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Chapter 20: Call for Thieves

While others were preparing things, Xia Yan was not prepared at all.

After all, he had been locked up in the palace by Eunuch Luo.

If possible, Xia Yan would very much like to be able to lead the expedition himself.

Just yesterday, Xia Yan discussed this matter with Eunuch Luo in advance.

It's just that Xia Yan's words yesterday were useless.

Eunuch Luo was like a steel plate that couldn't be kicked even if he lived or died, it was so hard that it was hard to die.

But that's okay, after all, my overall plan still goes according to the route I imagined.

Today's army is also gathering in a hurry, and all the soldiers must be complaining endlessly.

Half a day passed by in a blink of an eye, and soon it was midnight on the second day (9-11 a.m.).

In the imperial city's martial arts arena, tens of thousands of troops were ready to go and were in high spirits.

Xia Yan, led by Eunuch Luo, slowly came to a high platform on the side of the martial arts field, where he wanted to mobilize the soldiers for the move.

An army of 10,000 people didn't sound like a lot in his previous life, because in those TV series, it was often an army of one million troops, but Xia Yan was still shocked when he saw tens of thousands of people standing together.

Outside the martial arts arena was a large group of people watching, and they were no less excited than the soldiers in the center.

The Daxia Dynasty has not fought a war for hundreds of years, but the lack of war does not mean that the Daxia Dynasty has had an easy life.

For hundreds of years, the Daxia Dynasty has been paying tribute to the two giant empires, Xi and Yu, with a lot of treasures in exchange for a year of peace.

Although this can bring peace, such days are really humiliating for the people.

Now, some time ago, the emperor chose to start a war just after the sword that ruled the country was born, which shows that this is God's will

In Daxia, which believes in God very much, this is the best encouragement!

At this moment, not to mention the 95% tax that Xia Yan had requested before, even if he ordered to collect all the food in the city, these people would not refuse it!

Below, Huo Qubing looked heroic in his military uniform, and his eyes looked in the direction of Yu State with piercing energy.

On the side, Zhuge Liang gently waved his feather fan with a smile on his face. He came under the high platform and began to report to Xia Yan.

This campaign has been decided, Huo Qubing will be the commander-in-chief, and Zhuge Liang will be the military advisor.

Under everyone's gaze, Zhuge Liang took out a scroll, which contained the "Essay on Punishing Thieves" that Zhuge Liang had just written yesterday.

In this appeal against thieves, Zhuge Liang directly described the State of Yu as a group of robbers and bandits who were guilty of unpardonable crimes.

A hundred years of humiliation caused Daxia to lose immeasurable resources.

Daxia's declaration of war now is purely forced and helpless.

Due to Zhuge Liang's excellent writing skills and his affectionate speeches, he quickly aroused the emotions of the people.

"Long live Daxia!!"

"Long live your Majesty!!"

A large group of people were so excited that they almost regarded Xia Yan as their savior.

After hearing these compliments, Xia Yan also seemed slightly embarrassed.

This self is actually bringing the country to a dead end...

But helplessly, Xia Yan could only accept the people's worship with a silly smile at this moment, and then continued to look at Zhuge Liang below.

After a speech, Zhuge Liang began to talk about the current military situation in Daxia.

"High Heaven has blessed Daxia, so I have the honor to lead an army of 80,000 men to fight against thieves. I will definitely live up to the Emperor and Heaven!"

As soon as these words came out, the people below became excited and shouted long live Daxia.

But unlike them, Xia Yan was surrounded by 10,000 question marks at this moment.

What is this? Eighty thousand? Is this playing mahjong?

Where did his army of 80,000 men come from?

He was about to express his feelings, but Eunuch Luo on the side came up and said softly: "Your Majesty, when going on an expedition, it is usually necessary to make false claims for the army."

As for the specific number of troops, Xia Yan didn't know, and of course, Eunuch Luo couldn't know either.

It's just that it definitely won't be the extremely terrifying number of 80,000. Knowing the cause of the incident will make everything easier to explain.

The next time is more normal to cheer up the soldiers.

It's just that Xia Yan never felt confident when he said these powerful words.

This is somewhat deceptive.

Xia Yan really wanted to tell the soldiers that if they were defeated, they would run away by themselves.

But he understood that if he said this, it would be a foul, and a small goal would be lost.

I have no choice but to wait for these people to become smarter.

After everything was completed, the army finally marched out of the city. Zhuge Liang and Huo Qubing were in the middle of the army and were responsible for commanding the overall situation.

Xia Yan looked at the army and was filled with emotion. He couldn't help but speak to Yuan Liyang who was not far away.

"All materials needed by the army must be fully supplied to me without any neglect."

After hearing this, Yuan Liyang was very moved. He was indeed a good emperor, and then he replied.

"Everything is well prepared. All the flowers and cards are being supplied as much as possible, and the 20,000 bows can be completed in about three or four days. We will send them all. By then, each of the 20,000 people can be equipped with one.


"Okay." Xia Yan just finished saying that he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"How many people do you think we have?"

"Twenty thousand."

“???Where did this person come from??”

Xia Yan was a little stunned. He knew what kind of dynasty his Daxia Dynasty was. There were only 120,000 people in total, among whom there were more women than men.

In other words, there are only more than 50,000 men in total.

Excluding the old, weak, sick and disabled, there are only over 20,000 men of the right age.

Could it be possible that this was all caused by himself?

When Yuan Liyang saw Xia Yan acting like this, he understood that he must have misunderstood and hurriedly explained.

"We didn't force the recruitment, these people came by themselves!"

Hearing this, Xia Yan covered his head and was speechless, "You can't recruit them all. Aren't you wiping out all the labor force..."

"No, the thousands of people who were added later came from other countries."

"From another country?"

Xia Yan frowned immediately when he heard this. What the hell is this?

When did our country have the ability to attract talents? And also attract troops?

Then Yuan Liyang also scratched his head, lit a huazi and said: "The situation is more complicated. I don't know who spread the news that our army can draw huazi for free."

"Your Majesty, think about it, no one can get enough of Huazi. After some of it is circulated, many foreigners will also taste our Huazi. However, our production capacity is temporarily insufficient and the army does not have enough, so it is not open to the outside world.

, this has led to many people choosing to join our army for the sake of Hua Zi, so the number of our army has been increasing by more than a thousand every day in the past few days, and now it is already 20,000!"

"Actually...there is such a thing?..."
This chapter has been completed!
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