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Chapter 144: Come, swear with me

Just like the two thousand troops under Yun Hong's command, there were a total of twelve centurions under his command, but only five warriors like Xia Yan were injected into it.

Most of the rest rely on their daily military exploits to achieve such status.

This shows how rare warriors are in the army.

This is still the ace army of the sea garrison where Ru Yunhong is located. If it were the army originally in the border areas, the proportion would probably be even lower.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but say: "In that case, why not teach the military cultivation techniques so that the generals in the army can greatly increase their strength and thus enhance their combat effectiveness?"

This was actually something that Xia Yan had some doubts about. The reason he didn't make this choice when he was in Daxia was because Xia Yan didn't want his army to be too powerful.

But the reality was that things were contrary to expectations. He clearly tried to find ways to reduce the army's combat effectiveness, but in the end it always went against his own ideas. Now it has become a powerful force that cannot be ignored in the east of the mainland.

But after all, that was me at the beginning. I am a person who wants to subjugate the country, so how can I be the same?

Besides myself, is it possible that there are other comrades like me?

Obviously, Yun Hong across from him noticed Xia Yan's doubts and smiled helplessly before speaking.

"Brother Xia, where did you learn from?"

Hearing this, Xia Yan was shocked. If he asked what this thing was for, it would be easier for him to explain it so far. If he continued to ask more questions, he might find some flaws.

But fortunately, Xia Yan's storytelling skills were quite good, so the story of a poor child who discovered a classical book on a rock wall in the mountain came out of Xia Yan's mouth.

At first, Yun Hong's expression remained normal, but when he heard that Xia Yan's secret book was found in a cave, his entire expression changed.

Xia Yan seemed to have noticed something strange about Yun Hong, and felt a little strange in his heart. Gangyu asked, but Yun Hong spoke first.

"Brother Xia, you are saying that your skills are inherited from the Wuzhu Cave, right?..."

"Well, that's right."

Xia Yan scratched his head, thinking what was going on, how could he be so excited, but unexpectedly, Yun Hong across from him spoke excitedly before Xia Yan could speak.

"Brother Xia, how much older am I than you? If you don't mind, how about we become sworn sworn friends?"

Before Xia Yan could speak, Yun Hong stood up and came to Xia Yan's side. He took Xia Yan's hand and began to swear.

"By the heavens above, I, Yunhong, today wish to become brothers of the opposite sex with Xia Yan. We do not wish to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but we wish to die in the same year, the same month and the same day! From now on, brothers will work together as one heart. As long as we can do anything, we will never hold anything back. Anyone who violates this will not be held back.

Destroyed by heaven and earth!"

After saying this, Xia Yan's eyes widened. What the hell is going on?

I didn’t seem to say anything. What does it mean to be sworn sworn friends with me?

As for the one who died in the same year and the same month, I can forget about it now, otherwise who would be willing to do it if he were a normal person?

You are already in your 40s and 50s, and I am only 20 years old. He died in the same year and month as you. How unthinkable is that?

Also, the whole thing about never holding back and being punished by heaven and earth seems to look like a trap no matter how you look at it.

Xia Yan's mind was spinning rapidly, but Yun Hong on the side was obviously not prepared to give Xia Yan time to think.

He directly pushed Xia Yan to the ground and knelt with him.

"Come on, brother, hurry up and read what big brother just said! Hurry up! If you don't remember anything, come on, come on, I'll teach you word by word!"

Xia Yan was a little confused. What kind of situation was this alcohol?

He wanted to ask Yun Hong, but Yun Hong didn't give him a chance to ask. He just tried his best to make himself recite the oath.

Although there was a feeling that he had entered a den of thieves, Xia Yan was helpless because he had chosen to come here.

So, with Yun Hong's help, Xia Yan reluctantly recited this oath.

As if to aggravate the seriousness of the oath, Yun Hong deliberately added a few words beside it when guiding Xia Yan.

If you violate your oath, you will be punished by heaven and earth, be struck by lightning, be hit by a car when you go out, choke to death from drinking water at home, choke to death from eating, be thrown to death while walking, or drowned while swimming.

In short, Yun Hong had already told him all the ways to die that he could imagine, as if to make Xia Yan understand that if he failed to abide by this oath, the consequences would be very serious.

Xia Yan finished reciting the oath in a daze. Now he wanted to know what Yun Hong planned for him to do.

Soon, Yun Hong directly expressed his thoughts without any concealment.

"Brother, it's like this. You also know that almost all the soldiers in our army have no strength but are not qualified to be warriors, right?"


Xia Yan didn't seem to have recovered from the situation just now. He just responded dully and then stopped making any sound.

Seeing Xia Yan like this, Yun Hong continued to speak.

"That's it... I wonder if you can pass on your cultivation techniques to the officers and soldiers in our army for practice?"

Xia Yan had a confused expression on his face after listening to Yun Hong's words.

That’s it? That’s it?

This is what I wanted to do originally.

Xia Yan originally had a good idea, that is, he would ask about the current status of warriors in the army, and then proudly told Yun Hong that he planned to pass on his "Dragon Elephant Technique" to everyone in the army.

In this way, those in the army who had some talent but had no way to enter the martial arts sects could practice this technique, and the army's combat effectiveness would be greatly increased.

But now Yunhong directly came to sworn sworn brother, which suddenly messed up his plan.

Now, after going round and round, the topic has returned to this. If this is Yun Hong's ultimate goal, Xia Yan is a little bit dumbfounded. He thinks why bother, even if he doesn't say it, he will ask for this "Dragon Elephant Jue"

What I have taught you is that the operation just now is unnecessary!

But Yun Hong had no idea what Xia Yan was thinking.

At this moment, he looked at Xia Yan who was in a daze, and a bad feeling arose in his heart.

To strike first, Yun Hong started to say with a solemn expression: "Brother, don't forget, you promised me that I would do my best to do whatever I can, but now if you are secretive and refuse to

If I want to teach everyone the secret technique, I have to..."

Yun Hong did not continue what he said next, but the meaning was obvious.

You have sworn sworn vows with labor and management, and you have finished swearing the oath. If you regret and refuse to help me at this time, then the oath you just made will be fulfilled.

After all, you are not a cat with nine lives. You only live once, so don’t piss off the gods just for some small gain!

This chapter has been completed!
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