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Chapter 995

Early in the morning, Luo Cai's shout was like muffled thunder, which was frightening.

It is common for officials to be impeached, they just need to defend themselves.

Even if you are besieged, you have to defend yourself. This is the procedure, otherwise you will not be able to wash away the charges imposed on you by others.

Just like when the Dali Temple or the Ministry of Punishment handles cases, criminals must be given the opportunity to defend themselves.

In the past two days, officials have intensively impeached Luo Cai, and everyone is waiting for him to defend himself.

He's coming!

The eyes are calm.

But he didn't argue for himself.

Looking at that look, it looked like a pool of stagnant water.

I beg for bones!

I have no interest in defending myself.

Self-defense, for this old man, is more like humiliation.

Some people just want to drag him into public, so that everyone can watch him accept questioning in an awkward manner, and watch him defend himself in an awkward manner.

But the old gentleman calmly slapped those people with the begging bones.

I don’t bother to defend myself!

How strong this is!

The officials and generals who remained from Emperor Wu's period were purged many times, and those who remained were all great talents.

Great talent!

Don’t give in to authority!

The guard smiled dryly and said: "Mr. Luo, the memorial must pass the review first."

According to the rules of the Tang Dynasty, when a memorial was submitted, it had to go through several procedures before it could be sent to the emperor.

Luo Cai looked at him and said calmly: "Tell your majesty, I quit!"

He turned around, glanced at everyone, and walked away with his hands behind his back.

Leaving now?

The guard was a little flustered, "Luo Gong, Luo Gong, just wait! I will send him in right now!"

Luo Cai waved his hand without turning around, "No need."

In the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the cleaning clerk entered Luo Cai's duty room.

The desk is neatly tidied, with official seals placed in the middle.

The busy work of the past two days is on the desk on the other side...a pile of documents.

Open it, and inside is Luo Cai's handover record.

With these documents in hand, the successor can take over the official duties below him.

"Shang Shu!"

There were exclamations from the check-in room.

Everyone heard the sound and came.

The clerk took the document and said, "Gong Luo is gone!"

Luo Cai, who had been in charge of the civil service for many years, is gone!

He walked very freely.

Even without waiting for the emperor's nod, he left the imperial city on his own.

The guards were so panicked that they forgot all the rules.

The memorial was quickly sent to the palace.

The emperor, who had just lazily finished breakfast with his concubine, opened the memorial.

Three words.

——Chen, let’s go!

This is an explanation.

It is also a kind of contempt.

The old gentleman was not even willing to write some emotional words, just three words.

Don’t you want to drive me away?

Now that I'm gone, there's no need for you to play any tricks to keep me here for the third time.

Let's save some time and paper.

The emperor's face was calm, but his right hand slowly exerted force and crumpled the memorial into a ball.

Cursed: "Old dog!"

The official department is an important area, even more important than the household department.

After the emperor succeeded to the throne, he wanted to replace Luo Cai, but Emperor Wu said back then that Luo Cai would be in charge of the staff, so she could rest assured.

Your grandmother is relieved, why are you worried?

Therefore, Luo Caicai has persisted in the Ministry of Household Affairs until today.

Luo Cai left today.

Although the emperor was happy, he also felt angry at being slighted.

If anyone else, even Song Zhen, heard that I wanted to use him, he would rush all the way from his hometown to Chang'an, and then he would be driven to Northern Xinjiang by me.

Who doesn’t want to hold power?

This is the core of the emperor's power play... grasping the greed in human nature.

But Luo Cai gave him a clean shot.

Han Shitou whispered: "Your Majesty, do you want..."

Luo Cai just left like this. The emperor's face didn't look good.

Moreover, Luo Cai left so simply to inform the outside world that the impeachment of me was done by the emperor.

Therefore, I don’t need to defend myself.

Just leave.

But the emperor was sitting on wax.

Getting Luo Cai away has been his goal all along, and he was not so eager in the past. This time, taking Luo Cai off the ground by dealing with Yang Xuan in Northern Xinjiang was just part of his huge plan.

He is old, but he is still ambitious. In his mind, a huge plan that can reshape the situation between North Korea and China is gradually taking shape.

I can live another hundred years!

He often told himself this.

For this reason, he would discuss the way to immortality with outsiders from time to time.

Taking down the official department is the first step.

But now the first step seems to have gone awry.

The comfort he prepared was useless, so Luo Cai gave up.

I quit.

He seemed to see Luo Cai roaring at him, "Hunjun!"


The emperor chuckled.

Capture Luo Cai?


Without clear evidence of guilt, he could not take down such a distinguished veteran minister.

Otherwise, those old people will endanger themselves.

The outside world will think that he is preparing to launch a major purge.

Once everyone in the officialdom is in danger, those rebellious ministers and traitors will have the opportunity to take advantage of them, such as the old dog of the abbot...

Although the two have reached a tacit understanding of temporarily joining forces, when the opportunity arises, Yang Songcheng doesn't mind giving him a blow.

vice versa.

This is cooperation and confrontation at the same time.

"Old dog!"

I don't know if he was scolding Luo Cai or the father-in-law of the country.

"That's it!"

Han Shitou felt a little regretful.

During Emperor Wu's time, there were still many people in the court and the army who captured Luo Cai without any guilt. These people would be sad and angry... When the time comes for Lang Jun to take action, these people will be the greatest help.

"His Majesty!"

Someone is coming to the mirror.

"The abbot summoned the Chunyu family and other families to discuss matters."

The emperor nodded, "I understand."

He lay down and Han Shitou brought over a thin quilt and said, "Your Majesty, be careful."

The emperor closed his eyes, "A family with five surnames will always be in serious trouble."

But you are seeking the skin of a tiger!

Han Shitou retreated.

When he went out, Zhao Sanfu hadn't left yet.

"Shaojian Han."

Han Shitou nodded, "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard to work for Your Majesty." Zhao Sanfu said with a smile: "Jingtai sent many people to the north, probably to receive the messenger who is about to arrive in Chang'an."

——Whoever gets the news first will take the initiative.

For example, if Yang Songcheng gets the news first, he can decisively join forces with the emperor.

If the emperor gets the news first, he can use his ultimate move to throw out the goals he wanted to achieve but was blocked in the past, forcing Yang Songcheng and others to nod.

In the final analysis, it is still interests that are at work.

Han Shitou asked: "Who do you think will get the news first?"

Zhao Sanfu said: "Of course it is, Your Majesty!"

Walking out of the imperial city, there were people waiting outside.

"Chief, many people in Chang'an City have sent manpower."


Zhao Sanfu said to himself: "The Northern Xinjiang Army is the strongest army of the Tang Dynasty. The result of this battle will determine the direction of this army. If you win, this army will be the enemy of Chang'an. If you lose, this army will be the enemy of Chang'an. If you lose, this army will be the enemy of Chang'an."

Will be Chang'an's prey.

Everyone wants to be a hunter, but is it so easy to do so? Be careful, don’t get bitten by a tiger."

In Jinwu Guard's torture chamber, Jiao Lin shouted, "Do you know about Yang Xuan's premeditated rebellion?"

The scarred Jiang Xing remained silent.

The inner breath circulates slowly in the body.

With just one effort, he could break the rope tied to his wrist.

But he didn't move.

"Continue the torture!"

Jiao Lin walked out, and the two masters outside looked at him. Jiao Lin shook his head and said softly: "This man has a lot of cultivation, and the rope cannot trap him, but he is willing to let him go...how can he!"

He stood outside, listening to the sound of torture inside, and asked in confusion: "I'm just a manager, but he has such a strict mouth?"

"Do you want to speak?"

The sergeant inside was tired and panting.

"He wants to talk!"

With a joyful voice, Jiao Lin rushed in.

There was not a single piece of intact skin visible on Jiang Xing's upper body, and there were all high and swollen whip marks. Many places had already festered. If Chen Huagu saw it, he would definitely resort to ruthless measures.


Jiao Lin shouted.

He wants to make progress.

The best way is to hold your thighs.

But the thighs are not so easy to hug.

This time, I finally caught the father-in-law's trouser leg, and he was not willing to let it go.

If Jiang Xing could open his mouth to frame Yang Xuan, the abbot and the emperor would occupy the commanding heights of public opinion.

He has thought about this!

I think it's a great achievement.

So he didn't do anything else these days, just thinking about it... He even went to the Ministry of Punishment and Marble to ask for advice from experts on torture, how to get people to talk.

It seems that those drinks were not in vain!

Jiang Xing looked up, still smiling like a businessman.

The breath is a little weak.

He opened his mouth and said:


On the official road more than thirty miles away from Chang'an.

Dozens of horses are galloping.


More than ten riders came from the front. The leader looked at them and shouted: "It's the Northern Xinjiang Army!"


More than ten riders reined in their horses and shouted.

But the dozens of riders paid no attention to him and continued to gallop.

"Ganniniang, stop!" a knight cursed.

Opposite, the leader of the team was Brigade Commander Zhao Yong. He drew his sword and his eyes were like lightning, "We are ordered to enter Chang'an. Anyone who blocks our way will be killed!"


Dozens of horizontal knives were neatly unsheathed.


These warriors who have fought hundreds of battles shouted fiercely, their murderous intent seemed to be real.

"Avoid it!"

The leaders of more than ten riders were good players, but they did not dare to stop them.

They stayed aside and immediately followed him to Chang'an.

"But good news?"

someone asked.

Zhao never answered, but just hit the horse and galloped.

"Did you lose?" Someone deliberately provoked.

Zhao Yong was indifferent.

He is no longer the young man who trembles all over when he sees the enemy and gets confused when he kills people. He is now a backbone member of the Northern Xinjiang Army.


Dozens of riders kicked up dust and flew away quickly.

More than ten riders followed closely. Halfway through, the leader said: "Half of us will follow, and the rest will still go to the north."

The mirror and the informants of each company should be at the back at the moment. All it takes is one meeting to get the information.

"Take orders!"

The few riders reined in their horses and turned around.

Until the afternoon, when it was still several miles away from Chang'an City, the sky was dark, and Zhao Yong saw the last inn.


He dismounted and patted the horse's back gently.

Yi Cheng came out to greet him, "May I ask where you are from?"

There were thousands of inns in the Tang Dynasty. The inns were places for official personnel to rest and rest, but what about travelers?

Don't worry, basically every inn has a reverse journey next to it.

A shabby little restaurant in a deserted place, most likely owned by insiders.

It's a lively place, with rows of tourists, and even a simple brothel.

Zhao Yong took out his identity document and said, "We are from the Northern Xinjiang Army and have been ordered to go to Chang'an."

Yi Cheng took the document and looked at it, then looked carefully at Zhao Yong and others.

It looks fine from the armor. There are some differences between Hengdao and Guanzhong. This is a unique system in Northern Xinjiang. After the supply of Northern Xinjiang was cut off from Chang'an, all things in Northern Xinjiang are going their own way, including weapons.


"Everyone please."

Zhao Yong led his men in.

Immediately, hundreds of Qiwu rushed over.

Yi Cheng was startled, "Everyone, we can't accommodate so many people here."

These people looked silent, but their clothes and horses were of the best quality... The Yi Cheng greeted them and sent them off. He had already developed a pair of sharp eyes. With just one glance, he knew that these people had extraordinary origins.

But it’s none of my business!

He turned around and went in.

There was silence outside for a long time.

"At night..." someone said to himself.

"If someone kills someone, it is said that Yang Xuan in Northern Xinjiang will retaliate. Is your master likely to bear the consequences?"

"They will enter the city tomorrow. This is the last chance."

"I don't care about this, but if anyone wants to get the news first, I'm sorry, I won't sit back and watch."

After Zhao Yong and others had eaten, the weather gradually became hotter. They even took a cold shower and scrubbed their armor.

"Be careful tonight!"

Zhao Yongren ordered people to work in different shifts at night.

"Commander of the Brigade, if someone comes..."

Zhao Yong said: "Kill!"

Someone had already sent news of the people coming from northern Xinjiang to Chang'an City.

"Zhang Guozhang, dozens of horses from the Northern Xinjiang Army have arrived outside Chang'an City."

Yang Songcheng had just arrived home and was sitting in meditation, sorting out today's events. Hearing this, he asked, "Can I ask why you're here?"

The servant shook his head, "I asked, but didn't say a word."

Yang Songcheng was silent.

The servant resigned, and another person came from outside, "Guozhang, the man from Jinwu Guard came to ask for instructions, saying that the steward of the Beijiang Guild Hall had a tough mouth, and he couldn't pry his mouth open even with torture himself..."

"What does he mean?"

Logically speaking, the head of state should not pay attention to such a small shrimp, so the servant felt that the matter should be serious, "He said, if it doesn't work, he will be ruthless."

"What do you mean?"

"It's just that...if you don't do it right, you'll be disabled or...killed."

Yang Songcheng squinted his eyes and remained silent.

The old servant waved his hand, "Alang doesn't know anything."

The servant resigned.

"The men from the Northern Xinjiang Army have arrived outside Chang'an City. What news are they sending?" Yang Songcheng said quietly.

"If the battle is defeated, the news will be sent to the Zhou family, so that the Zhou family can make preparations in advance."

"Tonight is not peaceful!"

In the palace, the emperor was having dinner when he got the news.

"How many people usually send good news from Northern Xinjiang?" the emperor asked.

Han Shitou said: "In the past, Northern Xinjiang would be rewarded with a maximum of five riders."


The emperor took a piece of mutton tripe, chewed it slowly, swallowed it for a long time, and praised: "Beautiful!"

Zhou also got the news.

"Why are so many people here?" Zhou Qin frowned, "It's like facing a formidable enemy."

"Aye, I don't know whether it will be good or bad this time..."

"A Ning has given birth to a second child. If it doesn't work, let the children go to Northern Xinjiang to see."

What aristocratic families are best at is leaving a way out.


Zhou Qin went to find some children, taught them a lesson, and made them ready for the long journey.

If Northern Xinjiang is defeated, the Zhou family will face unprecedented pressure.

It's always good to leave a few bloodlines.

In the early morning of the next day, when Zhao Yong got up and came out, the sergeant on duty outside said: "There was a lot of commotion outside last night, and I think a lot of people died."

"Dog eat dog!"

After breakfast, Zhao Yong mounted his horse, glanced into the distance, and said: "Let's go!"


There were significantly fewer followers than yesterday, and they followed closely behind.

In the early morning, the diligent Jiao Lin arrived at Jinwu Guard.

Go straight to the prison.

He went to see Jiang Xing.

Jiang Xing lay on the straw mat and fell asleep.

Jiao Lin said with a cruel smile: "Wake him up!"

The jailer went in and kicked Jiang Xing awake.

Jiang Xing rolled down and opened his eyes.

Jiao Lin said: "You bitch slave, if you don't speak up, you will be in a dilemma of life and death today!"

Jiang Xing smiled and spoke.

Jiao Lin couldn't help but walked in, leaned over and listened.

Jiang Xing spoke weakly.

"You are in big trouble!"

Just as Jiang Xing was about to get angry, there were heavy footsteps outside.

Then, people kept reporting.

"General, the messenger from the Northern Xinjiang Army has entered the city."

Jinwuwei General Tan Ji said in a deep voice: "I understand."

Boom, boom, boom!

The footsteps were quick.



Jinwu Guard is the real watchdog, and General Jinwu Guard is the head of the dog. If you are not careful in this job, you will offend nobles, or be used as a target, or as a scapegoat, a prop to vent your anger... Tan Ji just doesn't

How many people behind the scenes did it take to take on this drudgery?


The sounds outside were a bit shriller.

"The Northern Xinjiang Army... they fought..."

"What did you take out?" Tan Ji stopped and happened to see Jiao Lin and Jiang Xing.

A soldier hid in the darkness and said:

"They hit... Lubu!"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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