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Chapter VIII Qingyang Exercise

"Do you need anything else, sir?"

“Does your store sell storage bags?”

"Of course there are." The young man then took out two brocade bags, one white and one blue, from under the counter.

"The white storage bag has one cubic space and is priced at fifty spiritual stones; the blue storage bag has ten cubic spaces and is priced at two hundred spiritual stones."

Lin Fan looked at the two storage bags in front of him. Although he wanted to buy the blue one, his strength did not allow it.

He picked up the white storage bag, mentally communicated with the space inside, and confirmed that the size of the storage bag was consistent with what the other party said.

However, before shopping around, he didn't rush to make a move. Instead, he raised the price and said, "Can this white one be cheaper?"

"To be honest with you, all the stores in this city buy storage bags from the same store. The selling price is also the same. If I dare to lower or raise the price privately, I will be disqualified from purchasing by the supplier.

I hope the guest officer can understand."

Seeing that Lin Fan didn't answer, the young man continued: "Guest, you can buy this storage bag with confidence. If you find one cheaper than this in other stores, I am willing to pay you a hundred spiritual stones on the spot. In addition, the storage bag

I’ll just give you the gift bag.”

When Lin Fan saw the other party's words, he gave up all thoughts of trying to get a good price. After paying fifty spiritual stones, he took the storage bag and left the store.

After that, he visited several shops and spent one hundred spiritual stones to buy poison-removing pills, forty spiritual stones to buy the "blood-activating pill" to enhance Qi and blood, and two hundred spiritual stones to buy salvia, Yanglian and other medicinal materials.

These medicinal materials are used to prepare medicinal baths for body tempering. Before starting the Qingyang Body Training Technique, you must use this medicinal bath to practice.

All he had left was a few spiritual stones, and he fell into poverty overnight.

Nine Peaks.

Lin Fan took the poison-removing pill directly after returning to the cave.

Although this elixir was expensive, its efficacy was worthy of its name. It only took a stick of incense to drive out all the fire poison in his body.

Now that there are no hidden dangers in his body, he just feels like a fish swimming in the sea or an eagle striking the sky. From now on, he no longer has to worry about anything, and his life has embarked on a new chapter.

Having gone through many hardships in his previous life, he knew that the physical body was the foundation of human beings. Now that he had solved the hidden dangers in his body, he immediately began to prepare to practice the Qingyang Body Training Technique.

As for using the Enlightenment Tower, there is no need.

Firstly, there are still a few months until the Enlightenment Tower opens, and secondly, these physical training methods are originally used to strengthen the physical body with the help of drugs and special exercise routes.

There is no shortcut except practicing day after day.

He touched the Qingyang Exercise Technique book in his hand, and was sorting out the details of practicing this technique in his mind.

If you want to shed your mortal body and complete the body tempering using ordinary exercises, you not only need to torture your muscles and bones day and night, but also soak your flesh and blood with medicinal liquids, and it will take several years to complete.

And if this technique can be used in one go and the power of the scorching sun is used to wash the whole body, one can shed one's mortal body in one fell swoop!

However, this technique also has a huge drawback, that is, you need to endure a lot of pain when you get started. You also need to keep visualizing and operating the technique under that severe pain to succeed.

Now that he has bought the medicinal materials, he has naturally made up his mind and is ready to face the pain.

He poured the hot water heated in the kitchen into the bathtub in the courtyard. Then he added several precious medicinal materials such as salvia miltiorrhiza and Yanglian into the bucket.

This is exactly the special medicinal bath recorded in Qingyang Bodybuilding Technique.

After preparing the medicinal bath, he took off his clothes and jumped into the bucket.

He sat in the bucket with the scorching sun above his head, mobilizing the energy and blood throughout his body according to the methods in the classics, while visualizing the Golden Crow in his mind.

Above the sky, a huge three-legged crow stands proudly. Its whole body is exuding terrifying heat waves, and its fireball-like eyes look down at the world.

As he began to enter the cultivation state, his upper body exposed to the water soon became hot. Sweat also poured out in large numbers, falling continuously from his cheeks.

Wisps of scorching sun power in the air slowly penetrated into the pores around his body, and his body suddenly became extremely hot.

Severe pain followed, as if the pores all over his body had been exploded and scalded into boiling oil, and as if his whole body had been gnawed by thousands of termites, gnawing at his bones and burning his heart.

In his previous life, when he was in the end of the world, he wandered on the edge of death all day long and suffered numerous injuries. He had already tempered his iron will.

Now, he realized that he was too naive. Those injuries were nothing compared to this pain.

No wonder Gu Huan has never practiced. In addition to the fact that this body refining technique requires a large amount of spiritual stones, the excruciating pain is also one of the reasons why the other party does not dare to try it.

Fortunately, although the pain was terrible, it was not enough to destroy his will, and he still remained conscious.

It was noon in the blink of an eye, and the power of the scorching sun in the air became even more violent.

The power of the scorching sun that poured into Lin Fan's body was like rushing magma, washing away his flesh and bones and washing his internal organs over and over again.

His whole body had been completely eroded, and his bloody muscles and even bones were directly exposed.

However, the medicinal bath was also exerting a powerful effect, accelerating the repair of his injuries.

On one side is brutal destruction, on the other is tenacious rebirth.

Under the blending of the two forces, his physical body is being reborn bit by bit and gradually strengthening!

A few hours later.

Perhaps he had absorbed too much power from the scorching sun, and his whole body had turned red. In addition to the unbearable pain and heat, his heart also began to feel hot.

This was the critical moment for him to get started with the technique. He kept his mind tight and persisted resolutely.

Gradually, he entered an ethereal state, all the discomfort in his body disappeared, and his whole person felt inexplicably relaxed.

The power of the flaming sun in his body also started to rush around, and slowly began to obey his guidance, gradually integrating into his flesh and blood, meridians, bones, and organs.

Half a month later, with Lin Fan letting out a heartfelt roar, he finally completed the body tempering and successfully mastered the Qingyang Body Tempering Technique!

Not only did all the injuries on his body recover completely, but no scars were left on his body. Under the sunlight, his skin faintly glowed with a light silver color.

This is the sign that the physical body has reached the early stage of Iron Bone Realm!

This also means that his physical body's defense is comparable to ordinary low-grade magic weapons!

His physical strength has also doubled from before!

After getting started with the Qingyang Exercise Technique, you will need to take blood-activating pills that can strengthen Qi and blood for daily practice.

This is because daily use of the power of the yang to beat the physical body will consume a large amount of Qi and blood in the body. If it cannot be replenished in time, it will lead to the decline of one's own Qi and blood, and in severe cases, even shorten the life span significantly.

After the body tempering was completed, he immediately removed the restrictions in his house.

A golden swallow lingered outside the restriction for a long time. When it saw the restriction disappeared, it plunged into the house and landed directly on Lin Fan's shoulder.

This is Jin Yan's message, which is a method used by ordinary monks to communicate over short distances.
This chapter has been completed!
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