It is said that Liang Jing had some conflicts with the palace..." The messenger looked gossipy, but he didn't know what happened next.

"Old Liang!"

Yang Xuan thought of Liang Jing.

That loyal old Liang.

Even if he became an opponent, he still refused to take action against Yang Xuan.

But what conflict could there be in the palace?

Imperial concubine?

Could it be that the emperor found this daughter-in-law boring and wanted to change her?

The King of Yue seems to have married, right?

What was I thinking?

Yang Guogong felt that his thoughts had gone astray, so he quickly recited the Buddha's name silently.

At the entrance of the alley, the business of the Hu pancake stall was still booming. When the proprietress saw Yang Guogong, she saluted in her busy schedule and said, "Guo Gong, let's have a pancake!"


I eat gossip!

After capturing Kunzhou, Yang Xuan did not immediately send the news of victory to Chang'an, but instead ordered Helianyan to blockade the surrounding area for several days.

Tsk tsk!

Do the math, the good news is coming soon!

Yang Xuan said happily: "Chang'an is very lively these days!"

He Lian Yan was very fierce. Seeing Yang Xuan's eyes stagnant, he smiled charmingly and said, "Chang'an, I'm afraid I'm uneasy."


Yang Xuan coughed dryly, "Next step, both Ningxing and Chang'an will regard Northern Xinjiang as a life and death enemy. Secret spies and assassins will definitely swarm here, and the Jinyi Guards will have a heavy burden."

He Lianyan came up and said, "Don't worry, Lord, although my shoulders are weak, I can still bear this burden!"

Yang Xuan glanced at it, but his eyes involuntarily slid to the tender peach cheeks, and then slid down...

“Choose well!”

He Lianyan raised her chest slightly and said, "If I can't pick it up, I'll come back and beg the Duke again."

The words were said in a charming and tactful way, and Yang Guogong coughed dryly. "I understand."

He Lianyan then turned to the topic, "There are a few powerful men in northern Xinjiang who quietly asked for an audience and said some words of praise for the American father."

"I want to test it." Yang Xuan said: "What I dislike the most is such tactful tactics, don't ignore it."

"Perhaps if we join forces, we can win over a few powerful people." He Lianyan felt that dealing with powerful people not only requires toughness, but also disintegration.

Yang Xuan looked at her, "Do you think it's them who begged me, or me who begged them?"

"Of course they are asking for help from the Duke."

"Then do I need to get on the pole to get close?"

Of course it's not needed.

He Lianyan said: "A powerful envoy told me that Chang'an attaches great importance to this battle and said that if they win, the Tang Dynasty will probably turn over."

Yang Xuan said: "I would like to see how Chang'an will be shaken!"

He Lianyan said: "I have asked people to deliver the news in time."

"No need to be nervous, it's just gossip!"

Yang Xuan seemed to regard Chang'an as a place where gossip happened, so he just squatted there, beckoned the second son and the old thief over, and the three of them looked at the thighs together...


How did I think of this... He Lianyan's cheeks were already a bit pink, but they looked even brighter now.

Yang Xuan walked out of the alley.

There are a lot of people walking outside.

However, everyone stopped and looked at him.

Yang Xuan smiled and waved his hand as if greeting the neighbors.


In the early morning in Chang'an, the fog lingers.

The door panels of the blacksmith shop were taken out one by one from the inside and piled on both sides.

King Wei took out the door panel very easily, even carrying it out with one hand.

"Li Er! Good morning!" An old man greeted with his hands behind his back.

The old man had little sleep, so he would go out for a walk when he had nothing to do. Looking at the familiar alley and the plants and trees, he felt very friendly.


King Wei took off the last door panel and put it aside... and then checked to see if the number was correct.

He has written words on each door panel, A, B, C, D... When you get on the door panels, you must follow the order. If the order is messed up, you will either get stuck, or the last door panel is not right and cannot be closed.

This is a deformed wooden door frame.

After opening the door, King Wei walked out, looked at the deep alley ahead, then looked at the plaque of the Huang family's blacksmith shop, clapped his hands, and went into the house to light a fire.

"Don't grab my hair, Dalang!"

Miss Huang's screams came from behind.

The one-year-old child looks weak, but his hands are strong. If he is scratched, the adults will suffer terribly. He wants to take care of it! Looking at the little tender flesh, he can only point his forehead bitterly and say that he will be slapped hard when he grows up.

King Wei frowned, and when he went out from the back door of the blacksmith shop, he saw Huang Damei holding the child, and the child grabbed a strand of her hair and pulled.

Sister Huang lowered her head and reached out to gently pull the child's hand. If she was too weak, she couldn't pull it away. If it was too strong, she was afraid of hurting the child.

King Wei held the child's hand, but without exerting any force, the child's hand relaxed.

"This kid!"

Sister Huang raised her head, pretending to slap the child on the buttocks, but she couldn't bear it, so she said in surprise: "Second brother didn't break Da Lang's hand, did he?"

"I just pressed his tendons." King Wei naturally would not say that he pressed the child's tendons with his inner breath, and the effect was as good as pressing the tendons.

It’s also not harmful to the body and can be called a must-have secret skill for home travel.

The child suddenly laughed, and Sister Huang felt soft-hearted and put all the harsh words aside, "I will go out for a walk with Da Lang in my arms, and I will buy groceries when I come back."

"Yeah! Buy more mutton and roast it."

"Aunt Wang next door said that eating more vegetables will make you healthy!"

Sister Huang was recently deceived by the aunt next door to the point of going crazy, saying that the boss Fang Wai said that people must be vegetarians to redeem themselves from the sins of their previous lives.

Therefore, King Wei recently had something to say.

"What does she know?" King Wei frowned, "In the past, people outside the country ate meat and drank wine, but that changed later."

"Ah!" Sister Huang is just an ordinary city woman. How could she know these origins? She was stunned when she heard this, "Can you eat meat in the past?"

"Of course you can eat meat."

"Second brother, don't coax me!" Huang Damei looked at him with a pouted mouth.

King Wei frowned, "When have I ever coaxed you?"

"It seems so!"

Sister Huang immediately went to find the backpack happily, "Then I'm going to buy groceries."

"Slow down on the road!" King Wei was busy lighting a fire.

When Sister Huang went out, she heard the woman next door say: "Sister, are you going to buy groceries?"


"Hey! You're taking Dalang with you. What are you planning to buy?"

"Buy some mutton and roast it."

"Hey! Don't eat meat."

"In the past, people ate meat both at home and abroad."

"Who said that?"

"I met a foreigner yesterday and he told me."

King Wei stood up, his eyes soft.

But then it turned into indifference.

The King of Yue came in and leaned against the door. "There is still no news from Northern Xinjiang. Someone saw Wang Shou leaving the palace yesterday with a bruise on his forehead. Why do you think this is?"

King Wei asked, "What are you doing here so early in the morning?"

"Wang Shou is a dog raised by Aye. There are not many things that can make Aye furious, at least not in recent years. I remember...it seems to be mostly related to Northern Xinjiang. Second brother, Yang Xuan said he would go north in the spring.

If he really goes north, it will be a slap in Aye’s face."

The last time Yang Xuan entered Chang'an, the emperor gave Qin Guo Gong and the Northern Xinjiang Jiedu Envoy, which can be regarded as a harmonious appearance between the monarch and his ministers. Externally, it was even said that Qin Guo Gong knelt in front of his majesty, howled and regretted...

For a time, the emperor's prestige increased greatly, and the market was promising... Many people said that if Qin Guogong stood on the emperor's side, the abbot would probably kneel down.

The Northern Xinjiang Army was the strongest army in the Tang Dynasty. Once the Northern Xinjiang Army went south, the Zhang Chumao's few manpower... Even if he asked Zhang Chumao to pull the Southern Xinjiang Army back, he could not stop the Northern Xinjiang Army, which could make the Northern Liao Army fearful.


"He is embarrassed and you are happy, just in time." King Wei put the knife blank in.

The flames were blazing, reflecting that indifferent face, which was completely different from the previous tenderness towards his wife and children.

"But I'm worried!" The King of Yue came in and found a place to sit down. "The wise men in the government have said that if Yang Xuan attacks and wins this time, the world will be shocked."

"Shock, just shake!" King Wei seemed to be an expert outside the world.

"Since Empress Wu, the Tang Dynasty has never expanded its territory to other countries. Let alone Northern Liao... Northern Xinjiang has always been severely beaten, but now it has changed, and it has become Northern Xinjiang beating Northern Liao.

When Aweng and Aye were in power, the Northern Liao Dynasty severely beat the Tang Dynasty. After Yang Xuan took charge of Northern Xinjiang, the Northern Xinjiang attacked the Northern Liao Dynasty... What will the people of the world think?"

"Incompetent waste!!"

"That's right, second brother, thank you very much." The King of Yue said, "The important thing is that this dispatch of troops was not reported to the court. In other words, Yang Xuan regarded Chang'an as nothing."

"He has been like this for a long time, and you just found out today?"

"The key is, if he wins this time..."

"Isn't it bad that Bei Liao was defeated?"

"Second brother, why do you need to pretend to be stupid? Once he is victorious, Aye and the head of state know that this minister may not be able to keep him.

Think about it, a minister who can independently attack Northern Liao with northern territory, a minister who can make Northern Liao helpless. Even if he does not want to rebel, his prestige is too high. Will his subordinates have dissent? The founding emperor of the Southern Zhou Dynasty wore a yellow robe.

Will the story repeat itself?"

"It's not a bad thing."

"Second brother!" The King of Yue was annoyed, "We are fighting among ourselves, and the meat is rotten in the pot. If Yang Xuan gets involved, say that he supports you. If you can succeed to the throne, what should you do with him?

If we don’t deal with it, how can you sleep at night if we don’t deal with the behemoth in Northern Xinjiang? If we deal with it, if Northern Xinjiang rebels, Chang’an might be able to stop it? So! This matter should not be taken lightly.”

"I don't care about this." King Wei said calmly.

"Second brother, when dynasties change, it is not uncommon to kill all the previous royal family."

"He won't kill me!"

"Are you that sure?"


The King of Yue was speechless for a long time, "I came here to ask if the people from Northern Xinjiang have sent you any news?"

King Wei shook his head, "Aye asked you to come, right?"

The king of Yue was silent.

King Wei raised his head and looked at him, "He is launching troops against Northern Liao, but he is making you anxious and uneasy. Why are you uneasy? It's nothing more than a minister fighting for the country, while you are waiting in Chang'an for your own selfishness.

A big fight.

Everyone in the world is watching, looking at you like a clown.

Don't talk about noble blood, in my opinion, it's bullshit blood. Going back thousands of years, the Li family was just a farmer. But once he was lucky enough to become a master, he whitewashed it.

But no matter how you try to cover it up, you can't hide the fact that you're full of fat and a bitch! Come back!"

The King of Yue shook his head, "At first I thought you were just dormant and covering up the iron work, but if you have been doing it for several years, it is not dormant, but you are really enjoying it."

King Wei held the hammer and said, "Go back!"

A guard of the Yue King walked up to Zhao Dongping and whispered something.

Zhao Dongping came in and said, "Your Majesty, Yang Xuan has sent troops to attack Kunzhou!"

The King of Yue's expression changed slightly, "Go to the palace!"

He walked a few steps and looked back, "Brother, aren't you going?"

King Wei shook his head, "There are still a few more knives to fight today."

The King of Yue hurriedly entered the palace.

The emperor is circling.

"Traitor! Are you planning to rebel?"

"Aye!" King Yue came in and saluted.

The emperor turned around and looked at him, "Yang Ni sent troops to Kunzhou, what do you think?"

The King of Yue said without hesitation: "Wolf ambition!"

The emperor looked at him and nodded slightly, "Sanlang is filial!"

The King of Yue looked at him admiringly, "Aye, Yang Ni is sending troops this time, and there is Lin Jun, the famous general of the Liao Dynasty, there, so he will definitely come back defeated."

The emperor nodded, "I will wait for that traitor to be defeated miserably, and then I will deal with him!"

"Aye Yingming."

The emperor smiled and his anger disappeared.

Wang Shou appeared outside the door.

"His Majesty!"

"Say!" the emperor shouted with his hands behind his back.

Wang Shou knelt down.

"The mirror is flying, Yang Xuan is under Baode!"

(End of chapter)

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