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Chapter 98

Ahead, more than four hundred horse thieves reined in their horses.

A rider was shouting from the front.

The city gate is open.

Zhen Siwen slowly left the city.

"Lang Jun, why did you let him go?" The old thief felt that he should go... No, he took a look at Cao Ying and felt that it would be more appropriate for him to go.

Cao Ying said calmly: "Lang Jun's food cannot feed idle people. If Zhen Siwen is useless, then I think it would be better to let him die in the line of duty."

Yang Xuan shook his head slightly, "We are small, so everyone should have their own role. Zhen Siwen is calm and calm, I want to see his methods."

"Sven, you can do it..." Zhen Siwen who was at the bottom of the city trembled for a moment, then felt that he was far enough away, so he reined in his horse and shouted, "Where is the thief chief?"

The loud voice echoed everywhere.

"I have to get it!"

Yang Xuan praised: "He is indeed the person I like."

Cao Ying nodded, "He can eat this food."

The horse thief who shouted fearfully glanced at the city head, moved closer, and asked: "Are you the county magistrate?"

Zhen Siwen pretended to be a habit, raised his head and said, "Yeah, Zhen Siwen of Taiping County, the thief chief, do you dare to come here?"

Later, Zhen Siwen felt that her legs were a little weak, and she felt that she might fall off the horse at any time.

The horse thief asked: "What is your position?"

"Little official!" Zhen Siwen suppressed her trembling, "Is the thief chief worthy enough to meet with the Ming Dynasty?"

The horse thief sneered, "Go back and tell the dog officer that you are here today. If you don't surrender, you will die."

"Bitch bitch slave!"

Run quickly!

As soon as Zhen Siwen heard these meaningless words, he knew that the opportunity to escape had come.

He spurred his horse and retreated.

The horse thief became anxious and chased after him.

Don't come here... Zhen Siwen's expression changed and he galloped on his horse.

But the horse thief's equestrian skills are obviously better, and he is about to get close.

The sound of bowstrings.

Zhen Siwen heard something fall to the ground behind her. When she turned around, she saw that it was a horse thief.

The horse thief was hit by an arrow and fell from his horse. Zhen Siwen went up and led the frightened horse into the city. When he entered the city, he said calmly: "This horse is not good at all, but it is still a profit at least. Take it."

Zhen Siwen immediately walked up to the top of the city with his head held high.

"What did you say?"

Yang Xuan put away his bow and arrows.

"You said that if you don't surrender, you'll die."

Zhen Siwen replied.

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand, and Zhen Siwen bent down slightly, allowing him to pat her shoulder easily.

"Courageous and knowledgeable!"

This compliment made Zhen Siwen ecstatic.

"Hey! Sven, why is your back wet?"

Hu Zhang said curiously.

Zhen Siwen smiled dryly and said, "I'm so excited."

Among the horse thieves, Zhuang Sheng said coldly: "The morale is not very good."

Deng Hu glanced at the horse thieves and said, "We are trying to survive in the wilderness, but there is no output in the wilderness. If we don't plunder, we will starve to death...should we?"

The corners of Zhuang Sheng's mouth turned up slightly.

After the last defeat, there were some complaints among the horse thieves. If they were defeated again this time, Deng Hu's leadership position would not be guaranteed.

"Since God gave birth to us, why didn't he give us a way to survive?"

"Since you don't give me a way to survive, then I will use a long knife to find food!"

The horse thieves looked solemn.

Deng Hu drew his sword and shook it vigorously.



"There is food in the city, warm houses, and those women...what are you waiting for?"


The sound of drawing swords continued.

Deng Hu turned his horse around, pointed his sword at the city, and said sternly: "Kill them all and take everything you want."


The horse thieves went crazy.

Deng Hu rode his horse forward, but was gradually overtaken by the horse thieves. He glanced at Zhuang Sheng, who was further behind, and there was hatred in his eyes.

"They opened the city gate."

Deng Hu's eyes widened and he couldn't help being stunned as he watched the city gate slowly open.

"Reiner the horse!" Zhuang Sheng shouted what Deng Hu wanted to shout.

"They want to sacrifice the city!" someone laughed wildly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Pairs of greedy eyes were looking at Deng Hu.

Zhuang Sheng coughed dryly, "I advocated retaliation back then, it seems."


Someone listened and said, "Listen!"

Puff puff puff!

Puff puff puff!

The sound of neat footsteps gradually came.

The city gates are wide open!

The first person was wearing official uniform, and someone shouted: "It's the young county magistrate!"

Immediately, several cavalry followed. They avoided the passage as soon as they came out.

Puff puff puff!

The sound of footsteps was neat and coming together to be breathtaking.

Arima Thief murmured: "Why do I feel like a giant beast is coming?"

One by one, the armored criminals walked out of the city gate and immediately lined up.

Groups of prisoners left the city one after another.

The three rows in front are filled with armored clothes, and those in the back are filled with commoners.

They came carrying spears and holding their heads high.

In front of him, Yang Xuan raised his hand.

Diao She shouted: "Stop!"


There was a vibration and the array stopped.

The silent array is like a big square, located in front of the county town.

At the top of the city, Qian Mo said worriedly: "These criminals are all villains. If we let them form an array, we are afraid that they will not be able to hold on and collapse, and then they will fall in one fell swoop..."

He only had more than thirty brothers left, and Yang Xuan was left to guard the city head and the middle.

Qian Mo turned around and said coldly: "Tell the brothers patrolling the city that in extraordinary times, anyone who dares to go out will be killed!"

The subordinate asked: "Kill everything?"

"Yes, even chickens and dogs will be killed!"

On the side of the horse thief, Deng Hu looked at Zhuang Sheng coldly, "The officers and soldiers dared to leave the city... No, these are the culprits, the cancer of the sinful city. Last time we were caught off guard and almost lost. We must be decisive this time.

Don’t get into a scuffle.”

The horse thieves are eager to try.

Deng Hu raised his hand and said, "In an hour, Ye Ye will sleep with a woman in the city."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Amid the wild laughter, the horse thieves' eyes gradually turned red.


The horse thieves are out.

Lin Da is in the second row of the array.

He was wearing armor and was in a panic.

When he was nineteen years old, he impulsively killed the person who bullied his father, and was immediately exiled to Taiping. After arriving in Taiping, he also wanted to actively atone for his sins, but this was a city of sin, and those people laughed at him as a fool. And those officials

His efforts were also ignored.

From then on, Lin Da chose to lie down.

Until Yang Xuan's arrival.

Kill the enemy and perform meritorious deeds, and meritorious deeds can atone for sins.

Lin Da was extremely disgusted by this. He felt that the Ming government was treating everyone as cannon fodder.

They were practicing array formations every day. Lin Dazhen really wanted to kick this useless thing away, and he could stand wherever he wanted.

He also practiced assassination with stones tied to his spear, and he stabbed into a grass ring...If he didn't assassinate correctly, he would have no food, so he could only practice hard.

But are these useful?

The last time they were able to defeat the horse thieves, it was because Yang Xuan led a charge and killed the horse thieves. The horse thieves were afraid that both sides would be harmed, so they withdrew. This time the horse thieves are more powerful, who will charge and kill them?

Just relying on this unreliable array?

Lin Da was thinking wildly.

The sound of horse hooves gradually approached, and the cruel smiles of those horse thieves could be seen clearly.


Zhao Youcai shouted loudly.

The first row of flat spears.

Lin Da, together with the prisoners in the second row, placed the spear flatly through the gap in the first row.


The war horse automatically stopped before the sharp spears.

The horse thieves dismounted one after another, some took bows and arrows, and some lined up and started to charge...

Arrows flew.

"Lower your head!"

Lin Da lowered his head and heard someone behind him groaning.

There are armors in the first three rows, and if you are hit by an arrow in the back three rows, you will have to consider yourself unlucky.


Zhao Youcai shouted.

Lin Da calmed down and looked ahead calmly.

Just die!

From the side, the old thief looks nervous.

The old thief heard a sound behind him, like the clash of teeth while shivering. He turned around and saw Zhen Siwen with a calm look on his face.

I'm afraid my ears are bad.

The old thief picked out his ears.

"Please also ask Mr. Lang to return to the city." Cao Ying said solemnly.

We can do without him, and we can do without the old thief, but the Lord is absolutely indispensable.

"What are you worried about?" Yang Xuan smiled and pointed to the place ahead of the collision, "Do you know what steel is? You will see it today."

On the horse thief's side, Deng Hu clenched his fists as the horse thief charged forward.

Even Zhuang Sheng forgot his plan and looked ahead nervously.

In the array, Zhao Youcai, who was unsure of his heart, shouted, "Get ready..."

The prisoners in the first two rows held their spears tightly.

Lin Da looked at the approaching thief and even saw the black spots on his nose. The thief looked at him with a sinister smile and waved his long knife...

He was a little scared.


The order is issued.

The conditioned reflex formed under countless orders made Lin Da raise his gun to assassinate without hesitation.

Follow orders!

Follow orders!

Still very obedient!

Yang Xuan's roar seemed to be in his ears.

Keep your hands steady.

The gun must be accurate!


Lin Da followed the prisoners and assassinated them all.

His spear thrust out like lightning.

The target is the chest.

But in the end it was stabbed into the horse thief's mouth.

The laughter disappeared.

Lin Da subconsciously twisted the spear and put it away.

The horse thief fell heavily to the ground.

Lin Da was stunned.

He watched the horse thief fall to the ground and twitch, blood pouring out of his mouth...


Lin Da subconsciously raised his gun.


In front of him was a horse thief carrying a stick. He jumped into the air and headed towards the criminal in front of Lin Da.

Lin Da was ordered to assassinate.

This time he went for the horse thief's chest.

There was an obstacle at the head of the gun, but the obstacle was immediately broken and we moved forward indomitably.

Put away the gun!

Lin Da took a deep breath, the smell of blood was extremely pungent.

He thought he would vomit, but when the horse thief appeared again in front of him, he forgot about the feeling in his throat.


Lin Da tried his best to assassinate him.

Then put away the gun.


Put away the gun...

All the distracting thoughts in his mind disappeared.

Only one sentence remains.

"Obey the order!"


The horse thieves ahead were a little confused.

After the last defeat, many people thought it was caused by chaos. So this time they gathered more people and wanted to avenge their shame. Of course, getting some money and food was the best way.

But the array in front was like a hedgehog, and all the horse thieves who rushed towards it were not spared.

From behind, Zhuang Sheng said sternly: "I said at the beginning that I wouldn't come for the time being, but you..."

Deng Hu shouted: "Those who retreat will be killed!"

His face was livid, and he couldn't care about the internal strife at the moment.

Ahead, Cao Ying and others were stunned.

At the top of the city, Qian Mo has been observing the movements in the city, fearing that those people would take advantage of the situation and cause chaos.

"Team upright!"

"Team upright!"

Behind him, the voice of his subordinates gradually became shriller, almost like a scream.

Qian Mo turned around while cursing, "It's called Hun, it's called... it's called..."

He looked down at the battlefield, his mouth opened and he could no longer close it.

Ahead, the horse thieves were constantly attacking the array, but their heads were bruised and bloody every time.

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "This is a small test, you guys are pretty good, I order you to attack!"

Everyone was stunned.

Finally, the old thief rode his horse and rushed over.

"My husband has orders, attack!"

Zhao Youcai shouted: "Attack!"

The array starts moving forward.

Lin Da glanced at Yang Xuan on the flank in a hurry.

That look!

All are respectful.

This chapter has been completed!
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