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Chapter 130: Luzhou Auction

"Dear guest, please stay here for a moment. I will go find the steward and come over." The maid said, turned around and left the box.

After a while, an old man with gray hair and a boyish face walked in and said: "I am the manager of our store. I heard that the guest is planning to buy the elixir. What are your requirements?"

"I want a second-level elixir, preferably one that can increase mana during the pulse opening period and quickly restore mana," Lin Fan said.

"I'm sorry, if it's ordinary second-level elixir prescriptions, our store does have some. But we don't have the two kinds that the guest requested." The steward shook his head and said.

"Is it really true? In terms of price, everything is easy to say!" Lin Fan said, patting the storage bag on his waist.

"Really not. However, there is a place where it is said that there cannot be any prescription that the guest wants." Guan Feng said mysteriously.

Lin Fan's eyes lit up and he said: "Please tell me in detail, I will definitely have a spiritual stone as a gift."

When the steward saw this, he told Lin Fan everything he knew about the situation.

It turns out that a small auction is held in this inner city every three years, and the most recent one will be next month.

According to the information he received, among the auction items, there was a prescription.

There are six kinds of elixirs recorded in it, including the Condensation Pill that increases mana during the pulse opening period, and the Resurrection Pill that quickly restores mana.

Lin Fan looked happy after hearing this, handed the other party fifty spiritual stones and said, "Thank you, shopkeeper, for letting me know."

"Sir, please go slowly. Welcome to come again next time." The shopkeeper accepted the spirit stone and sent Lin Fan out of the attic.

One month later.

Lin Fan took Black Bear to an attic in the inner city of Luzhou.

At this time, there were still more than two hours before the auction started, and several long queues had already formed in front of several entrances to the loft.

However, there was an entrance that not only had no queues, but was also covered with expensive animal skin carpets. There were even welcoming maids standing on both sides of the entrance. Once someone came forward, they would provide one-on-one reception services.

He saw the words "VIP Passage" written above, and he did not step forward. Instead, he led the black bear to the end of the long queue. While looking at the auction catalog in his hand, he waited quietly.

A moment later, Zhao Ling, dressed in plain clothes, also came to the attic.

She glanced out of the corner of her eye and immediately spotted the very conspicuous black bear in the queue. Then she followed the black bear and naturally spotted Lin Fan who was queuing up.

She stepped forward and said, "Junior Brother Lin, what are you doing queuing up here? Why don't you just go in?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan was a little confused and said: "Senior Sister Zhao, are you talking about the VIP passage? Can I enter from there as well?"

Hearing this, Zhao Ling couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckled: "Junior brother Lin, could it be that he thought that the VIP passage was prepared for disciples of the family like me?"

"Isn't it?" Lin Fan said.

According to his understanding, generally only people with status or status can be called VIPs.

In this upper courtyard, in addition to the true disciples, pavilion masters, deans, elders, etc., the others who can be considered to have status are those children of the Xuanmen family.

"Junior brother Lin, this is treating our Xueyang Sect as another sect. You know, our Xueyang Sect has always treated its disciples equally. We only look at personal cultivation, never family background."

"Therefore, the so-called VIP channel in front of you does not look at the status of the family, but only based on the individual's status and position in the sect." Zhao Ling explained.

"But I am currently only an ordinary inner sect disciple, plus I am an alchemy disciple of Li Dan Pavilion. Can I also call this a distinguished guest?" Lin Fanda said.

"Junior Brother Lin, can't he forget that among the inner disciples, there are four ratings: A, B, C and D. Among them, far less than one-tenth can obtain A. Therefore, the inner disciples rated A are already counted.

He is a distinguished guest." Zhao Ling said.

"I see, but can this Taoist Bear next to me walk through the VIP aisle?" Lin Fan asked.

After all, he and Black Bear had agreed to bring each other out to gain more knowledge. Now he couldn't just walk through the VIP aisle and leave the other party alone, right?

"No problem, each VIP can bring a servant or butler to the venue."

Zhao Ling said, leading Lin Fan and Black Bear towards the VIP passage.

After the two of them revealed their identities, they were led by a maid to a private room on the second floor.

"If you need anything, you can ring this bell at any time." The maid placed a copper bell on the table, turned around, saluted, and left the private room.

Through the windows, you can have a panoramic view of the stands on the first floor and the auction stage in the center.

And compared to the slightly crowded seats in the stands on the first floor, this box, which is more than thirty square meters, is much more comfortable.

After the three of them took their seats, Lin Fan asked: "Senior Sister Zhao, as far as I know, your rating..."

He was only halfway through when he was interrupted by Zhao Ling: "Junior brother Lin wants to ask, why can I be treated as a VIP even though my rating is not A?"

"Is this... As the head of the Zifu family in Yunzhou, my Zhao family naturally has some influence."

After hearing the other party's explanation, Lin Fan still didn't understand.

Senior Sister Zhao was clearly treated as a distinguished guest because of her status as a descendant of the Zhao family.

What is the point of treating everyone equally? There is no preferential treatment for disciples of aristocratic families. It turns out that it is just that the status of ordinary aristocratic families is not enough...

Lin Fan recalled that he had not seen Zhao Qi for a long time, especially the important lecture given by Pavilion Master Qin last time, which Zhao Qi had missed.

So he asked: "Where is your cousin Zhao Qi? Why haven't you seen Senior Brother Zhao appear recently?"

"My cousin has taken on a long-term sect mission. I'm afraid it will take some time before he can return to the sect."

"Oh, I see."

After another chat, Lin Fan also learned more information about the auction from Zhao Ling.

Auctions on Continent are divided into small auctions that occur every three years, medium auctions that occur once every ten years, and large auctions that occur once a century.

The higher the level of the auction, the higher the items to be auctioned and the entry requirements.

The auction held this time is a small auction held once every three years. Most of the items auctioned are items used by the monks who open the channels. There are no strict requirements for admission. You only need to be an ordinary inner disciple.


He finally understood why the people he met here were all fellow disciples with open pulse cultivation. He felt that the items in this kind of auction were too low-grade, and the big guys with high cultivation would look down on them.

After some time, the auction finally started.

A middle-aged monk wearing a brocade robe walked to the stage in the center of the venue and said: "Welcome everyone to participate in this small auction. I am Wang Feng, the host of this auction. I believe everyone has been waiting for a long time. Without further ado, let's start the auction.

It starts now!"

His voice was not loud, but people in every corner of the auction venue could hear it clearly. It was obvious that he had used some kind of secret method.

After the words fell, a woman wearing tulle came up carrying a tray.

This chapter has been completed!
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